Treatment: LS Increased overbite Not corresponding to Angle classes without growth Treatment principle: “Dentoalveolar compensation or orthodontic surgery” Dentoalveolar compensation Anterior: shorten (intrusion), posterior: elongate (extrusion), MB In Angle class II and III, compensation of jaw position in addition, depending on indication for dentoalveolar compensation Orthodontic surgery – orthognathic surgery Dental correction: pre- and post-surgical orthodontics; preliminary orthodontic treatment determines the effects of the forward movement of the mandible depending on leveling or on the different maxillary/mandibular occlusion planes that are left Skeletal correction: different osteotomies or distractions (mono- or bimaxillary osteotomy) Indication: extreme dysgnathia, contraindication to dentoalveolar compensation, e.g. cooperation, function, aesthetics, stability, periodontal risks. If dental overbite: treatment decision depends on degree and sagittal position Vertical compulsive bite (overclosure) Angle class I: vertical loss in posterior region (“abraded” fillings, abrasion, extractions: consequence of active abrasion facets, labial and incisal in anterior mandibular region and palatal in anterior maxillary region Occlusion paper (8) is held Elongate the posterior regions, bite ramp in the posterior region produces “free space” for the anteriors; test acceptance of bite elevation: MB and/or restorative measures