Treatment: LS Increased overbite

Treatment: LS Increased overbite
Not corresponding to Angle classes
without growth
Treatment principle: “Dentoalveolar compensation or orthodontic surgery”
Dentoalveolar compensation
 Anterior: shorten (intrusion), posterior: elongate (extrusion), MB
 In Angle class II and III, compensation of jaw position in addition, depending on indication
for dentoalveolar compensation
Orthodontic surgery – orthognathic surgery
 Dental correction: pre- and post-surgical orthodontics; preliminary orthodontic treatment
determines the effects of the forward movement of the mandible depending on leveling or on
the different maxillary/mandibular occlusion planes that are left
 Skeletal correction: different osteotomies or distractions (mono- or bimaxillary osteotomy)
 Indication: extreme dysgnathia, contraindication to dentoalveolar compensation, e.g.
cooperation, function, aesthetics, stability, periodontal risks.
If dental overbite: treatment decision depends on degree and sagittal position
Vertical compulsive bite (overclosure)
 Angle class I: vertical loss in posterior region (“abraded” fillings, abrasion, extractions:
consequence of active abrasion facets, labial and incisal in anterior mandibular region and
palatal in anterior maxillary region
 Occlusion paper (8) is held
 Elongate the posterior regions, bite ramp in the posterior region produces “free space” for the
anteriors; test acceptance of bite elevation: MB and/or restorative measures