CNS questions

1. Which of conductive tracts of the brain is damaged in a patient if volutional
«voluntary» contractions of head and neck muscles are absent?
Cortico-nuclear tract.
2. Which of conductive tracts of the brain is damaged in a patient if NMR
investigation established that focus of lesion is localized in the genu of
internal capsule of the telencephalon?
Cortico-nuclear tract.
3. In what convolution of brain a focus of lesion is located if a patient presents
paralysis of lower and upper limb (extremity) muscles?
Precentral gyrus.
4. In what convolution of brain a focus of lesion is located if a patient suffers from
misunderstanding of his/her own speech (word deafness) and absence of
understanding words’ sense?
Temporal gyrus.
5. Between what vertebrae of the spinal column it is advisory to perform spinal
Between 3 and 4 lumbar vertebrae.
6. In the cortex of which convolution of brain a focus of lesion is located if a
patients presents apraxia and absence of skilled movements with right upper
Supramarginal gyrus.
7. Through what ligament of the spinal column a needle penetrates while
performing spinal puncture?
Yellow ligament.
8. In which convolution of brain a focus of lesion is located if a patient develops
motor aphasia (difficulties in pronouncing words)?
Inferior frontal gyrus.
9. Irritation of what brain nuclei causes appearance of vegetative disorders in the
form of sleep disorders, thermal regulation and all kinds of metabolism?
Nuclei of hypothalamus.
10. In what portions of gray substance of the spinal cord those nuclei are localized
the lesion of which leads to disorder of function of the central efferent part of
sympathetic vegetative nervous system?
Lateral intermediate nuclei of lateral horns.
11. What of conductive tracts of the spinal cord is damaged in a patient if he/she
presents right-sided paralysis of the lower extremity muscles?
Right cortical spinal tract.
12. In the cortex of what gyrus of cerebrum focus of lesion is located if a patient
presents paralysis of the right half of the body?
Left precentral gyrus.
13. Centers of cortex of what cerebral hemispheres are damaged if a patients
presents paralysis of muscles of the right upper and lower extremities?
Motor centers of the left hemisphere.
14. In the cortex of what gyrus of cerebrum focus of lesion is located if a patient
develops sensory aphasia?
Upper temporal gyrus.
15. What conductive tract of the spinal cord is damaged if proprioceptive
sensitivity of the lower half of the body and that of lower extremities is absent?
Goll’s fascicle.
16. What gyrus of cerebrum was subjected to compression with hematoma if a
patient presents loss of general sensitivity?
Postcentral gyrus.
17. At the level of what anatomic formation of the brain outflow of cerebrospinal
fluid from the third ventricle of brain is disturbed in case of tumor of pineal gland?
Aqueduct of cerebrum.
18. Function of what conductive tracts of brain will be disturbed if a patient
presents hemorrhage into posterior portion of posterior limb of the internal capsule
of the forebrain?
Central auditory and vision tracts.
19. What segments of the spinal cord may be damaged in case of fracture of
processes and arch of 11-th thoracic vertebra?
Lumbar segments.
20. What anatomical structure of brain is damaged the most probably, if patient
barges about in standing position with the eyes closed, looses consciousness, has
decreased tonus of skeletal musculature?
Nuclei of cerebellum.
21. What of conductive tracts of the spinal cord may be damaged in trauma of the
spinal column with lesion of posterior funiculi of spinal cord in the area of the first
thoracic vertebra?
Tactile and proprioceptive sensitivity.
22. In the cortex of what gyrus of cerebrum a focus of lesion is located, if a patient
(right-handed) presents loss of ability to perform fine movements, which are
necessary for drawing letters, words and other signs (agraphia)?
Posterior portion of middle frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere.
23. In the cortex of what gyrus of cerebrum a focus of lesion is located, if a patient
possesses sound perception and understanding, but ability to name subject
correctly is absent?
Lower frontal gyrus.
24. What of analyzing functions of organism would suffer, if patient had
hemorrhage into occipital lobe of hemisphere in the zone of calcarine sulcus?
Visual analyzer.
25. Neurons of what nuclei of posterior horns of spinal cord are damaged, if patient
presents deficiency of sensory information from opposite part of the body of a
definite segment?
Proper nucleus of posterior horn.
26. From what anatomical formation between tunicae of spinal cord cerebrospinal
fluid is obtained in puncture performing?
Subarachnoidal space.
27. In the cortex of what gyrus of cerebrum a focus of lesion is located, if patient
presents disorder of tactile sensitivity?
Postcentral gyrus of parietal lobe.
28. Function of what analyzer is disturbed, if patient is not able to write words and
diagnosis of “motor aphasia” is made?
Cortical center of motor analyzer of writing.
29. Where are conductive tracts of proprioceptive sensitivity of cortical direction in
white substance of spinal cord located?
Posterior funiculus of spinal cord.
30. In what cortical zone of cerebral hemisphere center (nucleus) is located,
responsible for the function of control of performing complicated combined
motions and the lesion of which leads to apraxia?
Lower parietal lobule.
31. In what cortical zone of cerebral hemisphere center is located, if patient
presents disorder of function of combine head rotation and eye balls into opposite
Posterior portion of middle frontal gyrus.
32. In what cortical zone of cerebral hemisphere lesion is located, if patient
presents disorder of functions of motor centers, which regulate contraction of facial
Lower portion of precentral gyrus.
33. Between what brain mater subarachnoid space is located?
Between arachnoid and pia mater.
34. What anatomical parts are distinguished in the internal capsule of the
Anterior limb, genu, posterior limb.
35. What structures of brain support functional activity of cerebral cortex?
Reticular formation.
36. Which of conductive tracts of CNS accomplishes communications of
hypothalamus nuclei with vegetative nuclei of cerebrum and spinal cord?
Posterior longitudinal fascicle.
37. Which functional groups of nuclei of gray substance of spinal cord are
localized in anterior horns?
Motor nuclei.
38. Which fibers of white substance of brain compose corpus callosum?
Comissural fibers.
39. Which of conductive tracts of brain provides function of coordinated motion of
both eye balls?
Medial longitudinal fascicle.
40. In the area of which cranial fossa cranial clivus is located, the fracture of which
may lead to trauma of brainstem and appearance of group of bulbar disorders?
Posterior cranial fossa.
41. Function of which centers of cerebral cortex is disturbed if, as a result of
trauma, posterior portion of lower frontal gyrus was hurt?
Motor analyzer of speech articulation.
42. Fiber of which conductive tract of CNS are localized in the genu and in
anterior portion of posterior limb of the internal capsule?
Pyramidal tract.
43. Along which of conductive CNS tract will conductivity of nerve impulses be
disturbed if a patient with tumor presents lesions of oblongated marrow pyramids?
Cortical-spinal tract.
44. In which gyrus of cerebral hemisphere center is localized if patient is not able
to read, compose words and phrases from letters?
Angular gyrus.
45. In which lobe of cerebral hemisphere center is localized if patient is not able to
write letters and figures?
Frontal lobe.
46. In which gyrus of cerebral hemisphere center is localized if patient is not able
to speak, but understands speech addressed to him?
Lower frontal gyrus.
47. In which lobe of cerebral hemisphere center is localized if patient is not able to
recognize objects familiar to him earlier by typical for them sounds (striking of a
clock, sound of ringing bells, music)?
Temporal lobe.
48. In what side of gray substance of CNS vegetative nuclei are located from
which supplied the dilator papillae muscle?
Lateral horns of gray substance of spinal cord at the level of segments С -VIII
– Тh I.
49. In what area of brain neoplasm is localized if its growth led to increase of sizes
of Turkish saddle?
1. Hypothalamus of the diencephalon.
50. Which of conductive tracts of CNS is damaged if patient presents involuntary
contractions of skeletal musculature and disorder of its tonus?
Red nucleus-spinal tract.
51. Into what space between brain maters cerebrospinal liquor passes through
median and lateral apertures of roof of the IV ventricle?
Subarachnoid space.
52. Name areas of the brain at the stage of development of three cerebral vesicles:
Forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.
53. Name areas of the brain which develop from 1st primary cerebral vesicle:
Diencephalon and telencephalon.
54. Name areas of the brain which develop from (third) primary cerebral vesicle:
Metencephalon (pons,cerebellum) and myelencephalon(medulla oblongata).
55. Give definition of spinal cord segment.
The portion of spinal cord with one pair of spinal nerves.
56. Name inter-membrane spaces of spinal cord:
Epidural space subdural space, subarachnoid space.
57. Which spinal cord mater forms dentate ligaments for it?
Pia mater.
58. Enumerate processes of brain dura mater:
Falx cerebri, falx cerebelli, tentorium cerebelli, diaphragm of Turkish
59. What sinus of dura mater connects upper and lower saggital sinuses and where
is it located?
Direct sinus, located in tentorium cerebella.
60. Enumerate craniocerebral nerves which go out of midbrain:
Oculomotor (III pair) and trochlear (IV pair) nerves.
61. Enumerate craniocerebral nerves which go out of the pons:
Trigeminal (V pair), abducent (VI pair), facial (VII pair), vestibulocochlear
(VIII pair) nerves.
62. Enumerate craniocerebral nerves which go out of medulla oblongata:
Glossopharingeal nerve (IX), vagus nerve (X), accessory nerve(XI), hypoglossal
63. Name nuclei of vestibulocochlear nerve:
Superior,inferior, lateral and medial vestibular nuclei.
Dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei.
64. Name nuclei of facial nerve:
Motor nucleus, nucleus of solitary tract (sensitive) and superior salivary
(parasympathetic) nucleus.
65. Name nuclei of accessory nerve:
Two motor nuclei: ambiguus and spinal.
66. Name structures which form parts of metencephalon:
Pons, cerebellum, isthmus, IV ventricle.
67. What is roof of the IV ventricle formed by?
Superior medullary velum, inferior medullary velum, tela choroidea and
choroidal plexus of the IV ventricle.
68. What structure serves as a margin between medulla oblongata and pons on
rhomboid fossa?
Medullary stripes of the IV ventricle (auditory conductive tract).
69. Enumerate all junctions of the IV ventricle:
With III ventricle – through cerebral aqueduct (Sylvian); through the obex
central canal of spinal cord; with subarachnoid space – through two lateral
openings (Lushka) and one medial aperture (Magendi).
70. What basic parts of cerebellum are distinguished?
Two cerebellar hemispheres, cerebellar vermis, cerebellar flocculus.
71. Name cerebellar structures, which are related to the oldest cerebellar portion
Flocculus, node and fastigeal nucleus.
72. Name cerebellar structures, which are related to cerebellar portion, medial by
time of development (paleocerebellum):
Vermis, emboliform and globose nuclei.
73. Name cerebellar structures, which are related to the youngest cerebellar portion
Cerebellar hemisphere, dentate nucleus.
74. Nuclei of which cranio-cerebral nerves
located in deepness of the pons?
Nuclei of trigeminal, abducent, facial and vestibulo-cochlear nerves.
75. Where does abducent nerve exit on the base of the brain?
In the sulcus between pons and pyramid of the medulla oblongata( medullo pontine sulcus).
76. Where does hypoglossal nerve way-out on the base of the brain?
In the sulcus between pyramid and olive of the medulla oblongata (antero-lateral
77. Where does oculomotor nerve exit on the base of the brain?
In the interpeduncular fossa, medially of cerebral peduncle.
78. Describe the place of way-out of trochlear nerve:
On the dorsal surface of pons on each side from frenulum of the superior
medullary velum.
79. What structures compose inferior cerebellar peduncle?
Gracile and cuneate fascicles, part of lateral funiculus of spinal cord.
80. What is rhomboid fossa limited by?
By inferior, medial and superior cerebellar peduncles.
81. Where are nuclei of vestibulo-cochlear nerve projected in the rhomboid fossa?
To vestibular area of rhomboid fossa.
82. Where are nuclei of oculomotor nerve projected?
Onto superior colliculus of the midbrain.
83. What brachiums of superior colliculus connect in the midbrain?
Superior colliculus of the midbrain and lateral geniculate bodies.
84. What brachiums of inferior colliculus connect in the midbrain?
Inferior colliculus of the midbrain and medial geniculate bodies.
85. What structures the midbrain compose?
Roof of the midbrain (tectal plate) ,cerebral peduncles, cerebral aqueduct
86. What parts of the midbrain are distinguished while considering internal
structure of this devision?
Roof of midbrain(tectal plate), tegmentum of midbrain, basis of cerebral
87. Nuclei of which part of the brain a red nucleus belong to and where is it
Red nucleus is related to nuclei of midbrain, it is located in tegmentum.
88. What main structures are distinguished in diencephalon?
Thalamic region and hypothalamus, III ventricle.
89. Name parts of thalamic region:
Thalamus, epithalamus and metathalamus .
90. What structures compose epithalamus?
Habenula, habenular trigon, commissure of habenulae, epiphysis.
91. What structures compose metathalamus?
Lateral and medial geniculate bodies.
92. Enumerate structures of hypothalamus :
Mamillary bodies, tuber cinereum, infundibulum , hypophysis, optic chiasm, optic
93. What structures form inferior wall of III ventricle?
Hypothalamus : mamillary bodies, tuber cinereum, infundibulum , hypophysis,
optic chiasm, optic tract.
94. What structures form superior wall of III ventricle?
Choroid plexus and tela choroidea of III ventricle.
95. What structures form lateral walls of III ventricle?
Medial surfaces of thalamuses.
96. Connections of the III ventricle:
Right and left interventricular foramens(Monro) – connect with lateral ventricles of
hemispheres; aqueduct of the cerebrum (Sylvian) – with IV ventricle.
97. What structures form anterior wall of III ventricle?
Terminal plate of forebrain, anterior cerebral commissure, columns of fornix.
98. What structures form posterior wall of III ventricle?
Midbrain, posterior cerebral commissure, commissure of habenula, epiphysis .
99. Name endocrine glands and nuclei of the brain:
Epiphysis and hypophysis , hypothalamic nuclei: mamillary nucleus, nucleus of
tuber cinereum, nucleus of infundibulum, paraventricular nuclei, supraoptical
100. What structures form medial wall of the I-st and II-nd ventricles?
Semitransparent plates of the forebrain.
101. Name parts of the corpus callosum:
102. Give definition of associated conduction tracts of the forebrain.
Associated conduction tracts are fibers of white substance of the forebrain which
connect different centers of one hemisphere.
103. Give definition of commissural conduction tracts of the forebrain.
Commissural conduction tracts are fibers of white substance of forebrain which
connect equal centers of different hemispheres.
104. Give definition of projection conduction tracts of the forebrain.
Projection conduction tracts are fibers of white substance of forebrain which
connect different levels of the CNS.
105. Name commissures of the brain:
Corpus callosum, anterior and posterior cerebral commissures, commissure of the
fornix, commissure of the habenula, inter-thalamus commissure(adhesion).
106. Name main parts of lentiform nucleus:
Medial and lateral globus pallidus, putamen.
107. In what lobe of hemisphere is amygdaloid nucleus located?
In the temporal lobe.
108. Enumerate basal nuclei of hemispheres:
Caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus, claustrum, amygdaloid nucleus.
109. Name main parts of caudate nucleus:
Head, body, tail of the caudate nucleus.
110. What structures of basal nuclei of hemispheres are related to striated body?
(striopallidal system)?
Caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus.
111. Name the main areas of the lateral ventricles:
Anterior (frontal) horn, central portion, posterior (occipital) horn, temporal horn.
112. How is the oldest part of forebrain called?
113. Name structures which form white substance of hemispheres between basal
Internal capsule, external capsule, the most external capsule.
114. What areas are distinguished in the internal capsule?
Anterior limb, genu of the internal capsule and posterior limb.
115. What structures does internal capsule divide against each other ?
Caudate nucleus, thalamus and lentiform nucleus.
116. What structures does external capsule divide against each other?
Lentiform nucleus and claustrum.
117. What structures does the most external capsule divide against each other ?
Claustrum and cortex of insular lobe of hemispheres.
118. Inter-mater spaces of the brain:
Subdural and subarachnoid spaces.
119. What brain mater takes part in production of liquor and what does it form for
this purpose?
Pia mater, it forms choroid plexuses of ventricles.
120. What brain mater takes part in the outflow of liquor and what does it form for
this purpose?
Arachnoid granulations.
121. What brain mater takes part in the outflow of venous blood and liquor and
what does it form for this purpose?
Dura mater, it forms venous sinuses of dura mater.
122. What structure serves as periosteum for cranial bones?
Dura mater of the brain.
123. In what brain areas are there reticulary formation?
In the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, hindbrain, midbrain and diencephalon.
124. What lobe of the brain does cuneus belong to?
Occipital lobe.
125. Enumerate structures of the anterior surface of oblongata marrow:
Pyramides, decussation of the pyramids, olives.
126. Name main nuclei of the midbrain:
Red nucleus, black substance, intermediate nucleus, nuclei of colliculi, nuclei of III
– IV pairs of cranial nerves.
127. Fibers of what nuclei form decussation of the medial lemniscus (ascending
proprioceptive tract)?
Arcuate fibers of gracillis and cuneate nuclei of the medulla oblongata.
128. In what brain areas are there olivary nuclei?
In medulla oblongata and in hindbrain.
129. What structures are related to hindbrain isthmus?
Superior medullary velum, superior cerebellar peduncles, triangle of
130. To what portion of brain isthmus is related?
To hindbrain.
131. Neurons of what structural types are distinguished?
Unipolar, bipolar, pseudounipolar, multipolar.
132. What is reflex ring?
This is reflex arch, plus feedback link from executive organ.
133. What groups of projection conductive tracts are distinguished?
Afferent (ascending) and efferent (descending).