Supplementary data Suppl. Table 1: Adverse event listing according to treatment arm Suppl. Table 2: Cardiac adverse events according to treatment arm Suppl. Table 3: Infection related adverse events according to treatment arm Suppl. Table 4: Early death rates in both treatment arms Supplementary Information on statistical issues Supplementary Information on statistical issues Median event free survival times in the treatment arm and the control arm were assumed to be 3 and 4.5 months, respectively (hazard ratio = 0.667). It was assumed that about 1/3 of the recruited study patients would be lost to follow-up. The form of the (event free) survival curve as well as the loss curve was assumed to be exponential in both the treatment and control arm. A single stage design without interim analysis with a fixed sample size was chosen. A total number of 191 events was necessary to achieve a power of 80% to detect the supposed treatment effect with a two-sided Logrank test with specified α=0.05. Accrual time and follow-up were planned to be 24 and 12 months, respectively. Therefore, a total of 216 patients had to be recruited (108 per treatment arm). The role of the DMC was to monitor the trial for safety issues. Efficacy data was not analyzed prior to the final analysis, neither by the DMC nor by anyone else. Definition of EFS: Time interval from day 1 of study treatment until treatment failure, relapse from CR, relapse from morphologic leukemia-free state, or death from any cause, whichever occurred first. For a patient with none of these events before the end of study follow-up, observation of EFS was censored at the date of his or her last follow-up examination. Patients undergoing allogenic bone marrow transplantation are censored for EFS at the time of bone marrow transplantation. Definition of RFS: Time interval from the day of documentation of CR until relapse or death from any cause. Patients undergoing allogenic bone marrow transplantation are censored for RFS at the time of bone marrow transplantation. Definition of OS: Time interval from day 1 of study treatment to the day of death. For a patient who is not known to have died by the end of follow-up, OS will be censored on the date the patient was last known to be alive. Patients undergoing allogenic bone marrow transplantation are censored for OS at the time of bone marrow transplantation. Regarding the primary endpoint (EFS), a total number of 147 events were observed (arm A: 72, arm B: 75). The resulting power is 69%. This power is large enough to conclude that no relevant treatment effect exists, taking also into account the estimated hazard ratio that is very close to 1. Patients were recruited in 25 trial sites, each site recruiting between 1 and 29 patients. In the whole study population, a total number of 72 TX were documented (ITT population: 70 TX, 30 in arm A, 40 in Arm B). This resulted in censoring regarding EFS in 11 cases in arm A and in 19 cases in arm B in the ITT population. These cases are mentioned as number of TX in first CR in the text. In all other cases TX was performed after an event with respect to EFS had occurred. Regarding the handling of allogeneic TX, it would be possible not to censor the respective cases but to use methods for competing events instead. According to the study protocol it was prespecified to censor the cases at the time of TX in the primary statistical analysis. Of note, there are several way how to account for TX in the analyses setting. Choosing the appropriate approach it has to be taken into account that TX does not represent an event that occurs as a result of disease progression or of a therapeutic success or failure. Instead of that, allogeneic TX rather represents a regular part of the therapeutic strategy: All patients with a matching stem cell donor in a sufficiently well condition are transplanted. And after TX, observation of patients is not stopped, but is continued ongoing just as before TX. Any occurring event with respect to EFS is documented. For this reason the appropriate way of statistical analysis is a Cox regression, including TX as a time-dependent covariate. A binary covariate is included in the model that during follow-up may switch from 0 to 1 at the time when a patient is transplanted. The corresponding hazard ratio reflects the effect of TX and in a multivariable model provides effects of other factors such as the treatment effect that are adjusted by the TX effect. The result of a Cox regression of EFS with the time-dependent covariate TX and fixed covariate study therapy are shown below. It confirms the conclusions regarding the treatment effect that have been drawn before. Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Parameter Parameter DF Estimate treatment AZA+Standard 1 -0.09864 cytogenetic high risk 1 1.64801 cytogen intermed. risk 1 1.09895 ECOG ECOG-Status 1 1 -0.05704 ECOG ECOG-Status 2 1 -0.08483 ECOG ECOG-Status 3 1 2.72742 Allogeneic transplantation 1 -0.43146 Standard Error Chi-Square 0.16852 0.3426 0.72573 5.1566 0.71829 2.3407 0.18684 0.0932 0.27661 0.0940 0.78821 11.9735 0.29771 2.1004 Pr > ChiSq 0.5583 0.0232 0.1260 0.7601 0.7591 0.0005 0.1473 Hazard 95% Hazard Ratio Ratio Confidence Limits 0.906 0.651 1.261 5.197 1.253 21.551 3.001 0.734 12.265 0.945 0.655 1.362 0.919 0.534 1.580 15.293 3.263 71.685 0.650 0.362 1.164 We investigated the association of ECOG, LDH and cytogenetic risk with the number or reported Adverse Events per patient to analyze the influence of poor prognosis features for the larger number of Adverse Events in the Azacitidine plus Chemotherapy cohort.. No consistent association was noticed, see below. Number of patients Therapy, „As treated“ ECOG 5-Azacitidine + Standardchemo . Standardchemo Mean Std 4 12.25 8.85 ECOG-Status 0 23 14.39 14.95 ECOG-Status 1 59 15.83 12.66 ECOG-Status 2 13 16.54 12.57 All 99 15.44 12.95 5 20.80 14.65 ECOG-Status 0 36 9.86 9.84 ECOG-Status 1 55 15.51 13.15 ECOG-Status 2 12 12.42 5.93 ECOG-Status 3 2 13.00 1.41 110 13.52 11.72 9 17.00 12.53 ECOG-Status 0 59 11.63 12.17 ECOG-Status 1 114 15.68 12.84 ECOG-Status 2 25 14.56 9.98 ECOG-Status 3 2 13.00 1.41 209 14.43 12.32 ECOG . All All Number of Adverse Events ECOG . All Number of patients Number of Adverse Events Mean Std Therapy, „As treated“ Cytogenetic risk group 5-Azacitidine + Standardchemo n.k. 2 18.50 19.09 Good 4 25.50 24.28 Intermediate 56 16.27 13.34 High 37 12.95 10.30 All 99 15.44 12.95 n.k. 3 9.00 7.00 Good 4 27.50 17.37 Intermediate 78 13.81 12.33 High 25 10.92 7.18 110 13.52 11.72 n.k. 5 12.80 11.95 Good 8 26.50 19.57 134 14.84 12.77 62 12.13 9.16 209 14.43 12.32 Standardchemo Cytogenetic risk group All All Cytogenetic risk group Intermediate High All