Home Instructions after Patella Realignment / Lateral Release

Patella: Lateral Release / Realigned
Postoperative Instructions:
Brent P. Hansen, DO (602-588-4040)
(LRR, Patellar realignment, MPFL repair)
Send Instructions Home with Patient
Progress to your normal diet unless you are nauseated
If nauseated take liquids and light foods (jello, soups, etc.)
 Be in the care of a responsible adult. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Do not drive.
 Do not make important personal or business decisions or sign legal documents.
 Elevate the leg above your chest level for as much as possible. Trips to the bathroom, etc., are permitted.
 Use crutches with brace. Ace bandage may be loosened but don’t remove.
 Weight bearing allowed is:
Toe Touch;
Non-weight bearing.
 You may shower if dressing is kept dry. Wrap with cellophane until water-tight before shower and avoid soaking.
 Do not engage in activities which increase pain or swelling in your affected joint, such as stair climbing or long
periods of standing or reaching.
 Return to work depends on your type of employment and ability to elevate your leg.
 Begin vigorous ankle pumps and foot movements immediately. Perform 3 - 4 times per hour while awake.
Straight leg raises and quadriceps tightening 10 – 20 times each; 3 – 4 times per day.
 Maintain your postoperative dressing. Loosen the Ace bandage if swelling of the leg, foot or ankle occurs.
 Dressings will be removed one week after surgery in the orthopedic office.
 May shower without cellophane wrap after dressing removed. Avoid immersing in water.
 Strong oral pain medications have been prescribed. Use as directed and avoid alcoholic beverages.
 When taking pain medications, be careful as you walk, drive or climb stairs. Mild dizziness is not unusual.
 Do not take medications that have not been prescribed by your physicians.
 Resume your home medications
Enteric Coated Aspirin 325mg
twice daily for three weeks.
Increasing Redness, or swelling, around the incision.
Draining anything but clear yellow or pink (blood tinged) fluid.
Continuous drainage from incisions. A small amount or drainage is expected.
Recurrent temperature elevations higher than 101.5º F without explanation after 3 days.
Extremity swelling that fails to resolve after several hours of elevation of the leg on 1-2 pillows or after a nights sleep.
If short of breath, chest pressures, and or pain, GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM for further evaluation.
 Please schedule an appointment for:
5-7 days
10-14 days
_____ days by calling 602-588-4040
Other Instructions:
These discharge instructions have been explained to the patient/significant other. I acknowledge that I understand these instructions and that I have no
further questions. A copy has been given to the patient / significant other .
Signed: __________________________ Date: ________
Patient / Significant Other
Signed: __________________________ Date: __________
Physician / Nurse