1. Gender: Female Male 2. Age: _______ 3. Years in practice: Less than 5 years 5 to 10 years 11 to 20 years More than 20 years 4. Type of practice (please check all that apply): Community Hospital-based Multidisciplinary Private practice Academic Other _____________________________ 5. What category best describes your patient population: Adult Pediatric Adult and pediatric 6. Please indicate your training: (please check all that apply) Orthopaedic surgeon Neurosurgeon Fellowship: ________________________________________________ MSc PhD Other: ____________________________________________________ 7. What best describes your area of clinical interest: (please check all that apply) Reconstructive surgery of the spine Oncology involving the spine Sport injuries involving the spine Work injuries involving the spine Trauma involving the spine Other _____________________________________________________ 8. What percentage of your surgical time is spent performing elective surgery on the lumbar spine? < 25% 51% to 75% 25% to 50% >75% 9. What best describes the proportion of your patient population with a primary complaint of lower back or leg pain: < 20% 61% to 80% 20% to 40% 81% to 100% 41% to 60% Spinal Surgeon’s Attitudes Towards Non-Physician Screening of Lower Back or Leg Pain Waiting List Patients 10. What would you estimate is the percentage of lower back or leg pain patients that are referred to your practice, but are not accepted: 0% 1% to 5% 6% to 10% 11% to 15% 16% to 20% >20% 11. What would you estimate is the usual outpatient wait time (i.e. date of referral till date of first outpatient assessment) for elective cases of lower back or leg pain in your practice?: <1 week 1 week to month 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months >6 months 12. Outpatient wait times for lower back or leg pain patients in my practice are not optimal: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 13. What would you estimate is the usual surgical wait time (i.e. date of outpatient assessment till date of surgery) for elective cases of lower back or leg pain in your practice?: <1 week 1 week to month 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months >6 months 14. Surgical wait times for lower back or leg pain patients in my practice are not optimal: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 15. How many lower back or leg pain patients do generally have to assess before you identify a surgical candidate (i.e. screening efficiency)?: Less than 5 patients 5 to 10 patients 11 to 20 patients More than 20 patients Other: _____________________________ 2 Spinal Surgeon’s Attitudes Towards Non-Physician Screening of Lower Back or Leg Pain Waiting List Patients 16. My screening efficiency (identification of surgical candidates) of lower back or leg pain patients in my practice is not optimal: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 17. I would be interested in working with non-physician clinicians (e.g. evidence-based chiropractors or physiotherapists) to improve my screening efficiency of lower back or leg pain patients in my practice: Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree I already work with non-physician therapists to triage low back pain patients in my practice Other: ____________________________________________________________ 18. What elements of a lower back or leg pain patient history would you want to have explored by a non-physician triaging assistant? (please check all that apply): Pain history (including, but not limited to, duration, character, aggravating and relieving factors) Dominant location of pain (back or leg) Demographics Fear and avoidance (of pain) behaviours/beliefs Psychosocial function Prior back pain history Occupational demands (physical and psychosocial) Symptoms of ‘Red Flag’ conditions (e.g. cauda equina syndrome, fracture, infection, cancer) Presence of ‘Yellow Flags’ (e.g. receipt of disability benefits, ongoing litigation, smoker, high emotional stress) Exploration for prior back treatments (e.g. surgical and non-surgical, was conservative care trialed) Review of imaging findings Use of IV drugs or steroids Current physical functional status/disabilities Other: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 19. If the items I have endorsed in question #17 could be reliably captured in a standardized patient history form, by a non-physician therapist, I would find this helpful for triaging lower back or leg pain patients: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 3 Spinal Surgeon’s Attitudes Towards Non-Physician Screening of Lower Back or Leg Pain Waiting List Patients 20. What elements of a lower back or leg pain patient exam would you want to have performed by a non-physician triaging assistant? (please check all that apply): Orthopedic hip exam Standard orthopaedic and neurological tests for low back and/or leg pain Straight leg raise, supine Straight leg raise, seated Measurement for lower limb atrophy Lower limb vascular exam Lumbar spine range of motion Waddell’s and other nonorganic signs Other: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 21. If the items I have endorsed in question #19 could be reliably captured in a standardized patient exam form, by a non-physician therapist, I would find this helpful for triaging lower back or leg pain patients: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 22. I would like to have a health-related quality of life questionnaire (e.g. Short-Form 36) administered to lower back or leg pain patients by a non-physician triaging assistant: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 23. I would like to have psychological screening questionnaire(s) (e.g. for depression or pain behaviors) administered to lower back or leg pain patients by a non-physician triaging assistant: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 24. What signs or symptoms associated with a lower back or leg pain patient history or exam would you consider a strong indication for surgical assessment (please check all that apply): Signs or symptoms of ‘Red Flag’ conditions (e.g. fracture, infection, malignancy, progressive neurological deficits, cauda equina syndrome) Absence of ‘Yellow Flags’ (e.g. receipt of disability benefits, ongoing litigation, smoker, high emotional stress) Leg-dominant pain Severe low back pain that has not responded to conservative therapy Correlating neurological findings Correlating imaging findings Other: _______________________________________________________________ 4 Spinal Surgeon’s Attitudes Towards Non-Physician Screening of Lower Back or Leg Pain Waiting List Patients 25. If any of the items I have endorsed in question #24 was clearly identified by a non-physician therapist for a lower back or leg pain patient, I would still want to assess the patient myself: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 26. If any of the items I have endorsed in question #24 was suspected by a non-physician therapist for a lower back or leg pain patient, I would still want to assess the patient myself: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 27. If none of the items I have endorsed in question #24 were identified or suspected by a nonphysician therapist for a lower back or leg pain patient, I would be comfortable not assessing the patient myself and referring them for non-surgical management: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree 28. Even if a non-physician therapist was capable of reliably providing me with triaging information that I felt was valuable in decision-making, my lower back or leg pain patients would still expect to be seen by me prior to any referral: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Please share with us any other thoughts you may have on non-physician triage of spinal surgeon’s lower back or leg pain waiting list patients. ______ - Thank You for Your Time 5