Common surgery and topographical anatomy

Common surgery and topographical anatomy
1. Anatomic and physiological background of local anesthesia.
2. Surgical operation.
3. Operation classification.
4. Tendons suture.
5. Lange’s, Cuneo’s, Kazakov’s and Bennel’s methods of tendons suture.
6. Theoretical background and technique of nerves suture.
7. Artery ligation in a wound and on the course.
8. Ways for improving collateral circulation.
9. Vascular suture: classification, Carrel’s and Polyantsev-Gorsley’s methods.
10. Principles of mechanical vascular suture.
11. Operations in the cases of aneurisms and vessels occlusion.
12. Vessels transplantation.
13. Venesection and venous puncture.
14. Anatomic and physiological separation and connection of tissues.
15. Surgical tools.
Upper limb.
16. Topographical anatomy of the scapular region.
17. Incisions at the scapular region phlegmons.
18. Topographical anatomy of the axillary region.
19. Topography of the brachial plexus, clinical presentation of it long branches lesion.
20. Baring and ligation of the axillary artery.
21. Topographical anatomy of the deltoid region.
22. Surgical anatomy of the shoulder joint and ways of periarticular phlegmons spreading.
23. Arthrotomy and resection of the shoulder joint.
24. Topographical anatomy of the upper arm.
25. Surgical anatomy and ligation of the arteries in the upper arm middle third and in the
cubital fossa.
26. Baring of the radial nerve in the upper arm middle third.
27. The upper arm amputation in the lower third.
28. Topographical anatomy of the forearm anterior region.
29. Forearm amputation.
30. Topographical anatomy of the hand and digits.
31. Operative technique at the agnails and the hand phlegmons.
32. Features of the operation on the limb bones, kinds and tools.
33. Operations on the limb joints.
Lower limb.
34. Topographical anatomy of the gluteal region.
35. Surgical anatomy of the inguinal canal.
36. Operative technique at the femoral hernias: Bassini’s and Ruggi-Parlavecco’s methods.
37. Topographical anatomy of the leg anterior region.
38. Surgical anatomy, baring and ligation of the femoral artery in the leg upper and
lower thirds.
39. Topographical anatomy of the leg posterior region.
40. Surgical anatomy and baring of the sciatic nerve in the leg middle third.
41. Leg amputation.
42. Surgical anatomy of the knee joint, ways of periarticular phlegmons spreading.
43. Topography of the popliteal fossa.
44. Arthrotomy and resection of the knee joint by Textor.
45. Topographical anatomy of the shin anterior and posterior regions.
46. Surgical anatomy of the anterior tibial artery and its ligation in the shin middle third.
47. Surgical anatomy of the posterior tibial artery and its ligation in the shin middle third.
Shin amputation.
48. Osteoplastic amputation of the shin by Pirogov.
49. Foot amputation by Sharp.
50. Limb amputation.
Topographical anatomy of the fronto-parieto-occipital region.
Technique of primary surgical debridement of the head cerebral part wounds.
Surgical anatomy of the cerebral coats and spaces between coats.
Topographical anatomy of the temporal region.
Craniocerebral topography by Crohnlein.
Decompressive trepanation of the skull.
Topographical anatomy of the mastoid region.
Topography of the dura mater sinuses.
Stoppage ways at the dura mater sinuses bleedins.
Topographical anatomy of the lateral facial region (superficial and deep).
Surgical anatomy of the trigeminal and facial nerves.
Venous anastomosis importance in the inflammatory processes spreading on the face.
Cellular spaces of the face.
Incisions at the purulent processes on the face.
66. Topography of the neck.
67. Reflexogenic zones of the neck.
68. Surgical anatomy of the fascias and cellular spaces of the neck.
69. Topographical anatomy of the suprahyoid region.
70. Topography of the carotid triangle.
71. Surgical anatomy of the common and external carotid arteries and its baring and ligation.
72. Topographical anatomy of the sternocleidomastoid region, prescalenic, interscalenic
spaces and scalenovertebral triangle.
73. Anatomic and physiological background of the vagosympathetic blockade by Vishnevsky
74. Surgical anatomy of the neck organs: larynx, trachea, thyroid and parthyroid glands.
75. Upper and lower tracheostomy: indication, technique, complication.
76. Conicotomy, cricotomy.
77. Operation at the goiter.
78. Thyroid resection by Nikolaev.
79. Surgical anatomy of the esophagus cervical part and its baring.
80. Topographical anatomy of the lateral triangle of the neck.
81. Surgical anatomy of the breast.
82. Incisions at the mastitis.
83. Anatomic background and the technique of the radical mastectomy in case of the
breast cancer.
84. Toracotomy.
85. Topography of the pleura.
86. Surgical tactics at the acute and chronic empyema.
87. Pleural cavity puncture.
88. Rib resection.
89. Open pneumothorax.
90. Technique of the surgical debridement of the chest penetrating wound.
91. Open pneumothorax closing ways.
92. Surgical anatomy of the lungs.
93. Anatomic and clinical division of the lung on the lobes and segments.
94. Lung resection: indications, approaches, technique, tools.
95. Mechanical suture in the lung operation.
96. Surgical anatomy of the anterior mediastinum.
97. Topography of the pericardium, puncture.
98. Surgical anatomy of the heart.
99. Operative principles in the valvular heart diseases treatment.
100. Artificial circulation.
101. Surgical anatomy of the posterior mediastinum
102. Surgical anatomy of the esophagus thoracic part, approaches.
103. Operative principles of the artificial esophagus creation.
104. Surgical anatomy of the chest.
105. Topographical anatomy of the lateral abdominal region.
106. Topographical anatomy of the umbilical region.
107. Surgical anatomy of the umbilical hernias, ways of the surgical treatment.
108. Topography of the weak places of the anterior abdominal wall.
109. Ways of the surgical treatment of the “linea alba” hernias.
110. Topographical anatomy of the inguinal region.
111. Surgical anatomy of the oblique and straight inguinal hernias.
112. Ways of the surgical treatment of the inguinal hernias.
113. Operative technique in the treatment of the inguinal hernias.
114. Features of the operation at the inguinal hernias.
115. Topography of the peritoneum: floors, sacks, sinuses, canals, recesses, ligaments,
omentum, mesenteries.
116. Operative technique at the abdominal cavity organs damages.
117. Abdominal cavity revision.
118. Parenchymatous organs suture.
119. Theoretical background of the intestinal suture.
120. End-to-end and side-to-side intestinal resection.
121. Technique of the intestinal stumps forming.
122. Appendectomy.
123. Colostomy and anus preternaturalis forming operation.
124. Surgical anatomy of the stomach.
125. Gastrostomy.
126. Anatomic and physiological background of the stomach resection and vagotomy at
the stomach ulcer.
127. The stomach resection.
128. Goffmeister-Finsterer’s method of the stomach resection.
129. Gastroenterotomy: indications, technique.
130. Surgical anatomy of the liver and extrahepatic biliary ducts.
131. Cholecystectomy: indications, technique.
132. Surgical anatomy of the portal vein, portocaval anastomoses.
133. Surgical anatomy of the spleen.
134. Operative principles at the spleen damages.
135. Surgical anatomy of the pancreas.
Lumbar region.
Topographical anatomy of the lumbar region.
“Weak places” of the lumbar region.
Surgical anatomy of the retroperitoneal space.
Technique of the perinephral blockade by Vishnevsky.
Surgical anatomy of the kidneys and ureters.
Nephrectomy: approaches, indications, technique of the operations.
Pelvis and the perineum.
Fascias and cellular spaces of the pelvis.
Surgical anatomy of the bladder, prostate, rectus, uterus.
Epicystostomy and bladder suture.
Topographical anatomy of the perineum, incisions at the paraproctitis.
Operative technique at the haemorrhoids, phimosis.
Operations at the testicle dropsy by Vinkelmann and Bergman.