Mr. Roberts’ Class Guidelines September, 2015 Dear Parents, Welcome to Meeker Middle School! My name is Mr. Roberts. I’m honored to serve as your children sixth and eighth grade language arts teacher for the 2015-16 year. This is my thirty first year in public education. I’m happy to be a part of the Meeker Middle School learning community. Also, I am excited about the opportunity to work with your children. MY PHILOSOPY As an educator, I believe that a good education is one of the most important keys to future success. I believe the middle school experience should prepare students for the rigorous expectations of high school. I believe students should be challenged academically and develop a strong work ethic at middle school. I will prepare lessons that are targeted toward (CCSS) grade level expectations. My classroom will provide a safe and supportive learning environment. CLASSROOM MISSION STATEMENT/THEME Our classroom is an equal opportunity learning community where high achievement, citizenship, and success are expected for all students. Our school-wide theme this year is “WORK HARD! BE NICE! FIND YOUR GREATNESS!” CLASS RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. Be respectful to everyone. Follow staff directions, school rules and procedures. Be prepared, stay on task, and give your best. Stay seated in assigned seat and raise hand for questions. CLASSROOM ENTRY PROCEDURES Students are expected to be prepared when they arrive. Visit lockers, used the restroom, and get water before arriving. Line up quietly in hallway and wait for permission to enter. Students are expected to enter the classroom quickly, quietly, orderly, and begin the “entry task” on the white board. No one will be permitted to leave the room except for emergencies. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLE PLAN 1. First time: teacher/student conference/parent notification. 2. Second time: teacher/student conf. /parent notification/lunch detention 3. Third time: teacher/student conf. /parent conference/blue slip. 4. Fourth time: teacher/student/parent conference/after school detention. 5. Fifth time: teacher/parent/student/counselor conference/behavior contract. 6. Sixth time: written principal referral. CLASSWORK and TESTS All classwork grades will be entered into the computer as “FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS” grades. All test grades will be entered into the computer as “SUMMATIVE ASSESSMESTS” grades. Generally, I try to enter three formative assessment grades for each summative assessment grade. NOTE: Students may choose to drop FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT grades or keep them. I do not assign replacement work, so be sure that you complete all work assigned on time. Late work will be accepted with a small deduction. All grades entered into the computer are based on a (100%) scale. Note: Poor attendance or negative behaviors can affect final grades. GRADE SCALE 93-100 = A (exceeding grade level standards) 90-92 = A- (meeting grade level standards) 87-89 = B+ (close to meeting grade level standards) 83-86 = B (Approaching grade level standards) 80-82 = B(beginning to meet grade level standards) 77-79 = C+ (struggling to meet grade level standards) 73-76 = C (doesn’t meet grade level standards) 70-72 = C- (doesn’t meet grade level standards) 67-69 = D+ (doesn’t meet grade level standards) 60-66 = D (doesn’t meet grade level standards) 59 and below = E (doesn’t meet grade level standards) ON-LINE GRADES: I will up-load first grades on Friday the eighteenth. I will try to up-loaded grades every two weeks at the latest. SUPPLIES In addition to paper and pencil, you will need a least (3) HI-LIGHTERS and a spiral single subject writing notebook. Optional: Multicolored permanent markers/pencils. Also students should have a flash drive/ thumb drive. HOMEWORK LA: Students are expected to work on, review SPRINGBOARD or independent read for (30) minutes each school night. 1) Complete all unfinished SPRINGBOARD classwork. 2) Independent read each school night for a minimum of twenty (20) minutes. Students must keep a daily homework log. A parent should initial the log sheet each time work is completed. A log sheet can be printed from my classroom SWIFT site MY CLASSROOM/SWIFT SITE 1) Go to Tacoma public Schools home page. 3) Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on INTRANET. 4) Click on Teacher Classroom, then Meeker Middle School, scroll down to Ken Roberts, click on. You will see two windows: 2) ANNOUNCEMENTS: Daily assignments, past weekly assignments, assignment due dates, and general announcements and information. 3) DEAR PARENTS: Letter to parents, class guidelines, book report items, and examples of students work, etc. EXTENDED ABSENCES When a student is going to be absent for an extended period of time, please call me ASAP, send a note or email me to request the assignments in advance. If a student was absent for an extended period of time and did not request missed assignments in advance, they should make an immediate request for them upon return to school. Missed work can negatively affect your final grade. SIXTH GRADE ELA SPRINGBOARD CURRICULM OVERVIEW Sixth grade theme: Changes Unit one: Stories of Change Unit two: Power to Change Unit three: Changing Perspectives Unit four: The Final Act EIGHTH GRADE ELA SPRINGBOARD CURRICULM OVERVEIW Eighth grade theme: Challenges Unit one: The Challenge of Heroism Unit two: The Challenge of Utopia Unit three: The Challenge to Make a Difference Unit four: The Challenge of Comedy CONTACT If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at school during my before or after school at 253.571.6540. Please leave a short voice mail if I’m not available. I’ll return your call or respond to your email ASAP. My school email address is: I check twice a day (morning and afternoon) when possible. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have read the above classroom guidelines with my child. __________________________ __________________________________ date_____ Student signature Parent signature DO NOT COPY, SIGN, OR RETURN TO TEACHER. READ ONLY!!!!! Sincerely, Mr. Roberts Meeker Middle School Sixth/Eighth LA teacher