Insert text here - National Services Division

ANNUAL REPORT [insert date]
[Insert Graphic (Optional)]
Name of Host NHS Board(s)
K:01\Communications\Toolkits & Templates\Templates\Mid Year-Annual Reports\Annual Report
Section A: Service/Programme ....................................................................................... 3
A2 Aim / Purpose / Mission Statement / Date of Designation ........................ 3
A3 Description of Patient Pathway ................................................................. 3
A3 a) Target Group for Service or Programme ............................................. 3
A3 b) Abbreviated Care Pathway for Service or Programme ........................ 3
Section B: Quality Domains ............................................................................................ 3
B1 Efficient ..................................................................................................... 3
B1 a) Report of Actual v Planned activity ...................................................... 3
B1 b) Resource use ...................................................................................... 3
B1 c) Finance and Workforce ....................................................................... 3
B1 d) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and HEAT targets ........................ 3
B2 Effective .................................................................................................... 3
B2 a) Clinical Audit Programme .................................................................... 3
B2 b) Clinical Outcomes/ complication rates / external benchmarking .......... 3
B2 c) Service Improvement........................................................................... 3
B2 d) Research ............................................................................................ 3
B3 Safe .......................................................................................................... 3
B3 a) Risk Register ....................................................................................... 3
B3 b) Clinical Governance ............................................................................ 3
B3 c) Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) and Scottish Patient Safety
Programme (SPSP) ........................................................................... 3
B3 d) Adverse Events ................................................................................... 3
B3 e) Complaints / Compliments................................................................... 3
B4 Timely (Access) ........................................................................................ 4
B4 a) Waiting / Response Times................................................................... 4
B4 b) Review of Clinical Pathway ................................................................. 4
B5 Person Centred ........................................................................................ 4
B6 Equitable .................................................................................................. 4
Section C: Looking Ahead/Expected Change/Developments ......................................... 4
Section D: Summary of Highlights (Celebration and Risk).............................................. 4
The completed Annual Report should be sent electronically by 31 May to:
Ruth Meechan, Executive Assistant
National Services Division, NHS National Services Scotland, Area 062, Gyle Square,
1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9EB
Phone: 0131 275 6575
Fax: 0131 275 7614
K:01\Communications\Toolkits & Templates\Templates\Mid Year-Annual Reports\Annual Report
Section A : Service/Programme
Aim / Purpose / Mission Statement / Date of Designation
Insert text here
Description of Patient Pathway
A3 a)
Target Group for Service or Programme
Insert text here
A3 b)
Abbreviated Care Pathway for Service or Programme
Insert text here
Section B : Quality Domains
B1 a)
Report of Actual v Planned activity
Insert text here
B1 b) Resource use
Insert text here
B1 c) Finance and Workforce
Insert text here
B1 d) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and HEAT targets
Insert text here
B2 a)
Clinical Audit Programme
Insert text here
B2 b) Clinical Outcomes/ complication rates / external benchmarking
Insert text here
B2 c) Service Improvement
Insert text here
B2 d) Research
Insert text here
B3 a)
Risk Register
Insert text here
B3 b) Clinical Governance
Insert text here
B3 c) Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) and Scottish Patient Safety
Programme (SPSP)
Insert text here
B 3 d) Adverse Events
Insert text here
B 3 e) Complaints / Compliments
Insert text here
K:01\Communications\Toolkits & Templates\Templates\Mid Year-Annual Reports\Annual Report
Timely (Access)
B4 a)
Waiting / Response Times
(i) Waiting Times/Response Times Targets
Insert text here
(ii) Slippage
Insert text here
(iii) Exceptional Circumstances Affecting Targets
Insert text here
B4 b)
Review of Clinical Pathway
(i) Review and Changes to Clinical Pathway
Insert text here
(ii) Improvements to Local Delivery of Care
Insert text here
Person Centred
B5 a)
Patient Carer/Public Involvement
Insert text here
B5 b) Better Together Programme Involvement
Insert text here
B5 c) User Surveys
Insert text here
B6 a)
Fair for all: Equality & Diversity
Insert text here
B6 b) Geographical access
Insert text here
Section C : Looking Ahead/Expected Change/Developments
Insert text here
Section D : Summary of Highlights (Celebration and Risk)
Insert text here
K:01\Communications\Toolkits & Templates\Templates\Mid Year-Annual Reports\Annual Report