Parent Interviews - Tomaree Public School

Tomaree Public School
2015 Reporting & Interviews
Dear Parents,
Reporting to parents at our school includes written reports as well as interviews requested by teachers or parents.
Towards the end of Term 2 and Term 4 written reports will be sent home for all students.
The written report helps to identify your child’s achievement of outcomes relevant to their Year level. The written report also identifies the level of
effort that your child puts towards the achievement of these outcomes. In each of the six Key Learning Areas your child’s achievement will be ranked
using the following terms:
High achievement
Sound achievement
Basic achievement
Limited achievement
These terms are not used with Kindergarten, Special Education classes or for individual students who are working on modified programs.
Other sections included in the report will:
 highlight each student’s general work habits and social skill development;
 identify additional programs the student is involved in at school; and
 show the student’s absences for the semester.
Interviews are being held in Weeks 3 and/or 4 of Term 2 to provide earlier feedback to parents where necessary.
In many cases class teachers will be requesting parents attend interviews regarding the student’s progress. Parents also have the opportunity to
request meetings in this week if they wish to speak to their child’s class teacher.
Your child’s class teacher has indicated, on this note, if they feel an interview on your child’s progress is required at this time. If this box is not ticked
you are still welcome to request an interview. Interviews will be for 10-15 minutes. Confirmation of exact interview times will be sent home
Friday week 2.
It is important that if you have any matters you wish to raise in the interview, please note them down on the return slip so that they can be discussed
Teachers of Tomaree Public School
Please, return this slip to Mrs Hill no later than Monday 27th April if an interview time is required.
Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Class: _S2H____
Your child’s class teacher would like you to attend an interview regarding your child’s progress.
I would like to request an interview regarding my child’s progress.
Your child’s class teacher will offer interviews at the following times. Please, nominate three times that you would find suitable.
4th May
5th May
6th May
7th May
8:30 – 9:30, 3:30 - 4:30, 4:30-5:30
8:30 - 9:30
3:30 - 4:30; 4:30-5:30
8:30 – 9:30, 2:30 - 3: 30, 3:30 - 4:30
Alternatively, if you would like to speak by phone, please provide your best contact number. __________________________________
These are my three choices for interview times.
If you are requesting an interview, please indicate which matters you would like to discuss on the back of this slip,
or on a separate page.