NTWC Eye Service
Scleral-fixated Intra-ocular Lens Implantation ( SF-IOL )
Purpose of Operation
To maximize the refractive status of the eye by implanting a specially designed ‘scleral-fixated intra-ocular lens ( SF-IOL ).
Some of the Situations requiring SF-IOL
Subluxed or dislocated cataract
Intra-operative complications
IOL exchange
Ophthalmic trauma
Nature of Operation
Can be done under general or local anaesthesia
Surgical removal of cataract if indicated
Anterior vitrectomy if indicated
Appropriate SF-IOL inserted and sutured to the scleral wall at two sites diagonally opposite to each other
Surgical wound closed with sutures
Most people recover from the operation with improved vision.
The recovery period may take several months until the wound stabilizes.
Stitch adjustment or removal may be needed during the recovery period.
Post-operative residual refractive error is possible.
Lost of accommodation leading to reading difficulty is common after operation.
Post-operative prescription of glasses or contact lens may be necessary to optimize vision.
The visual outcome may be jeopardized if co-morbid eye diseases are present before the operation. Eg. Pre-existing
corneal diseases, glaucoma, retinal diseases and uveitis etc.
The final visual outcome may be worse than pre-operative status.
Some Possible Complications
Complications are not common. The following conditions might occur during or after the operation:
 Glare and warping of images
 Multiple surgeries
 Complications due to premedications. Eg. Drug allergy, confusion
 Complications of anaesthesia. Eg. Orbital bleeding, optic nerve injury, convulsion, respiratory arrest
 Severe bleeding inside the eye
 Retained cataract fragment which may or may not require future removal
 SF-IOL non-implantation
 SF-IOL decentration, IOL tilt, IOL capture, subluxation, dislocation
 Wound dehiscence
 Pupil distortion
 Stitch related complications
 Corneal clouding
 Glaucoma
 Drooping of eyelid
 Retinal detachment
 Choroidal detachment, macular oedema
 Endophthalmitis
 Sympathetic ophthalmitis
 Blindness ( very rare )
 Rare risks associated with Local anesthesia injection (retrobulbar haemorrhage, optic nerve injury, globe
perforation, blindness, death) OR General anesthesia (please consult your anesthetist)
Signature of Patient
Signature of Patient’s Parent/Guardian/Next of Kin
Signature of Doctor
Name in Block Letters (Doctor)
Signature of Witness
Name in Block Letters (Witness)
Staff Rank if TMH Staff / HKID Card or Identity
Document No. of Third Party (Witness)
Fact sheet – SFIOL 01.09.2011