TSMU, department of hospital surgery, course of urology. Test questions. Variant №7. A 1. What tumours of child's Adenomyosarco age? ma D B C Adenocarcinom Hypernephroma. Tumour of a Gravitsa Е Angiosarcoma. 2. Which kidney tumour oftenly can be find by palpation? 3. Local symptoms characteristic for kidney tumours are? Hypernephroma. Tumour of Gravitsa Adenocarcinoma William’s tumour Papilliary cancer of pelvis. Pains in flanke, hematuria, palpated mass of tumours. Pain, hematuria, local cyanosis. Hematuria, Hyperthermia 4. What operation is performed in case of kidney pelvis tumour? Resection of kidney. 5. Where occurs most frequent metastasis of kidney tumour? In lymphatic nodes, liver. Palpated mass of tumours. pain, hypremia of skin in the projection of kidney Nephrectomy. Nephroureterecto my with the resection of urinary bladder. Lungs, bones, Urinary bladder, liver, cerebrum. liver, joints. Pain, hematuria , positive Pasternatsky symptom . Nephrouretere Nephrostomy. ctomy. Lungs, stomach, lymphatic nodes of mesentery. 6. In case of upper pole Resection of pole. Nephroureterec Nephrectomy. Nephroureterec kidney tumour indicated: tomy. tomy with the resection of urinary bladder. 7. In suspected case of Sonography, Sonography, Sonography, Sonography, kidney tumour,should Doplerography of excretory Doplergraphy of radioisotopes perform: kidney vessels, urography, kidney vessels, scanning urography. retrograde excretory pyelography urography, if necessory then retrograde pyelography Cerebrum, urinary bladder, bones of pelvis. 8. Symptom of "withering flower" characteristic for tumour of: 9. For differential diagnosis between cyst and kidney tumour,performed? Papilliary cancer of kidney pelvis 10. Symptom of Shevas diagnosis tumour of:: Upper pole. Middle pole. Lower pole. Doplerography of kidney vessels, radioisotopes scanning Intravenous urography and radioisotopes scanning Angiography radioisotopes scanning William’s Upperpole. Kidney pelvis Ureter. Nephrostomy. Urography, radioisotopes scanning Doplerography Sonography, of kidney urography. vessels, angiography Urinary bladder. Ureter