5th-12th Grade Vocal Music

Instrumental Music - 5th and 6th Grade
Unit of Study
Major Objectives
Skills or Concepts Learned
Activities & Aids
I. Introducing the
1. All Students in the 4th grade will have
the opportunity to be introduced
to all the instruments in the band.
For those interested, band instrument
instruction will be available during
the 5th grade year in school.
A. The student will be able to name
all the instruments and classify
them according to brass, woodwind and percussion.
II. Care of Instruments
1. The student will assemble
his/her instrument in the
proper way.
A. The student will be able to hold
his/her instrument for proper
In-class demonstrations
on assembling the
2. The student will be able
to keep his instrument in proper
working condition.
A. The student will be able to oil
the valves and keys on the
inside and outside.
B. The student will be able to
properly grease the joints of
the instrument where and when
In-class demonstrations
on disassembling the
3. The student will be able to
disassemble his instrument.
A. The student will be able to properly
disassemble the instrument
B. The student will properly
clean the instrument after use.
1. The student will learn the proper
posture and holding position
of his/ her instrument
A. The student will be able to hold the
instrument in the proper playing
B. The student will sit in such a way
conducive to good playing of the
III. Posture
In-class demonstrations
will be given on all
In-class demonstrations
of correct posture and
hand position.
Instrumental Music - 5th and 6th Grade (Cont.)
Unit of Study
Major Objectives
Skills or Concepts Learned
Activities & Aides
IV. Playing the
1. Developing ensemble and solo
performance skills; using these
skills in expressive musical
A. The student will develop skills
needed for good tone, intonation,
breathing, embouchure, fingering,
rhythm, articulation and scales.
In-class demonstrations of
skills and practical use
V. Knowledge of
1. The student will be able to play
basic note patterns using different
patterns using different articulations.
A. The student will be able to play
a scale using the following
articulations: slurred, regular,
legato and staccato.
In-class demonstrations of
the different articulations.
VI. Knowledge of
1. The student will be able to play
basic exercises using varying
degrees of dynamics
A. The student will be able to
sustain a note at the following
dynamic levels:
1. Piano
2. Mezzo-Piano
3. Mezzo-Forte
4. Forte
In-class demonstrations of
VII. Knowledge of
1. The student will be able to play
basic exercises using the correct
fingerings and producing the correct
sound stated in the exercises.
A. The student will be able to play
each note with the correct fingering
in the pages covered in the
beginning band method used.
B. The student will be able to tell
the key of a piece of music.
C. The student will be able to list the
sharps and flats in the order of their
appearance, up to four each.
Instrumental Music - 5th and 6th Grade (Cont.)
Unit of Study
VIII. Knowledge of
IX. Concert Band
Major Objectives
1. The student will be able to play the
basic rhythm patterns essential in
playing elementary level
band music
1. The student will be able to play his/her
assigned music in band. He/she will
be able to demonstrate correct
playing of music through the knowledge
of basic music fundamentals and
Skills or Concepts Learned
A. The student will be able to play the
rhythmic values:
1. Whole note
2. Whole rest
3. Half note
4. Half rest
5. Quarter note
6. Quarter rest
7. Eighth note
8. Eighth rest
9. Sixteenth note
10. Sixteenth rest
B. The student will be able to play in
the following meter signatures:
1. 4/4
2. 2/4
3. 2/2
4. 3/4
5. 3/8
6. 6/8
A. The student will get a general idea
of a large ensemble sound as opposed
to a solo or small ensemble.
Activities & Aides
Instrumental Music - 7th and 8th Grade
Unit of Study
I. Concert Band
Major Objectives
1. The student will be able to play his
assigned music in band and the
smaller ensembles of which he is
a part. He will be able to demonstrate
correct playing of his music through
the knowledge of basic music fundamentals and terms.
2. The student will understand the
role his part plays to create the
total band sound.
Skills or Concepts Learned
A. The student will be able to play
the chromatic scale ascending and
descending throughout the practical
range of his instrument.
B. The student will demonstrate
breath support by being able
to sustain a tone for a length
of fifteen seconds.
C. The student will be able to play the
major scales of the following
concert pitches:
1. C
2. G
3. Bb
4. Eb
5. F
6. Ab
D. The student will be able to play
varying degrees of dynamics.
E. The student will be able to play at
different tempo markings according
to the tempo given at the beginning
of a piece.
F. The student will produce on his
instrument correct attack and release,
staccato articulation and legato
G. The student will be able to play
his assigned part in band.
A. The student will know which
families of instruments produce
similar tonal qualities and thus have a
similar role in the music.
Activities & Aides
Practiced during band
warm-up period.
Practiced during the
warm up band.
Scales to be practiced will
coincide with the key of
pieces being rehearsed.
Various dynamic levels and
tempi will be used with
the scale warm-ups.
Various styles of attacks and
releases will be discussed
and utilized as part of the
warm-up and rehearsal.
Rehearsals will include
discussions about the
techniques used by
the composer.
Instrumental Music - 7th and 8th Grade (cont.)
Unit of Study
Major Objectives
I. (Continued)
II. Marching Band
Skills or Concepts Learned
Activities & Aides
B. The student will be able to explain
the reason for key change,
dynamic change, tempo change,
stylistic change and basic structure
of the piece being rehearsed
and/or performed.
3 The student will be able to play many
styles of music.
A. The student will be able to explain
the differences in styles of band music
based on the variety of music being
rehearsed and/or performed.
Pieces being rehearsed
and/or performed will
include a variety of styles
of music.
4. The student will be able to sight
read band music.
A. The student will be able to play
various styles of band music
on first sight.
Pieces will be sight read
on a regular basis.
1. The student will be introduced to
introduced to marching band
in the spring of the year.
(Time permitting)
Street marching procedures
will be taught in the spring
of the year.
Instrumental Music - 9th thru 12th Grade
Unit of Study
Major Objectives
Skills or Concepts Learned
Activities & Aides
A. The student will be able to play
all marching music by memory.
B. The student will be able to
demonstrate the horn positions of
carriage and playing.
C. The student will be able to demonstrate
the fundamentals of Corps style
marching eight steps to five yards,
and alignment of ranks, files and
diagonals on street.
This will be practiced and
demonstrated during band
I. Marching Band
1. The student will be able to march and
play his assigned parts in street
marching (and field show marching
If applicable).
II. Concert Band
1. The student will be able to play his
assigned music in band and the smaller
ensembles of which he is a part. He will
He will be able to demonstrate correct
playing of his music through the knowledge of basic music fundamentals
and terms.
A The student will show an extension
of the concepts and skills learned
in junior high band.
These will be practiced
during the warm-up and
rehearsal time of each
band rehearsal.
2. The student will understand the role
stand the role his part plays to create
the total band sound.
A. The student will know which families
of instruments produce similar tonal
qualities and thus have a similar role
ties and thus have a similar role in
music being performed.
Rehearsals will include
discussions about the
techniques of composition
used by the composer.
Instrumental Music - 9th thru 12th Grade
Unit of Study
II. (Continued)
Major Objectives
Skills or Concepts Learned
Activities & Aides
3. The student will be able to play many
styles of music.
A. The student will be able to
explain the difference in styles of
band music based on the variety
of music being rehearsed and/or
Pieces rehearsed and/or
performed will include
variety of styles of music.
4. The student will be able to sight read
band music of various styles.
A. The student will be able to play
band music on first sight.
Pieces will be sight read
on a regular basis.
Note: During the students' 5-12 instrumental experience they will be frequently exposed to music of many diverse cultures. When appropriate,
this music will be played and its characteristics discussed.
Revised May 20, 2010