Enrique Camarena Jr. High School SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL MEETING Minutes November 5, 2009 A. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 5:00 by Mr. Pesqueira. B. Roll Call: Present at the meeting was the following members: Sergio Pesqueira Aaron Lopez Gustavo Camacho Jonathan Hurtado Jose Fajardo Martha Nogueda Nelida Rubio Grace Cervantes Maria Elena Sanchez Enrique Cervantes Chad Cooper Yolanda Guerrero Jaime Santos Miriam Castañon Monica Tamayo C. Opening Activities/Introductions: Mr. Pesqueira congratulated Jonathan Hurtado on becoming Chairperson for SSC. The flag salute was led by Jonathan Hurtado. D. Approval of Minutes for Oct. 7: The approval of the minutes was motioned by Aaron Lopez and seconded by Maria Elena Sanchez and approved by all members. Mr. Cervantes commented on corrections that needed to be made on Article III section II. Mrs. Castañon asked if a letter had been sent home for alternates for parents on the committee. Mr. Pesqueira informed us that a dialer had been sent out and that someone had called back interested in the position. E. Approval of Agenda for Nov. 5: There was no discussion. The approval was motioned by Mr. Cervantes and seconded by Mrs. Castañon and approved by all. F. Comments from Public: Mr. Pesqueira translated section F for parent Mr. Julio Cesar Lopez, who is interested in being part of SSC. Mr. Lopez stated he has a daughter in 7th grade and he received the dialer informing him of this position on SSC. Mr. Pesqueira asked current parent members to explain the role of SSC. Mrs. Castañon explained that our responsibility is to make decisions on items pertaining to school academic functions. Mr. Cervantes commented on a training for SSC members on Nov. 19 th at Dool School. CTA will have a presentation as to what responsibilities administrators, parents, student members have. The training is open to everybody. Mr. Pesqueira also added that District Office will be having a SSC training as well on Nov. 12th at District Office in English from 3:30-5:00 and in Spanish from 5:15-6:45. G. Migrant Education Report: Mrs Zazueta was not present. H. School Parent Compact-Review/Approval: Motion to approve compact given by Enrique Cervantes and seconded by Jose Fajardo and approved by all. Mr. Pesqueira passed out a copy of Academic Success Agreement for review. Revisions needed are: to add the name Doris Monninger-Soto. Enrique Cervantes asked is this was to be an approval or revision. Mr. Pesqueira said that this was to be for approval only. Comments made were: Nelida Rubio stated that she believed parents had already received this form. Yolanda Guerrero said she sent them out but had no idea if they had been returned. Mr. Pesqueira will follow up to see if forms have been returned to school. Chad Cooper was unclear if statements needed to be check marked. Mr. Pesqueira also commented on the percentage of parents and students logging into snap grades. 42% of parents and 78% of students. Miriam Castañon asked that if she gets an automatic weekly report, if it counts as accessing. Mr. Pesqueira said “no.” So there may be a higher percentage of parents getting information from snap grades but because they don’t log in weekly they aren’t taken into account. I. API/AYP Data Presentation: Presentation by Mr. Pesqueira on (API) Academic Performance Index is what the State uses to measure schools using five areas: Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic and Far Below Basic. The (AYP) Annual Yearly Progress is what the Federal government uses to measure schools. The Federal government wants all students to move to the Proficient or Advanced levels by the year 2014. ELA 2007 the bar was: Kiki students scored 2008 the bar was: Kiki students scored 24.5% 39.6% MATH 26.4% 39.1% 35% 37% 36.9% 38.4% Students scores fell but were still above the bar. Students in 7th grade test in the areas of English Language Arts and Math. Students in 8th grade test in the areas of English Language Arts, General Math, Algebra, History and Science. Students in 9th grade test in the areas of English Language Arts, General Math, Algebra, Geometry, Biology and Earth Science. J. ASB Report: Aaron Lopez presented. Red Ribbon Week activities from Oct. 26-30th Crazy tie day, Hair day, Twin day, Jersey day and Costume day. Club Day was also on October 30. 9 th Grade dance was unsuccessful, they didn’t sell enough tickets. They had an assembly on Oct. 19 th. ASB bought spirit shirts and football shirts to sell for $10.00 each. Homecoming Princess was announced. Princess Janell Santacruz, Runner-up Kimberly Arreola. Mrs. Cervantes commented on the issue that ground rules needed to be set as to good sportsmanship between those running for princess. K. Principal’s Report: Wished everybody a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Parent Conferences were finished. Only about half of the parents showed up to their conference. Counselors were calling to remind parents of their appointment, many did commit, some rescheduled, but many did not show up. Mr. Pesqueira reminded us of the SSC training offered by DO and also by Uniserv. L. SSC comments: Nelida Rubio commented on the Halloween Dance. Reminded us that our community doesn’t have many activities for kids, and sports are being suspended and that students should be allowed to go to a dance regardless of grades or referrals. Mr. Pesqueira’s response was that students should be held accountable. Mrs. Cervantes also commented that some of her students say they don’t go to the dances because they are not allowed to dance the way they want to dance. Mr Cooper suggested that all students be allowed to go to the first dance of the year so that they can see that it can be fun then maybe they will want to go to other dances throughout the year and abide by the rules (money owed, referrals, parent consent). Mr. Santos suggested having grade level dances. Maria Sanchez asked if Mr. Julio Cesar Lopez was going to be voted on or just placed in SSC. Mr. Pesqueira said that he would be placed on the agenda. Mr. Cervantes asked if Sylvia Yanez was still a member. Mr. Pesqueira said that she had rescinded her position because it was difficult for her to come to Thursday meetings. Mr. Cervantes asked ASB to look for different things to get students to be involved in school activities. M. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 6:20 by Nelida Rubio and seconded by Jose Fajardo, approved by all.