Thursday & Friday, October 11 & 12 Fall Break…No School

Putnam City School District
Student Handbook
THIS BOOK BELONGS TO:_____________________________
Mayfield Middle School Information
School Calendar
School Philosophy
Core Classes
Daily Schedule
Cafeteria Guidelines
Hall Guidelines
Vending Guidelines
District Policy & Site Expectations
MMS Discipline Plan
Discipline Steps
Disciplinary Step Repeat
How to Avoid Getting in a Fight
ISR Rules/Guidelines
Night ISR Rules/Guidelines
Brag Day
Dress Code
Public Display of Affection
Food and Drink
Hall Passes
Substitute Teachers
Electronic Devices
Unwritten Regulations
Attendance Policy
Make-up Work
Tardy Policy
Checking In-Out
After School Activities
Curriculum Information
Workbooks and Textbooks
Library Media Center
Honors Program
Retention Policy
Daily Procedures
Before School
Closed Campus
Extra – Curricular Activities
Athletic Program
General Information
Change of Address and /or Telephone
Home- School Communication
Lost and Found
Personal Belongings and Money at School
Parent Observations
Use of Crutches
Withdrawing from School
Student Check-Out Procedures
Public Notice
District Policies
Office Staff
Principal: John Murphey
Assistant Principals: Michelle Shelite
Shbrone Brookings
Secretaries: Marcia Argo- Administrative Assistant
Vanessa Reyes Mazariegos- Attendance/Receptionist
Lori Williams- Financial Secretary
Counselors: Robert Brock
Debbie Stover
Registrar: Darla Veitch
Tuesday, August 14
Wednesday, August 15
Friday, August 17
Monday, August 27
Monday, September 3
Friday, September 28
Schedule Pickup/6th 6:00-7:30 pm
Schedule Pickup/7th 9:00-10:00, 8th 11:00-12:00
Classes Begin
Open House 6:00- 7:30 pm
Labor Day Holiday…No School
Parent Conferences…No Classes
Wednesday, October 10
Site Professional Day (no classes)
Thursday & Friday, October 11 & 12
Fall Break…No School
Thursday, October 18th
End of 1st Quarter , 41 days Taught
Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
November 21, 22, & 23
Thanksgiving Break…No School
Wednesday, December 19
End of 2nd Quarter, 41 Days Taught
End of 1st Semester, 82 Days Taught
Thursday, December 20Wednesday January 2nd
Thursday, January 3rd
Christmas Break begins…No School
Site Professional Day (No Classes)
Classes Resume
Monday, January 21
Martin Luther King Day…No School
Friday, February 15
Conferences/Enrollment…No School/Make-Up Snow
Monday, February 18
Make-Up Snow Day (no school)
Friday, March 8
End of 3rd Quarter, 45 Days Taught
March 18 through March 22
Spring Break…No School
Thursday, May 23
Last Day of Classes, if no snow days needed…End of
4thQuarter, 49 Days Taught
End of 2nd Semester, 94 Days Taught
Day after Classes End
Professional Day (no classes)
Monday, May 27
Memorial Day
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 28-30
Snow Days (if needed)
Mission Statement:
To empower all students to learn perform at their
highest academic potential.
All stakeholders will work as a collaborative team to
inspire and ensure success for all.
Teams – All students will be a part of a team which consists of core teachers and 100 – 110
students. Teams are instructional organizations of teachers representing various academic
disciplines, exploratory courses and special education. Teachers will collaborate to share their
expertise, interests and resources to best meet the educational needs of their students.
Core Classes – Core classes include Math, English, Science and Social Studies. Each team of
students will rotate among their teachers during the block time. This type of scheduling creates
blocks of time to accommodate interdisciplinary teaming and common teacher planning with
flexibility for the benefit of the students and staff.
Electives – Electives are the two time slots for which each student has chosen from the list of
exploratory courses available for their grade level. Electives are a significant part of the middle
school and expose students to many subject areas which can assist them in making course choices
in the future. Some electives are required (ie; Spanish and Keyboarding).
Mayfield Middle School
8th Grade
7:40 -8:10 Trojan Time
8:15-9:00 1st Elective
9:05-9:50 2nd Elective
9:55-10:55 3rd Period
11:00-12:00 4th Period
12:05-12:35 Lunch
12:40-1:35 5th Period
1:40-2:35 6th Period
7th Grade
7:40-8:10 Trojan Time
8:15-9:15 1st Period
9:20-10:20 2nd Period
10:25-11:10 3rd Elective
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:50-12:35 4th Elective
12:40-1:35 5th Period
1:40-2:35 6th Period
6th Grade
7:40-8:10 WT
8:15-9:15 1st Period
9:20-10:20 2nd Period
10:25-10:55 Lunch
11:00-12:00 3rd Period
12:05-1:00 4th Period
1:05-1:50 5th Elective
1:55-2:35 6th Elective
7:40-8:10 WT
8:15-9:00 1st Period (8th)
9:05-9:50 2nd Period (8th)
9:50-10:25 Plan
10:25-11:10 3rd Period (7th)
11:10-11:40 Lunch
11:45-12:30 4th Period (7th)
12:30-1:05 Plan
1:05-1:45 5th Period (6th)
1:50-2:35 6th Period (6th)
6th 10:25-10:55
7th 11:15-11:45
8th 12:05-12:35
Cafeteria Guidelines
Students may either bring their lunch or purchase a school lunch, but they must all eat at a table in
the cafeteria. Milk may be purchased by itself in the cafeteria. Students are responsible for
maintaining their table and the area around it. School personnel will be on duty to provide
Courtesy and respect should be shown to all students, employees, and guests.
. Students buying food should remain in a single file line. Do not cut.
. Students may not leave the cafeteria table without permission.
. No outside guests are permitted at lunch except a parent guardian or as approved by the
. Students may not borrow food or money from another student.
. Food or drink may not be taken out of the cafeteria.
Hall Guidelines
Walk and keep to the right.
Keep noise level to a minimum.
Help keep halls and lockers clean.
Hall passes required.
No food or drink consumption allowed in the hallways.
Vending Guidelines
Students are allowed to use vending machines throughout the day. Do not loiter at machines
during passing periods, vending is a privilege and can be taken away. Vending is a property of
Coca-Cola and Mayfield is not responsible for any money lost or items not received. Food and
drink use in the classroom is up to the individual teacher.
Trojans ROCK Expectations
Respect (Respect everyone and the building)
Ownership (Take responsibility and own up to your actions and choices)
Compliance (When an adult ask you to do something, do it the first time)
Kindness (Keep your hands, feet, and negative comments to yourself)
 It is the goal of Mayfield Middle School to make every student feel safe from
intimidation or harassment. In an effort to maintain a safe campus, Mayfield has
entered into a partnership with the Oklahoma City Police Department. It is our goal
to assist students in identifying alternatives to violent, physical confrontations in
order to solve conflict.
 The school will continue to use the same administrative procedure in dealing with
physical confrontations. Upon completion of the administrative process, the
Oklahoma City Police Department and or Putnam City Campus Police may be
notified of the situation. The officer will initiate a written complaint on the
student(s) involved in the disturbance. At this time charges will be filed through the
Oklahoma City Municipal Juvenile Court. In that event, the individual witnessing
the incident will be required to sign the complaint, and if directed, appear in
Oklahoma City Municipal Court. It should be noted, a recommendation for arrest
may be made against any student causing a violent disruption.
 Once the complaint is received and processed in the Municipal Court of Oklahoma
City, the parent or legal guardian of the involved student will be notified of the date
and time of appearance. Dates of such appearances are determined by court
Severity Clause: Engaging in the following will result in immediate referral to the office.
Weapons or facsimile
Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco or facsimile
Aggressive language and behavior or endangering the safety of others
Students will be expected to follow classroom and school rules as are outlined in the student
handbook. Responsibility, respect, and a positive attitude will be expected at all times.
We have (3) discipline levels on our school-wide discipline plan.
Levels one and two are teacher managed interventions and consequences.
Level three is office managed.
Office managed offenses can result in parent conferences and/or I.S.R. (In-School Restriction),
Night I.S.R., Saturday School, Character Counts Detention, restitution or repair, referral to
counselor, short term suspension, or the recommendation for a long term hearing.
 Any student who does not attend Saturday School will be automatically
suspended on the following Monday for one (1) day if a parent or guardian does
not call and explain the absence.
 I.S.R. - In-school restriction may be utilized for discipline at any time by
administrators. Students must complete In-school restriction assignments before
they are allowed back in the regular classes. Any student who does not act properly
will be suspended and sent home. Upon returning to school, the student will serve
In-school restriction again until he or she has completed the assigned time.
 Night I.S.R. will be held at Putnam City High, located at 5300 NW 50th. Parents
will be responsible for providing transportation to and from Night ISR. Hours are
from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Absolutely no late arrivals will be accepted and
students must be picked up promptly at 8:00 pm. During Night ISR dates, students
will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular school activities or attend
any school function. After student returns to school, one make-up day is allowed for
each day of Evening ISR to turn in assignments. Failure to complete assigned Night
ISR will be reported back to MMS for determination of further discipline.
 Character Counts – We believe in educating students while holding them
accountable for their actions. This detention is an hour after school on Thursdays.
Students will create power points, essays, or projects about their infraction. For
example: if the infraction was explosive anger, they must reflect and research how to
diffuse it, and come up with a better way to communicate their frustration. The idea
is for students to be aware of their infraction and change behavior through
 An appropriate consequence is based on each individual situation. It will be a
consequence that is correct, fitting, and proper for that particular student. The
administrator will make the decision based on facts and prior discipline records.
How To Avoid Getting Into a Fight
Students may find themselves in situations where they think that getting into a fight is the
"only" way to resolve a conflict. Fighting is never acceptable at school and should always
be avoided. If all of the following steps are followed, the conflict will be resolved without
having a fight. In addition, "play fighting" can be just as dangerous as a real fight and may
be handled with the same consequences as those given for a real fight.
 Stay away from students with whom you have had problems or think there might be
 Go stand or sit near a teacher if these students approach you.
 Immediately tell a teacher, counselor, or principal if anyone says anything to you
about fighting or anything that could lead to a fight.
 Do not engage in an argument, horseplay, or other misbehavior with other students.
 Always be polite and use good manners with everyone.
 If another student hurts you or does something you do not like, either ignore it, or
get an adult to help you resolve it instead of taking matters into your own hands.
 Do not say or do anything to anyone that is negative, regardless of what they have
done to you. Let the teachers and principals investigate the problem and handle the
consequences for these students.
 Students may request Peer Mediation through a teacher or counselor.
If students do not follow these guidelines, they will be held accountable for their
behavior with consequences assigned by the teachers or principals.
1st Fight
2nd Fight
5 day suspension. Police may be contacted.
5-10 day suspension. Police may be contacted.
*Any further physical altercations will result in a 10 day out of school suspension, a
police contact, and possible recommendation for a long-term suspension.
Mayfield Middle School ISR Rules/Guidelines
The In School Restriction (ISR) program is designed to offer an alternative setting to the
regular classroom that provides students with continued educational access while serving
the consequences for inappropriate behavior.
These rules/guidelines are designed to help you and your children understand the purpose
and expectations of the In School Restriction (ISR) Program here at Mayfield. They are
non-negotiable and will be followed and/or completed before your child returns to the
regular classroom setting. Full compliance is required and expected. ISR is built into the
Mayfield discipline plan and can be utilized at any time at the discretion of building
administrators, depending on infractions and circumstances.
 Students are to report to the ISR room at 7:35.
No Exceptions!
 Students are to bring all materials needed for class work (pencils, paper,
textbooks, etc.)
 Students will complete all assigned classroom work before returning
to class. Students will be required to check through an Administrator.
 Students in ISR are ineligible for and cannot attend any school activities.
This includes all school and district sponsored activities held after school hours.
 Students will be isolated for the entire day in the ISR room. This includes lunch time.
Students will be served a peanut butter sandwich and milk. A cheese sandwich will
be provided for those who cannot eat peanut butter. Students will NOT be allowed
any other food in ISR!
 No sleeping will be permitted!
 Students must follow all instructions from the ISR teacher and are expected to
adhere to all school rules and policies.
 No student will be allowed to leave ISR unsupervised. Restroom breaks,
community service or other activities that require travel will be done as a group and
at the discretion of the ISR instructor.
 There will be three bathroom breaks per day, if necessary (morning, lunch, and
 Absolutely no writing on desks, carrels or walls. All areas will be checked prior to
arrival and on departure.
Each student must comply with the school handbook and follow all of the rules and
procedures of the ISR program in order to be successfully discharged back to his or her
regular classes. If a student refuses to do his/her work, or fails to abide by all ISR rules,
one of the following may occur:
1. Additional written assignments or projects
2. Conference with parents and principals
3. Additional days being added to ISR assignment
4. OSS (out of school suspension)
If a student is suspended, the student will be required to come back to ISR and finish any
remaining days not completed.
Student Name: ____________________________________ Grade: ______________
Start Date: __________ Number Days Assigned: ____ Tentative Return Date: __________
Home School: _______________________ Administrator: _________________________
LOCATION: Putnam City High School
5300 N.W. 50th Street
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Entry: Parents need to drop students off in the parking lot behind the west end zone of PC
Stadium. Students will enter the far East door into the building (not the cafeteria door). Evening ISR
will meet upstairs in the Science Building Room 405. Pick-up will be at the same location. Doors
will be locked promptly at 6:00 p.m. Absolutely NO late arrivals will be accepted!
Behavior Contract/Expected Behavior
I understand all rules and regulations stated in the Putnam City Public Schools Student
Handbook(s) are to be respected and followed at all times.
I understand I am not permitted to talk, and must remain quiet.
I understand I can NOT sleep during Evening ISR.
I understand I am NOT allowed to bring food, candy or beverages to Evening ISR.
I understand I must be on time and I will NOT be admitted after 6:00 p.m.
I MUST have transportation promptly at 8:00 p.m.
I understand I will be dismissed for any misbehavior and will NOT be given credit for attending that
evening ISR.
I understand failure to serve Evening ISR may delay my return to my regular home school site.
I understand I can make-up work to receive credit during Evening ISR. After I return to school, one
make-up day is allowed for each day of Evening ISR to turn in assignments.
10. During Evening ISR dates, I will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity or attend
any school function.
Agreement: I understand by following the “Expected Behaviors”, I will complete my Evening ISR
assignment and it will be reported to my home school. Failure to follow any of the “Expected
Behaviors” could result in dismissal and a parent/guardian may be contracted for student pick-up.
I also understand if I am dismissed or leve Evening ISR I will not be given credit for that evening’s
attendance. Failure to complete assigned Evening ISR will be reported to the home school for
determination of further discipline.
Student Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________ Contact Phone: _______________
Putnam City Schools
Middle School Dress Code
Clothing and grooming must be such that it does not constitute a health or safety hazard.
All students are expected to be groomed and dressed appropriately with respect to the following criteria:
 Midriff must be covered in the front and back
 Shirts must be appropriately buttoned in accord with the design of the garment.
 No spaghetti straps, halter tops, strapless shirts without an approved shirt underneath
 Clothing and/or accessories that promotes violence, gang activity, drugs, or alcohol are
 Bare shoulders should not be seen
 No low cut, transparent, see-through or muscle shirts can be worn, and cleavage can not be
 Shirt straps must be a minimum of two adult finger width wide
 Pants/shorts/skirts are to be worn at the waistline and should cover undergarments at all times.
 Skirts must not be shorter than 6 inches above the natural bend in the back of the leg
 No sagging, drooping pants
 No holes above the knee
Pajamas/Lounge Wear
 Clothing that is considered pajamas or bedtime/lounge wear and/or house shoes are prohibited
unless it’s an approved incentive day
 Accessories such as bandanas, gloves, non-prescriptive glasses, or hats cannot be worn in the
 Footwear must be worn at all times
 No spiked or studded clothing and/or jewelry allowed that would compromise the safety of
 No heavy chains or multi chains
 No head coverings
 School sponsored uniforms may be worn when approved by the sponsor or coach
There may be changes, interpretations or exceptions to the dress code as deemed necessary by administrators. These changes
or interpretations will be dependent upon safety conditions or situations that develop. Any student deemed in violation of the
dress code will be required to find clothing that meets the dress code. As a last resort, the school may provide an appropriate
clothing item in exchange for the original clothing (if the school has something available). The student can redeem their
original clothing item when they return the school’s appropriate clothes at the end of the school day. Failure to comply after
a student has been asked to make corrections will result in disciplinary action.
If a student violates the dress code, a contract can be used as an agreement. Failure to uphold the agreement will result in an
appropriate consequence.
Putnam City Schools
Middle School Dress Code Contract
Pants Up ~ Cover Up
I, _________________________________, have been warned several times about
violating the school dress code. School administrators and or teachers have
given me verbal warnings concerning the following:
___ sagging/baggy pants and or not wearing items on the waist
___ low cut shirts/spaghetti straps/bare midriff and revealing undergarments
___ gang related or inappropriate attire
I realize that my grooming and dress must NOT constitute a distraction or
interfere with the educational opportunities of other students.
I also understand the contract and the possible consequences of
Student Signature _________________________________________ Date _______
Parent Signature __________________________________________ Date _______
Administrator _____________________________________________ Date _______
Electronic Devices/WTD’s
Electronic devices are only allowed during the instructional day if it is used to enhance
instruction. See district policy below for further clarification.
Wireless Telecommunication Device (WTD) includes, but is not limited to, a cellular or digital telephone, twoway radios, personal digital assistants (PDA’s), and smartphones. It shall not include an amplification system
utilized in a classroom or school building.
Whenever a student is suspected of unauthorized use of a WTD, a principal, an assistant principal or a teacher
shall verify such suspicion by observation and/or documentation. The following discipline shall be imposed on
students who violate the provision of the policy relating to unauthorized use of a WTD.
First Offense: The student shall receive a verbal warning, and a written notice shall be sent with the student to the
student’s parent describing what will occur if there are subsequent offenses.
Subsequent Offenses: For subsequent violations during a school year regarding unauthorized use of a WTD
during the instructional day, the WTD will be taken from the student and secured in the office, then returned to
the student at the end of the day. A student with repeated offenses may be asked to check their phone into the
office at the beginning of each day for a period of time.
Search for and of Wireless Telecommunication Device: Whenever school personnel have a reasonable suspicion
that a student is misusing a WTD during regular school hours, school personnel have the authority to search the
student and remove the WTD from the student’s possession. School personnel must have a reasonable suspicion,
based on objective and articulated facts, that the search of the WTD will provide evidence that the student used
the WTD to violate some other provision of the Student Conduct Code or the law. Such a search may include, but
not be limited to, searching text messages, photos, phone numbers, and e-mails stored in the WTD. The scope of
such a search must be reasonably related to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive in light of
the nature of the infraction.
Responsibility for WTD: The District is not responsible for lost and/or stolen WTD.
Cameras are not allowed on school campus.
Due to the privacy policies within the district
pertaining to students, cameras are prohibited. Taking pictures or recording videos with a cell phone
is also prohibited.
CD players/ IPODS/IPADS/Gaming Systems may be used at teacher’s/administrator’s discretion.
Lost and stolen electronic devices will NOT be investigated. Students are bringing them at their
own risk and are responsible for them if they get lost or stolen.
Food and Drink
Each teacher will determine if gum, drink and/or candy are allowed in their classrooms.
Each teacher will also determine the consequences that follow when gum is not used
and/or disposed of properly.
Hall Passes
Students out of their classroom during class time must have a hall pass, unless they are
directly supervised by a teacher. Vending passes will also be checked. Phone passes should
be limited, and students will only be allowed to use the phone if they have a pass from their
teacher. Students are not allowed to use classroom phone for personal reasons.
Public Display of Affection (PDA)
PDA will not be allowed while students are under school jurisdiction/supervision. Kissing,
hand holding, or excessive hugging is not permitted. Students who engage in this conduct
may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension from school.
Substitute Teachers
Students are expected to conduct themselves as a host to substitute teachers who are guest
in our building. Inappropriate behavior or disrespect will not be tolerated.
Unwritten Regulations
Occasionally, there are a few things, including some fads that show up on our campus.
These are not listed in the handbook, nor are there regulations which cover all problems
that may arise. Teachers' regulations for handling these types of problems in their
individual classes will be honored. If problems develop with a fad, administrative discretion
will be used to deal with the situation.
Attendance Policy
Every student shall attend school regularly. Regular attendance at school is necessary for
students to fully benefit from the educational experience, teaches students the necessity of
regular attendance in preparation for work, and teaches students to be personally
responsible. The Administration shall notify a student’s parent or guardian regarding the
student’s absences and tardies as set forth in Administrative Regulations.
District Policy "EF" - There shall be no distinction between excused and unexcused absences. If a
middle school student misses more than twenty (20) days per year,
the student may not be promoted to the next grade.
Student Absences: Excused absences are those due to illness or personal injury,
medical and dental appointments, court appearances, religious holidays, and family
emergencies. No student shall receive an excused absence without proper documentation.
Written or verbal communication from the parent or guardian may be considered
acceptable by the principal for the first five (5) excused absences during the grading period.
Additional absences will be considered unexcused unless official written documentation is
submitted (ex: doctor’s note, verification of a court appearance, memorial service folder,
etc.). The Administration may provide appropriate consequences for unexcused absences
and the DA will be contacted to file charges for non-attendance. After 10 days a student
will be dropped from the school roster.
Make-up Work
It is the student's responsibility to complete all work missed while absent, regardless of
whether the absence was verified or unverified. One day will be allowed for each day
missed in which to complete make-up work. Parents may request work after 3 days of
consecutive absences. Work can be picked up after 2:40 p.m.
If the absence is for a school activity that has been planned in advance, the teacher may
require work to be turned in before the day(s) of the absence. Tests missed during absences
will be made up at a time specified by the classroom teacher. If a student is absent three or
more days, teachers will provide a list of make-up assignments.
Tardy is defined for middle and high school students as arriving after the start of each class
period. Tardies are excused for illness or personal injury, medical and dental
appointments, court appearances, or religious holidays, and require written documentation.
Punctuality is an important part of maturity, and reflects an attitude of courtesy
towards others. All tardies to school will be unverified, with the exception of those
involving very serious problems. Oversleeping and missing the bus are examples of
unacceptable reasons for being tardy to school. Students are to report to the office for a
pass to class when arriving after 7:45 a.m. Parents should notify the attendance office
when their child enters the school tardy. An unverified tardy will result in
consequences assigned by your child's teacher.
Tardy Policy
1st tardy – warning
2nd tardy – 1 teacher assigned detention
4th – Lunch Detention
6th – 1 Day ISR
8th – 3 Days ISR
Checking In-Out
A student may be checked out of school by a parent or guardian. The person needs to
come into the office to personally check out the student. Upon returning to school, students
are required to check in through the office. A student leaving campus may only leave with a
parent or guardian. Hand written notes will not be accepted.
After School Activities.
Students should all be out of the building by 2:45, unless they are attending an after school
activity. If students are attending an after school activity, they must be in that designated
area with an adult supervisor. Students found wandering the halls after hours will be dealt
with by an administrator. Waiting on elementary campus to pick-up siblings is a privilege. This
is a privilege that can be taken away. If a student does NOT act appropriately while waiting,
parents will be notified. If a second incident occurs, students will NO longer be able to stay on that
particular elementary campus after school.
Workbooks and Textbooks
All workbooks and textbooks are loaned to students for their use during the school year.
Students are to use their personally assigned locker for storage of their books. When the
class is dismissed, make sure all personal belongings and books are removed from the desk.
 Lost books will cost the student the original amount for replacement.
 Students will be charged a fee if the book needs to be re-bound.
 A book that is severely damaged by liquid or other causes that make it unusable will
cost the student the original amount.
 Severely damaged books will cost the student the original amount.
Library Media Center
The Library Media Center (LMC) is a multi-media program designed to support the
curriculum and provide for individual students' differences. Students have the opportunity
to use all types of materials and equipment individually, in small groups, or as a class. The
LMC staff is available to answer questions, provide reading guidance, and offer instruction
in LMC skills.
Most of the books in the LMC circulate for a period of two weeks. They must be checked
out properly and returned before or on the due date. All overdue books are subject to five
cents per day fine, and payment is expected for any lost items.
The LMC is open from 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A hall pass is necessary before or
after school. Students must also have a hall pass when using the LMC during class
periods or after school. All students are responsible for keeping the LMC in good
Honors Program
The recommended standards for entering the Honors Program in Putnam City District are:
 Teacher recommendation.
 Parental request or self-selection by the student.
 Math placement is based on CRT test scores.
Retention Policy
Please refer to District Policy "ED".
At 7:10 a.m., students are allowed to enter the building for the following purposes:
1. Eat breakfast in the cafeteria
2. Report to assigned grade level area
3. Go to other locations in the building with an approved pass.
The 7:35 bell is the signal for all students to go to their lockers and get to Trojan Time.
Students arriving after 7:40 a.m. are required to report to the office for a pass.
Bicycles and Motorcycles
All bicycles ridden to school will be locked in the fenced area by the Southwest Parking
Lot. The school will accept no responsibility for theft or vandalism of bicycles, but will
make every effort to see that the bicycles are safe. It is recommended that students lock
bikes with a personal lock when placed in the bike rack.
Closed Campus
Mayfield Middle School is a closed campus. Students must remain on the school grounds
from the time they arrive until they are dismissed. Arrival is considered the time the student
arrives on school property by bus, car, bicycle, or on foot.
SCHOOL JURISDICTION includes coming to school or going home. This means that all
school rules apply during transit to and from school.
A variety of programs will be offered. The main goal of all activities will be promoting and
teaching attitudes of cooperation, respect, skill development, and good sportsmanship. The
following extra-curricular activities are offered:
Competitive Sports
Additional Afterschool Clubs
Special Olympics
Art Club
Requirements for these organizations can be obtained from the sponsors. Students are
encouraged to participate in activities in which they have a special interest, talent, or
ability. In order to participate in these activities, a student must not be on the ineligible list.
Athletic Program
The middle schools highly encourage the participation and enjoyment of athletics. Student
athletes must abide by team rules, regulations, and school eligibility guidelines.
Special club and school projects which involve selling items for the purpose of fundraising
are strictly voluntary. No student will be denied full rights and privileges in a club or
organization if he/she chooses not to participate in any fundraising projects.
If a student chooses to participate, a permission letter must be signed by a parent/guardian
and on file with the fundraising sponsor before any item will be released to the student. All
students participating in a fundraiser are expected to turn in the money and/or unsold
merchandise when the fundraiser is over.
Always ask the sponsor for a receipt when turning in money.
Students may not sell anything during school hours in the halls, classrooms, or cafeteria
unless they are under the supervision of a teacher and have been approved by the principal.
All backpacks and coats must be in students lockers only. String backpacks are allowed in
classrooms. No backpacks are allowed in the cafeteria at lunch.
Change of Address and/or Telephone
Any change of address or phone number should be reported to the counseling office.
The principals, counselors, and teachers are ready to assist students with academic, social,
vocational, or personal development whenever needed. The counselors’ office is open from
7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Home-School Communication/Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Communication between the home and school is extremely important. Research has shown
that parental involvement is the number one indicator of a student's success in school.
Parent-Teacher-Student conferences are scheduled when a student is experiencing academic
difficulties or behavioral problems. To schedule a conference, parents need to contact the
counselors' office or Team Leader.
There are also numerous positive interaction opportunities for parents to be involved in
various aspects of a child's education. Information about these opportunities will be sent on
a regular basis throughout the year. Please take advantage of them as often as possible.
Lockers are provided for storage of school materials and any personal articles students may
bring to school (i.e. jackets, backpacks). Students will be assigned a locker and given the
combination. The combination SHOULD NOT be given to other students. The lockers
are owned by the school and are subject to inspection by school officials at any time.
Students are not allowed to write on or in their lockers and only school appropriate items
are to be placed in the lockers. A fine will be assessed for defacing or damaging lockers.
Periodic locker clean-out will be conducted will be conducted to help keep materials
Lost and Found
Articles which are found should be taken to the office. Things that are not claimed within a
reasonable time will be given to a charitable organization.
Personal Belongings and Money at School
Bring only enough money to buy what is needed at school for one day. The school cannot
be responsible for personal belongings or money lost or stolen at school. DO NOT LEAVE
to other students may not be worn or used in any manner unless prior approval is obtained
by a teacher, counselor or administrator.
Students may use the telephone when a teacher has determined it to be necessary. This
must be done under the direct supervision of the teacher, or in the office with a pass from
the teacher.
All parents and other visitors must report to the main office. An identification badge will
be worn while visiting the school.
Parent Observations
We encourage parents to be involved in their child’s education. The opportunity to form
healthy relationships with parents is encouraged because we know that working together
will ensure student success. Parents/Legal Guardians are welcome to visit classrooms. We
request a courtesy call prior to a classroom visit. Visits must be prearranged with the
classroom teacher and/or administrator and are limited to thirty minutes unless approved
prior to the visit.
Mayfield Middle School reserves the right to protect the rights of other students and their
individual needs. All school rules apply (i.e. dress code, electronic devices and cell phone
If students and parents are in doubt concerning school attendance because of unfavorable
weather conditions, please listen to the radio and television stations. These stations will
announce if school is closed for the day.
Use of Crutches In School
If it is necessary that your child use crutches at school, please inform the school nurse and provide a
doctors’ note. Your child will need to check in with the school nurse so that accommodations can be
made for the safety of your child while on crutches at school. These accommodations may include an
early release pass for the leaving class early (5 min) to avoid crowds in the hallways, elevator keys, and
any other accommodation that is necessary.
Withdrawing from School
Authorization for withdrawal must be made by a parent/guardian. Appropriate forms may
then be obtained by the student from the Counselor's office and filled out by the teachers.
School books and property must be returned to the teachers. Completed forms must be
returned to the Counselor's office for final clearance.
Student check-out procedure
Parents and guardians may check out their children during the school day. However, we
encourage that doctor appointments be made during non-instructional time to ensure
students receive optimum instruction.
To ensure the safety of our students, students will not be allowed to be checked out by
anyone other than their parent or guardian.
Public Notice
Putnam City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
gender, age or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to
them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. Putnam City Schools
also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.
This notice is provided as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age
Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Questions, complaints or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be
forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator:
Director of Student Services,
Putnam City Schools
5401 N.W. 40th
Oklahoma City, OK 73122
(405) 495-5200
Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm (office hours)
District Policies
One of the first things a scientist learns is that working in the laboratory can be an exciting experience. But the
laboratory can also be quite dangerous if proper safety rules are not followed at all times. To prepare yourself for a safe
laboratory experience read over the following safety rules. Then read them a second time. Make sure you know and are able
to do each listed item. Ask your teacher to explain any rule you do not fully understand.
Many materials in the laboratory can cause eye injury. To protect yourself from possible injury, wear safety goggles
when you are working with chemicals, burners, or any substance that might get into your eyes. If you wear contact
lenses, you must notify your teacher and wear non-vented goggles.
Wear a laboratory apron or coat when you are working with chemicals or heated substances.
Tie back long hair to keep your hair away from any chemical burners and candles, or other laboratory equipment.
Remove or tie back any article of clothing or jewelry that can hang down and touch chemicals and flames. Do not
wear sandals or open toed shoes in the laboratory. Never walk around the laboratory barefoot or in stocking feet.
Wash hands after every laboratory.
Wear latex gloves when directed.
Everyone should be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory. Take care not to bump another
student, and remain at your lab station while performing an experiment. An unattended experiment can produce an
Be serious when working in the laboratory, “horse around” or play practical jokes in the laboratory. You may be
excluded from the laboratory if this behavior is observed.
Be prepared to work when you arrive in the laboratory. Be sure that you understand the procedure to be employed
in any laboratory investigation and the possible hazards associated with the procedure.
Everyone should recognize and heed all safety symbols and cautions incorporated into the procedures of the
laboratory experiments.
Read all directions for an investigation several times. Follow the directions exactly as they are written. If you are in
doubt about any part of the investigation ask your teacher for assistance.
Listen carefully and follow all verbal instructions from the teacher.
Never perform activities that are not authorized by your teacher. Obtain permission before “experimenting” on your
Never handle any equipment unless you have permission.
Take extreme care not to spill any material in the laboratory. If a spill occurs, ask your teacher immediately about
the proper cleanup procedure. Never simply pour chemicals or other substances into the sink or trash container
Never eat or taste anything in the laboratory unless directed to do so. This includes food, drinks, candy, and gum, as
well as chemicals.
Know location and proper use of safety equipment such as the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first-aid kit, safety
shower, and eyewash station. If some of this equipment is not available, your teacher will explain what alternate
measures to use.
Notify your teacher of any medical problems you may have, such as allergies, asthma, or if you wear contact lenses.
Keep your laboratory area clean and free of unnecessary books, papers and equipment. Do not place book bags,
athletic equipment etc.
Know the location of all emergency shut-off valves and switches.
Do not place anything except an electrical plug into the electrical outlet.
Report all accidents, no matter how minor to your teacher immediately.
Learn what to do in case of specific accidents such as getting acid in your eyes or on your skin. (Rinse acids off
your body with lots of water.)
Know where and how to report an accident or fire. Report any fire to your teacher at once. The teacher may instruct
you what phone to use in case of an emergency.
Never use a heat source as a candle or burner without wearing safety goggles.
Never heat a chemical you are not instructed to heat. A chemical that is harmless when cool can be dangerous when
Maintain a clean work area and keep all materials away from flames.
Never reach across a flame.
Make sure you know how to light a Bunsen burner. (Your teacher will demonstrate the proper procedure for
lighting a burner.) If the flame leaps out of a burner toward you, turn the gas off immediately. Do not touch the
burner, it may be hot. Never leave a lighted burner unattended.
Point a test tube or bottle that is being heated away from you and others. Chemicals can splash or boil out of a
heated test tube.
Never heat a liquid in a closed container. The expanding gas produced may blow the container apart, injuring you
or others.
Never pick up a container that has been heated without first holding the back of your hand near it. If you can feel
the heat on the back of your hand, the container may be to hot to handle. Use a clamp, tongs, or heat-resistant
gloves when handling hot containers.
Never place a foreign object into the Bunsen Burner.
Never mix chemicals for the “fun of it.” You might produce a dangerous, possible explosive substance.
Never touch, taste, or smell a chemical that you do not know for a fact is harmless. Many chemicals are poisonous.
If you are instructed to not the fumes in an investigation, gently wave your hand over the opening of a container and
direct the fumes toward your nose. Do not inhale the fumes directly from the container.
Use only those chemicals and the amounts needed in the investigation. Keep all lids closed when a chemical is not
being used. Notify your teacher whenever chemicals are spilled.
Dispose of all chemicals as instructed by your teacher. To avoid contamination, never return chemicals to their
original containers.
Be extra careful when working with acids or bases. Pour such chemicals over the sink, not over your work area.
When diluting acid, pour the acid into water. Never pour water into acid.
Rinse any acids off your skin or clothing with water for 15 minutes. Immediately notify your teacher of any acid
Reagent bottles should be transported in a proper carrier.
Mouth pipetting of reagents is never done.
Never force glass tube into a rubber stopper. A turning motion and lubricant will be helpful when inserting glass
into rubber stoppers or rubber tubing. Your teacher will demonstrate the proper way to insert glass tubing.
Never heat glassware that is not thoroughly dry. Use a wire screen to protect glassware from any flame.
Keep in mind that hot glassware will not appear hot. Never pick up glassware without first checking to see if it is
If you are instructed to cut glass tubing, fires polish the ends immediately to remove sharp edges.
Never use broken or chipped glassware. If glassware breaks, notify your teacher and dispose of the glassware in the
Never eat or drink from laboratory glassware. Clean glassware thoroughly before putting it away.
Handle scalpels or razor blades with extreme care. Never cut material toward you. Cut away from you. Make sure
you read and follow directions before you make any cut.
Be careful when handling sharp pointed objects such as scissors, pins, and dissecting probes.
Never stick any dissecting instrument (except pins) into the wax pan. Remember not to deface any lab surface with
the instruments.
Change scalpel blades carefully as directed by your teacher.
Dispose of any sharp instruments in the “SHARPS CONTAINER,” not in the waste basket. It is very dangerous to
dispose of scalpel blades, pins, razor blades, or broken glass into the waste baskets. Remember that other people
have to handle this material and may not be aware of the dangers.
Notify your teacher immediately if you cut or receive a cut.
No investigations that will cause pain, discomfort, or harm to mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians should
be done in the classroom or at home.
Treat all living things with care and respect. Do not touch any organism in the classroom or laboratory unless given
permission to do so. Many plants and animals are poisonous and even tame animals may bite or scratch if alarmed.
Animals should be handled only if necessary. If an animal is excited or frightened, pregnant, feeding or with its
young, special handling is required.
Your teacher will instruct you as to how to handle each species that may be brought into the classroom.
Treat all microorganisms as if they were harmful. Use antiseptic procedure, as directed by your teacher when
working with microbes. Dispose of microbes as your teacher directs.
Clean your hands thoroughly after handling any living organism or the container that contains them. (plant, animal
or microorganism)
Wear gloves when handling animals. Report animal bites or stings to your teacher at once.
No wild or dead vertebrate animal may be brought into the lab.
Do not eat or taste any unfamiliar plant or plant parts.
If you are allergic to plant pollen, do not work with plants or plant parts without using a face mask.
Wash hands with antibacterial soap before and after the investigation.
Keep pencils, pens, etc. away from the face.
Keep all containers of microorganisms or DNA closed when not in use.
Keep laboratory doors closed when investigation is in progress.
No mouth pipetting.
Wear latex gloves if cuts are present on hands.
Sterilize the work area before and after the investigation as instructed by the teacher.
Treat all microorganisms and DNA as if they were harmful.
Dispose of material as your teacher directs.
When an investigation is completed, clean up your work area and return all equipment to its proper place.
Wash your hands after every investigation.
Turn off all burners before leaving the laboratory. Check that the gas line leading to the burner is off as well.