strong academic interest - Advanced Laparoscopic Liver and

Malik HZ, Wong V, Al-Mukhtar A, Abu-Hilal M, Denton M, Lodge PA, Toogood GJ,
Prasad KR.
A simple prophylaxis regime for MRSA: its impact on the incidence of infection in
patients undergoing liver resection ( in press, J R Coll Surg)
 Abu Hilal, NW pearce
Laparoscopic left lateral secionectomy, How I do it ( in press , Digestive Surgery)
Natalie Dabbas, Mahmoud Abdelaziz, Khaled Hamdan, Brian Stedman and
Mohammed Abu Hila
Gallstone-induced perforation of the Common Bile Duct in Pregnancy:( in press, HPB)
M. Abu-Hilal & J. N. Primrose & A. Casaril & M. J. W. McPhail & N. W. Pearce & N.
Surgical Resection Versus Radiofrequency Ablation in the Treatment of Small Unifocal
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (J Gastrointest Surg. 2008 Jul)
 Abu-Hilal M, Abu-Hilal M, McPhail MJ, Zeidan B, Bryant T, Bateman A, Johnson CD.
Acute pancreatitis as the first presentation of Wegener's granulomatosis.
JOP. 2008 May 8;9(3):300-4
 M AbuHilal, B Zeidan, MJW McPhail, MJ Hallam, S Zeidan, JN Primrose, NW Pearce
Laparoscopic versus open left lateral hepatic resections: a comparison of early results,
EJSO, March 2008
 Abu Hilal M, Armstrong T.
The impact of Obesity on the course and outcome of Acute Pancreatitis Obes Surg. 2008
 M AbuHilal, MJ Hallam, B Zeidan, NW Pearce
Management of a ruptured pseudoaneurysm of common hepatic artery following
pancreaticoduodenectomy, ScientificWorldJournal. 2007 Oct 12;7:1658-62
 Young A, Malik H, Abu Hilal M, Guthrie A, Wyatt J, R Prasad, G Toogood, P Lodge
Large hepatocellular carcinoma: time to stop preoperative biopsy. J Am Coll Surg. 2007
Sep;205(3):453-62. Epub 2007 Jun 27
 Abu Hilal M, Lodge P.
Pushing back the frontiers of resectability in liver cancer surgery.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2007 Oct 17
 Casaril A, Abu Hilal M, Campagnaro T, Harb A, Mansueto G, Nicoli N
Radiofrequency ablation for liver malignancies: is it safe? Eur J Surg Oncol. 2007 Jul
 Abu Hilal M, Byrne JP, Sampson A, Sutherland R, Bailey IS.
Laparoscopic Roux en Y gastric by-pass is a two consultant procedure. Journal of Obesity
Surgery, June 2007
 Abu-Hilal M, Tsiang Ung, C, Westlake C, Johnson CD.
Pancreatic acinar injury, but not neutrophil activation, predicts severity in acute pancreatitis.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Mar;22(3):349-54
 Zeidan BA, Abu Hilal M, Al-Gholmy M, El-Mahallawi H, Primrose JN, Pearce NW.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Gland metastasising to the Liver. World Journal
of Surgical Oncology 2006, 4:66
 Abu-Hilal M, Morgan EC, Lewis G, McPhail M, Malik HZ, Hocken D.
What makes a good doctor in the 21st century? A qualitative study. British Journal of Hospital
Medicine. 2006; 67.375-377.
 Abu Hilal M, Salvia R, Casaril A, Pearce NW, Bassi C, Capelli P, Nicoli N.
Obstructive chronic pancreatitis and/or intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs): a
21-year long case report. JOP. 2006;7:218-21.
 Abu Hilal M, McPhail MJ, Marchand L, Johnson CD.
Malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase as potential markers of severity in acute
pancreatitis. JOP. 2006;7:185-92.
 Nicoli N, Casaril, A, Mangiante G, Ciola M, Abu Hilal M, Marchiori L.
Surgical treatment for liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma: results in 228 patients.
Hepatogastroenterology. 2004;51:810-4.
Nicoli N, Casaril A, Abu Hilal M, Mangiante G, Marchiori L, Ciola M, Invernizzi L,
Campagnaro T, Mansueto G.
A case of rapid intrahepatic dissemination of hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency
thermal ablation. Am J Surg. 2004;188:165-7.
 Falconi M, Abu Hilal M, Salvia R, Sartori N, Bassi C and Pederzoli P.
Prophylactic Pylorus-preserving gastric transposition in unresectable carcinoma of the
pancreatic head. Am J Surg. 2004;187:564-566
 Johnson CD and Abu Hilal M.
Persistent organ failure during the first week as a marker of outcome in acute pancreatitis.
Gut. 2004;53:1340-1344.
Valerio A, Basso D, Fogar P, Falconi M, Greco E, Bassi C, Seraglia R, Abu Hilal M,
Navaglia F, Zambon C, Gallo N, Falda A, Pedrazoli S, Plebani M.
Maldi-TOF analysis of portal sera of pancreatic cancer patients: identification of diabetogenic
and antidiabetogenic peptides. Clin Chim Acta 2004;343:119-127.
 Casaril A, Abu Hilal M, Ciola M, Invernizzi L, Nicoli N.
One death after radiofrequency thermal ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma in a cirrhotic
patient. Surgery. 2003;133: 598.
 Salvia R, Molinari E, Bassi C.Sargenti M, Butturini G, Abu Hilal M.
The definition of pancreatic fistulae is one of the principal risks of the occurance of this
complications. Pancreas 2001;2:353-354.
 M JW McPhail, Abu Hilal M, Johnson CD.
A Meta-analysis comparing suprapubic and transurethral catheterization for bladder
drainage following abdominal surgery (in press, BJS).
Bassi C, Falconi M, Tihany T, Salvia R, Valrio A, Caldiron E, Abu Hilal M, Flautner LE
and Pederzoli P.
Resection in chronic pancreatitis: anastomosis with jejunum or with the stomach? Ann Ital
Chir. 2000;71:51–5. Review.
Book chapters
M Abu Hilal, L Peris, R Salvia. Management of Intraductal papillary mucinous
Neoplasems (Recent advances in Surgery 31)
Shiela Fraser, Moh’d Abu Hilal: Management of colorectal liver metastasis, Problems
solving in Oncology 2007
M Abu Hilal, R Prasad; Post-operative liver failure, prevention diagnosis and
treatment , GI surgery annual (2008)
Mohammad Abu Hilal, David J Breen. Radiofrequency thermal ablation in the
treatment malignant tumours. Recent advances in surgery vol 29 Eds: CD Johnson, I
Taylor 75-93.
Moh’d Abu Hilal, The surgical treatment of pseudocysts, abscesses and fistulae in
acute pancreatitis, Academy: Collana bibliografica di aggiornamento in chirurgia,
Acute pancreatitis Napoli, 2001.
A comparison of three routes for Enteral Feeding in a Tertiary Pancreatic Referral
A Hemandas, I Panagiotopoulou, G Jain, H Elberm, C D Johnson, N W Pearce, M
Abu-HilalEPC Polland 2008
Operative chyle leak after major pancreatic resections: risk factors and management
options G. Jain, A. Hemandas, I. Panagiotopoulou , H. Elberm, , M. Spampinato,
N.Pearce, C. D. Johnson, M. Abu-Hilal- EPC Polland 2008
Centralization on pancreatic surgery: A regional experience: M Abu Hilal, H. Elberm
F. Fong, J. Dowel, C. Moore, N. Pearce, C. Johnson ( EPC) 2008
Extensive surgical resection for neuroendocrine and gastrointestinal stromal tumors,
is it worth?
M. Abuhilal*, M. W. J. McPhail, B. A. Zeidan,C. D. Johnson, N. W. Pearce
Inadequate innate immune response to colorectal tumors may facilitate metastasis,
S. Pugh, M. A. Hilal, N. Pearce,S. Khakoo, J. Primrose
The impact of centralization on pancreatic surgery: A regional experience: M Abu
Hilal, H. Elberm F. Fong, J. Dowel, C. Moore, N. Pearce, C. Johnson ( ASGBI 2008)
Laparoscopic left lateral secionectomy, a single center experience M.A. Hilal, M.
Spampinato, M. Mcphail,
S. Zeidan, B. Zeidan, N.W. Pearce
Obtianing haemostasis in laparoscopic liver surgery (Video session)M Abu Hilal, K
Hamdan, B Zeidan, T Armstrong, R Sabagh, NW Pearce.EHPBA meeting; June
2007- Verona.
Haemostatic techniques in laparoscopic liver surgery (Video session)M Abu Hilal, K
Hamdan, B Zeidan, T Armstrong, R Sabagh, NW Pearce.EHPBA meeting; June
2007- Verona.
Redo Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy, how I do it.M Abu Hilal, KA Hamdan, S
Zeidan, MJW McPhail, B Zeidan, NW Pearce. EHPBA meeting; June 2007- Verona.
Is laparoscopic liver resection cost effective?T Roe, M Abu Hilal, D Hou, B Zeidan, A
Parvaiz, JN Primrose, NW Pearce EHPBA June 2007- Verona
Large Hepatocellulare carcinoma: time to stop pre-operative biopsy. AL Young, HZ
Malik, M Abu Hilal, JA Guthrie, J Wyatt, KJ Prasad, GJ Toogood, JP Lodge. EHPBA
meeting; June 2007- Verona
Modified Cattell’ s Pancretico-jejunostomy, buttressing and isolated bilio-pancreatic
loop results in better outcomes following pancreaticoduodenectomy.
M Abu Hilal, W Hamilton-burke, K Halazun, M Atwan, G Bonney, K Menon. EHPBA
meeting; June 2007- Verona
Multi-visceral en-block pancreatic resection for malignant tumors of the pancresM
Abu Hilal, BA Zeidan, CD Johnson, H Elberem, MJW Mcphail, NW Pearce. EHPBA
meeting; June 2007- Verona
Feasibility, safety and efficacy of laparoscopic liver surgery: the Southampton
experienceM Abu Hilal, BA Zeidan, MJW Mcphail, T Roe, MJ Hallam, S Zeidan, JN
Primrose, NW Pearce. EHPBA meeting; June 2007- Verona
Resection margin involvement and survival after pancreaticoduodenectomy for
adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas
M Abu Hilal, S Mukhtar, BA Zeidan, R Kallala, MJW Mcphail, NW Pearce, CD
JohnsonEHPBA meeting; June 2007- Verona
M Abu-Hilal, B. Zeidan, M.J.W. McPhail, N.W. Pearce, H. El Berem, S. Makhgar, R.
Kallala, C.D. Johnson. EPC XXXIX meeting; July 2007- Newcastle
Perineural and Perivascular Involvement and Survival After
Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Adenocarcinoma of the Head of the Pancreas
Haemostatic techniques in laparoscopic liver surgery (Video session)M Abu Hilal, K
Hamdan, B Zeidan, T Armstrong, R Sabagh, NW Pearce. AUGIS meeting; Sep
2007- Cardiff
Feasibility, safety and efficiency of laparoscopic liver surgery: the Southampton
M Abu Hilal, B Zeidan, MJW McPhail, K Hamdan, MJ Hallam, S Zeidan, JN
Primrose, NW Pearce. AUGIS meeting; Sep 2007- Cardiff
Redo Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy, how I do it.M Abu Hilal, KA Hamdan, S
Zeidan, MJW McPhail, B Zeidan, NW Pearce. AUGIS meeting; Sep 2007- Cardiff
Laparoscopic versus open left lateral hepatic resections: a comparison of early
resultsM Abu Hilal, MJW McPhail, S Zeidan, K Hamdan, BA Zeidan, T Armstrong, JN
Primrose, NW Pearce. AUGIS meeting; Sep 2007- Cardiff
K Halazon, A Al Mukhtar, Abu Hilal M, Toogood GJ, Prasad KR, Lodge PA: Right
hepatic trisectionectomy for hepatobiliary diseases: results and an appraisal of its
current role, AHPBA March 2007
Abu Hilal M, Brukes V, Menon K. Modified cutell’s pancreaticojejunostomy,
buttressing for soft pancreases and an isolated bilio-pancreatic loop are safety
measurements for a better outcome following pancreticoduodenectomy ( AHBPA,
March 2007).
Malik HZ, Wong V, Al-Mukhtar A, Abu-Hilal M, Denton M, Lodge PA, Toogood GJ,
Prasad KR. A simple prophylaxis regime for MRSA: its impact on the incidence of
infection in patients undergoing liver resection ( IHBPA Sept 2006).
Abu Hilal M, Zidan B, Pearce NW, House F, Johnson CD. Aggressive debridement
and close drainage in the treatment of infected necrosis. (IHBPA, September 2006).
Abu Hilal M, Pearce NW, Casaril A, Nicoli N, Primrose JN. Radiofrequency thermal
ablation in the treatment of Hepatocellular carcinoma. (IHBPA, September 2006).
Byrne JP, Abu Hilal M, Sampson A, Sutherland R, Bailey IS. Laparoscopic Roux en
Y gastric by-pass is a two consultant procedure. (AUGIS, September 2006).
Hou D, Roe Tm, Parvaiz A, Abu Hilal M, Primrose J, Pearce N. Laaroscopic liver
resection reduces post-operative in-patient stay compared to open resection.
(IHBPA, September 2006).
Abu Hilal M, Zeidan B, Pearce NW, House F, Johnson CD. Aggressive debridement
and closed drainage in the treatment of infected necrosis. (accepted, European
Pancreatic Club, June 2006).
Abu Hilal M, Goussous G, Moore T, Byrne JP, Primrose JN, Johnson CD,
Pearce NW MultiI-Visceral en bloc pancreatic resections for malignancy.
Poster AUGIS Annual Scientific Meeting in Dublin Sep 2005.
Basso D, Fogar P, Bassi C, Valerio A, Abu-Hilal M, Mazza S, Navaglia F, Zambon CF, Greco E, Falconi M, Pedrazzoli S, Plebani M. Pancreatic cancer-associated
diabetes is correlated with increased liver nitric oxide (NO). Pancreatology.
Butturini G, Salvia R, Caldiron E, Bonora A, Valerio A, Frigerio I, Contro C, Abu Hilal
M, Casetti L, Falconi M, Bassi C, Pederzoli P. Duojejunum anastomosis in the
surgical treatment of external pancreatic fistula: a retrospective study. Int J
Pancreatol. 1999;26(2).
Valerio A, Falconi M, Caldiron E, Salvia R, Sartori N, Talamini G, Contro C, Butturini
G, Abu Hilal M, Frigerio I, Bassi C and Pederzoli P. Pancreatic resection for chronic
pancreatitis over a 28– year period in a single institution. Int J Pancreatol, 1999