VOLGOGRAD STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY CHAIR OF SURGERY APPROVED Head of the Chair Professor ___________ "___"____________ 2008 MANUAL FOR PRACTICAL CLASSES IN SURGERY FOR SECOND -YEAR STUDENTS OF THE GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT (ENGLISH-SPEAKING MEDIUM) Compiled by Approved at the chair meeting “___”________2008 Approved by the Learned Council of the Department “___”_______2008 Volgograd, 2009 Management of patients 1. 2. 2. 3. Familiarize the students with the work of a patient care institution. Develop students’ skills in patients’ care. Show nursing manipulations and some doctor’s manipulations. Familiarize the students with the rules of deontology and ethics. Objectives Making the students get acquainted with: 1. The basic rules and methods of patient care in various diseases. 2. The technique of nursing procedures. 3. The technique of basic doctor’s manipulations. Syllabus for practical classes 1. Acquire skills as nurse’s assistant in extracurricular classes ( 72 hours- 4 hours a week). 2. Obtain the information on a nurse work and put it down in diaries. 3. Submit a diary and a report to a supervising teacher before the practical class. 4. Assess the student’s knowledge and skills. Syllabus for practical classes in surgical and resuscitation department 1. Familiarize with the work of a patient care institution. 2. Acquire practical skills in nursing of surgical patients. 3. Develop skill in giving the first aid. 4. Learn sanitary standards of surgical service. Practical skills to be acquired while receiving patients 1. Registering a patient. 2. Examination and washing a patient. 3. Admitting a patient to a hospital department (ward). 4. Explanation of the schedule and rules in a surgical department to a patient. 5. Listing personal things of an admitted patient. 6. Making 2 copies of a personal thing list (one copy is kept with the patient’s belongings; the other one is given to the patient). 7. Keeping the patient’s clothes in a storage room. Syllabus for practical classes in patients’ care in surgical department 1. 2. 3. 4. Master basic duties and working conditions of paramedical personnel. Familiarize the students with basis of medical psychology, ethics and deontology. Master general rules of nursing and differentiated care in a surgical clinic. Study medical procedures and manipulations. Syllabus for practical classes in patients’ care in dressing room 1. Acquire skills in removing a dressing, therapeutic manipulations, application of a new dressing, therapeutic intervention. 2. Acquire skills in prevention of any infection in the wound. 3. Differentiate “clean” and “purulent” cases. 4. Practice careful handling with patients, especially while transporting grave bedridden patients to a dressing room. 5. Learn the technique of patient management in a ward or dressing room. 6. Follow aseptic and antiseptic requirements. 7. Learn the technique of instrumental dressing. 8. Acquire skills in surgical manipulations. 9. Acquire skills in sterilization and disinfection of surgical instruments. Syllabus for practical classes in patients’ care in a procedure room 1. Familiarize with the equipment of the procedure room. 2. Learn ways of instrument sterilization, paracentesis of peripheral veins, storage of sterile instruments, drugs and blood samples. 3. Familiarize with various types of syringes and needles used in the procedure room. 4. Learn to determine if needles are usable, ways of their storage. 5. Acquire knowledge in sterilization of syringes and needles. 6. Familiarize with intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous injections, with duodenal and gastric intubations. 7. Learn the technique of duodenal and gastric intubations. Syllabus for practical classes in patients’ care in a resuscitation department 1. Familiarize with the equipment of an intensive care unit. 2. Learn indications for resuscitation procedures. 3. Study the course of a postoperative period. 4. Learn to give the first aid in unconsciousness state, acute mental disturbances, acute hemorrhage, acute respiratory disorder, vomiting, regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents, collapse, terminal conditions. 5. Acquire skills in prevention and treatment of hiccups, vomiting, belching. 6. Acquire skills in the technique of oxygen inhalation, respiratory manupulations. Syllabus for practical classes in patients’ care in a surgery unit 1. Familiarize with: - sterilization of materials, gloves and instruments - hand scrubbing before surgery, surgical manipulation - performing an operation. Themes of reports 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Specifics of patient’s care in a postoperative period. Peculiarities of patients’ condition in case of abdominal surgery. Peculiarities of patients’ condition in case of thoracic surgery. Peculiarities of patients’ condition in case of urinary surgery. Peculiarities of patients’ condition in case of operation on magisterial vessels of extremities. 6. Specifics of patient’s care after trauma. 7. Cleansing enema (indications, technique of administration, possible complications and their prevention). 8. Siphon enema (indications, technique of administration, possible complications and their prevention). 9. Postoperative paresis of the intestine. Prevention and treatment. 10. Respiratory arrest. Ways of its prevention, first aid. 11. Cardiac arrest, first aid. 12. Medical deontology and doctor’s ethics. 13. Medical secrecy. Ethical and legal aspects of medical secrecy. 14. Deontology in surgery. 15. Applying of cups, mustard plaster, and their contraindications. Complications and their prevention. 16. Gastric intubation. Indications and contraindications. Complications and their prevention. 17. Prevention of hospital infection. 18. Personal hygiene as health principles. 19. Cold rubdowns as a way of preventing inflammatory diseases. 20. Ways of preventing the spread of AIDS. 21. The use of antibacterial medium in a surgical practice. 22. Oxygen therapy. Its’ use in a surgical practice. 23. The layout and regulations of medical care institutions. 24. Daily routine and nutrition of inpatients. 25. Ways of affecting blood circulation. 26. First aid in terminal conditions. 27. Defibrillation (indications, technique of administration). 28. Tracheostomy (indications, technique of administration, complications). Questioning on the issue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rules of clinical hygiene. Basic components of nursing care in surgery. Rules of general and differentiated care. Basis of medical personnel hygiene. Peculiarities of surgical patients’ care. First aid given in contact of the skin, mouth, nasopharynx, eyes or stomach with disinfectants 7. Main syllabuses while receiving a patient in a surgical clinic. 8. Sanitary procedures performed in the admission department. 9. Hygienic preparation of a patient for an urgent surgery. 10. Disinfection of bathtubs, sponges, scissors. 11. Air hygiene in a surgical inpatient department. 12. Prevention of hospital infections in a surgical inpatient department. 13. Air disinfection in a surgical department, dressing room and operation theatre. 14. Nutrition of bedridden patients, enteral feeding, feeding through a gastrostoma. 15. Air hygiene in the operation theatre. 16. Putting the patient onto the operation table, taking him off it, transportation to his department. 17. Zones of the surgery unit, their differences, the “rule of the red line”. 18. Therapeutic and conservative regimen at the department. 19. Preparation of a patient for a surgery. 20. Regimen rules of a surgical patient. Types of regimen. 21. Bedsores, their causes, prevention, treatment. 22. Changes of bed linen for a surgical patient. Ways of sanitary cleansing. 23. Aid in vomiting, aspiration of gastric contents. 24. Care of unconscious patients. 25. Handling a dead body. 26. Postoperative wound, its observation, signs of complications. 27. Drains, their cleaning. 28. Peculiarities of care for patients after abdominal surgery. 29. Peculiarities of care for patients after urinary surgery 30. Peculiarities of care for patients after thoracic surgery. 31. Prevention of pulmonary complications. 32. Enema, types of enema. 33. Technique of administering of cups, mustard plaster. 34. Catheterisation of the bladder. 35. Flatus tube, its introduction. 36. Taking body temperature. 37. Deontology in surgery. 38. Closed-chest and open-chest cardiac massage. 39. Artificial ventilation. 40. Ways of transporting the patient into the department. 41. The layout of the procedure room, its equipment. 42. Syringe pre-sterilization. 43. Technique of giving subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injections. 44. Prevention of wound infection in the dressing room. 45. Rules of dressing, indications. 46. Measurement the pulse rate, arterial pressure and respiratory rate. SKILLS TO BE ACQUIRED (requirements to the students) № List of therapeutic and diagnostic skills knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 1. 2. I. CARE OF PATIENTS A. ADMISSION DEPARTMENT Transportation of patients from the ambulance car into the admission department Medical records, filling in initial data in case history The registering clerk work Anthropometry General examination Patient’s washing (trimming hair and nails, giving a bath, shower or wiping) Measuring the patient’s temperature at the registry Storage and use of thermometers Filling in temperature sheets Preparation of 0.5%, 1%, 10% solution of chlorinated lime Catheterisation of the bladder Transportation of patients from the admission department into the inpatient department B. WARD Familiarization with the layout, organization of work, and regimen of medical care institutions Familiarization with the medical records, rules of admitting and discharging patients out WARD HYGIENE: Wet cleaning of wards: Preparation of 0.5-1% solution of chlorinated Quality of skills attainments 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. a. b. c. d. e. lime Control of sanitary conditions of bedside tables Airing the wards Control of visiting and food brought by visitors Disinfection and storage of spittoons Transportation of patients with a drip stand or drain Making the bed Change of linen and bed clothes Placing the rubber ring or bedpan Transportation and relaying of patients Administering of mustard plasters and cups NUTRITION OF PATIENT Feeding the patient. Rules of dietotherapy. Nutrition regimen Feeding grave and bedridden patients II. TECHNIQUE OF MANIPULATIONS Transporting the patient to and from the dressing room Methods and techniques of changing a dressing Applying of various dressing types Sterilization of instruments Dressing room cleaning Skin care in case of fistula Taking the temperature, filling it in the t0 sheet; types of temperature curves. Storage of thermometers. Care of patients in different periods of fever Blood circulation disorders: indications, contraindications, administering of cups, mustard plasters, hot water bottles, heat compresses, ice packs; bloodletting; applying the tourniquet Oxygen therapy: operating on for oxygen installation Prescription, storage, use of drugs; monitoring the use of poisonous and powerful drugs; distribution of drugs for internal use Indications, contraindications, technique of administering enemas (cleansing, nutrient medicinal, siphon enema) Preparation of patient for x-ray examination of gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and biliary ducts, kidneys and urinary tracts Injections: Sterilization of syringes and needles Use of syringe Taking blood sample from the vein Giving intravenous injections Indications, contraindications, technique of f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. 5. a. b. c. 6. 7. a. b. c. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. subcutaneous and intramuscular injections Treatment of needles and syringes after use Checking the sterility of needles and syringes Infusion therapy Preparing tubes for gastric juice and duodenal intubation Performing gastric lavage Shaving the operative area Sanitary washing of the patient III. LABORATORY TESTS Urine: Zimnitskiy’s test Feces: physical properties, occult blood test Gastric contents: methods and technique of gastric intubation Duodenal contents: Methods and technique of duodenal intubation Carrying out duodenal intubations Blood: Taking blood from the finger for a large drop Taking blood from the finger for agglutination time test Blood grouping, Rhesus compatibility Sputum: technique of sputum collection (general test, for atypical cells, for microflora and antibiotic sensitivity, daily amount) Pleural fluid: Preparing instruments for pleurocentesis Pleurocentesis: indications, contraindications, technique, performing pleurocentesis Determining physical properties of pleural fluid IV. BASIC DOCTOR’S MANIPULATIONS Counting respiratory movements, filling them in the temperature sheet Pulse characteristics. Graphic representation of pulse rate in the temperature sheet. BP monitoring V. URGENT CONDITIONS Applying tourniquet on the extremities (acute cardiac insufficiency) Technique of external cardiac massage Technique of artificial ventilation Principles of defibrillation Preparation and using of a catheter Administering a flatus tube Indications, contraindications, technique of gastric lavage VI. BASIC SURGICAL SKILLS Nursing Clinical hygiene of medical personnel in surgery DIARY practical training student _____________________________________________________ second year of the General Medicine department Volgograd State Medical University Dates of practical training from ______________ to _____________ Teaching hospital ______________________________________ Supervisor of practical training _________________________________________ Supervisor of practical training at VolSVMU ______________________________ Date of duty Work accomplished Signature of a nurse on duty REFERENCE of student ___________________________________________________ Signature of the supervisor Signature of the head nurse Examination mark