SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY: RCSLT CLINICAL EDUCATION PLACEMENT STANDARDS (CEPS) RECORD FORM with LOCAL GUIDANCE NOTES (Compiled by Managers Group, SPEC, CCC and local CEs in conjunction with Speech and Language Sciences, University of Newcastle) 1. COMMITMENT TO QUALITY Standard: The placement provider commits itself to providing a high quality clinical experience, and appropriate learning opportunities. Basic level Not met Evidence 1B.1 The placement provider adheres to RCSLT guidelines on placement provision. Baseline assessment using CEPS record form CEs hold a completed section 4 of CEPS Stakeholder Placement Expectation agreement/form Other: 1B.2 The placement provider will have a best practice / quality assurance (QA) statement for student placements. QA statement contained within Service Profile and/or Annual Report QA statement within Service Specification CE written into job descriptions, Band 2 and above Other: 1B.3 The placement provider will have an Action plan annual action plan for student experience. Regular staff meeting agenda item Meeting minutes Other: 1 Nearly met Fully met Action to take 1B.4 All clinical educators (CEs) are aware of this statement and the action plan, and are involved in its implementation. Enhanced level Regular staff meeting agenda item Meeting minutes Clinical Educator file held by all CEs Other: Not met Evidence 1E.1 There is an annual review of the best practice / QA statement and action plan which is disseminated. Copy of plan with monitoring details Notes from review meeting example of how ideas and suggestions are collated Other: 1E.2 The placement provider can demonstrate an awareness of good practice from other disciplines within the Trust, and makes use of this knowledge to develop work with students. Liaison with other disciplines Heads of Service meetings AHP Forum Discussion in multidisciplinary teams Other: 2 Nearly met Fully met Action to take 2. ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATION Standard: The placement provider has the administrative procedures in place to organise a quality clinical education experience for students. Basic level Not met Evidence 2B.1 The placement provider specifies a named clinical placement co-ordinator who is a speech and language therapist. Job/role description Appraisal statement University documentation Other: 2B.2 There are agreed channels of liaison and information sharing between the placement provider and the university. SPEC CCC Attendance of University staff at NRGSLTM meetings as required Other: 2B.3 There are identified processes for sharing this information within the Trust. CCC meeting summary sheet Regular agenda item on staff meeting Meeting minutes Newsletters In-service training Other: 2B.4 There is a student induction pack (see Communicating Quality 2 page 241). Shared flowchart (processes/tasks involved in placement) Copy of pack at each site and/or on IT system e-mail or hard copy sent to student Other: 3 Nearly met Fully met Action to take 2B.5 Time-scales are adhered to regarding provision of information to universities (e.g. names of CEs, return of report forms). Shared flow chart Date on report forms Other: 2B.6 The placement provider will notify the university immediately should any changes occur which could affect the provision of a placement & vice versa. QA statement Letter, e-mail. phone records Other: 2B.7 Appropriate pre-placement information will be sent to relevant parties involved in the placement. Shared flowchart Welcome letter and induction pack Timetables Other: Enhanced level Not met Evidence 2E.1 There will be an agreed number of clinical sessions/placements provided each academic year. Placement offers made for coming academic year on a regional basis Other: 2E.2 The clinical co-ordinator has ring-fenced time allocation for the role. Job/role description Other: 4 Nearly met Fully met Action to take 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CLINICAL CO-ORDINATOR (CC) Standard: The placement provider has a named clinical co-ordinator (CC) who has sufficient skills and support to oversee the management of an effective placement Basic Level 3 B.1 The CC has an overview of therapists’ availability to provide student placements. Possible Evidence Master Plan timetable Documented information on placement prioritisation Department circular allowing to opt in/opt out Other: 3 B.2 3 B.3 The CC collates clinical education issues and development needs identified by CEs and disseminates them. Standing items on staff/team The CC ensures that CEs are aware of their roles and responsibilities Distribution of Clinical Educator meetings Issues taken to CCC or raised with University staff Distribution of CCC minutes/newsletter Other: Packs in advance of placement Clinical education roles and responsibilities included in staff induction General information sharing (written/verbal) Other: 5 Not met Nearly Fully met met Action to take 3 B.4 The CC provides support and offers development opportunities for CEs Group meetings with CEs Providing opportunity/access to CCs time Other: 3 B.5 The CC liaises with the University at appropriate times Attendance at CCC Meetings Reliable Secretarial support Other: 3 B.6 3 B.7 3 B.8 3 B.9 The CC has responsibility for a student induction pack The CC disseminates information to other clinical teachers. The CC is responsible for maintaining and updating information The CC is familiar with the specific requirements of Universities from whom they take students Maintenance of Student Information Pack Information evaluated regularly (?annually) Other: Maintenance of current student information Attendance at CCC meetings Other: Maintenance of current information from University as a resource Attendance at Experienced CE Workshop on a semi-regular basis Attendance at other related workshops 6 Awareness of key liaison people at the University Other: 3 B.10 There is an adequate number of suitability trainied CEs to provide quality placement experience Documentation of staff attendance at Introductory and Experienced CE Workshops Other: Enhanced Level 3 E.1 3 E.2 3 E.3 Evidence The CC organises in-house SLT meetings to Standing items on staff/team discuss student issues meetings Special meetings dedicated to clinical education Other: The CC develops student network systems outside the Healthcare Trust with other CCs The CC enables inter-professional networking on student issues within the Trust Member to CCC Other: Meetings/discussion with other professions on student issues Involvement in interprofessional placements (e.g. Common Learning Project) Other: 7 Not met Nearly Fully met met Action to take 3 E.4 The CC develops departmental resources on clinical teaching Member of CCC Departmental Resources/Student Induction Pack Other: 3 E.5 3 E.6 The CC facilitates opportunities for inhouse training on student issues Training events arising from The CC monitors the quality of the students placement experience Responds to student feedback departmental discussions Other: issues where appropriate Obtains regular feedback from CEs Other: 8 4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CLINICAL EDUCATOR (CE) Standard: The clinical educator has sufficient skills and support to provide an effective placement Basic Level Evidence 4 B.1 The CE demonstrates a positive commitment CE engages in regular clinical to SLT clinical education and uses CE education development opportunities Involvement in student working party of clinicians addressing difficulties with placements. Discussion at staff meetings and recorded on agenda and minutes Attendance at Introductory CE Workshop Semi-regular attendance at Advanced CE Workshop Other: 4 B.2 The CE liases with the clinical cocoordinator in the Trust, and with the University as appropriate Standing items on staff/team The CE provides a range of learning opportunities for the student Checklist of a range of potential 4 B.3 meetings CE meets with CC on a needs basis to discuss student issues Awareness of key liaison people at the University Other: learning opportunities e.g case 9 Not met Nearly Fully met met Action to take discussion, meetings, SIG’s Possible learning opportunities discussed with each student Input to the personal Clinical Goals Other: 4 B.4 The CE negotiates and reviews placement objectives and progress with the student at agreed times e.g. at the beginning, middle and end of placement Induction completed with student Personal Clinical Goals completed at outset Mid-way evaluation completed Review sessions timetabled Other: 4 B.5 The CE provides adequate time for regular and structured feedback Written/verbal agreement of times for feedback and documented in diary; copy of any written feedback given. Supervising/feedback log completed each session Time recorded in stats Timetable provided to student Time agreed for feedback Student feedback confirming time for feedback Negotiated time convenient for both Documented – diary/timesheet/stats/checklists Other: 10 4 B.6 4 B.7 The CE completes documentation within the given timescales e.g. Clinical Evaluation Report Copy of report in students file All should be dated and completed The CE has had at least 1 year clinical experience since qualifying Documented in job description Documented date of qualification in time University should give deadline for completion Other: and date of commencement of SLT post HPC certification RCSLT membership Line Manager to take responsibility Other: 4 B.8 4 B.9 The CE has normally attended a CE training course at the appropriate level, such as new/experienced, and updates clinical education knowledge/skills at least every 3 years RCSLT personal log Attendance at introductory Clinical CEs identify their CPD needs regarding clinical education training Document within IDR Line Managers to take Educators Workshop with dates Semi-regular attendance at Experienced CE Workshop with dates Trust/management commitment to meeting appraisal targets Other: responsibility 11 SLT request for CE training through appraisal Other: 4 B.10 CEs have time allocated to attend CE meeting Enhanced Level 4 E.1 Some CEs participate in a CE support/group network Trust/Management recognition and documentation of the importance of CE training Allocation of time Line Managers to take responsibility Built into job description Other: Evidence Representatives at CCC level Opportunity to work with other CEs Attendance recorded in personal departmental log Other: 4 E.2 Some CEs contribute to CE training courses Participation in Introductory and/or Experienced CE workshops Agendas from meetings to be filed with log of attendance Other: 12 Not met Nearly Fully met met Action to take 4 E.3 Participation in Postgraduate CE training courses leading to accreditation/award Postgraduate qualification in CE (accreditation not currently available in SLT, available in Medicine) Other: 13 5. NETWORKING AND PARTNERSHIPS Standard: A quality placement involves working in partnership with interested parties (e.g. RCSLT, HPC, Workforce Development Confederations, including Scottish Executive, National Assembly of Wales). Basic level Evidence The SLT team providing the placement have knowledge of, and contact with, other departments within the Trust regarding clinical education. Contact details Meeting notes Multidisciplinary team minutes 5B.2 The SLT team providing the placement maintains professional and interprofessional links, regarding clinical education, at regional and national level. 5B.3 There is a partnership agreement in place between the placement provider and the university, regarding clinical education. Needs clarification – clinical education for whom? Partnership agreement Other: 5B.1 Other: CCC and workshops SPEC AHP forum Regional collaboration on CEPS record form Other: 14 Not met Nearly met Fully met Action to take Enhanced level 5E.1 5E.2 5E.3 Evidence Networking at executive level within the Trust, with the aim of raising the profile of clinical education. Annual report Presentation to PEC/Board, etc There are links which allow input at recruitment level, for potential SLT students, and in the assessment of students. Interview dates Clinical vivas/joint assessment Some CEs contribute to university courses for students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Lectures to students, running Other: Other: workshops Clinical tutoring Facilitation of CE workshop sessions Other: 15 Not met Nearly met Fully met Action to take 6. MONITORING AND EVALUATION Standard: The placement provider monitors the student placement experience and evaluates the quality. 6B.1 6B.2 Basic level Evidence The placement provider has a process for monitoring the placement experience, from the perspective of the student, the CE and the CC. Shared flowchart Student evaluation form Internal service evaluation form for The placement provider acts upon feedback. Annual report Outline of action taken following CEs CC and CEs end of placement meeting notes Annual report from CC Other: feedback Other: 6B.3 The placement provider liaises with the university to share feedback from students and CEs. SPEC CCC Appraisal statements Other: 16 Not met Nearly met Fully met Action to take Enhanced level 6E.1 6E.2 Evidence The placement provider monitors the year on year improvement in the quality of placement provision through a clinical education Annual Action Plan. Copy of plan with details of The findings of this evaluation process are shared internally, and with partners and funders. Verbal/written report monitoring Other: Other: 17 Not met Nearly met Fully met Action to take