Interpretation from large-scale shake table tests on piles undergoing lateral spreading in liquefied soils M. Cubrinovskia, *, T. Kokushob, K. Ishiharab a b Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co. Ltd., Tokyo 102-8220, Japan Department of Civil Engineering, Chuo University, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan Abstract Results from a benchmark test on full-scale piles are used to investigate the response of piles to lateral spreading. In the experiment, two single piles, a relatively flexible pile that moves together with the surrounding soil and a relatively stiff pile that does not follow the ground movement have been subjected to large post-liquefaction ground displacement simulating piles in laterally spreading soils. The observed response of the piles is first presented and then the results are used to examine the lateral loads on the pile from a non-liquefied soil at the ground surface and to evaluate the stiffness characteristics of the spreading soils. The measured ultimate lateral pressure from the crust soil on the stiff pile was about 4.5 times the Rankine passive pressure. The back-calculated stiffness of the liquefied soil was found to be in the range between 1/30 and 1/80 of the initial stiffness of the soil showing gradual decrease in the course of lateral spreading. Keywords: Pile response; Liquefaction; Lateral spreading; Large-scale shake table test; Reduction of soil stiffness; Lateral soil pressure * Corresponding author. Fax: +81-3-5210-9405. E-mail address: (M. Cubrinovski) 1 1. Introduction The most frequently encountered soil profile for piles in liquefied deposits consists of three distinct layers, as illustrated in Fig. 1 where the liquefied layer is sandwiched between a non-liquefied crust layer at the ground surface and non-liquefied base layer. Liquefaction during strong ground shaking results in almost a complete loss of stiffness and strength of the liquefied soil, and consequent large ground deformation. Particularly large and damaging for piles can be post-liquefaction ground displacements due to lateral spreading [7]. During the spreading, the non-liquefied surface layer is carried along with the underlying spreading soil, and when driven against embedded piles, the crust layer is envisioned to exert large lateral loads on the piles. Thus, the excessive lateral movement of the liquefied soil, lateral loads from the surface layer and significant stiffness reduction in the liquefied layer are key features that need to be considered when evaluating the pile response to lateral spreading. In the light of the liquefaction characteristics and kinematic mechanism as above, a three-layer soil model was adopted in a previous study [4] for a simplified analysis of piles. In the adopted pseudo-static approach, the spreading is represented by a horizontal displacement of the liquefied soil whereas effects of the non-liquefied surface layer are modeled by an earth pressure and lateral force at the pile head, as shown in Fig. 1. Here, the earth pressure represents the loads that act directly on the pile while the lateral force approximates the loads that are transferred to the pile through the upper foundation. Using the secant-stiffness approach, the interaction between the liquefied soil and the pile is assumed to be specified by an equivalent linear spring (k) where k is the subgrade reaction coefficient representing the initial stiffness of the soil while the reduction in stiffness due to liquefaction is taken into account by way of the degradation factor . Key parameters influencing the pile response are the magnitude of lateral ground 2 displacement (UG), ultimate pressure from the surface layer (pu) and stiffness reduction in the liquefied layer (), as indicated in Fig. 1. These parameters are associated with intrinsic uncertainties, however, and therefore one encounters difficulties in selecting their most appropriate values. For this reason, great efforts have been made over the past decade either to back-calculate these parameters from well-documented case histories of recent earthquakes or to evaluate them using sophisticated experiments on scaled-down soil-pile models. In this paper, results from a benchmark experiment on full-size piles are used to investigate the lateral loads from a non-liquefied surface layer on the pile and stiffness characteristics of liquefied soils undergoing spreading. The ultimate lateral pressure from the surface layer on a single pile (pu) and characteristics of the stiffness reduction parameter () are examined in detail. 2. Large-scale shake table experiment The test was conducted by the Japan Electric Power Civil Engineering Association (JEPOC) using the large-scale shake table of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) at Tsukuba, Japan. The test was specifically designed for investigating the response of piles to large post-liquefaction ground displacements, as described in the following. 2.1 Physical model A prototype model of piles was prepared in a laminar box with dimensions of 12 m 3.5 m 6 m (length-width-height), bottom-fixed at a large shake table. The model consisted of two single piles embedded in a deposit of saturated sand with a crust layer of sand above 3 the water table, as illustrated in Fig. 2a. A steel pile with an outer diameter of 31.8 cm and a pre-stressed high-strength concrete pile (PHC-pile) 30 cm in outer-diameter were used in the test. The 4.9 m long piles were fixed at the base and free at the top. The piles were installed at a distance of about 15 pile-diameters and were considered therefore free of cross-interaction effects. Moment-curvature relationships of the test piles are shown in Fig. 3 where point C denotes concrete cracking, point Y indicates yielding of steel or reinforcement respectively and concrete crushing or the ultimate level for the PHC pile is denoted by point U. The sand deposit consisted of two horizontal layers of Kasumigaura sand (D50 = 0.265 mm, UC = 2.36 and FC = 3 %), both at a relative density of about 50 %. The lower saturated sand layer was prepared by pouring sand into the laminar box through a water layer of about 50 cm to the prescribed height of 3.8 m from the base of the piles. The crust layer at the ground surface was prepared by placing dry sand above the water table. A large number of accelerometers, pore pressure transducers, displacement and pressure gauges were installed to measure the response of the piles and ground. Pairs of strain gauges were installed at a regular distance of 20 cm along the pile body for measuring bending strains of the piles. In total, 227 channels were used for data acquisition in the experiment. Details of the experimental setup and instrumentation are given in [16]. 2.2 Dynamic excitation and lateral loading The experiment was conducted in two phases, as illustrated in Figs. 2a and 2b. In the first phase, the model was shaken with a sine wave excitation in the longitudinal direction (Fig. 2a). The applied base-input motion had peak acceleration of 0.217 g, frequency of 2 Hz and duration of the intensive part of 30 sec (60 cycles). The key objective in this phase of the 4 test was to induce liquefaction in the saturated sand deposit while keeping the response of the piles in the range of elastic deformations. Once liquefaction was induced and the dynamic phase of the test was concluded, a rigid loading frame was attached to the outer-side of the laminar box and the liquefied portion of the deposit was subjected forcibly to a lateral movement with a rate of 4.1 cm/sec at the top of the layer, as illustrated in Fig. 2b. This second phase of the test aimed at subjecting the piles to large post-liquefaction ground displacements simulating piles in laterally spreading soils. It is apparent from the time scale of the applied accelerations and displacements in the subsequent loading phases shown at the bottom of Figs. 2a and 2b that the lateral ground movement was initiated about 6 seconds after the end of the shaking phase, which was approximately the time required to attach the loading frame to the laminar box. The application of lateral ground movement proceeded for approximately 22 seconds until eventually a permanent ground displacement of about 84 cm was reached at the top of the liquefied layer. In the course of the lateral loading, the model was subjected to a low-amplitude (amax = 0.027 g) high-frequency (f = 10 Hz) base shaking, as indicated in Fig. 2b. 2.3 Excess pore pressures Recorded excess pore pressures during the dynamic phase and lateral loading phase of the test respectively are shown in Figs. 4a and 4b at five depths in the soil profile. The saturated sand below approximately 1.4 m depth is shown to have completely liquefied after few cycles of shaking, as evidenced by the pore pressures recorded at 2.15 m and 3.9 m depth depicted in Fig. 4a. Partial build-up of the pore pressure is seen at depths slightly above or below the water table of 0.8 m and 1.15 m respectively whereas no excess pore pressures have been observed during the shaking in the top 50-60 cm of the crust layer. It is important to mention that the response of both piles remained purely elastic during the shaking. Other 5 features of soil and pile responses induced during the dynamic phase of the test are beyond the scope of this paper. The lateral loading phase of the test was initiated about 6 seconds after the end of the shaking allowing practically no time for dissipation of the pore pressures induced by the shaking. As shown in Fig. 4b, the excess pore pressure throughout the depth of the soil profile did not change significantly during the lateral loading though some oscillation in the pore pressure at depths of 0.8 m and 1.15 m is seen and effects of lateral ground movement on the pore pressure response are apparent immediately after the start and after the end of the lateral loading. By and large, however, the pore pressure in the liquefied sand remained fairly stable and nearly at its maximum level all the way through the application of lateral ground movement. 2.4 Pile response induced by lateral ground movement Measured maximum responses of the two piles in the course of increasing lateral ground displacement are shown in Figs. 5a and 5b where horizontal displacements at the pile head and bending moments near the base of the pile are shown respectively. Note that the bending moment in Fig. 5b is expressed normalized to the yield moment of the pile. The dashed lines in these figures indicate the ground displacement at the surface of the deposit which for all practical purposes can be considered to be identical to the applied horizontal displacement at the top of the liquefied layer. It may be seen in Fig. 5a that the PHC pile basically followed the ground movement showing steady increase in the deflection and bending deformation in the course of lateral spreading. As a result, the bending moment near the base of the pile sharply increased from the start of the lateral loading and reached the yield level at a fairly small ground 6 displacement of about 9 cm, as indicated in Fig. 5b. The pile failed soon upon further lateral loading as the horizontal displacement at the ground surface reached approximately 17 cm. The post-failure response of the PHC pile was affected by the plastic hinge that developed near the base of the pile and therefore it was not considered in this study. In marked contrast to the response of the PHC pile, the steel pile exhibited large lateral resistance and did not follow the ground movement. As shown in Fig. 5a, the displacement of the steel pile gradually increased in the initial 6 seconds of lateral loading to the maximum value of about 5 cm and then it remained nearly constant during the subsequent lateral loading in spite of the increasing lateral displacement of the surrounding soils. The same response pattern can be seen in the development of the bending moment of the steel pile in Fig. 5b. The maximum bending moment of the steel pile induced by the lateral ground movement was about 60 % of its yield moment. It is to be noted that combined effects from the movement of the liquefied soil and lateral pressure from the surface layer contributed to the observed responses of the piles as above. These effects were evaluated separately, as described in the following sections, to gain insight into the soil-pile interaction during the lateral spreading and to quantify the key parameters influencing the pile response. 3. Lateral pressure from the surface layer 3.1 Experimental p- relations The experimental bending-strain data were used to calculate the lateral load on the piles through double differentiation and the pile deflection through double integration assuming zero displacement at the pile tip and matching the measured deflection at the pile head [9, 18]. 7 Two separate polynomials spliced together with continuity conditions were used for the surface layer and liquefied layer respectively. A third-order polynomial was used for the crust layer resulting in a linearly increasing reaction force with depth. Based on the observed pore pressures and back-calculated lateral loads as above, the interface between the non-liquefied crust layer and the completely liquefied sand has been identified to be located about 40 cm below the water table, that is, at 1.4 m depth [18]. Thus, in what follows, the resultant pressure from the crust layer actually represents the pressure from the top 1.4 m of the sand deposit. The force per unit length of the pile obtained through double differentiation as above was divided by the diameter of the pile to evaluate the net pressure (p). By combining the lateral pressure and the displacement curves at discrete intervals, p- curves were developed for different depths in the crust layer where p denotes the lateral soil pressure and is the relative displacement between the soil and the pile. Fig. 6 shows such p- curves developed from the data of the steel pile at three depths in the crust layer. Here, the lateral pressure p is expressed normalized to the effective overburden stress in order to observe the characteristic shape and variations of p- curves with depth. It is to be mentioned that the soil pressure on the pile was also directly measured in the test by means of pressure gauges, at three depths in the crust layer. By and large, the directly measured pressure was found to be in agreement with the net pressure back-calculated from the pile response. There were also clear differences between these two pressures which are to be expected in view of the difficulties to precisely measure the soil pressure in the test and because of differences between the localized pressure measurement in the test and the average pressure distribution assumed in the calculation. It is evident in Fig. 6 that the lateral pressure from the surface layer initially sharply increased with the relative displacement until eventually the ultimate lateral pressure was mobilized at a relative displacement of about 12 to 15 cm. Close inspection of Figs. 5 and 6 reveals that the development of lateral displacement and bending moment of the steel pile 8 including its maximum response is in very good accord with the development of the lateral pressure from the crust layer on the pile. Thus, the bending moments of the steel pile steadily increased with the increasing lateral pressure from the surface layer and eventually reached its maximum value at the time when the ultimate pressure from the crust soil has been mobilized. Once the ultimate lateral pressure has been mobilized, however, the pile response remained nearly unchanged despite the significant increase in the ground displacement in the course of the subsequent lateral loading. These response features indicate that the lateral load from the surface layer was the key factor influencing the response of the steel pile. 3.2 Ultimate lateral pressure It is well-known that the lateral pressure per unit width of a single pile is greater than that of a continuous wall due to the shearing resistance on the vertical sides of the failure wedge in the soil. In a number of experimental and theoretical studies, the three-dimensional effects for a single pile have been approximately taken into account by multiplying the earth pressure on a wall by a shape factor , i.e., P = Pp where Pp is the Rankine passive pressure. Following this reasoning, the ultimate lateral pressure from the crust soil on the test piles was evaluated and compared to results of other experimental studies, as described below. By integrating the lateral pressure throughout the depth of the surface layer, the resultant pressure from the crust soil on the pile was obtained. The evaluated resultant pressure P per unit width of the steel pile is shown with the square marks in Fig. 7 in terms of a normalized value, = P / Pp. Here, Pp is the resultant Rankine passive pressure defined as Pp = 0.5 Kp H2 in which H = 1.4 m, = 17 kN/m3 and Kp = 3.69 were assumed with an angle of internal friction of = 35. It is seen in Fig. 7 that the measured ultimate lateral pressure from the surface layer on the steel pile was about 4.5 times the Rankine passive pressure. 9 Before comparing the ultimate lateral pressure measured in this test with results of other experimental studies, it is important to draw a distinction between two types of lateral loading of piles, namely, the active-pile-loading and passive-pile-loading. Majority of the experimental studies to date have involved active-pile-loading or active piles [5] in which, as illustrated in Fig. 8a, a horizontal force that is applied at the pile head is the causative load for the pile deformation while the resulting movement of the surrounding soil is its consequence. In the case of passive-pile-loading, on the other hand, the pile is subjected to lateral loading along its shaft by the lateral movement of the surrounding soils, as depicted in Fig. 8b. Apparently, the passive-pile-loading is representative of piles subjected to lateral spreading. In fact, the displacement field of the soil near the ground surface shown in Fig. 8b schematically illustrates the distortion of soils surrounding the steel pile as observed in the test. Since the steel pile moved merely 5 cm in the direction of the applied lateral ground movement, the soil behind the pile could not follow the large horizontal displacements that were induced in the far field soil. Instead, the crust soil behind the pile gradually moved upwards and the soil near the ground surface eventually moved over the top of the pile. Previous analytical studies by Bransby [2] have suggested that the pile-load-transfer curves due to active loading (p-y curves) are different from the p- curves in passive loading. Another important difference to be noted is that the earth pressure mobilized in active loading provides the resisting force while the pressure mobilized in passive loading provides the driving force for the pile deformation. This feature needs to be considered when estimating the value of the ultimate lateral pressure in the analysis of piles subjected to lateral spreading. Fig. 9 shows the summary of the data obtained by several investigators regarding the shape factor for the ultimate pressure u = Pu / Pp, for both active and passive piles. The data shown in the figure are from experimental studies on model piles in sand deposits and the large-scale test presented herein is the only test involving full-size piles in liquefied soils. It 10 may be seen in Fig. 9 that the value of approximately u = 4.5 obtained for the steel pile in the test presented herein is nearly coincident with that reported by Poulos [13] for passive piles. It is important to mention that the test data used by Broms [3] yielded mostly values of u = 3-6 and that Broms adopted the lower-bound value of u = 3 for active piles. 3.3 Relative displacement required to mobilize the ultimate pressure As discussed in the preceding sections and shown in Fig. 7, the ultimate lateral pressure from the surface layer on the pile gradually increased with the increase in the relative displacement between the soil and the pile. In the case of the steel pile, the ultimate lateral pressure was mobilized at a relative displacement of about 12 to 15 cm. On the other hand, as indicated by the circular symbols in Fig. 7 showing the resultant pressure from the surface layer on the PHC pile prior its failure, the ultimate lateral pressure has not been mobilized in the case of the PHC pile because of the small relative displacements. Clearly, the relative displacement required to mobilize the full passive pressure would be an important parameter to consider in the assessment of pile response to lateral spreading. Rollins [15] compiled data from several investigators that have conducted laboratory and field tests on sands to evaluate the relative displacement required to develop the passive pressure. These data are summarized in Fig. 10 in terms of a normalized value u / H where u is the relative displacement at which the ultimate pressure is mobilized, as depicted in the inset of the figure, while H denotes the height of the model wall or pile cap used in the test. It is evident in Fig. 10 that for dense sands with Dr = 70 % to 80 %, the ultimate pressure was mobilized at a relative displacement of about u = 0.02H to 0.08H and that larger movement was needed to mobilize the passive pressure in loose sand. Rollins also suggested that the presence of a low strength layer below the surface layer may increase the required deflection 11 to mobilize the passive pressure which appears to be an important feature for piles in liquefied deposits. Superimposed in Fig. 10 is the result for the steel pile obtained in the present study where a ratio of u / H = 0.15 / 1.4 = 0.107 was obtained. Here, a value of 15 cm was adopted for u while the thickness of the crust layer of 1.4 m has been used for H. 4. Stiffness of liquefied soils undergoing spreading With reference to the three key parameters introduced in the analytical model shown in Fig. 1, the only parameter remaining unknown from the large-scale test is the stiffness degradation of the liquefied soil, as defined by the degradation factor . Using the analytical model, the value of can be readily back-calculated from the test results, as described below. Fig. 11 shows the analytical model used for back-calculating the value of . In the employed method of simplified analysis [4], the spreading is represented by a horizontal displacement of the liquefied soil while effects of the non-liquefied surface layer are modeled by an earth pressure at the pile head. The nonlinear behavior of the pile and soil is approximately modeled using the equivalent linear approach within an iterative calculation procedure. Thus, the nonlinear p- curve in the liquefied soil is approximated by the secant stiffness k where k is the horizontal subgrade reaction coefficient representing the initial stiffness while specifies the reduction in stiffness due to liquefaction and subsequent spreading. Note that the degradation parameter incorporates both effects from the reduction of the effective stress level and nonlinear effects due to large ground deformation. Using results from lateral loading tests on the piles, the subgrade reaction coefficient was estimated to be k = 15 MN/m3, which is a value similar to that obtained using conventional empirical expressions for k based on the SPT blow count [1, 8]. Note that k is the stiffness corresponding to a relative displacement of about 0.5 to 1 cm rather than the 12 initial stiffness at very small displacements. Another modeling feature important to mention is that the subgrade reaction coefficient was assumed to be constant throughout the depth of the liquefied layer. This is equivalent to assuming an average SPT N value for the liquefied layer and that conventional expressions for k based on the SPT blow count are applicable. Effects of the overburden stress on k have been ignored in this model in order to simplify the analysis and based on the reasoning that the stiffness of laterally spreading soils is predominantly controlled by the nearly complete reduction in the effective stress level and by the large ground deformation. The ground displacement applied in the experiment at a given time during the lateral loading and the corresponding lateral load from the surface layer evaluated from the measured pile response as described in the preceding sections were applied as input loads in the pseudo-static analysis, as depicted in Fig. 11. Since was the only unknown parameter in the analytical model, the value of was assumed and an analysis was conducted using the simplified model. The pile response computed in the analysis was then compared to the response observed in the experiment and such analyses were repeated until eventually a value of was identified that provides the best agreement between the computed and measured pile displacements and bending moments. In this way, a best-fit value for was back-calculated for a given lateral ground displacement. Note that in the case of the steel pile the problem was essentially linear thus making the back-calculation of straightforward. For example, the model shown in Fig. 11 represents the loading condition for the steel pile at the time when the ground displacement applied in the test was 45 cm at the top of the liquefied layer. Using this loading condition, a series of analyses were conducted assuming different value for in each analysis, in the range between 1/1000 and 1/10. Results from these analyses are shown in Figs. 12a and 12b where pile displacements and bending moments are displayed respectively. It is evident in Fig. 12 that the best agreement between 13 the computed and measured pile response was obtained for a value of = 1/55, which was thus adopted as the best-fit value of for the spreading displacement of 45 cm. In this way, best-fit values of were back-calculated for different lateral ground displacements applied in the course of the lateral loading as summarized in Fig. 13. The shaded area in this figure marks the range of values for which the computed pile response was within ± 10 % deviation from the measured response of the steel pile while the solid line with symbols indicates the estimated best-fit values of for which the computed pile response was practically coincident with the measured one, as demonstrated in Fig. 12 for the value of = 1/55. By and large, takes values in the range between 1/30 and 1/80 and shows gradual decrease with the increasing ground displacement or relative displacement between the pile and the soil. In relation to the possible viscous effects on the pile response and hence on the value of , it is to be mentioned that the ground deformation induced in the test had nearly constant strain rate of about 1 %/sec. The above values of are generally in agreement with results of other investigators though one should acknowledge the relatively large range in the variation of . Thus, for example, Orense [11] estimated the stiffness of spreading soils from large-scale tests to be in the range between 1/10 and 1/500 of the initial stiffness while O’Rourke [12] back-calculated a value of 1/60 in a simulation of a well-known case history of damaged piles in the 1964 Niigata earthquake. When comparing values from different studies, one should recognize that, exactly speaking, the value of is more or less affected by the uncertainty in the value of k as well as by the assumptions and particular features of the analytical model used in the back-calculation. One important observation from the results presented in Fig. 13 is that the sensitivity of the analytical pile response on the value of , as indicated by the vertical size of the shaded area, depends on the relative displacement between the soil and the pile. Thus, at small relative displacements or when the pile basically follows the ground movement, the pile 14 response is relatively insensitive to the value of . Conversely, the response involving large relative displacements between the pile and the soil is very sensitive to the value of , as clearly demonstrated by the analytical results presented in Fig. 12. The former finding is in agreement with results of analytical studies conducted by Tokimatsu [17] who in simulations of case histories from the 1995 Kobe earthquake involving cyclic liquefaction and small relative displacements between the pile and soil indicated that the value of does not have significant influence on the computed pile response. 5. Discussion Combined effects from the movement of the liquefied soil and lateral pressure from the surface layer contributed to the measured response of the piles in the lateral spreading test. As described in the preceding sections and directly evidenced in the marked difference between the responses of the steel pile and PHC pile, these effects are significantly influenced by the stiffness of the pile relative to the soil (relative stiffness of the pile). In order to compare the individual contributions from the liquefied soil and surface layer in the total pile response and illustrate their dependence on the relative stiffness of the pile, numerical analyses of the steel pile were carried out using three analytical models, as shown in Fig. 14, with the pile length and thickness of the liquefied layer being the only differences among the models. Properties of the pile and soil in these models are identical to those of the steel pile in the test, with Model S shown in Fig. 14a being in effect the exact analytical model for the steel pile in the test. Note that the relative stiffness of the pile is different in the three analytical models. For each model, a set of analyses were conducted assuming different lateral ground displacement in each computation. In the analyses, the lateral load from the surface layer and reduction of stiffness in the liquefied soil were defined according to the experimental 15 relationships shown in Figs. 7 and 13 respectively. Results of the analyses are summarized in Figs. 15a through 15d. Fig. 15a displays the computed displacements at the pile head as a function of the applied ground displacement at the top of the liquefied layer. The response of Model S is practically identical to the observed response of the steel pile in the test and is representative of the behavior of a relatively stiff pile that does not follow the lateral ground movement. The response of Model F, on the other hand, is typical for a relatively flexible pile that moves together with the surrounding soil whereas Model I shows an intermediate response between these two cases. As mentioned earlier, in the employed simplified analysis the nonlinear behavior is approximately modeled using iterative equivalent linear calculations. Thus, even though the analysis permits to estimate the inelastic deformation and damage to piles, the pile response is eventually computed by way of a linear analysis [4]. In this analysis, the pile response is calculated separately for each load component and then the total response is obtained by the superposition of all components. For this reason, it is possible to divide the computed pile response into two components, one due to the load from the liquefied layer and the other due to the load from the surface layer. Utilizing this feature, in Figs. 15b through 15d, the computed displacement at the pile head normalized to its maximum value is plotted so that the effects from the liquefied layer and non-liquefied surface layer are separated and thus their contributions in the total pile displacement are indicated. Comparing Figs. 15b, 15c and 15d, it is apparent that the contribution of the surface layer in the total response of the pile decreases with the increasing flexibility of the pile. Thus, the displacement of the stiff pile shown in Fig. 15b (analytical Model S) was predominantly due to the lateral load from the surface layer with the ultimate lateral pressure pu being the parameter that effectively controlled the maximum lateral load and hence the maximum response of the stiff pile. 16 Conversely, the displacement of the flexible pile depicted in Fig. 15d (Model F), was governed by the displacement of the liquefied soil. In this case, the full lateral pressure from the crust soil could not be mobilized because of the small relative displacement between the crust soil and the pile. Note however that the non-liquefied surface layer still influenced the pile response and increased the displacement of the flexible pile. The results described above clearly illustrate that the proportion of the effects from the liquefied layer and non-liquefied crust layer in the total pile response depends on the relative stiffness of the pile. In this context, the value of is critically important in the evaluation of pile response because it affects the relative stiffness of the pile assumed in the calculation. 6. Conclusions The large-scale test on single piles presented herein provided extremely valuable data on the behavior of piles in laterally spreading soils. In this paper, effects from the non-liquefied crust soil at the ground surface and reduction in stiffness due to liquefaction and subsequent spreading have been thoroughly examined and discussed in relation to the relative stiffness of piles. The PHC pile followed the lateral movement of the spreading soils exhibiting response typical for a relatively flexible pile. The response of the PHC pile was practically controlled by the magnitude of the ground displacement. On the other hand, the steel pile did not follow the ground movement exhibiting strong lateral resistance and behavior that is representative of a relatively stiff pile. The response of the steel pile was effectively controlled by the lateral load from the crust layer. Thus, the maximum response of the pile was achieved at the time when the maximum pressure was mobilized in the crust soil. In the course of the subsequent lateral loading, the pile response remained unchanged in spite of the significant increase in the lateral ground displacement. 17 The ultimate lateral pressure from the crust soil per unit width of the steel pile was about 4.5 times the Rankine passive pressure. The back-calculated stiffness of the liquefied soil undergoing spreading was in the range lateral spreading. The sensitivity of the analytical pile response on the value of was found to be negligible at small relative displacements between the soil and the pile whereas it was quite significant at large relative displacements. The above findings have important bearing for the analysis of piles subjected to lateral spreading. They suggest that, for relatively stiff piles, the ultimate lateral pressure from the surface layer pu and stiffness degradation factor of liquefied soil are the key parameters influencing the pile response. The magnitude of lateral ground displacement may not be critically important for these piles. Conversely, the response of flexible piles is predominantly controlled by the magnitude of spreading displacements. For flexible piles, the values of pu and are less important since the response of these piles involves small relative displacement between the soil and the pile. Acknowledgments The large-scale experiment presented in this paper has been sponsored and carried out by the Japan Electric Power Civil Engineering Association (JEPOC) using the large-scale shake table of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), Tsukuba, Japan. The authors would like to acknowledge the permission of these agencies to use the test data and thank Mr. Y. Suda (JEPOC) for the cooperation. 18 References [1] Architectural Institute of Japan. Recommendations for design of building foundations. 2001; (in Japanese). [2] Bransby MF. Difference between load-transfer relationships for laterally loaded pile groups: active p-y or passive p-. J Geotech Engng, ASCE, 1996; 122(12):1015-1018. [3] Broms B. Lateral resistance of piles in cohesionless soils. J Soil Mech and Found Engng, ASCE, 1964; 90(SM3):123-156. [4] Cubrinovski M, Ishihara K. Simplified method for analysis of piles undergoing lateral spreading in liquefied soils. 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Lateral Earth force pressure Non-liquefied surface layer p Liquefied layer p U G u k Pile Non-liquefied base layer Free field displacement of liquefied soil 20 Fig. 1 (a) Dynamic loading phase Laminar box Steel pile PHC pile 1.0 Loading frame Crust layer 3.8 m Saturated sand D = 31.8 cm D = 30 cm Shake table Acceleration (g) 12.0 m Dynamic excitation: a max 0.2 0 -0.2 0 10 = 0.217 g; f = 2 Hz; 20 Time (sec) 30 40 21 (b) Lateral spreading phase 4.1 cm/sec Crust layer Liquefied sand Lateral loading Horizontal acceleration a = 0.027g Lateral ground displacement max f = 10 Hz 40 U 68.7 46.7 50 Time 60 (sec) G-max = 84 cm 70 Fig. 2 22 (a) Steel pile 1000 Y MY = 894 kN-m 500 EI = 89.2 MN-m2 0 0 0.02 0.04 Curvature, 0.06 (1/m) (b) PHC pile (C-type: 10 MPa prestress) 150 Bending moment, M (kN-m) Bending moment, M (kN-m) 1500 U 100 Y MY = 75 kN-m 50 C EI = 14.2 MN-m2 0 0 0.02 Curvature, 0.04 0.06 (1/m) Fig. 3 23 (a) During shaking Pore pressure ratio, u / v' Dynamic base-excitation 3.9 m 1 2.15 m 1.15 m 0.5 0.8 m z = 0.5 m 0 0 10 20 Time 30 40 (sec) (b) During lateral loading (spreading) u / v' Lateral spreading 2.15 m 1 Pore pressure ratio, 3.9 m 1.15 m 0.5 0.8 m z = 0.5 m 0 40 50 60 Time 70 80 (sec) 24 100 (a) 80 PHC pile 60 Ground surface 40 Failure Yielding Steel pile 20 0 1.2 45 (b) 1 0.8 50 Ultimate moment 55 60 65 70 Failure Ground surface displacement PHC pile Yield moment 120 100 80 0.6 60 0.4 40 Steel pile 20 U = 17 cm G 9 cm 0 45 50 55 60 Time 65 70 0 (sec) 25 (cm) 0.2 Ground displacement Normalized bending moment, M / M Y Horizontal displacement (cm) Fig. 4 Normalized lateral pressure, p / 'v Fig. 5 25 Steel pile 20 0.50 m 15 1.0 m z = 1.4 m 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 Relative displacement between soil and pile, = U (z) - U (z) g p (cm) Fig. 6 26 Measured resultant pressure P P Rankine passive pressure p 5 4 3 2 Steel pile 1 0 PHC pile 0 20 40 60 80 Relative displacement between soil and pile, = U (z) - U (z) (cm) g p Fig. 7 27 (a) Active pile loading Lateral load . .. . . . . . .. . Movement of soil (b) Passive pile loading Ground displacement . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... . .... . . . ... . . .. . . . . Movement of soil Passive earth pressure Passive earth pressure Fig. 8 28 Measured ultimate pressure Active piles Single piles in sand 7 Meyerhof (1981) Prasad (1999) Broms (1964) Passive piles 6 5 Passive piles 4 Poulos (1995) Large-scale test (this study) p 3 P u P u Rankine passive pressure 8 2 1 30 35 40 45 Angle of internal friction, 50 (degree) Fig. 9 29 Summary of experiments from 5 studies (Rollins, 2002) Fang (2002) Large-scale test (this study) 0.2 u / H p u 80 90 0.1 0 30 40 50 60 70 Relative density, D r (%) 30 Fig. 10 Depth 0m Lateral pressure from surface layer 45 cm 1.4 m 316 kPa p k Applied displacement of liquefied soil is assumed 4.8 m Fig. 11 31 0 (a) 1/1000 (b) 0 Measured 1/100 1 2 2 1/20 Depth (m) Computed 1/55 1 3 3 4 Steel pile U = 45 cm 4 1/1000 1/20 1/100 G 5 0 1/55 5 2 4 6 Pile displacement (cm) 0 200 400 600 800 Bending moment (kN-m) Fig. 12 32 0.05 Stiffness degradation factor, 0.1 0.01 Range of values Best-fit value Steel pile 0.001 0 20 40 60 Ground displacement at top of liquefied layer 80 (cm) 33 Fig. 13 A A (a) Model S (b) Model I (c) Model F 0m Crust layer Liquefied layer 1.4 m L = 4.8m L = 7m 4.8 m L = 10m Fig. 14 34 Pile head displacement (cm) Ground displacement 50 40 Yielding 30 Yielding 20 Model I (L=7m) 10 0 Model S (L=4.8m) 0 U / U (max) 20 0.75 p 0.25 0 0 20 40 60 (c) 0.75 Crust layer 0.5 P p (b) Due to displacement of liquefied soil Model I (L=7m) Yielding 1 U / U (max) 60 Due to lateral pressure from crust layer 0.5 P 40 Model S (L = 4.8 m; Steel pile in test) 1 Normalized pile displacement, (a) Model F (L=10m) 0.25 0 Liquefied layer 0 20 40 60 35 P (d) Model F (L=10m) Yielding 0.75 Crust layer p U / U (max) 1 0.5 0.25 0 0 Liquefied layer 20 40 60 Ground displacement at top of liquefied layer, (cm) Fig. 15 36