BENEFICIARIES OF ACTIVITIES OF INPA These include : I Beneficiaries of all the Research Projects Undertaken II Personnel Training Through Special Education Courses III Beneficiaries Through Early Intervention Services IV International and National Conferences/Seminars V. Beneficiaries Through Training Workshops/Short Term Courses of Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) VI. Awareness Generation Rural Camps VII. RCH Project for the Welfare of Children, Women, Adolescent Boys and Girls S. No I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Beneficiaries Children Mothers Beneficiaries of all the Research Projects Undertaken by Dr. Tehal Kohli or Research Projects Completed Under the Supervision of Dr, Tehal Kohli (President of INPA) for Special/ Handicapped Children During 1982 to 2009 Personnel Training Through Special Education Courses Beneficiaries Through Early Intervention Services International and National Conferences/Seminars Beneficiaries Through Training Workshops/Short Term Courses of Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Awareness Generation Rural Camps RCH Project for the Welfare of Children, Women, Adolescent Boys and Girls Grand Total = 42,288 8577 8127 Professionals, ParaProfessionals, and NonProfessionals 3500 (App.) Miscellaneous 1070 600 (App.) 912 (App.) 941 128 12,500 9,177 8,255 12,601 12,500 Summary Report of Beneficiaries of Activities of INPA /Dr. Tehal Kohli for Handicapped Children and their Teachers/Trainers from 1980 to March 2009 1 BENEFICIARIES OF ALL THE RESEARCH PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN BY PROF. TEHAL KOHLI OR RESEARCH PROJECTS COMPLETED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROF. TEHAL KOHLI (PRESIDENT OF INPA),FOR SPECIAL /HANDICAPPED CHILDREN DURING 1982 TO 2007: PORTAGE TRAINING WAS GIVEN IN ALL OF THEM Investiga Year tor Rajni 1982 Dutta (M. Phil) Title Beneficiaries Portage Service: An 10 MR Children for long term portage Intervention Programme training. for Pre-school Mentally Retarded Children with Motor Handicaps. Kusum 1983 Effect of Early 80 parents & 40 infants of slums. Sagar Stimulation on Developmental Deficits of Infants under ICDS scheme. Kavita 1984 Development of Play 40 MR Children, 40 Parents, 40 Malhotra Material for Socialising Caretakers the Mentally Young Children. Saritinder 1984 Language Acquistion 30 Pre-school MR children with language Grewal Programme for the problems. Mentally Retarded Young Children. Surekha 1985 Impact of ICDS services 200 MR Children between 3 – 6 years Sundari 1986 on various Devopmental Swami Aspects of Pre-school Children Farhad 1986 Effectiveness of Portage 30 MR (0 – 6 years), 30 Mothers. Farhang Home based Training Azad Programme on Cognitive (Ph.D) Development of preschool Mentally Retarded Children. Rajni 1986 Impact of Home-center 150 children, 150 Mothers, 150 AWWS Datta based training programme to reduce Developmental Deficits project of Disadvantaged Young Children under ICDS school in Chandigarh. UNICEF 1987-89 Effect on Behaviour 3000 Infant Children, 300 MR Children sponsore Modification Techniques d on Aggressive Pre-school Children (3-6 years) of AW's in Chandigarh. 2 Batni Devi (Ph.D) 1989 Bhupinde 1989 r Kaur Rita 1989 Meenu 1989 Maninder 1990 Kaur (M.Ed) Satnam 1991 Kaur Balwinder 1992 Kaur Geetika 1993 Maini (Ph.D) Impact of Portage Beneficiaries 30 Trained Aganwadi workers on Cognitive Development of Preschoolers at different levels of intelligence. Home based training to 30 MR Children reduce Home based Training to 30 MR Children followed up reduce Developmental Deficits of Disadvantaged Young Children : A Follow up study of UNICEF sponsored project. Centre based Training to 60 MR Children reduce Developmental Deficits of Disadvantaged Young Children : A Follow up study of UNICEF sponsored project. A follow-up Early Initial Beneficiaries 200 children Intervention Programme Training 24 children to reduce Developmental Defects of Disadvantaged School Going Children Effectiveness of 60 aggressive and mentally delayed Differential children Reinforcement of other with behaviour problems Behaviour in Reducing Aggression of Developmentally Delayed Pre-schoolers Belonging to Anganwadis of Chandigarh. Effect of Differential Initial Beneficiaries 200 children Reinforcement on Non- Training 24 children Compliant Behaviour of Preschool children of AWCs in Chandigarh Effectiveness of Integrated Intervention 17 AWCs; MR Children of age 3 – 5 years for Enhancement of Initial Sample: 191 Final 173 Development of Preschoolers in Union Territory of Chandigarh. 3 UNICEF 1994 Sponsore 1995 d Project Bharathi 1996 Murthi (Ph.D) M 1997 Kaddesh Ali Devinder 1997 Bains (Ph.D) NCERT 1997 Project Shamind 1998 er Kaur Seema Vij 1998 Tehal 1998 Kohli & David Shearer Upjeet Kaur 1999 Survey of Community All the 516 Institutions of India dealing Based Early Intervention with Early Intervention Services surveyed Services for pre-school and studied mentally retarded children in India. Psycho-Social Problems Non Institutional 242 MR Children & their of Mental Retardates and 242 Mothers the role of self help groups. (Portage Training Kits development in Hindi and Punjabi) Attitude of Learning 64 Learning Disabled, Non – LD children Disabled High School Students towards Studies Differential Impact of Beneficiaries 209, Training 30 LD children Various Remedial Strategies on Reducing Reading Disability of Dyslexic Primary School Children. Comparison of various 307 referred Learning Disabled Children Remedial Strategies in in the schools of Chandigarh Reducing language Disabilities of Dyslexic children. Survey on Existing 50 MR Children Community Based Early intervention Services for Pre School Children in rural areas of Chandigarh. Evaluation of the Existing 25 AWS of Ropar, MR Children 78 Community Based Early Intervention Service for Pre-school Children in rural areas of Chandigarh. A Cross Cultural Study of Mothers 300, Pre-school Children 300 Early Intervention Services in USA & India Sponsored by University of Albama, Birmingham, USA. Impact of Portage 60 MR Children & 60 Mothers Training Through Rural Camps and Self Held Groups for Enhancing Development of Young Children in Chandigarh. 4 Tehal 1999 Kohli 2000 NCERT Project Renu Arora 2001 Debendra 2004 Sethi Daman 2004 Chauhan Comparison of various Infants307 Learning Disabled children Remedial Strategies in aged 7 – 10 years Reducing Language Disabilities in Dyslexic Children Impact of Imparting 300 pre-school children and300 mothers Health & Nutrition of different schools of Ambala District Education to Mothers on Growth Development of their Pre-School Children. A Comparative Study of Initial Sample: 235 children 9 – 10 years Academic Achievement Final: 83 given early intervention of Control & Self Concept of Learning Disabled and Normal Primary School students belonging to different levels of Intelligence. Effectiveness of Different Initial Sample: 1574 LD Children Strategies for Remedial Trained 84 grade 2 & 3 Disabilities in Primary School children. PROJECTS COMPLETED UGC Prof. Emeritus Fellowship Project conducted by Prof. Tehal Kohli Project Sponsored by SOSVA. Director :Prof. Tehal Kohli. Senior PsychologistLakshmi & Home Advisor,Nidhi Mahajan July2005- National Level UGC July2007 Project Entitled, Survey of Existing Early Intervention Programmes and Practices in India for Better Involvement of Existing Professionals, Para & Non Professionals for Enhancing Development of Young Children April Project Entitled: 2007Centre and March Community Based 2008 Early Intervention for st (1 year) Enhancing Development of Young Children of Rural-Urban AWCs of SAS Tehsil (Mohali) 5 Surveyed more than 3000 Institutions of India providing Early Intervention Services –Institutions for Mentally retarded Children, Anganwadi Centres, Creches etc. Data was collected with the help of 4 Questionnaires, i.e., Policy Makers, Administrators, Teachers and Parents providing Early Childhood Education. Imparrting Portage Training was a significant Component of these Tools. In this Project, 302 children between 3 to 6 years were given Portage Training in 9 AWCs of Distt. Mohali. 83 of them were DD/Border-line Children. The rest were low average. All belonged to either Rural /Slums of Mohali. Three Training Workshops were conducted to train the parents and anganwadi workers. Project was continued for another one year. Project Sponsored by SOSVA.Director :Prof. Tehal Kohli. Senior PsychologistSukhwinder Kaur & Home Advisor,Preeti Nagpal Project Sponsored By Central Social Welfare Board & Chandigarh Social Welfare Board. Director :Prof. Tehal Kohli. Senior PsychologistAnju or Taran or Reetu & Home Advisor, Kiran Kaushal. April 2008March 2009 (2nd year) Feb.2007 Jan.2008 . Project Entitled: Centre and Community Based Early Intervention for Enhancing Development of Young Children of Rural-Urban AWCs of SAS Tehsil (Mohali) In this Project, 300 children between 3 to 6 years were given Portage Training in 9 AWCs of Distt. Mohali. 74 of them were DD/Border-line Children. The rest were low average. All belong to either Rural /Slums of Mohali. Three training workshops were conducted to train the parents and anganwadi workers; exhibition of toys was also held at two places. Project Entitled: This Project was running in Sikhya-School Impact of of Learning in Sector-46-A.Chandigarh Empowerment of where the deprived/disadvantage Children Disadvantaged from Slums of Catchment Colonies were Mothers Through studying. Portage training was given to Rural Camps, Self150 children out of which 33 were help groups, DD/Border-line children between 3 to 6 Functional Literacy of years. The rest were average children but Nutritional Education delayed in one or two areas of & Portage Training on Development. Enhancement of Development of Young Children with Developmental Delays CURRENT PROJECT “Impact of Material and Personnel development on behaviourio – educational aspects of children in inclusive setting at pre-primary and primary school levels” Project Sponsored By Feb.2009 - Jan.2011 University Grants Comission (UGC). Principal Investigator: Prof. Tehal Kohli. Co-investigator: Ms. Kuldip Kaur 6 Major Research Project for developing Identification Tools and Training Packages for the Training of PrePrimary & Primary Teachers for implementing Inclusive Education for different types of Disabilities. II. BENEFICIARIES OF ACTIVITIES OF INPA PERSONNEL TRAINING THROUGH SPECIAL EDUCATION COURSES Beneficiaries: Professionals, Para-Professionals and Non-Professionals 1. Certificate Course of Management and Training for Learning Disabled, Approved by INPA & AICTE up until 2007 Approved by INPA/IPA, USA 2007 onwards YEAR NO. OF MALES NO. OF FEMALES TOTAL Jan-June 1998 Jan-June 1999 Jan-June 2000 Jan-June 2001 Jan-June 2002 Jan-June 2003 Jan-June 2004 Jan-June 2005 Jan-June 2006 Jan-June 2007 Jan-June 2008 Total 4 3 3 1 2 5 2 2 4 4 3 33 40 44 40 56 20 17 21 26 42 42 42 390 44 47 43 57 22 22 23 28 46 46 45 423 2. Certificate Course of Pre-School Education and Portage Classroom Management Approved by INPA/IPA, USA 2007 onwards 3. YEAR NO. OF MALES NO. OF FEMALES TOTAL Oct-March 2000 July-Dec 2001 Oct-March 2002 July-Dec 2003 July-Dec 2004 July-Dec 2005 July-Dec 2006 1 2 1 Nil Nil 2 19 24 9 15 12 14 July-Dec 2007 July-Dec 2008 Total Nil 3 9 14 13 120 20 26 10 15 12 16 121 ( by CRE) to (C.C. Portage) = 126 14 16 240 Foundation Course in Education of Children with Disabilities RCI Course, INPA is an approved Centre I. Jan-April 2005 No. of Students Enrolled – 3 II. Jan-April 2006 No. of Students Enrolled – 35 7 Jan –April 2006 No. of Students Enrolled – 35 Jan-April 2007 No. of Students Enrolled – 32 Jan-April 2007 No. of Students Enrolled - 40 October 2007 No of Students Enrolled- 44 February-April 2008 No. of Students Enrolled – 83 June-August 2008 No. of Students Enrolled – 34 October-December 2008 No of Students Enrolled- 45 III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 4. 1 Year Regular Diploma in Early Childhood Special Education (Mental Retardation) Special Consideration for Physically/Mentally Challenged Students i. ii. iii. iv. Year 2005-06 No. of Students Enrolled - 7 Year 2006-07 No. of Students Enrolled – 11 Year 2007-08 No. of Students Enrolled – 16 Year 2008-09 No. of Students Enrolled – 23 Total Beneficiaries through Special Education Courses till Date = 1070 1. Other Courses of NIOS, Govt. of India, MHRD, yet to begin, i.e. a) Early Childhood Care and Education Course (NIOS, Govt. of India, MHRD, INPA is approved Centre, Code 7504) 1. 2005-06 No. of Students Enrolled – 7 2. 2006-2007-No. of Students Enrolled - 17 3. 2007-2008 No. of Students Enrolled - 19 4. 2008-2009 No. of Students Enrolled - 18 b) Certificate Course in Computer Application (1-yr Course, NIOS, Govt. of India, MHRD, INPA is approved Centre, Code 7504) 1. 2005- No. of Students Enrolled- 2 2. 2006 No. of Students Enrolled – 7 3. 2007 No. of Students Enrolled – 3 4. 2008 No. of Students Enrolled – 5 c) Certificate Course in Desktop Publishing (6 months) d) Certificate Course in Secretariat Practices (1 Year) e) Toy Making and Joyful Learning III BENEFICIARIES THROUGH EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES 1. Portage Training Programmes were conducted for number of children from time to time as per Projects under study since 1980. 120 MR children were trained from Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1987. 88+74= 162 in SOSVA Project (2007-2009) and 47 in CSWB (2007-2008) 2. Free Services given to MR Children ranging from 0-8 years as and when they come. 8 a. b. c. Prayas Room No. 1 from 1994 to August 2003. PU, Chandigarh, Dept. of Education. Now the services are continuing at Karuna Sadan from Sept. 2003 till date. Total No. of Children and Parents who have benefited from these services = 600 (approx.). 3. IV Services by mail are given throughout the country to all special Institutional heads needing them when required. INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES/SEMINARS ORGANISED BY INPA International Conference: Fifth International Portage Conference and First National Conference of India was held at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi, Nov 27th to 29th 1994 No. of Delegates: 118 Countries Represented: 16 National Conferences: First National Conference First National Conference of India was held at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi, Nov 27th to 29th 1994 No. of Delegates: 118 Countries Represented: 16 Second National Conference on the Theme: Early Intervention Strategies for Psycho-Social Development, 1997 Papers presented: 26 No. of Delegates: 100 (approx.) Third National Conference on the Theme: Learning Disabilities and Their Management, 1998 No. of Delegates: 100 Fourth National Conference on Early Childhood Welfare Theme: Child Welfare Policies, Programmes and Services, Retrospect and Prospects Dec 21st to 22nd 1999 Participants were Professors, Readers, Lecturers and Head of NGO’s from various Institutions and Organizations of India and Abroad No. of Delegates: 142 Fifth National Workshop cum Seminar on Intensive Portage Training Dec 16th to 18th 2000 Training by Dr. Prof. K. Yamaguchi, Dr. Tomoto Dobashi and other Experts from Japan and INPA No. of Trainees: 53 Sixth National Conference Feb 18th to 20th 2002 Theme: Developing Linkages between RCI and Institutions for Rehabilitation of Disabled in North-Western India Venue: ICSSR Complex, PU, Chandigarh 9 Participants: Administrators, Doctors, Educators, Consultants, Scientists/Research Scholars, Social Workers and various Handicapped professionals Papers Presented: 49 No. of Delegates: 160 Seventh National Conference Nov 27th to Dec 1st 2006 Theme: Intervention and Home Visiting in the 21st Century Venue: ICSSR, Panjab University, Chandigarh Participants: Administrators, Doctors, Educators, Consultants, Scientists/Research Scholars, Social Workers and various Handicapped professionals Workshops Held: 2 Workshop 1: November 27th to November 29th, 2006-David E. and Dr. Darlene Shearer Workshop 2: November 29th to December 1, 2006-7 Experts from India No. of Delegates: 121 V BENEFICIARIES THROUGH TRAINING WORKSHOPS/SHORT TERM COURSES OF REHABILITATION COUNCIL OF INDIA (RCI) Workshop 1 Anganwadi Functionaries: 1986 No. of Trainees: 120 Workshop 2 Anganwadi Functionaries: 1987 No. of Trainees: 120 Workshop 3 Post Conference Portage Intensive Training Workshop for Pre-school Educators, Parents, Professionals and Para-Professionals Dec 2nd to 5th 1994 No. of Trainees: 40 Workshop 4 National Seminar cum Workshop on Learning Disabilities at ICSSR Feb 23 to 24, 1996 No. of Trainees: 50 Workshop 5 Post Conference Portage Intensive Training Workshop March 26th to 28th 1997 No. of Trainees: 32 Workshop 6 Intensive Portage Training November 27th to 29th 2006 No. of Trainees: 121 10 Workshop 7 Portage Training as per Indian Conditions November 29th to December 1st 2006 No. of Trainees: 121 Workshop 8 Fourth Portage Training Camp for Enhancement of Development of Children by CDPO’s, Supervisors, Teachers and Volunteers to Implement Portage Training in Anganwadis Centres of Chandigarh 12th September 2007 No. of Trainees: 110 Workshop 9 Fourth Portage Training Workshop (for first year) for Enhancement and Development of Children for CDPO’s, supervisors, teachers, and Volunteers to Implement Portage Training in Anganwadi Centres of Rural and Urban area, Kharar, Tehsil, Mohali 12th October 2007 No. of Trainees: 50 Workshop 10 Portage Training Workshop (for second year) for Enhancement and Development of Children for CDPO’s, supervisors, teachers, and Volunteers to Implement Portage Training in Anganwadi Centres of Rural and Urban area, Kharar, Tehsil, Mohali 12th October 2007 No. of Trainees: 50 Workshop 11 Portage Training Workshop (for second year) for Enhancement and Development of Children for CDPO’s, supervisors, teachers, and Volunteers to Implement Portage Training in Anganwadi Centres of Rural and Urban area, Kharar, Tehsil, Mohali 2nd September 2008 No. of Trainees: 50 Workshop 12 Exhibition of toys made out of waste material on World Disability Day at two places: 1. Karuna Sadan on 2nd December 2008 2. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre, Sector-46 on 3rd December 2008 – inaugurated by his Excellency Gen..S.F. Jean Rodrigues. Workshop 13 CME-cum-Workshop on Genetics in Clinical Practice for Prevention and Management of Disability, 3rd December 2008 Venue: Genetic Centre, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh. Workshop 14 CSR Best Practices Meet, 4 February 2009 Venue: CII (Northern Region) Headquarters, Sector 31-A Chandigarh. 11 CRE COURSES OF REHABILITATION COUNCIL OF INDIA (RCI), NEW DELHI Course 1 Current management practice in mental retardation and application of learning principles in the management of mental retardation. Dates: 23rd Dec to 25th Dec 2002 Beneficiaries: Special Educators, Psychologists, Counselors and Therapists No of Participants – 32 Course 2 Assisting children with Specific Learning disabilities. Dates: 26th Dec to 28th Dec 2002 Beneficiaries: Counselors, Therapists, Special Educators, Trainees and students from special Education No. of participants – 42 Course 3 Implementing Inclusion in Mainstream School Dates: 30th Dec 2002 to 2nd Jan 2003 Beneficiaries: Counselors, Therapists, Special Educators, Trainees, Research Scholars and students from Special Education No. of Participants – 34 Course 4 Continuing Rehabilitation Education Programme Schedule – Sponsored by Rehabilitation Council of India Dates: 18th Jan to 22nd Jan 2005 Venue: Room No. 14, 15 Karuna Sadan, Sector 11, Chandigarh. Theme: Current Trends and Developments in Special Education for Children with Mental Retardation Beneficiaries: Counselors, Therapists, Special Educators, Trainees Research Scholars and Students from Special Education No. of Participants: 38 Course 5 Community Based Rehabilitation and Independent Living Skills – Sponsored by the Rehabilitation Council of India Dates: 2nd January to 6th January 2006 Venue: ICSSR, Panjab University, Chandigarh Theme: Community Based Rehabilitation and Independent Living Skills Beneficiaries: Counselors, Therapists, Special Educators, Trainees, Research Scholars No. of Participants: 31 Total Beneficiaries Through Workshops/Short Term Courses = 941 AWARENESS GENERATION RURAL CAMPS Awareness Generation Camps are held from time to time a) Year: 2004-2005 Dharamshala of Village Lahora Khuda (10 days Camps) 12 Houses Surveyed: 100 Women Participants Trained and awarded Certificates: 30 b) 6-1-05 to 14-1-05 Old Model School, Village Sarangpur Houses Surveyed: 100 Women Participants Trained and awarded Certificates: 42 c) 07-8-07 to 16-8-07 Village-Dhanas Beneficiaries = 25 d) 21-3-06 to 29-3-06 Village-Dadu Majra Beneficiaries = 31 Total Beneficiaries =128 VII RCH PROJECT FOR THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN, WOMEN, ADOLESCENT BOYS AND GIRLS Reproductive and Child Health Programme in Tripuri Township adjoining Slum Areas, Patiala (RCH, Govt. of India Project) Population Surveyed and given Services as per need: 12, 500 13