Examination program for 2011 spring

Examination program
8.1. Anatomy
1. External iliac artery, femoral and popliteal arteries, their locations and
vascularization regions.
2. Arteries of leg and foot, their locations and vascularization regions.
3. Veins of lower limb.
4. Vena cava inferior, its location, inlets. Cava-caval and porto-caval
anastomoses of the inferior vena cava.
5. Coronary arteries of heart.
6. Veins of heart.
7. Lymphatic circulation of the lower limb: pymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.
8.2. Histology and Embryology
1. Structure of different diameter blood vessels’ wall and peculiarities of their
2. Structure of the heart wall and peculiarities of its development.
3. Heart developmental defects: their classification and causes.
4. Heart conducting system.
5. Structure of the lymphatic and peculiarities of their development.
6. Fetal blood circulation.
8.3. Biochemistry
1. Metabolism of low density lipoproteins and its disorders.
2. Changes in myocardial metabolism during ischemia.
3. Mechanism of apoptsosis involving cell surface death receptors.
4. Role of mitochondria in apoptosis.
8.4. Physiology
1. Ionic mechanism of cardiac pacemaker automaticity.
2. Propagation of electrical impulse in the heart. The origin of the
electrocardiogram (ECG) and vectorcardiogram.
3. Electromechanical coupling in the myocardium. Mechanisms of myocardial
contraction and relaxation.
4. Mechanical activity of the heart and cardiac cycle. The pressure-volume
changes during the cardiac cycle.
5. Intracardiac regulatory mechanisms of heart work.
6. Extracardiac regulatory mechanisms of heart work.
7. Factors controlling cardiac output.
8. Velocity of blood flow. Laminar and turbulent blood flow. The compliance
(capacitance) and tensiom of vascular wall.
9. Physiological characteristics of arterial circulation. Arterial pulse, the velocity
of arterial pulse and its measurement.
10. Microcirculation. Capillary fluid exchange mechanisms.
11. Physiological characteristics of venous circulation and regularatory
12. Local blood flow regulation. Myogenic, metabolic and endothelial regulatory
13. Systemic regulation of circulation: nervous regulation.
14. Systemic regulation of circulation: humoral regulation
15. Rapid and short-term regulatory mechanisms of arterial blood pressure.
16. Long-term regulatory mechanisms of arterial blood pressure.
17.Functional characteristics of coronary circulation and mechanisms of
18. Primary and secondary hemostasis: mechanisms and physiological role.
19. Balance between blood clotting and fibrinolysis. Factors affecting this
8.5. Pathological Physiology
1. Functional unit of microcirculation. Typical disorders of microcirculation.
2. Left- and right-sided heart failure etiology and pathogenesis.
3. Intracardiac compensatory mechanisms during the changes of preload and
4. Myocardial ischemia, etiology, risk factors and pathogenesis.
5. Primary arterial hypertension, etiology and pathogenesis.
6. Secondory arterial hypertension, etiology and pathogenesis.
7. Arterial hyperemia, etiology, pathogenesis and outcomes. Positive and
negative effects on the body.
8. Venous hyperemia, etiology, pathogenesis and outcomes. Positive and
negative effects on the body.
8.6. Pathological anatomy
1. Thrombosis, its definition, pathogenesis, morphology, outcomes and results.
2. Thrombosis in the chambers of the heart, arteries, and veins, its results.
3. Disseminated intravascular coagulation, its causes, pathogenesis,
4. Embolism, its definition and regularities. Sources of thromboemboli in major et
minor circles of blood circulation, morphology and results.
5. Hemorrhage, its kinds, mechanisms, terminology morphology, compensatory
mechanisms and results.
6. Congestive heart failure, its causes, pathogenetic mechanisms and expression
of compensation.
7. Left-sided acute and chronic heart failure, its causes, and morphology.
8. Right-sided acute and chronic heart failure, its causes and morphology.
9. Causes of insufficiency of arterial blood circulation, its pathogenesis,
compensatory mechanisms and results - ischaemia and necrosis (infarction).
10. Infarction, its definition and causes, morphology, and outcomes.
11. Peculiarities and results of infarction in brain, heart, spleen, kidneys,
intestine, and lungs.
12. Insufficiency of local venous blood circulation, its pathogenesis, morphology,
results. Postthrombotic syndrome.
13. Edema and insufficiency of lymphatic circulation: pathogenesis and
14. Morphology of atherosclerotic lesions, its complications. Results of
atherosclerosis of aorta, cerebral, mesenteric, and renal arteries.
15. Atherosclerosis of coronary arteries, its morphology and complications.
16. Myocardial infarction, its definition and pathogenesis, morphology,
complications and causes of death.
17. Classification of primary cardiomyopathies, clinical morphological forms,
complications and causes of death.
18. Common features of pathogenesis, morphology and course of systemic
connective tissue diseases. Definition of rheumatic fever, its etiology,
pathogenesis, morphology of affected connective tissue.
19. Cardiovascular pathology in rheumatic fever, morphology of rheumatic
endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis, complications and causes of death.
20. Infective endocarditis, its etiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
21. Essence of hypertension disease and symptomic hypertension, morphology,
complications and causes of death.
8.7. Pharmacology
1. Inotropic agents.
2. Nitrates.
3. Calcium channel blockers.
4. Angiotensin antagonists.
5. Classification of antiarrhytmic agents. Quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide.
6. Classification of antiarrhytmic agents. Lidocaine, mexiletine.
7. Classification of antiarrhytmic agents. Beta adrenoreceptors blockers.
8. Classification of antiarrhytmic agents. Amiodarone, sotalol.
9. Other antiarrhytmic drugs (not included in the classification of antiarrthytmics):
adenosine, digoxin.
10. Classification of antihypertensive drugs. Describe main effects drugs in each
11. Antihypertensive drugs. Sodium nitroprusside and hydralazine.
12. Antihypertensive drugs. Sympathoplegic drugs.
8.8. General Surgery
1. Preoperative assessment of hemostasis.
2. Bleeding: types and causes, conservative treatment. Local hemostasis.
3. Possibilities of blood saving during the operation.
5. Pathogenesis of blood loss.
6. Signs and diagnosis of blood loss, classes of blood loss.
7. Principles of treatment of blood loss.
8. Blood components, use of blood components.
9. Possibilities of use of autologous blood.
10. Blood substitutes, use of blood substitutes.
8.9. Priciples of Medical Diagnostic
1. Understanding about primary arterial hypertension. Clinical signs ,
complication, diagnostic principles. Organs marks damages.
2. Understanding about ischaemic heart disease: stable angina pectoris, acute
myocardial infarction. Clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
3. Understanding about peripherial arterial disease: causes, clinical signs,
diagnostic principles.
4. Understanding about primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension: causes,
clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
5. Understanding about deep veonons thrombosis and pulmonary
thromboembolism: causes, clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
6. Heart arrhytmia syndrome: clinical signs, diagnostic priciples.
7. Mitral stenosis: causes, clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
8. Mitral regurgitation: causes, clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
9. Aortic stenosis: causes, clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
10. Aoritc regurgitation: causes, clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
11. Acute left ventricular failure: pulmonary oedema. Causes, clinical signs,
diagnostic principles.
12. Chronic left ventricular failure: causes, clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
13. Chronic right ventricular failure: causes, clinical signs, diagnostic principles.
14. Electrocardiographic criterions of left ventrical hypretrophy, meanings.
15. Electrocardiographic criterions of atrioventrical junctional escape rhythm and
ventricular escape rhythm.
16. Electrocardiographic criterions of ventricular premature beats and atrial
17. Electrocardiographic criterions of supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular
18. Electrocardiographic criterions of intraventricular conduction disorders: left
bundle branch block, rignt bundle branch block.
19. Electrocardiographic criterions of q wave myocardial infarction: hyperacute,
acute, subacute, old myocardial infarction.