CHA 3U1 – Grade 11 University Preparation Term Essay Rough Notes, Essay Outline, Student Conferences Rough Notes The key to making effective research notes is to organize your research as you do it. This will save you time and help direct your research towards areas that need more work. Rough Notes are more than merely downloading and printing or photocopying documents and highlighting them. You will have to show evidence of your rough notes during your conference. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 As soon as you know your topic and have figured out the major argument/points or subtopics of your essay, create a master list and number them. As you discover new ones, add them to your list. Create one research page for each major argument/point. As you research, put the evidence, arguments, quotations, or ideas you find on the appropriate research page. Always summarize what you find in your own words except for a few quotations you might use. Put the author’s name, source title or web site, and page numbers in the margin so that you can create footnotes for your final copy of your essay. This method has several advantages. First, you will be less likely to copy the same information twice from different sources as you can see what you already have on this major point/argument of your essay. Second, by glancing at the different research pages you can quickly see which need more work and which do not. Third, it gives you an ongoing record for future footnoting of your sources of information. Use your completed research notes to do a quick and easy first draft of your project. First examine your final list of major arguments/points and decide what order makes the most sense, then renumber the list. Second, read each research page and arrange your notes in a logical order, then cross out those you do not need. You are now organized and read to write and present your essay. Essay Outline/Skeleton Use this template or create your own in order to organize your essay and all of your major points. For each Major point, you should have sub-points or supporting evidence. Each sub-point or argument MUST HAVE a citation to your research. This should be laid out in your skeleton. Student-Teacher Conferences You will get an opportunity to meet with your teacher to discuss the direction of your essay. During your conference, you will be required to present your rough notes as well as your skeleton in order to go over your research thus far in the essay writing process. This is your opportunity to discuss some concerns you may have. Be sure to schedule an appointment early in order to avoid disappointment. CHA 3U1 – Essay Skeleton Outline Complete the following Essay Skeleton Template before meeting with your teacher during your conference before proceeding to the next stage of your research essay. Thesis: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 1 Topic: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #1 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #2 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #3 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 2 Topic: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #1 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #2 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #3 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 3 Topic: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #1 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #2 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ Evidence #3 ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Source (Full Citation + Page number): ________________________________________________________________ CHA 3U1 – Grade 11 University Preparation American History: Rough Notes, Essay Outline and Student Conferences Evaluation Rubric Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Criteria Grade Rough Notes (Thinking) Level 0 49% or Below Level 1 50% - 55% Level 2 60% -65% Level 3 70% - 75% Level 4 80%-100% Did not meet expectations. - information and ideas are arranged with a limited degree of completeness and clarity - no referencing of quotations and statistical information - makes notes summarizing a few of the main points and supporting details and evidence - information and ideas are arranged with some degree of completeness and clarity - incomplete referencing of quotations and statistical information - makes notes summarizing some of the main points and supporting details and evidence - information and ideas are arranged with a considerable degree of completeness and clarity - somereferencing of quotations and statistical information - makes notes summarizing and questioning the main points and supporting details and evidence - information and ideas are arranged with a high degree of completeness and clarity - complete referencing of quotations and statistical information - makes notes summarizing, questioning, and commenting on the main points and supporting details and evidence Essay Skeleton/Outline (Application) Did not meet expectations. - Outline is incomplete and missing some information. - outline lacks insight and continuity - information is inconsistent - Student partially fulfills few of the outline requirements. - Outline is somewhat complete and includes some information. - outline possesses insight and continuity - information is somewhat consistent - Student partially fulfills some of the outline requirements. - Outline is complete and includes most information. - outline possesses insight and continuity - information is consistent - Student completely fulfills assignment requirements Student-Teacher Conference (Knowledge) Did not meet expectations. - limited understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline presents a superficial development of points, many of which do not support the thesis - some understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline demonstrates an adequate development of points that support the thesis - considerable understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline demonstrates adequate development of points that support the thesis Student-Teacher Conference (Communication Did not meet expectations. Student demonstrates limited ability to express their essay arguments. Student is unprepared for conference. Student demonstrates adequate ability to express their essay arguments. Student is somewhat prepared for conference Student demonstrates thorough ability to express their essay arguments. Student is prepared for conference. - Outline is very complete and includes all necessary information. - outline possesses tremendous insight and continuity - information is extremely consistent - Student completely fulfills and goes beyond assignment requirements - a thorough understanding of topics and subtopics - Student’s outline demonstrates a logical, mature, and thorough development of points that support the thesis Student demonstrates superior ability to express their essay arguments. Student is extremely prepared for conference. Mark