Index Accessing Board Policies......................................................... 5 Alternative High School Credit ............................................. 32 Announcements ..................................................................... 39 Asbestos ................................................................................. 49 Attendance ............................................................................. 17 Automobile Policy ................................................................. 48 Bell Schedule ........................................................................... 4 Bus ......................................................................................... 47 Class Load ............................................................................. 27 Classes ................................................................................... 23 Clubs and Organizations ........................................................ 35 College Bound ....................................................................... 31 College Days .......................................................................... 32 Communicable and Infectious Diseases ................................ 41 Cooperative Education ........................................................... 27 Diabetes ................................................................................. 40 Disabilities ............................................................................. 26 Disciplinary Terms .................................................................. 7 Discipline Plan ......................................................................... 5 Disclaimer .............................................................................. 69 Dress ...................................................................................... 22 Drivers License Cancellation ................................................. 36 Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco ................................................ 21 Due Process ........................................................................... 56 Eligibility Requirements ........................................................ 64 Expulsion ................................................................................. 8 Extra Curricular Activities ..................................................... 37 Field Trips.............................................................................. 36 Food Allergies ....................................................................... 40 Grading System ..................................................................... 22 Graduation ............................................................................. 31 Graduation Requirements ...................................................... 31 Head Lice ............................................................................... 41 Health Occupations ................................................................ 28 Homework ............................................................................. 30 Inappropriate Conduct ............................................................. 7 Internet ................................................................................... 39 Interscholastic Athletics and Competition ............................. 37 Library ................................................................................... 43 Lockers .................................................................................. 46 Lunch Program ...................................................................... 45 1 Medication ............................................................................. 39 Mission Statement ................................................................... 3 National Honor Society ......................................................... 35 Non-School-Sponsored Publications ..................................... 60 Parent’s School Visitation Rights .......................................... 54 Parents Information Rights .................................................... 52 Personnel ............................................................................... 50 Pesticide Application ............................................................. 49 Physical Education................................................................. 28 Physical Harassment or Abuse ................................................ 6 Physicals and Health Records ................................................ 29 Plagiarism ................................................................................ 6 Police Interrogation ............................................................... 50 Privacy Protections ................................................................ 62 Re-enrollment ........................................................................ 21 Religious Instruction/Observance .......................................... 19 Retention ................................................................................ 23 Returned Check ..................................................................... 39 Schedule Changes .................................................................. 30 School Day .............................................................................. 4 Search and Seizure of Property .............................................. 46 Semester Exam ...................................................................... 26 Sexual Harassment ................................................................... 6 Special Programs ................................................................... 24 Student Restraint .................................................................... 47 Students Rights and Procedures ............................................. 54 Suspension ............................................................................... 7 Telephones ............................................................................. 46 Textbooks .............................................................................. 44 Treats & Snacks ..................................................................... 46 Vending Machines ................................................................. 46 Vision Screening .................................................................... 30 Visitors................................................................................... 39 Wellness Policy ....................................................................... 5 2 Windsor Jr. Sr. High School We would like to extend a warm and personal welcome to those who are returning to Windsor Junior-Senior High School and all new students. The administration, teachers, office personnel, custodians, and cooks all stand ready to assist you in fulfilling your needs for making this year a pleasant and memorable experience. This handbook has been prepared so students, parents, and friends might become more familiar with our school. We feel this will help our school serve you better and improve the educational opportunities of each student. As informed, interested members of the student body, you can help continue the proud and fine traditions of this school. This handbook will be helpful in achieving those goals. Please read it carefully and keep it where you can refer to it frequently. It is the responsibility of students and parents to become familiar with the regulations in this handbook. All rules and regulations are consistent with the law, but are not inclusive; any found to be inconsistent with the law shall be invalid. All rules and regulations are subject to change by action of the Board of Education. Best wishes for success and a memorable and enjoyable junior-senior high school career. Windsor Community Unit School District # 1 Vision The school district, in an active partnership with parents and community, will promote excellence in a caring environment in which all students can learn and grow. This partnership shall empower all students to develop a strong self-esteem and to become responsible life long learners and decision-makers. The school district is committed to developing and continually improving a quality curriculum and a knowledgeable and dedicated staff. Windsor Junior Senior High School Mission Statement The mission of Windsor Junior Senior High School is to provide a safe learning environment in order to assist all students in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for today’s competitive job market. We will accomplish this objective through the cooperative effort of a dedicated staff, an involved family, and a supportive community. 3 School Day 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 4th Hour 5th Hour Daily Bell Schedule High School Junior High 8:00 – 8:54 8:00 – 8:54 8:57 – 9:46 8:57 – 9:46 9:49 – 10:38 9:49 – 10:38 10:41 – 11:30 10:41 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:03 11:33 – 12:22 6th Hour 12:25 – 12:55 7th Hour 8th Hour 9th Hour 12:58 – 1:47 1:50 – 2:39 2:42 – 3:15 (Lunch) 12:06 – 12:55 12:58 – 1:47 1:50 – 2:39 2:42 – 3:15 (Lunch) Three minute passing time is allowed between classes. This amount of time is adequate, and students are expected to be in their seats on time. Students who are legitimately late to a class during the school day must have a pass from the teacher of the preceding class. Students inexcusably late to class will be assigned an appropriate consequence by the teacher. Students should not plan to be in the building before 7:40 a.m. Those students needing to arrive early must wait in the designated area until the bell rings. Students with a special transportation problem may receive permission to arrive at an earlier time. There is video surveillance on school property. In addition to the regular school day, additional time may be required of students (including bus riders) needing remedial work, make-up work, or for disciplinary action. School bus riders may be granted one day to arrange for transportation with parents. Whenever heavy snow or ice storms cover the area, the superintendent will determine whether school shall be closed. Please listen to the local radio stations (Mattoon-WLBH-96.9, ShelbyvilleWSHY-1560 AM, Mattoon-WMCI-101.3, Effingham-95.7, or CALL the HOTLINE 459-2407) for any announcements during these times. We expect all students to attend school with the intention of making the most out of the learning opportunities provided for them. With this in mind, certain behaviors are expected of the students at Windsor Junior/Senior High School. All teachers will present students in their classes with a homework, grading, and classroom discipline plan during the first week of classes. These expectations will be conveyed to students and will also be on file in the principal’s office. Zeros Aren’t Permitted (ZAP) Any student, grades 7-12 who fails to turn in an assignment and is earning less than a 70% will report to the assigned 4 teacher during 9th period and will be required to stay until 3:35 unless the assignment is handed in prior to this time. Students who fail to attend will be subject to the school discipline policy. Assignments will be given a minimum of 50% credit. Assignments will be logged into student data package as a zero until the assignment is complete. Instructions for Accessing Board Policies Go to the district webpage at www., select the “school board” link at the center of the top row of links, select the “board policy manual” link on the school board page, select the policy that you wish to review. To download a policy: Right click on the policy link, select “save target as” from the drop down window, choose a location to save and click “save,” in the “download complete” window select open to view the file or close to view it later. To print a policy: Right click on the policy link, select “print target” from the drop down menu, select print. Wellness Policy 1) Windsor Community School District # 1 Wellness Policy is available online and in the school office. Discipline Plan Students are required to: 1) Respect other students, faculty and school personnel. (a) (Flagrant disrespect, intimidation and verbal threats toward other students or faculty will not be tolerated.) 2) Conduct themselves appropriately. This means: a) Avoid the use of unacceptable language, clothing, material, and gestures. b) No public display of affection. c) Respect property: do not write on, disfigure or in anyway, damage school or personal property. (Vandalism Board Policy 7.170) d) Do nothing that endangers the health and safety of other persons, (including the possession of any type weapon such as guns, knives, fireworks, tear gas, mace, lighters, etc.) Any such items found will be confiscated. 5 3) 4) 5) e) No littering in school building or on the grounds. Use school forms appropriately. a) Carry hall pass between class periods when out of teacher’s sight. b) No forgery or unauthorized possession of school forms. Be in the assigned place at the assigned time. This means: a) A student late to class will be counted tardy for the first ten minutes and truant if late more than ten minutes. b) Failure to report for an assigned detention doubles the detention time. c) Not loitering on school grounds or in the building. Be attentive in class. This means: a) Conduct one’s self appropriately, and contributes to class learning. b) Follow teacher’s instructions, do assignments as required, do your own work quietly. c) Any student sent out of the same class three times may be permanently removed from that class. The following behavior is not tolerated at Windsor Junior Senior High School: Plagiarism: First Offense: Test/Homework-automatic zero on assignment Essay/Composition-chance to rewrite for half credit. In both instances, a letter and/or call home to parents. Second/Subsequent Offense: Any Assignment-automatic zero on an assignment with letter and/or call home to parents. Verbal Abuse: Any name-calling, or profanity, directed at any student by another will result in an automatic detention and a phone call will be made to parents. Any second offense or threat of violence will result in an out-of -school suspension and that suspension time will double for any further incidents of this nature. Physical Harassment or Abuse: Any pushing, shoving, of another student will automatically result in an out-of-school suspension. Time out of school will be determined on an individual basis. Sexual Harassment: Any comment or gesture of a sexual nature made to another student will result in an out-of -school suspension. Suspension time will double for further incidents of this nature. Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment Students who engage in sexual harassment on school premises or off school premises at a school-sponsored activity will be subject to appropriate discipline, including suspension or expulsion. Sexual Harassment is any activity of a sexual nature that is unwanted or 6 unwelcome, including but not limited to unwanted touching, pinching, patting, verbal comments of a sexual nature, sexual namecalling, and pressure to engage in sexual activity, repeated propositions, and unwanted body contact. The school’s normal disciplinary procedures will be followed in determining the appropriate consequence for the sexual harassment. In the event that the administration recommends suspension or expulsion as a result of the conduct, due process will be afforded to the student in accordance with the district’s suspension/expulsion procedures. Inappropriate Conduct Students will receive detention, suspension or dismissal based on severity of any or all infractions of inappropriate conduct. Inappropriate conduct is not limited to the above. Students will pay for the cost of any and all damages. Damage to any school property will be considered vandalism and will be handled according to board policy 7.170 which states: The Board will seek restitution from students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) for vandalism or other student acts which cause damage to school property. Explanation of Disciplinary Terms Detentions – Teachers will assign a detention for behavior that is not appropriate to the school environment. Detention will be held in the media center from 3:20 to 4:00. Students are required to bring work to detention. Teachers will complete detention forms and have the students sign the forms acknowledging that they are aware of the detention. The teacher will contact the parents by phone to alert the parents of the detention. When a student is assigned a detention, it is to be served the next evening regardless of whether parents have been notified. Students are expected to be responsible enough to inform parents when a detention is received. A missed detention will double. Refusal to serve detentions or numerous violations will result in the possibility of Alternative Classroom or Suspension. In-School Suspension - These are to be served during the regular school day in a designated area. Students will not be permitted to attend class but will be given homework assignments to be completed as if they were in the classroom. Such assignments will be graded and be included as part of the student’s grade. Parents/guardians will be notified of all reasons for such suspension and the date the in-school suspension will be served. 7 Out-of-School Suspension - The out-of-school suspension is reserved for more serious offenses. The student is temporarily removed from school for up to ten (10) days. Schoolwork missed during this time may be made up, and the absence is considered unexcused. Students serving this suspension will not be allowed on school grounds or attend school activities for the duration of the suspension. The parent/guardian will be notified by certified mail of the date(s) and reason for the disciplinary action. Expulsion - The administration will recommend that the Windsor School Board expel students who commit serious offenses or who repeatedly violate school regulations. The student and parent/guardian will be notified via certified mail of the time and place the expulsion hearing will be held. Expulsions may last from ten (10) days to two (2) years. Suspension/Expulsion Rights - Section 10-22.6 of the School Code of Illinois provides for a hearing before the board of education which shall review the facts and determine if the suspension/expulsion was proper or improper. Parents/guardians shall be notified of the action taken and receive a full statement of the reasons for the suspension/expulsion, a notification of the number of days of suspension, and the notification of their right to seek school board review of the action. Discipline The Windsor School Board has adopted a progressive discipline policy stating the consequences for repeated offensives will increase in severity. The following steps are an outline of the procedure: 4 detentions/semester 1 day in school suspension 5 detentions/semester 1 day out of school suspension 6 detentions/semester 3 day out of school suspension 7 detentions/semester 5 day out of school suspension 8 detentions/semester 7 day out of school suspension 9 detentions/semester 10 day out of school suspension At no time does the additional punishment take the place or act as a substitute for the detentions issued. All students guilty of gross misconduct or disobedience will be subject to suspension or expulsion procedures outlined in the school code of the State of Illinois. Gross misconduct or disobedience includes, but is not limited to: Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling tobacco materials Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling alcoholic beverages. Students who are under the influence are not permitted to attend school or school functions and 8 are treated as though they had alcohol in possession. Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling illegal drugs or controlled substances, look-alike drugs, and drug paraphernalia. Students who are under the influence are not allowed to attend school or school functions and are treated as though they had drugs in their possession. Using, possessing, controlling, or transferring a weapon in violations of the weapons section of Board Policy. Using or possessing any electronic device, unless authorized and approved by the building principal is prohibited. Cell phones must be turned off and out of sight. Cell phones should not be placed in a PE locker. Possessing a cell phone in any other area of the school will result in confiscation of phone with student pick up. Second offense will result in a one day in school suspension. Ereaders & Kindles are allowed during the school day at the teacher’s discretion. If misused individual students privileges can be taken away. Music devices of any kind are not allowed during school hours (IPOD & MP3) Disobeying directives from staff members or school officials and/or rules and regulations governing student conduct. Using violence, force, noise, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, or other comparable conduct toward anyone or urging other students to engage in such conduct. Causing or attempting to cause damage or stealing, or attempting to steal, school property or another person’s personal property. Unexcused absenteeism; State law and Board policy on truancy control will be used with chronic and habitual truants. Involvement in gangs or gang related activities, including the display of gang symbols or paraphernalia. Engaging in any activity that constitutes an interference with school purposes or an educational function or any disruptive activity. Bullying of any kind is prohibited Pornography-Possession, distribution, and/or the attempt to obtain pornography is prohibited. Any student found in violation of this policy shall be subject to the board’s disciplinary penalties or misconduct. Interrogation by Police 1. The Building Principal will check the police officer's credentials and any legal papers such as warrants for arrest, search warrants, or subpoenas to be served. 9 The Building Principal will attempt to contact the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) if possible, and inform them that the student is subject to an interview. In extreme emergency situations, DCFS employees, law enforcement personnel, or treating physicians may, in effecting temporary protective custody, request that the District not notify parents until the child's safety is ensured. The Building Principal should ask that such a request be put in writing. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be given the opportunity to be present and be represented by legal counsel at their own expense. Interviews of minor students without permission of the parent(s)/guardian(s) is not permitted unless a legal process is presented or in emergency situations. Interviews will be conducted in a private setting. If the parent(s)/guardian(s) are absent, the Building Principal and one other adult witness, selected by the Building Principal, will be present during the interview. Interview proceedings will be documented in writing for inclusion in the student's temporary records. No minor student shall be removed from the school by the police officer without the consent of a parent(s)/guardian(s), except upon service of a valid warrant of arrest or in cases of warrant less temporary protective custody. Student Discipline 1 Prohibited Student Conduct Students may be disciplined for misconduct, including but not limited to the following: Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling tobacco materials. 1. 2. 3. Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling alcoholic beverages. Using, possessing, distributing, purchasing, or selling: Any illegal drug, controlled substance, or cannabis (including marijuana and hashish). 1 This handbook procedure contains both required language and optional language that represents best educational practice. Consult your school district policy manual to assure consistency and alignment with district policy. 10 a. b. c. d. e. 1. 2. 3. Any anabolic steroid or performance-enhancing substance not administered under a physician’s care and supervision. Any prescription drug when not prescribed for the student by a licensed health care provider or when not used in the manner prescribed. Any inhalant, regardless of whether it contains an illegal drug or controlled substance: (a) that a student believes is, or represents to be capable of, causing intoxication, hallucination, excitement, or dulling of the brain or nervous system; or (b) about which the student engaged in behavior that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the student intended the inhalant to cause intoxication, hallucination, excitement, or dulling of the brain or nervous system. “Look-alike” or counterfeit drugs, including a substance not containing an illegal drug or controlled substance, but one: (a) that a student believes to be, or represents to be, an illegal drug or controlled substance; or (b) about which a student engaged in behavior that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the student expressly or impliedly represented to be an illegal drug or controlled substance. Drug paraphernalia, including devices that are or can be used to: (a) ingest, inhale, or inject cannabis or controlled substances into the body; and (b) grow, process, store, or conceal cannabis or controlled substances. Students who are under the influence of any prohibited substance are not permitted to attend school or school functions and are treated as though they have the prohibited substance, as applicable, in their possession. Using, possessing, controlling or transferring a firearm or “look alike,” knife, brass knuckles or other knuckle weapon regardless of its composition, a billy club, or any other object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm. Using or possessing an electronic paging device. Using a cellular telephone, video recording device, personal digital assistant (PDA), or similar electronic device in any manner that disrupts the educational environment or violates the rights of others. All cell phones and similar electronic devices must be kept powered-off and out-of-sight during the regular school day unless: (a) the supervising teacher grants 11 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. permission; (b) use of the device is provided in a student’s individualized education program (IEP); or (c) it is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals. Using or possessing a laser pointer unless under a staff member’s direct supervision and in the context of instruction. Disobeying rules of student conduct or directives from staff members or school officials. Engaging in academic dishonesty, including cheating, intentionally plagiarizing, wrongfully giving or receiving help during an academic examination, and wrongfully obtaining test copies or scores. Bullying, hazing or any kind of aggressive behavior that does physical or psychological harm to a staff person or another student or encouraging other students to engage in such behavior. Prohibited conduct specifically includes, without limitation, any use of violence, intimidation, force, noise, coercion, threats, stalking, harassment, sexual harassment, public humiliation, theft or destruction of property, retaliation, hazing, bullying, bullying through the transmission of information from a school computer, a school computer network, or other similar electronic school equipment, or other comparable conduct. Causing or attempting to cause damage to, stealing, or attempting to steal, school property or another person’s personal property. Being absent without a recognized excuse. Being involved with any public school fraternity, sorority, or secret society. Being involved in a gang or engaging in gang-like activities, including displaying gang symbols or paraphernalia. Violating any criminal law, including but not limited to, assault, battery, arson, theft, gambling, eavesdropping, and hazing. Engaging in any activity, on or off campus, that interferes with, disrupts, or adversely affects the school environment, school operations, or an educational function, including but not limited to, conduct that may reasonably be considered to: (a) be 12 a threat or an attempted intimidation of a staff member; or (b) endanger the health or safety of students, staff, or school property. 14. Sending, receiving or possessing sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate pictures or images, commonly knowing as “sexting.” Prohibited conduct specifically includes, without limitation, creating, sending, sharing, viewing, receiving or possessing an indecent visual depiction of oneself or another person through the use of a computer, electronic communication device, or cellular phone. 15. Using, purchasing, selling or possessing any performance-enhancing substance on the Illinois Association of High School Association’s most current banned substance list, unless administered in accordance with a prescription. 2 16. Caffeine Pills and energy drinks are not allowed on school property. For purposes of these rules, the term “possession” includes having control, custody, or care, currently or in the past, of an object or substance, including situations in which the item is: (a) on the student’s person; (b) contained in another item belonging to, or under the control of, the student, such as in the student’s clothing, backpack, or automobile; (c) in a school’s student locker, desk, or other school property; (d) at any location on school property or at a school-sponsored event; or (e) in the case of drugs and alcohol, substances ingested by the person. No disciplinary action shall be taken against any student that is based totally or in part on the refusal of the student’s parent/guardian to administer or consent to the administration of psychotropic or psychostimulant medication to the student. The grounds for disciplinary action also apply whenever the student’s conduct is reasonably related to school or school activities, including but not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. On, or within sight of, school grounds before, during, or after school hours or at any time; Off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity or event, or any activity or event that bears a reasonable relationship to school; Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event; or Anywhere, if the conduct interferes with, disrupts, or adversely affects the school environment, school 2 May be removed in K-8 schools. 13 operations, or an educational function, including but not limited to, conduct that may reasonably be considered to: (a) be a threat or an attempted intimidation of a staff member; or (b) endanger the health or safety of students, staff, or school property. Disciplinary Measures Disciplinary measures may include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Disciplinary conference. Withholding of privileges. Seizure of contraband. Suspension from school and all school activities for up to 10 days. A suspended student is prohibited from being on school grounds. 5. Suspension of bus riding privileges. 6. Expulsion from school and all school-sponsored activities and events for a definite time period not to exceed 2 calendar years. An expelled student is prohibited from being on school grounds. 7. Notifying juvenile authorities or other law enforcement whenever the conduct involves illegal drugs (controlled substances), “look-alikes,” alcohol, or weapons. 8. Notifying parents/guardians. 9. Temporary removal from the classroom. 10. In-school detention for a period not to exceed 5 school days. 11. After-school study or Saturday study provided the student’s parent/guardian has been notified. Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment is illegal and will not be used. Corporal punishment is defined as slapping, paddling, or prolonged maintenance of students in physically painful positions, or intentional infliction of bodily harm. Corporal punishment does not include reasonable force as needed to maintain safety for students, staff, or other persons, or for the purpose of self-defense or defense of property. Firearms, Knives, Brass Knuckles & Other Objects Used or Attempted to Be Used to Cause Harm A student who is determined to have brought one of the following objects to school, any school-sponsored activity or event, or any activity or event that bears a reasonable relationship to school shall be expelled for a period of not less than one year: 1. A firearm. For the purposes of this Section, “firearm” 14 2. means any gun, rifle, shotgun, weapon as defined by Section 921 of Title 18 of the Unites States Code, firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, or firearm as defined in Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961. The expulsion period may be modified by the superintendent, and the superintendent's determination may be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis. A knife, brass knuckles or other knuckle weapon regardless of its composition, a billy club, or any other object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm, including “look alikes” of any firearm as defined above The expulsion requirement may be modified by the superintendent, and the superintendent's determination may be modified by the board on a case-by-case basis. Gang & Gang Activity “Gang” is defined as any group, club or organization of two or more persons whose purposes include the commission of illegal acts. No student on or about school property or at any school activity or whenever the student’s conduct is reasonably related to a school activity, shall: (1) wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, jewelry, paraphernalia or other items which reasonably could be regarded as gang symbols; commit any act or omission, or use either verbal or non‐verbal gestures, or handshakes showing membership or affiliation in a gang; or (2) use any speech or commit any act or omission in furtherance of the interest of any gang or gang activity, including, but not limited to, soliciting others for membership in any gangs; (3) request any person to pay protection or otherwise intimidate, harass or threaten any person; (4) commit any other illegal act or other violation of district policies, (5) or incite other students to act with physical violence upon any other person. Cross-references: PRESS 7:190, Student Discipline PRESS 7:190-AP2, Gang Activity Prohibited Preventing Bullying, Intimidation & (Sexual) Harassment Bullying, intimidation, and (sexual) harassment are not acceptable in any form and will not be tolerated at school or any school-related activity, on school property, on school buses and transportation vehicles or through a school computer, network or other school electronic equipment. The school will protect students against retaliation for reporting incidents of bullying, intimidation, or (sexual) harassment, and 15 will take disciplinary action against any student who participates in such conduct. No person shall harass, intimidate or bully another based upon a perceived race, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, genderrelated identity or expression, ancestry, age, religion, creed, physical or mental disability, gender identity, order of protection status, status as homeless, or actual or potential marital or parental status, including pregnancy, unfavorable discharge from military service, association with a person or group with one or more of the aforementioned actual or perceived characteristic or any other distinguished characteristic. The school and district will not tolerate harassing, intimidating conduct, or bullying whether verbal, physical, or visual, that affects the tangible benefits of education, that unreasonably interferes with a student’s educational performance, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Bullying means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of: (1) placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or property; (2) causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s physical or mental health; (3) substantially interferes with the student’s academic performance; or (4) substantially interferes with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the school. Examples of prohibited conduct include, without limitation, any use of violence, intimidation, force, noise, coercion, threats, stalking, harassment, sexual harassment, public humiliation, theft or destruction of property, retaliation, hazing, bullying, bullying through the transmission of information from a school computer, a school computer network, or other similar electronic school equipment, or other comparable conduct. Students who believe they are victims of bullying, intimidation or harassment or have witnessed such activities are encouraged to discuss the matter with the student nondiscrimination coordinator, building administrator or a complaint manager. Students may choose to report to a person of the student’s same sex. Complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible given the need to investigate. Students who make good faith complaints will not be disciplined. Any student who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in bullying, intimidation or harassment will be subject to disciplinary consequences as provided in this handbook, including but not limited to, suspension and expulsion consistent with the school and district’s discipline policy. Parents of students who have engaged in the above behavior will be notified. Any student making a knowingly false accusation regarding harassment may also be subject to disciplinary consequences. 16 Nondiscrimination Coordinator: Erik VanHoveln Name 1424 Minnesota Address Windsor, IL 61957 217-459-2636 Telephone Complaint Managers: Erik VanHoveln Name 1424 Minnesota Address Windsor, IL 61957 Geoff Schoonover Name 1424 Minnesota Address Windsor, IL 61957 217-459-2636 Telephone 217-459-2636 Telephone Cross-References: PRESS 7:20, Harassment of Students Prohibited PRESS 7:180, Preventing Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment PRESS 7:190, Student Discipline PRESS 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure Attendance Illinois law requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between seven and seventeen years of age (unless the child has already graduated from high school) shall assure that the child attends school in the district in which he or she resides, during the entire time school is in session. Illinois law also requires that whoever has custody or control of a child who is enrolled in the school, regardless of the child’s age, shall assure that the child attends school during the entire time school is in session. There are certain exceptions to the attendance requirement for children who: attend private school, are physically or mentally unable to attend school (including a pregnant student suffering medical complications as certified by her physician), are lawfully and necessarily employed, are between the ages of 12 and 14 while in confirmation classes, have a religious reason requiring absence, or are 16 or older and employed and enrolled in a graduation incentive program. Cross Reference: PRESS 7:70, Attendance and Truancy 17 It is extremely important students attend school regularly. Parents are urged to permit absences only in cases of illness or serious emergencies. Careful planning can prevent many student absences. It is not only the moral responsibility of parents to have their children in school at every opportunity, but also the legal responsibility. An unnecessary absence can seriously handicap a student’s achievements in school. Doctor’s excuses are encouraged and should be turned into the office the day the student returns to school. Parental/Guardian excuses due to illness will be limited to 5 days. Any day that you are absent from school, a parent or guardian should telephone the school to inform the school that you will be absent. Telephone calls should be made by 9:00 a.m. at 459-2636. An answering machine is available for your convenience. Households without a telephone may send a note with the student the following day. Upon returning to school, the student should check with the office to verify the status of the absence. An absence is considered ½ day when a student misses from 45 minutes to 2 ½ hours; after 2 ½ hours, a student will be counted absent all day. A student must be in attendance 5 clock hours to be considered in attendance a full day. On the first day back after an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to check with teachers for assignments and make-up work. In general, students will be given as many days to make up work as they have missed. It is extremely important that tests and assignments be made up as soon as possible. Students will be given a “0" grade for tests and assignments not made up during the allotted time. If a student leaves school during the day, he or she must inform office personnel when checking out of the office, stating the reason for leaving. Failure to check out is considered truancy. Two failures to sign out will result in detention be assigned. Except for an emergency, students are to present a note giving parental approval for leaving school during the day. The usual rules will apply in determining the excusability of such absences. If the student goes home for lunch and is unable to return, the parents are asked to call the office and inform the school of the absence. A written note stating the reason for the absence is to be turned in upon the student’s return to school. Excused Absences Excused absences are according to Art. 26-2a of the School Code compulsory attendance. Students should understand that the principal, assistant principal or other designates of the principal are the only persons who can excuse absences. Parents and guardians must provide reasons for absences to school officials, but do not excuse an absence. Parental/Guardian excuses due to illness will be limited to 5 days. If the school sends a 18 student home for a fever above 99, the absence is excused for the day. Class time missed during an excused absence should be made up within the number of days missed after returning to school. If a student is absent two days, the student has two days to complete the work missed. Time missed for medical appointments will be excused with a note from the doctor’s office. All absences attributed to medical appointments should be limited to no more than ½ day absence whenever possible. Students who become ill during school and wish to go home must report to the office first. When injuries occur in connection with any school activity, such injuries are to be reported to the faculty member in charge. Tardiness All students are to be in place of their activity before the bell rings marking the beginning of that activity. There is ample time for students to go from one activity to the next by way of their lockers, but does not permit loitering and talking with friends in the corridor. Habitual tardiness will not be tolerated and will be dealt with appropriately. Students who arrive late to school need to report to the office. The following is the discipline procedures for Windsor Jr./Sr. High School per quarter. 1st tardy to class or school – no consequence 2nd, 3rd, 4th tardy to class or school – detention each occurrence 5th, 6th, 7th tardy to class or school – 1 day ISS per occurrence 8th tardy and beyond – 3 days ISS per occurrence 19 Attendance Illinois law requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between seven and seventeen years of age (unless the child has already graduated from high school) shall assure that the child attends school in the district in which he or she resides, during the entire time school is in session. Illinois law also requires that whoever has custody or control of a child who is enrolled in the school, regardless of the child’s age, shall assure that the child attends school during the entire time school is in session. There are certain exceptions to the attendance requirement for children who: attend private school, are physically or mentally unable to attend school (including a pregnant student suffering medical complications as certified by her physician), are lawfully and necessarily employed, are between the ages of 12 and 14 while in confirmation classes, have a religious reason requiring absence, or are 16 or older and employed and enrolled in a graduation incentive program. Cross Reference: PRESS 7:70, Attendance and Truancy Religious Instruction/Observance A student shall be released from school, as an excused absence, for the purpose of observing a religious holiday. The parent(s)/guardian(s) must give written notice to the district 5 days before the student’s anticipated absence. The parent(s)/guardian(s) written notification of the student’s anticipated absence shall satisfy the district’s requirement for a written excuse when the student returns to school. The superintendent shall develop and distribute to teachers appropriate procedures regarding student absences for a religious holiday which include a list of religious holidays on which students shall be excused from attendance, how teachers are notified of a student’s impending absence, and the state law requirement that teachers provide the student an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement. A student shall be released from school for a day or portion of a day for the purpose of religious instruction. A letter, requesting the student’s absence and written by the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s), must be given to the building principal at least 5 days before the day the student is to be absent. LEGAL REF: Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 775ILCS 35/5 105 ILCS 5/26-1 and 5/26-2b CROSS REF: 7.70 20 Unexcused Absences A “truant” is defined as a child subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for a school day or portion thereof. “Valid cause” for absence shall be: Illness Death in the immediate family Family emergency Such other situations beyond the control of the student as determined by the board of education in each district, or such other circumstances which may cause reasonable concern to the parent for the safety or health of the student. Pre-approved educational absence Unexcused Absence and Truancy Any absence not cleared by phone call on the day of the absence or prior to the student’s first class on the day of the student’s return to school will automatically be unexcused. Notes will be accepted only for those students whose households DO NOT have a phone. The following types of absences are not excused: Out-of-school Suspension Truancy Working (unless pre-arranged) Missing the bus Oversleeping Shopping, hair appointment, or similar circumstances Car trouble- gas, tires, trains, etc. Credit cannot be given for work missed due to unexcused absence, although, the teacher may require that the work be completed to insure that the student complete background work for future assignments. Students who miss school without the previous knowledge and approval of their parents are considered truant. Such students may be assigned detention or suspension, or reported to the Regional Superintendent of Schools. Frequent and /or continual truancy, unexcused absence, or tardiness will result in disciplinary action. When an absence can be anticipated, as in the case of a dental appointment, notice of the anticipated absence should be given to the principal and to the teachers, and arrangements made to complete and hand in assignments in advance. Planned absences are not transferable; they are for only the specific reason indicated. It is invalid for any other purpose and the absence will be unexcused. No planned absence will be signed for a student in a class in which they are failing. Personal planned absences are limited to eight days; anything over that is unexcused. Students who complete a planned absence form to participate in deer hunting must also show tags when turning in the planned absence. Also, if a 21 student is to miss class because of another school activity, arrangements are to be made with teachers concerning assignments and make-up work. Students may be withheld from activities or sporting contests if they fail to make up work before the absence. Students arriving late, or returning after classes are in session, must report to the office for a pass to class. The school board supports the principal that local school districts must have the responsibility for matters pertaining to student attendance. Further, the board recognizes the following definitions: Truant - a child subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for a school day or portion thereof. Chronic or habitual truant - a child who is subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for ten percent or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days. Truant minor - a child to whom supportive services; including prevention, diagnostic, intervention and remedial services, alternative programs and other school and community resources have been provided and have failed to result in the cessation of chronic truancy or have been offered and refused. Using the definitions cited the school district shall determine if the student is a “chronic or habitual” truant. If it is determined that the student is a “chronic or habitual” truant, services which must be provided to the chronic truant may include, but not be limited to: parent/teacher conferences counseling services by social workers counseling services by psychologists psychological testing alternative education programs alternative school placement When the student is classified as a “chronic or habitual” truant, the building principal shall direct the process for the development of an optional educational program the student shall receive. If these measures prove ineffective and the behavior persists, the building principal shall refer the matter to the superintendent. The superintendent may call upon the resources of outside agencies such as the juvenile officer of the local police department or the Truancy Office of the Educational Service Region of the county. The school board, superintendent, district administrators and teacher shall assist and furnish such information, as they have to aid truancy officers in the performance of their duties. In accordance with The School Code of Illinois, no punitive action, including out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, or court action shall be taken against chronic truants unless available supportive services and other school resources have been provided to the student. 22 Occasionally, students must miss school because of various appointments, obligations or participation in an outside activity. Students should secure permission through the office at least three (3) days prior to the absence so that students can complete all schoolwork necessary before the absence. Failure to complete all school work before a planned absence could lead to disciplinary or other appropriate action. Re-enrollment Re-enrollment shall be denied to any individual above the age of 17 years who has dropped out of school and could not earn sufficient credits to graduate during the current school year. The student may re-enroll the following school year assuming they have not reached their 21st birthday. Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco The possession or use of drugs, drug paraphernalia, lookalike substances, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products is forbidden. Students in possession of drug paraphernalia or look-alike substances, or under the influence of drugs, or alcohol will be immediately suspended and local police agencies will be notified. Expulsion may result. Parents or legal guardians must accompany such students to school before they will be allowed to reenter classes. Students possessing or using tobacco in any form will be suspended 1 day for the first offense, 3 days for the second offense, and may be expelled for the third offense. (Possession in all cases includes student lockers or personal vehicles if parked on school property.) Dress WHS recognizes that everyone has his/her own style. However, certain guidelines must be observed for the safety of self and others and to insure that the educational process is not disrupted. Therefore, students should observe the following guidelines regarding clothing: 1. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. 2. Clothes are to be neat and clean and not excessively large or small. Waist band of pants needs to be around the waist area. Undergarments should not be exposed 3. Hats and headgear are not to be worn in the building. 4. Clothing-jewelry, including chains and wallet attachments, which could be considered dangerous or a safety hazard are not to be worn. Shorts must be of appropriate length. Skirts, shorts and dresses must be mid thigh or longer in front and back. No slits or holes above knee area. Clothing is not to be suggestive, immodest, offensive, or otherwise disruptive to the educational process. (No tank tops or bare midriffs) Cut off tee shirts must cover the 5. 6. 23 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. shoulder. Apparel that displays inappropriate words or pictures, and/or promotes alcohol, tobacco or drugs will not be allowed at school. Shirts must be able to be tucked in their pants. Book bags and purses are not allowed in classrooms. Coats can be worn in class if the teacher has granted permission. Roller shoes are not to be worn in school. Pajama pants and slippers are not to be worn to school. Senior pictures submitted for the yearbook/class portrait must meet the school dress code. If not, the picture taken by the school photographer will be used. Leggings and Yoga pants are not acceptable. Grading System Our system of grading is by letters; “A” standing for superior work as measured by achievement, industry, and attitude. The “A” student does more than is required and is an asset to the class. “B” denotes very good work, above the average. “C” represents average work. “D” is poor but passing. “F” denotes a failing grade. Extra effort to succeed may be considered by individual teachers and could result in higher grades. Grading Sale 94-100 A 80-83 B67-69 D+ 90-93 A77-79 C+ 64-66 D 87-89 B+ 74-76 C 60-63 D84-86 B 70-73 CThe honor roll is posted at the end of each nine-week grading period. It contains the names of those students who have a 4.0 grade point average on a 5.0 scale. To be eligible for high honors, a student must earn a 4.5 grade point average on a 5.0 scale. A student is allowed to receive only one C to remain eligible for the Junior/Senior High School Honor Roll. Students receiving a grade of D or F will not be included in the honor roll. The honor roll for high school students is based on a five point scale times the credit earned. Honor roll is based on student GPA for the quarterly grading period. High school cumulative grade point average is based upon semester grades. Semester grades are determined by the two quarters comprising each semester and the final exam. Each quarter is weighted 2/5ths of the semester grade. Final exams comprise 1/5th. In circumstances where students are not required to take the final exam, each quarter will comprise ½ of the semester grade. Valedictorian and salutatorian will be determined by cumulative grade point average for the 8 semesters of high school only. When there is a tie (identical GPAs) for the valedictorian, there will be co- 24 valedictory honors, and there will be no class salutatorian. A student must attend WHS at least one year in order to be eligible for salutatorian/valedictorian honors. From time to time, students will be given long-term assignments that are due on or before a specific due date. Since the assignments are long-term and since these assignments can be turned in prior to the final date, no excuses will be accepted nor extended time given to a student who is absent the day the assignment is due. Students will be expected to get the materials to the teacher via family or friend in the case of absence. Report cards will be issued at quarter intervals. Additional midterm reports will be issued to students who receive D or F grades. Teachers’ comments on students’ attitude, study habits, citizenship, etc., may be recorded on the report card. Retention The Illinois School Code prohibits social promotion. Remediation will follow board policy 6:180 based on the needs of the student. Junior high students who fail any academic subject are subject to retention. Academic subjects are math, English, reading, social studies, and science. The principal will make the final decision on retention. Classes At the beginning of each semester students will be classified for class membership and the social activities of the school according to the following schedule of credits. Regulations of the Board of Education for senior trips supersede this classification. Freshmen 0 - 5.4 credits earned Junior earned Sophomore 5.5 - 10.9 credits earned Senior credits earned 11.0-16.4 credits 16.5 and over Students will be required to take state mandated testing based on class placement according to credits earned. The health program in grades kindergarten through 8th shall include annual instruction regarding abduction and sexual abuse as part of the district’s regular curriculum. Parent(s) may request in writing that their child be removed from portions of the sex education curriculum they find objectionable. Alternative assignments will be given. Special Programs Child Find Each school district is responsible for actively locating, identifying and evaluating all children with disabilities who live within the district boundaries, are between the ages of birth and 21, and may be eligible for special education and 25 related services. The local school district is not required to actually conduct the evaluations for children birth through 2 years of age, but must ensure that they are carried out at no cost to the parent. All school districts are required to have written procedures for child find activities for all school children, including those attending private, charter, and/or religiously affiliated schools. These procedures must describe activities for: annual screening of children under the age of five to identify those who may need early intervention or special education services to maintain satisfactory educational performance; ongoing review of all children in regular education classes; ongoing coordination with early intervention programs; and coordination and consultation with nonpublic schools located within the district. Special Programs and Services Windsor Community School District #1 provides special programs and services to meet the special educational needs of students residing within the district. Programs and services offered through the district curriculum and via the Eastern Area Special Education Joint Agreement provide for students with identified special educational needs. For further information, contact the building principal. Request to Access Classroom or Personnel for Special Education Evaluation or Observation The parent/guardian of a student receiving special education services, or being evaluated for eligibility, is afforded reasonable access to educational facilities, personnel, classrooms, and buildings. This same right of access is afforded to an independent educational evaluator or a qualified professional retained by or on behalf of a parent or child. For further information, please contact the school principal. Cross Reference: PRESS 6:120, Education of Children with Disabilities PRESS 6:120-AP2,E1 – Exhibit – Request to Access Classroom(s) or Personnel for Special Education Evaluation/Observation Purposes 26 Education of Children with Disabilities Education of Children with Disabilities It is the intent of the district to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act are identified, evaluated and provided with appropriate educational services. The School provides a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment and necessary related services to all children with disabilities enrolled in the school. The term “children with disabilities” means children between ages 3 and the day before their 22nd birthday for whom it is determined that special education services are needed. It is the intent of the school to ensure that students with disabilities are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational services. A copy of the publication “Explanation of Procedural Safeguards Available to Parents of Students with Disabilities” may be obtained from the school district office. Cross Reference: PRESS 6:120, Education of Children with Disabilities Professional Personnel Certification Each certified staff member must have a current Illinois certificate which legally qualifies him or her for the duties for which he or she is employed. The staff member shall be responsible for securing and maintaining a valid certificate. All teachers, hired on or after the first school day of the 2002-2003 school year and working in a program supported with Title I funds, shall be highly qualified as defined by Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and its implementing regulations as well as State Law. A federal law called “No Child Left Behind” requires the school district to inform families if a teacher does not meet the defined highly qualified status for the subject or course they are teaching. Parents may request the qualifications of any teacher. 27 Teacher Qualifications Parents/guardians may request information about the qualifications of their child’s teachers and paraprofessionals, including Whether the teacher has met State certification requirements; Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency permit or other provisional status by which State licensing criteria have been waived; The teacher’s college major; Whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees; and Whether any instructional aides or paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications. If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact the school office. Cross-References: PRESS 5:190, Teacher Qualifications PRESS 5:190-E1, Notice to Parents of Their Right to Request Their Child’s Classroom Teachers’ Qualifications Response to Intervention Practice of providing high quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make changes in instruction or goals, and applying child response data to important educational decisions. Counseling and Student Services A certified school social worker is available at the high school building. Programs and services offered through the counseling curriculum address social, emotional, cognitive and developmental issues of school age children. The social worker also provides programs in character education and career exploration activities. The social worker is available to meet with students on an individual basis to address academic and school related issues. Discipline of Students with Disabilities 3 3 School districts in a special education cooperative should insert the relevant procedures of the cooperative. 28 The school and district will comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Illinois State Board of Education’s Special Education rules when disciplining students with disabilities. Behavioral interventions will be used with students with disabilities to promote and strengthen desirable behaviors and reduce identified inappropriate behaviors. No special education student shall be expelled if the student’s particular act of gross disobedience or misconduct is a manifestation of his or her disability as determined through a manifestation hearing. Any special education student whose gross disobedience or misconduct is not a manifestation of his or her disability may be expelled pursuant to the expulsion procedures. Cross Reference: PRESS 7:230, Misconduct by Students with Disabilities Semester Exam Final exams will be given at the end of each semester. All students, other than seniors, are required to take semester exams. Seniors who meet all of the following criteria will not be required to take second semester final exams their senior year. 1) no more than 3 absences during the semester, days out for surgery do not count against the students 3 absences (extraordinary cases will be considered by administration;) 2) an 80% or higher in the class; 3) no suspensions (in or out of school). Seniors may take finals in any class if they so choose. 4) if a student meets/exceeds on all portions of the PSAE test, the student will be allowed to leave 9th period the senior year and are exempt from 1st semester exams. During the scheduled final exams, seniors may go home during periods in which they do not take exams as long as a signed permission slip from a parent or guardian is on file in the office. Exams must be taken during the scheduled class time unless permission is granted by the building principal. Class Load Students at Windsor High School will normally be expected to carry a minimum class load of six (6) academic subjects and P.E. Students will only schedule one study hall. Guidelines for Cooperative Education Job description: Understanding the principles of employment. Understanding the need for preparation before entering the work force. Proved the necessary skills to become a successful employee and make a positive influence on society. Course objections: The objectives of Coop are to provide the 29 necessary information and skills for the student to become an asset to his or her workplace. To provide hands on experience to help student in career choices. To provide the necessary information to help the student to be the best person on the job. To provide the necessary information to help the student remain on the job. To provide information needed to write good resumes and cover letters and to provide information in filling out applications. Class requirements: 1. Daily work is expected from each student on time. 2. Proper completion of necessary forms 3. Log books updated weekly on containing financial transactions and work hours. 4. Quizzes and chapter tests 5. Class projects 6. A minimum of 15 hours weekly of work 7. Maximum of two jobs throughout the school year, with a 1 week period allotted to obtain a job after losing a job. (This opportunity only offered one time) Students will not work for any relative. 8. Maintain a C average in all courses 9. Daily attendance-not in attendance in school means not in attendance at work 10. Teacher observation/evaluations 11. Employer observation/evaluations Class expectations: Disrespect shown to the teacher or other class members will result in lowered grades and possible removal from the classroom. You are expected to work a minimum of 15 hours weekly for the entire school year. Attendance at school is very important. If you are not in attendance at school you will not be credited for hours at work. More than two jobs per school year will result in termination from class with no credit earned. Result of lower than a C average in other classes will be termination from class with no credit earned. Coop students who are terminated from their job will be removed from the Coop class and enrolled in resource. Health Occupations Students are required to pay a $250.00 deposit to the school by June 30. Upon completion of the class while enrolled in Windsor School District, your $250.00 deposit will be refunded to you. Students must maintain a “C” average in all classes. Result of lower than a “C” average is termination from the class with no credit earned, loss of deposit and reenroll in classes at Windsor Jr./Sr. High School. Student must maintain 90% attendance rate at school. Health Occupations receives 2 class credit hours. 30 Physical Education All students who are able to take physical education must earn ½ credit each year. Exceptions to this will be students who are enrolled in health education, driver’s education, juniors and seniors who have a signed P.E. waiver for scholastic reasons on file in the office, or any student that has a health condition not allowing participation in normal physical education activities when such condition is certified by a doctor’s written statement. Any student not able to or chooses not to participate in P.E. during the school day will not be allowed to participate in any sports activities sponsored by the school unless special permission is received from the principal’s office. P.E. requires a uniform that consists of shorts and t-shirt. Both of these items will be available to purchase in the office. Students are allowed 2 (two) no dresses per semester. The third no dress will result in removal from the class with no credit. Students are responsible for replacement costs if lost or damaged. Jewelry is not allowed during physical education for the safety of the students. Physical Education Waivers Physical Education Waiver § 105 ILCS 5/27-6. (b) A school board is authorized to excuse pupils enrolled in grades 11 and 12 from engaging in physical education courses if those pupils request to be excused for any of the following reasons: (1) for ongoing participation in an interscholastic athletic program; (2) to enroll in academic classes which are required for admission to an institution of higher learning, provided that failure to take such classes will result in the pupil being denied admission to the institution of his or her choice; or (3) to enroll in academic classes which are required for graduation from high school, provided that failure to take such classes will result in the pupil being unable to graduate. A school board may also excuse pupils in grades 9 through 12 enrolled in a marching band program for credit from engaging in physical education courses if those pupils request to be excused for ongoing participation in such marching band program. In addition, a school board may excuse pupils in grades 9 through 12 if those pupils must utilize the time set aside for physical education to receive special education support and services. A school board may also excuse pupils in grades 9 through 12 enrolled in a Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) program sponsored by the school district from engaging in physical education courses. School boards 31 who choose to exercise this authority shall establish a policy to excuse pupils on an individual basis. P. 20 Physicals and Health Records A student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall present proof that the student received a health examination and received the current immunizations and screenings for preventable communicable diseases, as required by the Illinois Department of Public Health, for freshmen and all new students prior to the date of enrolling in school. No freshman student will be allowed to attend Winsor Jr./Sr. High School without a current physical and immunizations on file in the office. This expense is to be met by the student. The required health examinations must be performed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, an advanced practice nurse who has written collaborative agreement with a collaborating physician authorizing the advanced practice nurse to perform health examinations, or a physician assistant who has been delegated the performance of health examinations by a supervising physician. Unless a student is homeless, failure to comply with the above requirements by the beginning date of the current school year will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the district. If a medical reason prevents a student from receiving a required immunization by the beginning of the current school year, the student must present an immunization schedule and a statement of medical reasons causing the delay. The schedule and statement of medical reasons must be signed by a physician, advanced practice nurse, physician assistant, or local health department responsible for administering the immunizations. All new students who are first time registrants shall have 30 days following registration to comply with the health examination and immunization records. A student may be exempted from this policy’s requirements on religious or medical grounds if the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) present to the Superintendent a signed statement explaining the objection. A student may be exempted from the health examination or immunizations on medical grounds if a physician provides written verification. Communicable Diseases The school will observe recommendations of the Illinois Department of Public Health regarding communicable diseases. 32 1. Parents are required to notify the school nurse if they suspect their child has a communicable disease. 2. In certain cases, students with a communicable disease may be excluded from school or sent home from school following notification of the parent or guardian. 3. The school will provide written instructions to the parent and guardian regarding appropriate treatment for the communicable disease. 4. A student excluded because of a communicable disease will be permitted to return to school only when the parent or guardian brings to the school a letter from the student’s doctor stating that the student is no longer contagious or at risk of spreading the communicable disease. Cross-References: PRESS 7:280, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease PRESS 7:280-AP, Managing Students with Communicable or Infectious Diseases Vision Screening Vision screening will be done, as mandated, for the following children; all pre-school children three years of age or older in an educational program; all kindergarten, second grade, eighth grade, special education students, transfer students and teacher referrals. In addition to the mandated grades, first and fifth grades will also be tested. These vision tests will be administered sometime between October and April of the school year. Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye exam and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to undergo this vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months and that evaluation is on file at the school. This notice is not a permission to test. Vision screening is not an option. If a vision examination report is not on file at the school for your child and your child is in the mandated age/grade/group, your child will be screened. Homework Homework is an important component of the educational process. Students will be expected to write all assignments into their planners on a daily basis. The planners may also be used by parents and teachers for communication purposes. Schedule Changes Students will be expected to remain with the class schedule they have chosen during registration. In cases where schedule changes are 33 necessary, they must be made within the first five days of the semester. No credit will be given to a student who drops a class. Example: A student who wishes to drop world history at the semester may do so, but will not receive any credit for the time he/she has been attending the class. Schedule changes, as well as independent study, must be approved in the office by teachers, guidance counselor, principal and parents and documented with an administrator’s signature. Early Graduation Students who have the necessary units of credit are permitted to graduate early. Any student who desires to graduate early must indicate their intentions to the principal with a letter of permission from their parents by October 15 for graduation at the end of the first semester. Students who graduate early will not be allowed to participate in the prom unless invited by a current junior or senior student and will not be allowed to participate in the senior trip. Students will be allowed to participate in Baccalaureate and commencement exercises, providing they pay all necessary fees and attend practices. General Requirements for Graduation The graduation requirements are established by the State of Illinois and the Board of Education. The graduating class of 2013 is required to have 3 math credits and 2 writing intensive credits in accordance with P.A. 94-0676. A minimum of 24 credits are needed for graduation. These credits must include: 2012/2013 4 3 3 3.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 Credits of English Credits of Mathematics (Accounting will meet math requirements for senior only) Credits of Science (General and Biology I, and an elective) Credits of Social Studies (Including: US History, World History, Illinois History, Civics, Ethnic) Credit in Fine Arts or Foreign Language Credit of Health Credit of Drivers Ed Credit of Resource Management (may proficiency by test for 0 course credits or 2 credit of interrelated coop) Credit of computer applications Credits of PE Students must pass the Constitution test to be eligible for graduation. College Bound Recommendations A college bound student should consider their future college course of study in determining other courses that might be beneficial 34 to their field. 4 years English 2 years Foreign Language or Fine Arts 3 or more years - Math 3 or more years - Social Studies 3 or more years - Science Cultural Diversity will be writing intensive and meet the criteria set forth by the Illinois State Board of Education. Seniors with plans to enroll at any university should make application for admission and housing early in October. All state-supported colleges and universities now require applicants to take the ACT test. Since some scholarships require this test during the spring of the junior year, college-bound students are advised to take this test at that time. However, the ACT is administered at intervals of about three months, and may be taken by college-bound students at any of these times. Students may be granted 3 excused absences to visit a college or colleges. These days must be approved by the principal and arranged in advance through the guidance counselor. Alternative High School Credit Windsor High School may accept up to 1 credit towards graduation from an Illinois State recognized or University affiliated correspondence school. Windsor High School may accept up to 1 credit towards graduation from on-line courses or the Illinois Virtual High School, assuming the class is not offered at WHS or with permission from the office. The maximum number of credits that can be transferred back to WHS for credit towards graduation shall not exceed 2 credits total including credit earned from a community college or university, as well as correspondence schools or the Illinois Virtual High School. There will be no limit on the number of credits given through the dual credit opportunities that are available through Lakeland. Students who have been home schooled will be tested and evaluated, then placed at their level of competency. Pathways and Bridges placements are based upon district referral and credits earned in those programs are transferable for graduation. Credit for Alternative Courses and Programs, and Course Substitutions 4 Correspondence Courses A student enrolled in a correspondence course may receive high school credit for work completed, provided: 4 This handbook procedure provides options that are available to schools. Consult your school district policy manual to assure consistency with district policy. 35 1. The course is given by an institution accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; 2. The student is a fourth or fifth year senior; 3. The student assumes responsibility for all fees; and 4. The building principal approves the course in advance. A maximum of 6 units of credit may be counted toward the requirements for a student’s high school graduation. Credit for Proficiency Proficiency credit is available in limited subjects where a student demonstrates competency. Contact the building principal for details. Distance Learning Courses, Including Virtual or Online Courses A student enrolled in a distance learning course, including a virtual or online course, may receive high school credit for work completed, provided: 1. The course is offered by an institution approved by the superintendent or designee; 2. The course is not offered at the student’s high school; 3. The student assumes responsibility for all fees (including tuition and textbooks); and 4. The building principal approves the course in advance. Students may be limited as to the number of distance learning courses that apply toward high school credit. Grades earned in approved distance learning courses count toward a student’s grade point average, class rank, and eligibility for athletic and extracurricular activities. The district may pay the fee for expelled students who are permitted to take virtual or online courses in alternative settings. Exchange Programs An exchange student will be granted a diploma if he or she completes the criteria for graduation established by the State of Illinois and the School Board. The board may grant a certificate of attendance to exchange students. District students will receive high school credit for foreign exchange courses that meet the criteria established in the curriculum and that are approved by the building principal. International study course work not meeting district requirements may be placed in the student’s permanent record and recorded as an international study experience. Summer School and Independent Study A student will receive high school credit for successfully completing: (1) any course given by an institution accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and (2) independent study in a curriculum area not offered by the District, provided the student obtains the consent of a supervising teacher as well as the building principal. College Courses A student who successfully completes community college courses may receive high school credit, provided: 36 1. 2. 3. The student is a senior in good academic standing; The course is not offered in the high school curriculum; The course is approved in advance by the student’s guidance counselor and the building principal; and 4. The student assumes responsibility for all fees. A maximum of 6 units of credit may be counted toward the requirements for a student’s high school graduation. Dual Credit Courses A student who successfully completes a dual credit course may receive credit at both the college and high school level. Foreign Language Courses A student will receive high school credit by studying foreign language in an approved ethnic school program, provided such program meets the minimum standards established by the State Board of Education. The amount of credit will be based on foreign language proficiency achieved. The building principal may require a student seeking foreign language credit to successfully complete a foreign language proficiency examination. Military Service The board may accept military service experience as credit toward graduation, provided the student making the request has a recommendation from the U.S. Commission of Accreditation of Service Experiences. The student seeking credit shall supply any documents or transcripts necessary to support the request. Volunteer Service Credit Program A student may earn high school credit through community service activities. The Superintendent shall implement the volunteer service credit program to ensure student enrichment, educational growth, and personal welfare. Students shall receive the amount of credit given for the completion of one semester of language arts, math, science, or social studies. Youth Apprenticeship Vocational Education Program (Tech Prep) Students participating in the Youth Apprenticeship Vocational Education Program (Tech Prep) may earn credit toward graduation for work-related training received at manufacturing facilities or agencies. Vocational Academy Students enrolled in the Vocational Academy earn credit toward graduation as provided in the Academy’s design. Substitutions for Courses A student in grades 9-12 may satisfy one or more high school courses (including physical education) or graduation requirements by successfully completing related vocational or 37 technical education courses if: 1. The building principal approves the substitution and the vocational or technical education course is completely described in curriculum material along with its relationship to the required course; and 2. The student’s parent/guardian request and approve the substitution in writing on forms provided by the district. Cross Reference: PRESS 6:310, Credit for Alternative Courses and Programs, and Course Substitutions Clubs and Organizations Classes: Early in the school year, each class selects class officers. Class meetings are held monthly, or as often as required, to conduct class business. Each class will have one or more faculty advisors. These advisors must approve all class activities. Jobey Dunscomb Chapter of the National Honor Society: The procedure and rules regarding selection must be fair, nondiscriminatory, consistently applied, and written for public dissemination. Schools are not obligated to share with parents and students information concerning non-selection of specific students. According to legal counsel for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, no constitutional due process requirements apply in non-selection cases. Neither the National Council nor the NASSP shall review the judgment of the faculty council regarding selection of individual members to the local chapter. Following are the current selection rules: 1. Only those students who have been in the school the equivalent of one semester may be considered for membership. 2. Membership is open to qualified sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 3. The academic requirement is at least 4.20 on a 5.0 scale 4. Other criteria for selection must be leadership, service, and character. Each candidate will be ranked on a scale of 1 to 4 and must receive an average of 3 or above in these categories. All teachers will have the opportunity to comment on each candidate, but the committee of 5 will make all final selections. FFA: The FFA is an organization of vocational agriculture students. The FFA involves its members in a wide variety of activities to improve leadership and occupational skills. The Windsor FFA Chapter works closely with the Windsor FFA Alumni Chapter in activities that include judging contests, public speaking, supervised occupational experience programs, and numerous public service activities. Representatives of the chapter attend the National FFA 38 Convention every other year, the State FFA Convention every year and the Farm Progress Show every third year. The FFA is for all students interested in a future in agriculture. Both young men and women have benefited the from FFA experience at WHS. ART CLUB: Art Club is an organization for high school students with a special interest in art. Contest participation, fund-raising and trip to art galleries are the planned activities. SPANISH CLUB: The Spanish Club is composed of students who are taking or have taken Spanish l. The meetings of this group help develop interest in the language and the people who speak it. STUDENT COUNCIL: An organization of class representatives engaged in student government. Field Trips Field trips offer students an educational opportunity outside the school building. All students are required to attend class field trips when possible. Exceptions may occur at the discretion of the teacher and administration when it is deemed that absences from other classes will be a detriment to successful completion of other classes. Any student who is failing one or more classes at the time of the field trip may not be allowed to participate in that field trip. Any student who receives an out of school suspension will forfeit participation in any school sponsored field trip for the remainder of the school year. Drivers License Cancellation Public Act 94-0916 The act provides that no drivers license or instruction permit shall be issued to any applicant who is under 18 years of age and not legally emancipated by marriage, unless he/she is a high school graduate, is enrolled in GED course, has obtained a GED, is enrolled in a high school or college, or is receiving home instruction. Likewise, a drivers license or instruction permit shall be cancelled if a student under 18 years of age drops out of school. The clerk of secretary of the school board shall furnish quarterly reports to the Regional Superintendent and the Secretary of State that includes the name of: pupils whose withdrawal is due to extraordinary circumstances, pupils who have enrolled in school, any pupil certified to be a chronic or habitual truant. Each local school district shall establish, in writing, a set of criteria for use by the superintendent in determining whether a pupil’s failure to attend school is the result of extraordinary circumstances, including but not limited to economic or medical necessity or family hardship. Drivers Education Student must pass 8 courses over the previous two semesters to be eligible for driver’s education. Senior Trip Each year graduating seniors will take a class trip which must include a visit to Washington D.C. To be eligible to go on the trip, each class member must raise his/her share of the money. Starting with the 2010-2011 school year, grades 9-12 39 students will raise 150 points each year, for a total of 600 by January 1st of their senior year. Students do have the option of paying $600.00. A point system will be used to determine who is eligible for the trip. Each student will receive one point for every dollar of profit he/she raises. Each student must earn 150 per year. A student who does not raise 150 points each year will not be eligible for the trip. Students will be allowed to purchase points. All money collected and earned by the class becomes property of the class. All money is owed to the class is due by April 1 of that school year. Students who miss the class trip are not entitled to any reimbursement. Seniors who do not go on the class trip are required to be in school all day during the school days the seniors are on the trip. Any student not in attendance immediately following the trip will be subject to disciplinary action. Also, seniors must be in good standing in regard to grades/discipline. The point system is based solely on the senior trip. Other fund raising activities may occur for other activities. Any student who is failing one or more classes at the day prior to departure will not be allowed to attend the trip. Interscholastic Athletics and Competition Boy’s baseball, basketball, golf, football, and track teams are organized and compete with other schools in our area. All boys are invited to try out for any of these teams. Girls’ volleyball, softball, track, basketball and golf teams are organized and compete with other schools in our area. All girls are invited to try out for any of these teams. Cheerleaders are chosen each spring during tryouts. A maximum of twelve high school and ten (five 7 th grade and five 8th grade, vacancies created by lack of participants at one grade level may be filled by the other grade level) junior high cheerleaders are selected. They must meet the same eligibility requirements as the athletes. A faculty advisor directs their activities. Junior high and high school scholastic bowl teams compete with area schools. All students are invited to try out. Windsor has a No Pass No Play Athletic Policy All athletes are required to pass a physical examination and have an approved insurance program and meet the eligibility requirements in order to participate in extracurricular activities. No student will be allowed to practice or participate until the physical, insurance and eligibility requirements are met. There is a $20 fee per sport, maximum $40 per student, $50 per family for participating in these activities. The Student Handbook is in effect during all interscholastic 40 and extracurricular events and practices. Extra Curricular Activities The student council sponsors homecoming and pre-homecoming activities held in December. A senior homecoming queen/king are elected by students and crowned during the homecoming dance. The junior/senior prom, the main social event of the school year, is held each year in the spring. Only juniors and seniors and their dates are allowed to attend School dances are primarily for WHS students---not a public function. The school reserves the right to determine who is eligible to attend and specify rules for the dance. Guest must be under 21 years of age. Students are allowed to bring a guest (A person who does not attend WHS.) The host student is responsible for clearing the guest’s attendance and is responsible for the behavior of the guest. Guests must be under 21 years of age. Students absent on the day of a dance may not attend the dance. Junior high and high school students are not allowed to attend each other’s dances. Attendance at School Dances Attendance at school-sponsored dances is a privilege. Only students who attend the school may attend school-sponsored dances, unless the principal or designee approves a student’s guest in advance of the event. A guest must be “age appropriate,” defined as under 21. All school rules, including the school’s discipline code and dress code are in effect during school-sponsored dances. In particular, students shall not: 1. 2. 3. Use, posses, distribute, purchase, or sell tobacco materials. Use, possess, distribute, purchase, or sell alcoholic beverages. Use, possess, buy, sell, barter, or distribute any illegal substance or paraphernalia; 4. Use, possess, buy, sell, barter, or distribute any object that is or could be considered a weapon or any item that is a “look alike” weapon. 5. Vandalize or steal; 6. Haze other students; 7. Behave in a manner that is detrimental to the good of the school; or 8. Be insubordinate or disrespectful toward teachers and chaperones. Students who violate the school’s discipline code will be required to leave the dance immediately, and the student’s parent/guardian will be contacted. The school may also impose other discipline as outlined in 41 the school’s discipline code. Cross-references: PRESS 6:190, Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities PRESS 7:240-AP1, Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities School Regulations There will be a $25 fee for any returned check. Internet Usage Students may have access to Internet for class assignments and research by signing, with their parents, an Internet Authorization form. Administration and the technology coordinator shall have the right and responsibility to pull a student’s Internet privileges for any violation of the authorization agreement. Announcements Important information is posted daily on the bulletin board near the main entrance. Students should read this bulletin board several times during the day! In order to place posters and announcements on the bulletin boards, students must obtain permission from a faculty member. The announcements are posted on the school website at Visitors All visitors are to report to the office upon entering the building. Visitors to the building will be issued a pass. Appointments for conferences with staff members need to be made ahead of time and should be scheduled after school or during the teacher’s preparation time. Parents should make arrangements with the principal if they wish to visit the classroom. It is the principal’s responsibility to determine the appropriateness and duration of the visit so as not to interfere with the educational process. Medication If medication must be administered during the school day in order to allow the student to attend school, the following rules apply: 1. Parent/guardian or adult must bring medication to the office. Students are not allowed to transport medication to school. 2. Students will need to come to the office at the appropriate time designated on the medication form. 3. As students are not allowed to carry medications (except inhalers), all medication will need to be picked up at the end of the year by a parent of guardian. If the medication is not picked up, it will be destroyed after the last day of school. 42 4. The appropriate medical forms must be completed and returned to the office. Non Prescription Medications 1) Non prescription medications must have a medical form filled out by the parent/guardian. 2) All non prescription medications will be kept in the office and given out for self administration by student. Prescription Medications 1) All prescription medications must have a medical from filled out by the parent/guardian and the medical provider. 2) All prescription medications will be kept in the office and will be given out for self administration by student. Inhalers 1) As a prescription medication, a medical from will need to be filled out by the parent and the medical provider. 2) Students, upon parent and medical provider request, will be permitted to carry the inhaler with them. Students with Food Allergies State law requires our school district to annually inform parents of students with life-threatening allergies or life-threatening chronic illnesses of the applicable provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other applicable federal statutes, state statutes, federal regulations and state rules. If your student has a life-threatening allergy or life-threatening chronic illness, please notify the building principal at (000) 000-0000. Federal law protects students from discrimination due to a disability that substantially limits a major life activity. If your student has a qualifying disability, an individualized Section 504 Plan will be developed and implemented to provide the needed supports so that your student can access his or her education as effectively as students without disabilities. Not all students with life-threatening allergies and life-threatening chronic illnesses may be eligible under Section 504. Our school district also may be able to appropriately meet a student's needs through other means. Cross Reference: PRESS 7:285, Food Allergy Management Program 43 Care of Students with Diabetes If you child has diabetes and requires assistance with managing this condition while at school and school functions, a Diabetes Care Plan must be submitted to the school principal. Parents/guardians are responsible for and must: a. Inform the school in a timely manner of any change which needs to be made to the Diabetes Care Plan on file with the school for their child. b. Inform the school in a timely manner of any changes to their emergency contact numbers or contact numbers of health care providers. c. Sign the Diabetes Care Plan. d. Grant consent for and authorize designated School District representatives to communicate directly with the health care provider whose instructions are included in the Diabetes Care Plan. For further information, please contact the Building Principal. Cross Reference: Pending Head Lice Policy Head lice and scabies require the school to remove students from class upon detection. During such instances, the school will call parents immediately upon detection, and parents are asked to take the child home for treatment. If a student is sent home for head lice the following procedures will be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. Day 1 student will be sent home. Day 2 Student will be checked upon entering and must have a label from the bottle of shampoo or box and must have a note from the parent stating the student has been shampooed and the date. Day 3 Student will be checked upon entering school. If the student has nits remaining in the hair, the student will be sent home from school. The student will need to go to the Shelby County Health Department and get a pass to reenter school. On the fourth consecutive day of absence, the student will receive an unexcused absence and each consecutive day thereafter will be unexcused. Administrative Procedure – Communicable and Infectious Diseases When the building principal receives notification that a child in 44 the district has been diagnosed as having a contagious disease, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), aids-related complex (ARC), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the principal shall immediately notify the superintendent of the child’s identity. The principal may, as necessary, disclose the identity of the infected child to those persons who, by federal or state law, are required to decide the placement or educational program of the child, the school nurse, and the applicable classroom teachers. Others may be informed as necessary, provided the child’s identity is not revealed. The administration shall observe all rules of the Illinois department of public health regarding communicable and chronic infectious disease. The superintendent shall develop and implement procedures for the district to report to the local health authority, where appropriate, known or suspected cases of a communicable and chronic infectious disease involving a district student. The collection and maintenance of the student’s medical information shall be done in a manner which ensures the strictest confidentiality and is in accordance with federal and state laws regarding student records. The determination of whether the student with a communicable and chronic infectious disease shall be permitted to attend school in a regular classroom setting or participate in school activities with other students shall be made on a case-by-case basis by the communicable and chronic infectious disease review team, the student’s personal physician and local health authorities, and the multi-disciplinary committee. If the infected student is not permitted to attend school in a regular classroom or participate in school activities with other students, due to a determination that he or she poses a high risk of transmission of a communicable and chronic infectious disease to other students and staff, every reasonable effort shall be made to provide the student with an adequate alternative education. State regulations and school policy regarding homebound instruction shall apply. Temporary removal of the student from the district’s classroom(s) made be appropriate when: the student lacks control of bodily secretions; the student has open sores that cannot be covered the student demonstrates behavior (e.g. biting) which could result in direct inoculation of potentially infected body fluids into the bloodstream. Temporary removal of the student from the classroom for those reasons listed above is not to be construed as the only response to reduce risk of transmission of a communicable and chronic infectious disease. The district shall be flexible in its response and attempt to use the least restrictive means to accommodate the student’s needs. The removal of a student with a communicable and chronic infectious disease from normal school attendance shall be reviewed by the communicable and chronic infectious disease review team, in consultation with the student’s personal physician and local public 45 health authorities at least once every month to determine whether the condition precipitating the removal has changed. When a student returns to school after an absence due to a communicable and chronic infectious disease, the school administration may require that he or she present a certificate from a physician licensed in the state of Illinois stating that the student qualifies for readmission to school under the rules of the Illinois Department of Public Health which regulate periods of incubation, communicability, quarantine and reporting. If the parent(s)/guardian(s) disagree with the student’s alternative educational placement or program, they shall be offered the opportunity to an appeal to the school board within 10 days of their notification of the decision of the communicable and chronic infectious disease review team. The superintendent or a designee shall be responsible for communicating and interpreting the district’s communicable and chronic infectious disease policies and procedures to school district personnel, parents, students, and community persons. Guidelines for Use of the Library The library offers students and staff various types of media for their academic and recreational use. This is OUR library, and the school board, administration, faculty, and librarian want you to USE it, but not ABUSE its contents. The library contains hardbound and paperback books (fiction and non-fiction). Non-fiction hardbound books have been assigned a Dewey Decimal Classification Number. There are 10 major classifications with unlimited subdivisions. There are reference books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and who’s who books, and many others on various subjects. These books, which are marked “R”, are not to be checked out of the library. The library presently subscribes to approximately 30 magazines. These will be displayed in the library. A Reader’s guide to Periodical Literature is available for back issues of the magazines. The library presently receives local newspapers that may be read by students in the library. Also, available in the library are pamphlets (located in the vertical file), college catalogs, tapes, records, and filmstrips, computers, and CD’s. 1. 2. 3. Behavior Please observe common rules of courtesy. Loud and excessive talking and abuse of the materials and equipment are not considered acceptable behavior. Those students that abuse the library will be denied its use or receive other appropriated disciplinary action. Length of Loans Materials may be borrowed for 2 weeks. One additional renewal period of 2 weeks is permitted. Students must bring with them materials to be renewed when they request a renewal. Fines Five cents per day (school days only) for each item will be 46 4. 5. 6. charged for materials returned late. Fine and overdue notices will be posted on the main bulletin board. A person whose fine is not paid or who has materials overdue 1 week or more will not be permitted to check out more materials until his/her record is clear. Fines must be paid to the librarian. Lost and Damaged Materials A student is financially responsible for materials lost or damaged while charged out to him/her. If a student loses library materials, he/she should report that fact to the librarian as soon as possible. Arrangements can be made to have the fine stopped and to pay for the lost volume. Students must pay for the cost of the material, plus any fine. If the materials are later found, the amount the student paid will be refunded to him/her, but not the fine. Reshelving Students are to return all checked-out materials through the book return slot on the checkout desk. The student is expected to reshelve current magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and any other reference materials. Computers Computers are for academic use only. At no time are students to check e-mail using the schools computers. No games may be played. Violation of this policy will result in the student’s privileges being revoked. The areas behind the checkout and librarian’s desk and the back issues of magazines are all off-limits to students other than the library assistants on duty. Textbooks Student textbooks are provided for each student. Normally, the student pays for rental of such texts at the time of registration. Any student who qualifies for free or reduced lunch may also request a waiver for fees at a reduced or free rate. This waiver may be picked up in the office. Textbooks are picked up at first scheduled class. Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of all textbooks assigned to them. A book condition report will be filled out by the student at the beginning of each class. The book will be checked at the end of the class for damage and the student will be held accountable for all damage or the loss of textbooks. Fines, Fees, and Charges; Waiver of Student Fees The school establishes fees and charges to fund certain school activities, including [list fee-based activities]. Some students may be unable to pay these fees. Students will not be denied educational services or academic credit due to the inability of their parent or guardian to pay fees or certain charges. Students whose parent or guardian is unable to afford student fees may receive a fee waiver. A fee waiver does not exempt a student from charges for lost and damaged books, locks, materials, supplies, and/or equipment. 47 Applications for fee waivers may be submitted by a parent or guardian of a student who has been assessed a fee. A student is eligible for a fee waiver if the student currently lives in a household that meets the income guidelines, with the same limits based on the household size, that are used for the federal free meals program. The building principal will give additional consideration where one or more of the following factors are present: An illness in the family; Unusual expenses such as fire, flood, storm damage, etc.; Seasonal employment; Emergency situations; or When one or more of the parents/guardians are involved in a work stoppage. Within 30 days, the building principal will notify the parent/guardian if the fee waiver request has been denied, along with the appropriate appeal process. If you have questions regarding the fee waiver process, you may contact the building principal at [insert address and phone number. Cross-references: PRESS 4:110, Transportation PRESS 4:140, Waiver of Student Fees PRESS 4:140-AP, Fines, Fees, and Charges – Waiver of Student Fees PRESS 4:140-E1, Application for Fee Waivers PRESS 4:140-E2, Response to Application for Fee Waiver, Appeal, and Response to Appeal Illinois law now gives school districts two options with respect to school fee waiver applications. Option #1 allows a district to use students’ application for free meals. Previously, this was the only option available to school districts and requires schools to follow guidelines of the free meals program to determine students’ eligibility for a fee waiver. Option #2 now establishes a new application process to determine students’ eligibility for a fee waiver. This second option is still based on the same income guidelines established by the federal meals program, but allows a district more flexibility in verifying the information in students’ fee waiver applications. This model policy follows new option #2. This procedure is consistent with the Illinois Association of School Board’s PRESS Service. 2 This optional language follows the Illinois Association of School Board’s PRESS Service policy. Lunch Program The cafeteria is a non-profit organization. All students are to pay for lunches on the first day of each week. All payments are to be placed in the lunch payment box located near the office bulletin board. THERE WILL BE A $25 FEE FOR ANY RETURNED CHECK. Any student who qualifies may receive free lunches or pay reduced price. Forms for 48 requesting free and reduced lunch prices are included in the registration packet and are available at any time in the office. Students must maintain a positive lunch account balance or they will be served an alternative to hot lunch. If you would like a weekly update on your child’s lunch/breakfast account e-mailed to you, please send your e-mail address to If a parent or guardian would like to pick up a student, the parent or guardian must come into the office and sign out the student and when returning sign the student back into school Treats & Snacks [K-8] Due to health concerns and scheduling, treats and snacks for any occasion must be arranged in advance with the classroom teacher. All treats and snacks must be store bought and prepackaged in individual servings. No homemade treats or snacks are allowed at school. Treats and snacks may not require refrigeration and must have a clearly printed list of ingredients on the packaging. We strongly encourage you to select a treat or snack with nutritional value. Leaving Campus for Lunch The Windsor School Board has adopted a policy of closed campus. Vending Machines Water will only be allowed in the school at the principal’s discretion. The water must be purchased at the school, other water containers will not be allowed. Other beverages and food are not allowed at school during school hours unless accompanied by a sack lunch. Any abuses of these guidelines will result in turning off or removal of the machines. Telephones The office telephone is a business phone and may be used by students with the permission of the office staff. Students using the office phone for club or activity business purposes should have written permission from their sponsor. Abuse of this policy will result in disciplinary measures. Lockers School lockers are property of the school. Administration has access to lockers at any time. 1. There is to be no sharing of lockers other than assigned. 2. Lockers are provided free of charge. 3. Locker checks are made from time to time; thus lockers are to be kept clean and neat. 4. Personal locks are encouraged and must be registered in the office. 5. Lockers must be emptied and cleaned by the student at the end of the school year. 6. Students will be charged for locker defacement or damage. 7. Students may not keep open food or drinks in their locker. Lunches should be kept in a secure container It is not advisable to keep money or valuables in lockers. Students are not to open lockers other than their own without permission of the 49 person assigned to that locker. Search and Seizure of Property Certified employees and school administrators may search a student and/or personal effects (e.g., purses, wallets, knapsacks, book bags, lunch boxes, etc.) when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will produce evidence that the particular student has violated or is violating either the law or district student conduct rules. The search itself must be conducted outside the view of others and in such a manner which is reasonably related to its objectives and not excessively. If a search produces evidence that the student has violated or is violating the law or the district’s policies or rules, such evidence may be seized and impounded by school authorities and disciplinary actions may be taken. When appropriate, such evidence may be transferred to law enforcement authorities. Sex Offender Notification Law Sex Offender Notification Law State law prohibits a convicted child sex offender from being present on school property when children under the age of 18 are present, except for in the following circumstances as they relate to the individual’s child(ren): 1. 2. 3. To attend a conference at the school with school personnel to discuss the progress of their child. To participate in a conference in which evaluation and placement decisions may be made with respect to their child’s special education services. To attend conferences to discuss issues concerning their child, such as retention or promotion. In all other cases, convicted child sex offenders are prohibited from being present on school property unless they obtain written permission from the superintendent or school board. Anytime that a convicted child sex offender is present on school property for any reason – including the three reasons above – he/she is responsible for notifying the principal's office upon arrival on school property and upon departure from school property. It is the responsibility of the convicted child sex offender to remain under the direct supervision of a school official at all times he/she is in the presence or vicinity of children. A violation of this law is a Class 4 felony. Cross-References: PRESS 4:170-AP2, Criminal Offender Notification Laws 50 Student Restraint A teacher may use force when necessary to restrain a student from harming another student because teachers are responsible for the welfare of the students. Criteria for School Bus 1. To be eligible to ride the school bus you must live one and one half miles from the assigned school or in a designated hazardous walking area. 2. For all trips, buses will be boarded at the designated origin of the trip (grade school or high school, usually). There will be no stopping en-route to pick up or let off passengers during the trip. 3. Students riding the bus to an event must ride the bus back to the point of the trip’s origin after the event is finished. The only exception is for the student to ride home with their parents. To do this a written note from the parents must be submitted to the school administration, or designee. 4. Students will be picked up and let off the bus at previously designated pick up points only, their home, the babysitter, or home of a relative. Pick up points may be designated group pick up points. Pick up points must be on currently established routes. 5. Students may have only one alternate pick up point, plus their residence. (For instance: home and grandparent’s house.) When a student is riding to their alternate pick up/drop off point, they must have previously given a written note to the school office. 6. Students who have received three bus conduct reports in one school year will have their bus riding privileges temporarily suspended. 7. After being dropped off at school, students should report directly to the school. . School Bus Regulations School bus riders, while in transit, are under the jurisdiction of the school bus driver. It is recommended that all riders, parents of riders, and teachers become thoroughly familiar with the following regulations governing school bus riders. 1. Be on time at the designated school bus stop. Help keep the bus on schedule. 2. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus. 3. Be careful in approaching the place where the bus stops. Do not move toward the bus until the bus has been brought to a complete stop. 4. Do not leave your seat while the bus is in motion. 5. Be alert to a danger signal from the driver. 6. Remain in the bus in the event of a road emergency until the driver gives instructions. 51 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times after entering and until leaving the bus. Do not throw anything out of the bus windows. Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and could result in a serious accident. Be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad-crossing stop. Treat bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your home. Never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times. No eating is allowed on the bus. Carry no animals on the bus. Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisles. Be courteous to fellow pupils and the bus driver. Help look after the safety and comfort of smaller children. Do not ask the driver to stop at places other than the regular bus stop; he/she is not permitted to do this except by proper authorization from a school district. Observe safety precautions at discharge point. Where it is necessary to cross the highway, proceed to a point at least 10 feet in front of the bus on the right shoulder of the highway where traffic may be observed in both directions. Then wait for a signal from the bus driver permitting you to cross. Observe the same rules and regulations on other schoolsponsored trips as you observe between home and school. Respect the wishes of the chaperone appointed by the school. Skateboards Students are not to use or be in possession of skateboards on school property at any time. Those who violate this rule will have the skateboard confiscated and will serve a discipline to be determined by the handbook guidelines. Parents may pick up any confiscated skateboards from the building principal. Automobile Policy The policy of the Board of Education of Windsor Community Unit #1 requires that parents of students, and students who drive to school, sign a vehicle agreement. This agreement states the following: We realize that, for the welfare of the driver and others, the driver must maintain the following conditions. 1. The vehicle will be driven directly to school and will be parked in the school lot. The vehicle will not be parked on a public street or at a private home. 52 2. The driver will obey all signs, street and highway markings, speed limits, signal lights, and other traffic regulations. 3. The vehicle, after being parked in the lot, will be vacated immediately. 4. The vehicle will be neither used nor occupied during the school day, including lunch period, except by special permission from the office. 5. No obscene or suggestive bumper stickers are allowed on vehicles parked in the lot. 6. Students may not have weapons, drugs or alcohol in vehicles parked in the school parking lot. Students who must drive must park in the parking lot in such a way as to allow buses to load and unload. Parking in front of the building is reserved for visitors and staff. The driveways into the parking lot are to be kept open at all times. Students must observe markings in the lot and park accordingly. All drivers are cautioned to drive with care, within the speed limits, and with consideration of the congestion of students, cars, and buses near the school. All student cars are to be parked in the east asphalt parking lot and are to remain there until buses leave. Any need for deviation from this policy must have the approval of the principal. In order to maintain a safe and orderly environment, sometimes it is necessary to inspect a student’s vehicle. The administration of Windsor Community Unit #1 reserves the right to search any vehicle parked on Windsor Community Unit #1 property. Failure to permit a search will result in immediate and permanent loss of driving privileges. Asbestos Please be advised that asbestos is present in the District 1 school buildings. An asbestos management plan is in place and may be viewed at the school Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You may receive a copy of this plan paying five cents per page copying fees. Pesticide Application Windsor CUSD #1 employs the services of an extermination service on a regular basis. If notification is necessary before pesticides are applied in the building, parents must call the school office to be included on a list of persons to be notified. Persons included on this list will be notified three days in advance of pesticide application. Personnel General Personnel – Abused and Neglected Child Reporting A district employee who has reasonable cause to suspect that a student may be an abused or neglected child shall report such a case to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. The 53 employee shall notify the superintendent or building principal that a report has been made. Any employee hired after July 1, 1986, shall sign a statement to the effect that the employee has knowledge and understanding of the reporting requirements of the act. Agency and Police Interrogation Police Interrogation 1. The building principal will check the police officer’s credentials and any legal papers such as warrants for arrests, search warrants, or subpoenas to be served. 2. The building principal will attempt to contact the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) if possible, and inform them that the student is subject to an interview. In extreme emergency situations, DCFS employees, law enforcement personnel, or treating physicians may, in effecting temporary protective custody, request that the district not notify parents until the child’s safety is ensured. The building principal should ask that such a request be put in writing. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be given the opportunity to be present and be represented by legal counsel at their own expense. Interviews of minor students without permission of the parent(s)/guardian(s) is not permitted unless a legal process is presented or in emergency situations. 3. Interviews will be conducted in a private setting. If the parent(s)/guardians(s) are absent, the building principal and one other adult witness, selected by the building principal, will be present during the interview. 4. Interview proceedings will be documented in writing for inclusion in the student’s temporary records. 5. No minor student shall be removed from the school by the police officer without the consent of a parent(s)/guardian(s), except upon service of a valid warrant of arrest or in cases of warrantless temporary protective custody. Reciprocal Reporting of Criminal Offenses Committed by Students 1. The School principal and/or the Police Department School Liaison Office will arrange meetings as needed between school officials and individuals representing law enforcement to share information. 2. The Police Department School Liaison Officer and the School Principal will verbally report to each other the following activities when committed by students enrolled in the Principal’s school. Unlawful use of weapons under Section 42-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 A violation of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act A violation of the Cannabis Control Act 54 3. 4. A forcible felony as defined in Section 2-8 of the Criminal Code of 1961 All cases involving illegal or controlled substances All cases involving a weapon of any type All cases involving gang activity All cases involving a serious crime or felony Any other case for which the reporting may be beneficial a. The reporter should identify the student by name and describe the circumstances of the alleged criminal activity. Local law enforcement officials must certify in writing that the information received from the school will not be disclosed to any other party except as provided by State law without the prior written consent of the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). b. The report should be made as soon as possible after the Liaison Officer or Principal reasonably suspects that a student is involved in such activity. c. The School Principal’s duty to report such activity arises only when the activity occurs on school property or off school grounds at a school related function. The State’s Attorney shall provide to the School Principal a copy of any delinquency dispositional order where the crime would be a felony if committed by an adult, or was a Class A misdemeanor in violation of Section 24-1, 24-3, 24-3.1, or 24.5 of the Criminal Code (weapons offenses.) Local law enforcement shall provide a copy of all arrest records, and the State’s Attorney shall provide a copy of all conviction records, to the School Principal if the record involves a student who is arrested or taken into custody after his or her 17th birthday. LEGAL REF: CROSS REF: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14 705 ILCS 405/1-7 and 1-8(F) 2:150, 7:150 Student Records School student records are confidential and information from them will not be released other than as provided by law. The school and district routinely discloses “directory” type information without consent. Directory information is limited to: name, address, gender, grade level, birth date and place, parents’ names and address; academic awards, degrees and honors; 55 information in relation to school-sponsored activities, organizations, and athletics; major field of study; and period of attendance at the school. Any parent/guardian or eligible student (student 18 or older) may prohibit the release of directory information by delivering a written request to the building principal. State and Federal law gives parents and eligible students certain rights with respect to their student records. These rights are: 1. The right to inspect and copy the student’s education records within 15 school days of the day the school receives a request for access. There may be a small charge for copies, not to exceed $.35 per page. This fee will be waived for those unable to afford such cost. 2. The right to request the amendment of the portion student’s education record that the parent/guardian or eligible student believes is inaccurate, misleading, irrelevant, or improper. 3. The right to permit disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except in certain circumstances. Disclosure is permitted without consent in the case of directory information and to school officials with legitimate educational or administrative interests. Disclosure is also permitted without consent to: any person for research, statistical reporting or planning, provided that no student or parent/guardian can be identified; any person named in a court order; appropriate persons if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons; juvenile authorities when necessary for the discharge of their official duties who request information before adjudication of the student; and in other cases permitted by law. 4. The right to complain to the U.S. Department of Education if the school or district fails to comply with the above. Federal officials can be contacted at: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue. SW Washington, D.C. 20202-4605 Cross-References: PRESS 7:340, Student Records Title VI Minorities - Equal educational opportunities shall be available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious beliefs, physical and mental handicap or disability, or economic and social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status. 56 Title IX Sex Equity - No student shall, on the basis of sex, be denied, equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage, or denied access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities. The following Windsor Community Unit School District Employees are responsible for various mandated assurances: Section 504 Handicap Title IX Sex Equity Mr. Geoff Schoonover, Superintendent 1424 Minnesota Windsor, IL 61957 (217) 459-2661 Mr. Geoff Schoonover, Superintendent 1424 Minnesota Windsor, IL 61957 (217) 459-2661 Mr. Erik Van Hoveln, Principal 1424 Minnesota Windsor, IL 61957 (217) 459-2636 Title VI Minorities Mr. Geoff Schoonover, Superintendent 1424 Minnesota Windsor, IL 61957 (217) 459-2661 Cynthia Bankson 808 Wisconsin Windsor, IL 61957 Homeless Child’s Right to Education When a child loses permanent housing and becomes a homeless person as defined at law, or when a homeless child changes his or her temporary living arrangements, the parent or guardian of the homeless child has the option of either: 1. continuing the child's education in the school of origin for as long as the child remains homeless or, if the child becomes permanently housed, until the end of the academic year during which the housing is acquired; or 2. enrolling the child in any school that non-homeless students who live in the attendance area in which the child or youth is actually living are eligible to attend. Assistance and support for homeless families includes: Educational organizations and schools: Food bank and meal programs: Local service organizations (Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.): Family shelters: Medical services: Other support: Cross-References: 57 PRESS 6:140, Education of Homeless Children PRESS 6:140-AP, Education of Homeless Children Parent’s School Visitation Rights The School Visitation Rights Act permits employed parents who are unable to meet with educators because of a work conflict the right to an allotment of time during the school year to attend necessary educational or behavioral conferences at the school their child attends. 820IlCS 147/1 et seq. School districts must notify parents of their rights under the Act including: 1. Upon written request, employers must grant employees leave of up to eight hours per school year, not to exceed four hours in any given day, to attend their children’s classroom activities or school conferences which cannot be scheduled during non-work hours. 2. For regularly scheduled, non-emergency visitations, the school district will make time available for visitation during both regular school hours and evening hours. 3. The school district will provide documentation to the parent of the time and date of each school visitation upon a parent’s assertion of their rights under the Act. Students Rights and Procedures Explanation A grievance is a difference of opinion raised by a student or group of students involving: (1) the meaning, interpretation or application of established policies, (2) difference of treatment, or (3) application of the legal requirements of civil rights legislation. This procedure is not intended to limit the option of the district and the grievant (s) to resolve any grievance mutually and informally. Hearings and conferences under this procedure shall be conducted at a time and place which will afford a fair and equitable opportunity for all persons. The grievance procedure is not required if the grievant (s) prefers other alternatives such as the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) or the courts. Due process shall exist throughout the procedure with the right to: (1) have representation; (2) present witnesses and evidence; (3) provide confidentiality; (4) review relevant records; and, (5) proceed without harassment and /or retaliation. More detailed information is available in the offices of the superintendent and building principal. Step I The student (s) and/or parents (s) should discuss the matter with the person (s) directly responsible for the grievance issue within fourteen (14) days of the time when a reasonably alert person should have been aware of the event giving rise to a grievance. An oral response must be made within five (5) days. Step II 58 If the problem is not resolved, the grievance should be referred informally to: (name of the person and title of next higher authority; i.e., department head, assistant principal). A meeting must be held within five (5) days from notification of referral and an oral response made within five (5) days. Step III If the grievance is still not resolved, it should be submitted in writing within ten (10) days to: Coordinator for Title IX and Section 504. The grievance should be described as specifically and completely as possible. A thorough investigation of the issue will be documented. Extra time, if needed, can be mutually agreed upon. A meeting must be held between the grievant and district representative within ten (10) days and a written response made within five (5) days. Step IV If a satisfactory solution is not reached, the grievant (s) may appeal the issue in writing to the superintendent or designee within ten (10) days from the receipt of the response of Step III. A meeting between parties will be held within ten (10) days and a written response made within five (5) days. A complete record of this meeting shall be kept and signed by both parties for possible future references. Step V If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved on Step IV, the grievant (s) may appeal the grievance in writing to the School Board within five (5) days from the receipt of the written response. The Board shall consider the appeal within sixty (60) days and a written response shall be given within five (5) days. The grievance procedure for students is published in the district student handbook and publications that reach all students including those in special education. The procedure along with explanations, due process and directions are available for inspection in the following office: superintendent and building principal. It is the policy of this district that all grievances be resolved quickly and at the lowest step possible. Explanations Grievance A grievance is a difference of opinion raised by a student or a group of students involving: (1) the meaning, interpretation or application of established policies, (2) difference of treatment, or (3) application of the legal requirements of civil rights legislation. Grievant Any student or group of students submitting a grievance in their own behalf. Days Days when school is in session Due Process Right to Representation The grievant (s) may choose to be represented by an attorney or other person of their choosing, such as a relative or advocate. Issues of ordinary school operation should, 59 however, be resolved as informally as possible. Right to Present Witnesses and Evidence Grievant (s) shall be allowed to present the grievance with relevant evidence and pertinent witnesses. Both parties shall have the opportunity for hearing and questioning witnesses. Time Limits All participants shall adhere to the time limits prescribed for each level. Failure by the administration at any step of the procedure to communicate the decision on the grievance within the specified time shall permit the grievant (s) to proceed to the next step. Failure on the part of the grievant (s) to appeal the decision to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the decision rendered at that step. Unless state laws and right-to-privacy laws are violated, all relevant records with names and identifying information must be made available to the grievant (s) for use as evidence in the grievance issue. Privacy During the grievance procedure except at Step IV, the grievant (s) shall have the right to designate whether the procedure and meetings will be confidential, including names and related information. Reprisals – Retaliation Participant in a grievance submitted in this district shall not be subjected to reprisals, retaliation or different treatment because of such participation. Participation shall not be recorded in the student file (s) or used to affect equal opportunity for access and entry in educational programs and services. MODEL NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS CONCERNING STUDENT RECORDS The following model notice meets the annual notification requirements of both FERPA and ISSRA as of June 1, 2009. Note that the section of the model notice entitled “Directory Information” has been completed illustratively. Every school district should make its own determination regarding the specific data it deems appropriate to be designated as directory information, subject to FERPA and ISSRA limitations. Also, if the district uses consultants or contractors to perform certain school functions which may require them to have access to student records, the district should identify those contractors in paragraph 4.a. of the Notification as being among the school officials having a legitimate educational interest in such access. STUDENT RECORDS Notification of Rights of Parents and Students Rules concerning student records at Windsor Community Unit School District No. 1 are based on requirements of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Illinois School Student Records Act, and on the Board of Education's Student Records Policy. 60 The Student Records Policy may be reviewed in District administrative offices. Questions concerning the policy, the information provided below, or particular student records should be directed to the student's guidance counselor or to the building principal. Permanent and Temporary Records A student's permanent record consists of: 1. Basic identifying information, including the student's and parents' names and addresses, student birth date and place, and gender. 2. Academic transcript, including grades, class rank, graduation date, grade level achieved, and scores on college entrance exams. 3. Attendance record. 4. Accident reports and health record. 5. Record of release of permanent record information. All permanent student records will be destroyed 60 years after the student graduates or permanently withdraws from school. A student's temporary record consists of: 1. Family background information. 2. Intelligence test scores and aptitude test scores. 3. Reports of psychological evaluations, including information obtained through test administration, observation or interviews. 4. Elementary and secondary achievement level test results. 5. Teacher anecdotal records. 6. Disciplinary information. 7. Honors and awards received, and participation in co curricular and extracurricular activities. 8. Special education files including the report of the multidisciplinary staffing on which placement (or nonplacement) was based, and all records and tape recordings relating to special education placement hearings and appeals. 9. Any verified reports or information from non-educational persons, agencies or organizations and other verified information of clear relevance to the education of the student. 10. Record of release of temporary record information. Student temporary records will be destroyed five years after a student graduates or permanently withdraws from school. Directory information The following information is designated as directory information and shall be released to the general public, unless the parent requests in writing, delivered to the building principal by October 1, or within 30 days of initial enrollment, that any or all such information not be released: 61 1. Identifying information, including the student's name, address, telephone listing, photograph, grade level, birth date and place, and parents' names and addresses. 2. Academic awards, degree and honors. 3. Information in relation to school-sponsored activities, organizations, and athletics. 4. Period of attendance in the school. [Applicable only at high school level:] Military Recruiters & Institutions of Higher Learning [HS] Requests from Military or Institutions of Higher Learning Upon their request, military recruiters and institutions of higher learning will be given access to students’ names, addresses and telephone numbers. Parents who do not want their child’s name to be released (or students over the age of 18 who do not want their name released) should contact the building principal. Cross-References: PRESS 7:340-AP, Student Records Parent and student rights in regard to student records Parents, or a student who has become 18 years old (“eligible student”), have the right to: 1. Inspect and copy the student's education records within 15 days of the date the District receives a request that identifies the records which the parent or eligible student wishes to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and will notify the parent or student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. There will be a charge of 10 cents per page for copies. 2. Request the amendment of student records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading, by writing to the school principal. The written request should clearly identify the part of the record sought to be changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the District determines not to make the requested changes, the District will so notify the parent or student of its decision, of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment, and of the procedures for such a hearing. 3. Receive, upon request, copies of records proposed to be destroyed. The school will notify parents and students of the records destruction schedule. 4. Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that disclosure without consent is authorized by state or federal statute. 62 a. Among the types of disclosure without consent allowed by statute is disclosure to a school official with legitimate educational interests, meaning a person who needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. The term "school official" may for these purposes include an administrator, certified or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel), school board member, or person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, therapist, or diagnostician), or a parent or student serving on a school-established disciplinary or grievance committee. b. The District will disclose a student's education records without consent to a school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, upon request by that school, subject to the right of the parents (or student, as applicable) upon notice of the proposed transfer to inspect and copy the records and to seek amendment of their contents using the procedure described above. 5. File a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failure by the District to comply with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The address of the agency that administers the Act is: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-5901 Limitation on right of access where court order of protection exists No person who is prohibited by a court order of protection from inspecting or obtaining school records of a student shall have any right of access to the school records of that student, if the school’s principal or the principal’s designee has been provided a copy of such order. Other protections A parent or student may not be forced by any person or agency to release information from the student's temporary record in order to secure any right, privilege or benefit, including employment, credit or insurance. Geoff Schoonover Supt. Windsor Community Schools 1424 Minnesota Windsor, Illinois 61957 63 Phone 217-459-2661 Fax Same Directions Each step of authority shall acknowledge in writing the date of receipt of the written grievance with the statement that the issue will be considered promptly. By Step III the grievance must be submitted in writing, dated and signed with name of the attendance center and the grade level of the grievant (s). The issue should be described as specifically and completely as possible. Include the name of anyone who will represent the grievant (s). A statement of possible relief necessary to resolve the issue should be offered. If the issue is of the type that would require a decision from higher authority, the facts surrounding the grievance should be compiled in writing and submitted to the proper level of authority, operating through appropriates channels. All levels of authority shall give immediate attention to the grievance issue, being aware of the specified timeliness. Copies of the written answers to the grievant (s) shall be submitted to the superintendent, assistant superintendent, and /or building principal. This response shall contain a summary of the evidence determined; the conclusion (s) reached with reasons and shall be delivered to each grievant (s). If hand delivery with receipt cannot be made, certified mail will be used. Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School-Sponsored Publications A student or group of students seeking to distribute more than 10 copies of the same material on one or more days to students must comply with the following guidelines: 1. The student(s) must notify the building principal of the intent to distribute, in writing, at least 24 hours before distributing the material. No prior approval of the material is required. 2. The material may be distributed at times and locations selected by the building principal, such as, before the beginning or ending of classes at a central location inside the building. 3. The building principal may impose additional requirements whenever necessary to prevent disruption, congestion, or the perception that the material is school-endorsed. 4. Distribution must be done in an orderly and peaceful manner, and may not be coercive. 5. The distribution must be conducted in a manner that does not cause additional work for school personnel. Students who distribute material are responsible for cleaning up any materials left on school grounds. 6. Students must not distribute material that: 64 a. Will cause substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities; b. Violates the rights of others, including but not limited to, material that is libelous, invades the privacy of others, or infringes on a copyright; c. Is socially inappropriate or inappropriate due to the students’ maturity level, including but not limited to, material that is obscene, pornographic, or pervasively lewd and vulgar, contains indecent and vulgar language, or sexting as defined by School Board policy and Student Handbook; d. Is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use; or e. Is primarily prepared by non-students. 7. A student may use the School District’s Uniform Grievance Procedure to resolve a complaint. 8. Whenever these guidelines require written notification, the appropriate administrator may assist the student in preparing such notification. A student or group of students seeking to distribute 10 or fewer copies of the same publication on one or more days to students must distribute such material at times and places and in a manner that will not cause substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities and in compliance with paragraphs 4, 5, 6, and 7. Students are prohibited from accessing and/or distributing at school any pictures, written material, or electronic material, including material from the Internet or from a blog, that: 1. Will cause substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities; 2. Violates the rights of others, including but not limited to material that is libelous, invades the privacy of others, or infringes on a copyright; 3. Is socially inappropriate or inappropriate due to maturity level of the students, including but not limited to material that is obscene, pornographic, or pervasively lewd and vulgar, or contains indecent and vulgar language; 4. Is primarily intended for the immediate solicitation of funds; or 5. Is primarily prepared by non-students, unless it is being used for school purposes. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to prevent the inclusion of material from outside sources or the citation to such sources as long as the material to be distributed or accessed is primarily prepared by students. The distribution of non-school-sponsored written material must 65 occur at a time and place and in a manner that will not cause disruption, be coercive, or result in the perception that the distribution or the material is endorsed by the school district. Cross Reference: PRESS 7:310, Restrictions on Publications Student Privacy Protections Surveys by Third Parties Before a school official or staff member administers or distributes a survey or evaluation created by a third party to a student, the student’s parent/guardian may inspect the survey or evaluation, upon their request and within a reasonable time of their request. This applies to every survey: (1) that is created by a person or entity other than a district official, staff member, or student, (2) regardless of whether the student answering the questions can be identified, and (3) regardless of the subject matter of the questions. Parents who object to disclosure of information concerning their child to a third party may do so in writing to the building principal. Surveys Requesting Personal Information School officials and staff members will not request, nor disclose, the identity of any student who completes any survey or evaluation (created by any person or entity, including the school or district) containing one or more of the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian. Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family. Sexual behaviors or attitudes. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom students have close family relationships. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those with lawyers, physicians, and ministers. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian. Income other than that required by law to determine program eligibility. The student’s parent/guardian may inspect the survey or evaluation upon, and refuse to allow their child to participate in the survey. The school will not penalize any student whose parent/guardian exercised this option. Surveys Requesting Personal Information 66 School officials and staff members will not request, nor disclose, the identity of any student who completes any survey or evaluation (created by any person or entity, including the school or district) containing one or more of the following items: Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian. Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family. Sexual behaviors or attitudes. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom students have close family relationships. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those with lawyers, physicians, and ministers. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian. Income other than that required by law to determine program eligibility. The student’s parent/guardian may inspect the survey or evaluation upon, and refuse to allow their child to participate in the survey. The school will not penalize any student whose parent/guardian exercised this option. Windsor Jr. Sr. High School Athletic Handbook This Code of Conduct applies to all school-sponsored activities that are neither part of an academic class nor otherwise carry credit or a grade. Sponsors shall create a roster of students who are members or participants in an extracurricular activity and maintain attendance records. The goal of the extracurricular program is to provide opportunities for students to pursue interests and develop life skills beyond the classroom. An additional goal of the athletic program is to develop the physical skills of student athletes, which will allow them to compete to the best of their ability within the school board policies and the by-laws of any association of which the school is a member. Members must conduct themselves at all times, including after school and on days school is not in session, as good citizens and exemplars of their school. They must behave in ways that are consistent with good sportsmanship, leadership, and appropriate moral conduct. They are expected to demonstrate good citizenship and exemplary conduct in the classroom, in the community, and during all facets of the activity. The Code of Conduct below describes the expectations and 67 goals of the extracurricular and athletic programs. This code does not contain a complete list of inappropriate behaviors for students in extracurricular activities and athletics. A student may be excluded from activities or competition while the school is conducting an investigation regarding that student’s conduct. Code of Conduct A student participating in any activity or athletic program will be subject to disciplinary action if he or she violates this Code of Conduct for extracurricular activities. Violations will be treated cumulatively, with disciplinary penalties increasing with subsequent violations. The Student shall not: 1. Violate the district’s policies or procedures on student discipline; 2. Use a beverage containing alcohol (except for religious purposes); 3. Use tobacco in any form; 4. Use, possess, buy, sell, barter, or distribute any illegal substance or paraphernalia; 5. Use, possess, buy, sell, barter, or distribute any object that is or could be considered a weapon or any item that is a “look alike” weapon. This prohibition does not prohibit legal use of weapons in cooking and in sports, such as archery, martial arts practice, target shooting, hunting, and skeet; 6. Attend a party or other gathering and/or ride in a vehicle where alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances are being consumed by minors; 7. Act in an unsportsmanlike manner; 8. Vandalize or steal; 9. Haze other students; 10. Violate the written rules for the activity or sport; 11. Behave in a manner that is detrimental to the good of the group or school; 12. Be insubordinate or disrespectful toward the activity’s sponsors or team’s coaching staff; 13. Falsify any information contained on any permit or permission form required by the activity or sport. 1. 2. 3. Eligibility Requirements Eligibility will be determined each Friday beginning the Friday prior to the first week of games. Eligibility will begin on the Friday of the first week of school for fall sports that have had games prior to the first day of school. Semester eligibility will revert to IHSA or IESA Rules. The coach will notify the student on Friday if they are ineligible for the following week. 68 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1. The eligibility week runs from Sunday to Saturday. Students must be passing all courses during the eligibility period. If a student is deemed ineligible, the student must make contact with the teacher on at least two occasions for the purpose of improving schoolwork. Students deemed ineligible will be allowed to attend practices but will not be allowed to attend games during the period of ineligibility. If a student is ineligible for three (3) weeks (consecutive or nonconsecutive) during a season, the student will be dismissed from the team. A student must be in attendance a half (1/2) day in order to participate in extracurricular activities. This includes practices and competition. Students participating in sports must be at school by 11:30 a.m. A student must be in attendance a half (1/2) day prior to competition assuming the competition takes place on a day in which students are not in attendance. The half-day absence may be either morning or afternoon but must be approved by the building administration. An exception will be made if there is a doctor’s note provided. Any unexcused absence for any part of the day will result in the student not being allowed to participate in practice or competition that day or until the student is in attendance the following school day. A student who receives an alternative classroom will not participate in practice or competition the day the placement is to be served or until the time that the penalty has been fulfilled. This may include holidays, weekends, or other days in which there is no school. In case of an alternative classroom placement, the student may be present in “street clothes” but may not participate until the punishment has been fulfilled. In the case of an out-of-school suspension, the student will not be allowed to participate or be present at any school activity until the punishment has been fulfilled. Pom teams must have a minimum of 6 members to begin the season in order to have a team. Eligibility will be determined from the school office at 3:20 on Thursday of each week. Participation Requirements Missing a practice without an approved excuse will result in the student not dressing for the next game. The student will continue attending practices. Three (3) unexcused absences will result in the student being removed from the team. 69 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Missing a game without an approved excuse may result in the students being dismissed from the team for the balance of the season at the judgment of the coaching staff. All participating students will ride the bus to and from extracurricular activities. Any exception must have prior approval of the building principal or designee. No athlete will be permitted to travel to or from an extracurricular activity with any person other than the student’s parent/guardian unless extraordinary circumstances exist. Administration approval and a note from the parent or guardian are required before the student is allowed to ride with someone other than the parent/guardian and will not be accepted at the site/time of the game. Any student who willfully rides home from an event without the coach’s permission will be suspended from the next game. Missing practice for another school activity cannot result in an unexcused practice. Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, and Controlled Substances Due Process Procedures Students who are accused of violating the Code of Conduct for extracurricular activities are entitled to the following due process: 1. The student should be advised of the disciplinary infraction with which he or she is being charged. 2. The student shall be entitled to a hearing before an appropriate administrator. 3. The student will be able to respond to any charges leveled against him or her. 4. The student may provide any additional information he or she wishes for the administrator to consider. 5. The administrator, with the help of other staff members if needed, may interview material witnesses or others with evidence concerning the case. a. If the administrator finds, after reviewing the evidence, that the violation occurred, he or she will impose sanctions on the student, as follows: b. Sanctions for violations other than tobacco, drug, and alcohol will be based on the nature of the offense and the number of offenses, and may include suspension from all activities or sports: c. Sanctions for tobacco, alcohol, and other drug violations will be based on the following: A specified period of time or percentage of events, competitions, or practices 70 The remainder of the season or for the next season. The remainder of the student’s high school career. 1) Tobacco First Violation: Students who are seen using, possessing, buying, selling, bartering, or distributing tobacco by a reputable source: A suspension of one third (1/3) of the total number of performances, activities, or competitions or the remainder of the season, whichever is shorter. The student will be required to practice with the group, regardless of the violation (unless suspended or expelled from school). Second Violation: Students who are seen using, possessing, buying, selling, bartering, or distributing tobacco by a reputable source: The student will be dismissed from the team for the remainder of the season. Third Violation: Students who are seen using, possessing, buying, selling, bartering, or distributing tobacco by a reputable source: The student will be dismissed from all performances, activities, or competitions for the period of one calendar year from the date of punishment. 2) Alcohol and Controlled Substances First Violation: Students who are seen using, possessing, buying, selling, bartering, or distributing alcohol or a controlled substance, attending a party or riding in a vehicle where alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances are being consumed by a reputable source: A suspension of 1 season , including suspension from all performances, activities, or competitions during this period. Second Violation Students who are seen using, possessing, buying, selling, bartering, or distributing alcohol or a controlled substance, attending a party or riding in a vehicle where alcoholic 71 6. beverages and/or controlled substances are being consumed by a reputable source: A suspension for one calendar year will result including suspension from all performances, activities, or competitions during this period. Third Violation: Students who are seen using, possessing, buying, selling, bartering, or distributing alcohol or a controlled substance , attending a party or riding in a vehicle where alcoholic beverages and/or controlled substances are being consumed by a reputable source: A suspension from extracurricular activities for the remainder of the student’s high school career. Note: Reputable source is a person whom which the coach or principal would consider to be a reliable source. The administrator will make a written report of his or her decision and rationale. The student may appeal the decision to the Superintendent. All students remain subject to the school board’s student discipline policy and/or the school’s student handbook and the disciplinary measures listed in them. 1. Personal Conduct Good personal conduct must be maintained at all times, including on the bus, during the competition, and before or after the competition. Poor conduct will result in the following penalty: a. b. c. 2. 3. First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Warning Will not dress for game Dismissal from team Any or all of the steps may be surpassed depending on the severity of the incident. IHSA guidelines will be followed for unsportsmanlike conduct at a game. Any player ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level of competition and all other interscholastic contest at any level in the interim, in addition to other penalties the IHSA or the school may assess. 72 1. 2. 3. IHSA/IESA Rules and Regulations Illinois High School Association/Illinois Elementary School Association rules and regulations take precedence in any situation involving the respective activities and individual students. IHSA/IESA rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to. Where the IHSA/IESA rules and regulations are indicating a minimum by which schools and students must comply and an upgrading of those standards is permissible within the IHSA framework, the administration and coaching staff reserve the right to do so. Athletic Award Policy Procedures All Athletic awards will be issued by the Windsor Community Unit #1 school system with the sanction of the athletic staff (principal, athletic director, and head coaches). To earn a varsity letter at Windsor Jr./Sr. High School one must: 1. “Go out” for a varsity sport, complete the season and participate in 25% of the varsity games. 2. Stay eligible as to the requirements of the IHSA and Windsor CUSD#1. 3. Develop and maintain a good mental attitude. 4. Attend practice satisfactorily and show improvement. 5. Care for and return all equipment issued to you. 6. Follow any additional requirements prescribed by individual coaches of each sport subject to the approval of the athletic director and the principal Note: Anyone who earns a varsity letter will not receive a junior varsity letter in the same sport. A student can only earn one “W” during his/her high school career. Disclaimer All handbook and school rules apply to all school sponsored events, even those activities occurring off campus. This handbook does not equate to an irrevocable contractual commitment to the student, but only reflects the current status of the rules and policies. Athletic Rules & Code of Conduct The Athletic Code applies to all students who want to participate in athletics. Athletics includes competitive sports, extracurricular activities, cheerleading and pom-poms. This code applies in addition to other rules and regulations concerning student conduct and imposes additional requirements on student athletes and cheerleaders. Participation in athletics is a privilege. Those who participate in athletics have a responsibility to favorably represent the school and community. Student athletes are expected to conduct themselves both in and out of school in a manner appropriate to their responsibilities as representatives of the school and district. If a student fails to comply with the terms of this code, the privilege to participate in 73 athletics may be lost in accordance with the terms of this Athletic Code. IHSA [or] IESA Eligibility for most athletics is also governed by the rules of the Illinois High School Association [or] Illinois Elementary School Association and, if applicable, these rules will apply in addition to this Athletic Code. In a case of a conflict between IHSA [or] IESA and this Athletic Code, the most stringent rule will be enforced. Requirements for Participation An athlete must have the following fully executed documents on file at the school office before the athlete's first participation in any activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A current physical examination report completed by a physician licensed in Illinois to practice medicine in all its branches which finds the athlete is physically able to participate; and A permission slip to participate in the specific sport in which the athlete intends to participate signed by the athlete's parent or guardian; and Proof the athlete is covered by medical insurance; and A receipt showing the athlete and his/her parents received a copy of the Athletic Code, understand the terms of the Athletic Code and agree to abide by its terms and conditions. A signed agreement by the student not to use any drugs on the IHSA’s most current banned drug classes list and an agreement to take part in random testing for these substances. A signed agreement by the student’s parent or guardian authorizing random performance-enhancing substance testing and recognizing the dangers of drug use. Behavioral Conduct Misconduct by student-athletes will not be tolerated. Misconduct shall include but shall not be limited to: a. Insubordination; or b. Any behavior or action which is negligently or intentionally injurious to a person or property or which places a person or property at risk of injury or damage; or c. Any behavior which disrupts the appropriate conduct of a school program or activity; or d. Hazing, bullying, or harassment of any kind; or e. Use of profanity; or 74 f. g. Exhibition of bad sportsmanship; or Violation of any school rules or regulations or law. Coaches and school officials will impose disciplinary measures appropriate to the offenses committed. The discipline imposed for any particular offense shall be at the sole and exclusive discretion of the coaching staff and school officials. *This handbook procedure contains both required language and optional language that represents best educational practice. Consult your school district policy manual to assure consistency and alignment with district policy. *Select the appropriate text if your school is a member of IESA or IHSA. *Required for IHSA schools. *Required for IHSA schools. Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Except with respect to prescription drugs used by the person for whom such drugs were prescribed in the manner intended by the prescribing medical doctor, the possession, use, distribution, purchase or sale of any alcoholic beverage, drug, drug paraphernalia, controlled substance, look alike, tobacco or tobacco product or any other substance which, when taken into the human body is intended to enhance performance or alter mood or mental state, including any item or substance which is represented by a student to be, or is believed by a student to be any of the foregoing, regardless of the true nature or appearance of the substance, is prohibited in school buildings, on school buses and on all other school property or school related events at any time. This prohibition shall include all school sponsored or school related activities, whether held before or after school, evenings or weekends and shall additionally include a prohibition of use by a student athlete in any instance where the school can demonstrate a reasonable connection to the school program or school athletic program. For purposes of this procedure, students who are under the influence of prohibited substances shall be treated in the same manner as though they had prohibited substances in their possession. Rules in Effect The rules set forth in this Athletic Code are in effect throughout the calendar year and twenty-four hours a day, whether or not school is in session and including vacation periods, and holidays. The rules apply on and off campus and whether or not the misconduct occurs at school or a school-sponsored activity or in some other locale. The rules apply from the beginning of the athlete's first tryout or practice in the first sport which the athlete attempts until the completion of the athlete's athletic eligibility in all sports. [or] The rules set forth in this Athletic Code are in effect throughout 75 the school year from the first practice session for any particular sport during a particular school term until the last day of that sport or until the last day of the school term whichever comes last and twenty-four hours a day, whether or not school is in session and including vacation periods, and holidays. The rules apply on and off campus and whether or not the misconduct occurs at school or a schoolsponsored activity or in some other locale. The rules apply to an athlete from the beginning of the athlete's first tryout or practice in the first sport which the athlete attempts until the completion of any school year or the completion of the athlete’s season whichever comes last. Absence from School on Day of Activity An athlete who is absent from school after noon on the day of an activity is ineligible for any activity on that day unless the absence has been approved in writing by the principal. Exceptions may be made by the coach: 1) for a medical absence pre-arranged with the coach or 2) for a death in the athlete's family. An athlete who has one or more truancies or who has been suspended from school may be suspended from participation in athletic activities by administration. An athlete who is absent from school on a Friday before a Saturday event may be withheld from Saturday activities at the sole discretion of the coach. Travel All athletes shall travel to athletic events and return home from athletic events with the team on which the athlete competes by use of school approved means of transportation. A written waiver of this rule may be issued by a coach or administrator upon advance written request of an athlete's parent or guardian and provided the parent or guardian appears and accepts custody of the athlete. In no case shall a waiver be issued unless the alternate means of transportation anticipated by the waiver will be provided by the parent. Oral requests shall not be honored and oral permissions shall not be valid. Any student athlete found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to discipline in accordance with the school district's athletic discipline policies, rules and regulations as provided herein. Cross-References: PRESS 6:190, Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities PRESS 6:190-AP, Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular Activities PRESS 7:240, Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities PRESS 7:240-AP1, Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities 76