Citizenship Grade: In addition to your academic grade in Computer Arts II, you will receive a grade for citizenship. The citizenship grade will be based on your character as a member of our classroom; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions are expected based on the following criteria set by the instructor: 1. Be Present On Time- If you are absent, it is your sole responsibility to make up missed work. Work may not be made-up for Unexcused absences. You must also be in the classroom when the bell rings. Being on time allows the class to begin properly without disruption. If you know you will be tardy, please get a pass before coming to my room. An unexcused tardy will automatically drop your citizenship grade to a “W” for the day. Habitual (more than twice in a single grading period) tardiness will lead to a guardian contact and a referral. 2. Stay in class until the bell rings- You are dismissed by the instructor ONLY. Being outside of the classroom at anytime without the teacher’s permission will lead to a referral. If you need to leave the room for any reason, the teacher must give you permission AND you must have a hall pass. 3. Be Prepared- Bring all assignments and materials to class each day. A pencil is required each day.. 4. Have a Positive Attitude- This is an introductory course that will include students of various comfort levels working with Adobe Illustrator CS4. There will be times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, but keeping a positive attitude. 5. Stay Focused- Use all assigned class time for the project(s)/assignment(s) given. Stay on task. Cell phones are NOT permitted for any circumstances (school policy). Earphones are allowed once a student is working on his/her project, AFTER instructions have been given. 6. Try Your Best- Empower yourself by always putting forth your best effort. What you put in, is what you get out. 7. Be Respectful- Treat all persons and equipment with respect. Reflect internally before acting externally. Violating someone’s rights to learn and disrupting the class will have consequences. Consequences: You always have a choice, and here are the consequences for poor choices… 1. Verbal warning and explanation of the expectation not met 2. 2nd warning and one mark off of citizenship grade 3. Guardian contact 4. Referral to dean or counselor ***The order of these consequences may be altered due to the seriousness of the offenses committed The main purpose of establishing guidelines is to create a safe environment for all students to learn. Violating someone else’s right to an education will not be tolerated. E= Excellent S= Satisfactory W= Warning U= Unsatisfactory Each class, students will start off with a citizenship grade of “E” for Excellent. After a student is given a warning, one letter grade on the scale mentioned above will be deducted for each expectation not being met. Any student that requires guardian contact or a dean/counselor referral for negative behavior will receive an “Unsatisfactory” citizenship grade for the day. At the end of each grading period, any student that receives more than 5 “Unsatisfactory” marks will receive an overall “Unsatisfactory” grade for their citizenship grade. Any student that receives an “Unsatisfactory” citizenship grade at International Studies Academy will not be permitted to participate in any sports or extracurricular activity sponsored by the school. I have read the course syllabus for Digital Arts II (Grades 9-12) and by signing below you agree to abide by the guidelines listed above regarding the citizenship grade. Student Name (print): _____________________________________________________ signature:_______________________________________________________________ Guardian’s Name (print):___________________________________________________ signature:_______________________________________________________________