FACULTY OF HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES PRACTICE EDUCATION UNIT Requesting a change in placement after allocation CHiP 12_21 A change of placement after allocation is not a commonly occurring event and should be avoided. Background: You are informed at application and induction that placements will vary in type and geographical locations. See http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/images/pdfs/plu/plc33_1_pre-qualifying-placementallocation.pdf for information on how placements are allocated. Prior to allocation if you anticipate any changed circumstances where particular placement area or type may not be appropriate please inform the Practice Education Unit and your Placement Lead as soon as possible. See Practice Education Unit pages for further information on placement allocations, maps, travel costs and safety information: http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/placementlocations-and-finance All the placement locations and numbers are decided with our placement providers and depend on capacity, suitability and professional body requirements. Student placements are allocated in advance and it is much harder to change once allocated. You will have completed a placement planning form to enable us to take into account where possible any more permanent circumstances or issues relating to your allocation. You are advised not to pre-judge the quality or relevance of a placement based on hearsay or opinions of other students. What you can get out of a placement depends on ‘what you put into it’ and is very individual. Personal preference is not considered a valid reason to request a change in placement. All placements that are allocated are deemed relevant and will offer appropriate learning opportunities. Financial hardship is not considered a valid reason for requesting a change in placement; rather you should seek support http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/placement-locations-and-finance It will NOT be acceptable to make changes last minute unless there are very new changes in circumstances. Criteria for considering a change in placement after allocation: Reason for request to change an allocated placement must be made using this form after discussion with your Academic Advisor. You can only request a change in placement for extenuating circumstances not identified on your initial placement planning form. e.g. changes to your health or well-being requiring reasonable adjustments, significant personal issues such as bereavement related to the type of placement Requests to change placements WILL ONLY BE considered in extenuating circumstances, and therefore cannot be guaranteed. Previous number of requests for change will also be taken into account Requesting a change does not guarantee that it can be made Student Name: …………………………… Student Number: ………………… Date of request Allocated placement Organisation, location, department/ward/service Dates of placement (from…to) Reason for request * please read page one before completing this. To be completed electronically NOT AS HARD COPY and returned via email as below. Submitted to the relevant PEU email address for your programme: Adult Nursing (Oxford) adult-nursing-oxford-peu@brookes.ac.uk Physiotherapy physiotherapy-peu@brookes.ac.uk Children’s nursing, childrens-nursing-peu@brookes.ac.uk Occupational Therapy pluadmin@brookes.ac.uk, Paramedic paramedics-peu@brookes.ac.uk Osteopathy osteo-peu@brookes.ac.uk Social Work social-work-peu@brookes.ac.uk Mental Health Nursing pskipsey@brookes.ac.uk Midwifery dgilkes@brookes.ac.uk Adult Nursing (Swindon) lcrabtree@brookes.ac.uk Operating Department Practice jcaldwell@brookes.ac.uk Approved July 2012 N.B. Students on dual registration programmes can use either of the email addresses that apply Approved July 2012