Xiaofeng Steven Liu Email: xliu@mailbox.sc.edu Department of Educational Studies University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 Office: 803-777-6084 Home: 803-661-8473 EDUCATION Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Ph.D. in Measurement and Quantitative Methods, December, 1999 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI MA in English as a Second Language, August, 1995 Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China BA in English, July, 1991 Cognate: Science EMPLOYMENT 2006-present Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Educational Studies, University of South Carolina 2007-2008 sabbatical leave for fall semester 2008 leave of absence from University of South Carolina at National Education Association, Washington, DC 2000-2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies, University of South Carolina 1999-2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 1998-1999 Programmer Analyst, PRT Group Inc., Windsor, CT 1995-1998 Research Assistant, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 1994-1995 Course Instructor, English Language Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa 1991-1993 Faculty, Department of Scientific English, Shanghai University of Science and Technology HONOR Dean Scholar, Michigan State University, 1995-1998 2 PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Liu, X. (in press). The Effect of a Covariate on Standard Error and Confidence Interval Width, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. Liu, X. (2010), A Note on Non-centrality Parameters for Contrast Tests in One-way ANOVA, Journal of Experimental Education, 78, 53-59. Liu, X. (2009). Sample Size and the Width of Confidence Interval for Mean Differences, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 62, 201-215. Liu, X., & Ramsey, J†. (2008). Teachers' Job Satisfaction: Analyses of the Teacher Follow-up Survey in the United States for 2000-2001, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 1173-1184. Liu, X. (2007). The Effect of Teacher Influence At School on First-year Teacher Attrition: A Multilevel Analysis of the Schools and Staffing Survey for 1999-2000, Educational Research and Evaluation, 14, 1-16. Liu, X. (2007). What is the Most Effective Way to Keep Teachers? Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 11, 113-120. Kim, D.†, & Liu, X. (2005). First-Year Experiences and Teachers' Professional Commitment: An Analysis of SASS 1999-2000, Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(2), 103-123. Liu, X., & Meyer, J. P† (2005). Teachers’ perceptions of their job: a multilevel analysis of the Teacher Follow-up Survey for 1994-95, Teachers College Record, 107, 985-1003. Liu, X., & Raudenbush, S. (2004). A Note on the Noncentrality Parameter and Effect Size Estimates for the F Test in ANOVA. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 29, 251-255. Liu, X. (2003). Statistical Power and Optimum Sample Allocation Ratio for Treatment and Control Having Unequal Costs per Unit of Randomization. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 28, 231-248. Raudenbush, S., & Liu, X. (2001). Effects of Study Duration, Frequency of Observation, and Sample Size on Power in Studies of Treatment Effects on Polynomial Change, Psychological Methods, 6, 387-401. Raudenbush, S., & and Liu, X. (2000). Statistical Power and Optimal Design for Multisite Randomized Trials. Psychological Methods, 5, 199-213. † graduate students 2 3 GRANTS 5. Liu, X. Principle Investigator. (pending). Statistical Power Analysis for Complex Multilevel Designs. US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Fund requested: $337,000. 4. Yell, M., Drasgow, E., & Liu, X. Co-Principle Investigator. (2006-2009). Development of the IEP Quality Scale. US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences Special Education Research. Fund amount: $264,715 3. Liu, X. Principal investigator. (2005-2007) Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Teacher Turnover. Spencer Foundation. Fund amount: $39,447 2. Liu, X. Principal investigator. (2002-2004). Professional Support, School Conditions, and First-year Teacher Attrition. American Educational Research Association. Fund amount: $34,131. 1. Liu, X. Principal investigator. (2001-2002). Social Background and Career Patterns of Elementary/Secondary School Teachers. Research and Productive Scholarship at the University of South Carolina. Fund amount: $4,000. PRESENTATIONS Nkansah-Amankra, S., Luchok, K., Hussey, J., Watkins, K., & Liu, X. (2008). Multilevel analysis of neighborhood factors and maternal behaviors in the prevalence of low birth weight and preterm births in a South Carolina PRAMS population, presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA Kissel, H., Meyer, J.P., & Liu, X. (2006). Successful Retention of New and Minority Teachers: Results from the SASS and TFS, presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA. Kim, D., & Liu, X. (2005). The Effects of First-year Teacher Induction on Teacher Planned Retention, presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada. Liu, X. (2004). School Milieu and First-year Teacher Attrition, presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA. Liu, X. (2003). Derivation of Expected Mean Squares for Mixed-effects ANOVA through the Use of Hierarchical Linear Modeling, presented at the 4th international Amsterdam conference on multilevel analysis, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Liu, X., & Meyer, J.P. (2003). Teachers’ perceptions of their job: a multilevel analysis of the Teacher Follow-up Survey for 1994-95, presented at the 15th Annual Conference of South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research, Columbia, SC. 3 4 Liu, X. (2003). Optimal sample allocation ratio for treatment and control having unequal costs in multilevel designs, presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL. Liu, X. (2002). An introduction to Hierarchical Linear Modeling. Invited feature presentation, the 32nd Annual Meeting of South Carolina chapter of American Statistical Association, Columbia, SC. Liu, X., & Raudenbush, S. (2001). Computation of Power for 3-level Hierarchical Linear Models, paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Seattle, WA. Liu, X. & Raudenbush, S. (1998). Statistical power, effect size, and sample size in experiments, paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego,CA. Raudenbush, S., & Liu, X. (1998). Statistical power and optimal sample allocation in randomized experiments and cluster randomized trial, paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA. DEVELOPED SOFTWARE Raudenbush, S., Liu, X., & Congdon, R. (2004). Optimal Design Program. SUMMARY OF TEACHING Taught courses EDRM 700 Introduction to Research in Education EDRM 710 Educational Statistics I EDRM 711 Educational Statistics II EDRM 718 Research/Statistical Package EDRM 810 Design and Analysis of Experiments EDRM 816 Correlational and Multivariate Methods EDRM 878 Seminar in Research Techniques/EDRM 812 Hierarchical Linear Modeling EDRM 899 Doctoral Dissertation Preparation Doctoral Committees Member, Dissertation committee of Carolyn Jordan, Steven Nkansah, Dorinda Gallant, Shiqi Hao, J Patrick Meyer, Carol Sunderman, Finch Holmes, Steve Fisher Supervised graduate student Bryan May, M.Ed., 2007 SUMMARY OF SERVICE ACTIVITIES I. Professional service at the national level 4 5 2008-2011. Grant Reviewer for U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. 2008. Grant Proposal Reviewer for U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug-free Schools 2004-2008. Advisory Expert for The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). 2004. Member in Technical Working Group for a U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES)-sponsored design study entitled, Design of an Impact Evaluation of Teacher Induction Programs 2004. Member on the technical advisory group for Public/Private Ventures (P/PV) a social research organization 2004. Member on the technical working group for the Education Alliance at Brown University 2001-2008 Manuscript reviewer for Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Psychological Methods, and Educational and Psychological Measurement, Communications in Statistics--Simulation and Computation, Statistics in Medicine Book proposal reviewer for Sage, and John Wiley. Reviewer and discussant for American Educational Research Association Annual Conferences. II. Service at the university 2009 Member, College Student Affairs Committee, College of Education, University of South Carolina Member, Steering Committee, Department of Educational Studies, University of South Carolina 2005-2007. Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee, Department of Educational Studies, University of South Carolina 2004-2005. Chair, Academic Affairs Committee, Department of Educational Psychology, University of South Carolina 2003-2004 academic year Member, Advanced Programs Governance Committee, College of Education, University of South Carolina Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Department of Educational Psychology, University of South Carolina 2002-2003 academic year Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, College of Education, University of South Carolina Member, Faculty Search Committee, College of Education, University of South Carolina 5 6 Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Department of Educational Psychology, University of South Carolina Faculty adviser, College Course Evaluation, College of Education, University of South Carolina 2001-2002 academic year Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Department of Educational Psychology, University of South Carolina Member, Professional Education Unit Assessment Committee, College of Education, University of South Carolina Faculty adviser, College Course Evaluation, College of Education, University of South Carolina 2000-2001 academic year Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Department of Educational Psychology, University of South Carolina 6