Hertfordshire Music Service - Music Hub/ School dialogue This form can be used to support planning and assessment of curriculum music provision in line with the current OFSTED challenge. See ‘What Hubs Must Do’ (OFSTED 2013) Secondary School Music Self Evaluation Form Music provision in school THE MUSIC CURRICULUM Does every class in KS3 have a weekly class music lesson which delivers the requirements of the National Curriculum? Date: Current Position Desired Development Actions If Yes, how long per week? If No, how is continuity ensured for students wishing to opt for a KS 4 course? Scheme of work in place? Long and medium term plans in place and on record centrally? Overview document of musical progression in place musical skills development, non content content/units of work Short term plans and record keeping Assessment – use of learning outcomes for assessment – no levels and sub levels – does the system suit musical progress? Page 1 of 7 Final Version 2 – Oct 14 www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/ofsted/ Music provision in school THE MUSIC CURRICULUM Monitored by music leader? Monitored by leadership? Training needs of subject leader addressed? How is musical achievement and progress in class music evidenced? Is it musical? Is music adequately resourced? Accommodation, time, instruments, other equipment .Is technology used to support music making and learning? Is music taught to all students (e.g. are any withdrawn from music for other activities?) Are music lessons subject to spot checks/learning walk arounds by leadership? If so are the measures appropriate for music - guidance is available - ‘Promoting Good Practice’ SINGING STRATEGY How is singing developed through music learning pathways? What is in place to ensure progress by Range, Quality and Demand? Singing opportunities in the Hub taken up? Page 2 of 7 Final Version 2 – Oct 14 Current Position Current Position Desired Development Actions Desired Development Actions www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/ofsted/ FIRST ACCESS (formerly Wider Opportunities) Is the music dept aware of First Access programmes undertaken by students in primary schools? Are any instrumental access programmes available to whole class groups here? Is there a way of demonstrating instrumental learning in class lessons so that students can make informed choices from the range available? Current Position Desired Development Actions EXTRA CURRICULAR MUSIC What extra curricular groups are in place? Is there a range of differentiated opportunities? Is attendance registered and monitored? Aware of OFSTED’s data monitors (Wider Still, and Wider appendix)? Are all identified groups within the school represented in music activities? What is done to increase the number of children from under represented groups to attend? Current Position Desired Development Actions Page 3 of 7 Final Version 2 – Oct 14 www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/ofsted/ INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, EVENTS AND PARTICIPATION What instrumental tuition is available? How does the school provide for children whose families are unable to pay for individual lessons? Is Pupil Premium used to support students? Are there performance opportunities in school for instrumental learners? Are instrumental learners included in classroom music? What performance events are held in the school? Does rehearsal for performance events take time from curriculum music? If so, is the remainder of the music curriculum addressed adequately at other times of the year? Do the students hear and/or take part in any live music events? Current Position Desired Development Actions Are instrumental teachers encouraged to take an active role in school music other than their own teaching? Are instrumental teachers provided with a copy of the scheme of work and continuity and progression overview? Are visiting staff briefed on all departmental procedures and deadlines for work submission for which they may be involved in preparation? Is the quality of instrumental teaching monitored? Page 4 of 7 Final Version 2 – Oct 14 www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/ofsted/ INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, EVENTS AND PARTICIPATION Are instrumental staff provided with relevant information? policies e.g. behaviour and conduct, SEND, Health and Safety in order to work in partnership with you? Do you engage with any other outside music organisations or events? What benefits do these bring? Current Position Desired Development Actions BEING A PART OF YOUR MUSIC HUB Are you aware that your school is part of the Hertfordshire Music Hub? Are you aware of the HMS website? Is your subject leader part of our information network? Do your staff have access to music training, and if so, what? Current Position Desired Development Actions OFSTED – are you aware that OFSTED identifies seven priorities for music improvement in their publication ‘Wider Still, and Wider’? Current Position Desired Development Page 5 of 7 Final Version 2 – Oct 14 Actions www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/ofsted/ OFSTED – are you aware that OFSTED will require all schools to include Music in their Development Plan? – because it is the view of OFSTED that music is an important academic subject, of vital importance to all cultures OFSTED intends that music will be on a par with EBAC subjects OFSTED’S main concern is for high quality Day to Day (curriculum) music in schools, not a shop window display. Elite groups should be a consequence of this, not an alternative Nationally, it is not uncommon for some of the poorest teaching to be found in KS3 music. Conversely some of the best teaching is found at KS4 in music. How can this be when the same teachers are teaching both? All OFSTED inspectors are being trained on how to look for best practice in music Music subject survey inspections require a joint meeting with a music hub representative and a school. Arts Council England is campaigning for music to be a feature of all inspections – it is the only subject with a centrally funded infrastructure Page 6 of 7 Final Version 2 – Oct 14 Current Position Desired Development Actions www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/ofsted/ OFSTED – are you aware that OFSTED wants music to be a practical, active subject. All students should be involved in music making in their class lessons, but this should be underpinned by the development of musical understanding. It is an academic subject. There is not enough evidence to show that senior leaders in schools are aware of how music is developing in the day to day classroom, or how music sometimes has different indicators of quality learning. OFSTED expects any student ( not just those accessing extra help through out of school activity) to be able to access KS4 courses as a result of making sufficient progress in KS 3 That links to all of the relevant OFSTED documents are available on the HMS website? Current Position Desired Development Actions Further meeting notes and priority actions Completed by: Position in school: Page 7 of 7 Final Version 2 – Oct 14 www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/ofsted/