The Waid Academy TEACHING STAFF (alphabetical by surname) PRINCIPAL TEACHER CURRICULUM Mrs S Ellery PT Curriculum Mathematics/IT Mrs S Gilmartin/Mr S Duncan PT Curriculum Social Subjects – (Job share) Mr W Hughes PT Curriculum Health and Well-Being Mr S Logan PT Curriculum Technology Mr C MacLeod PT Curriculum Expressive Arts Miss R Richardson PT Curriculum English Mr I Urquhart PT Curriculum Support Services Mrs P Watch PT Curriculum Science Miss C Wrigley/Mrs F Falls PT Curriculum Modern Languages – (Job share) PRINCIPAL TEACHER.1 (with specific remit) Mr S Duncan Assessment & Achievement Mrs J Mitchell Enterprise in Learning Mrs G Ogilvie Leading Learning TEACHING STAFF Mrs I Bett Mr S Blair Mrs T Caira Mrs M Christie Mrs A Corstorphine Mr D Corstorphine Miss J Craig Miss J Dickenson Mr S Duncan Mrs S Ellery Mrs P Esler Mrs F Falls Mrs L Ferguson Mr L Gauffre Mr F Gibbons Mrs J Gill Mrs S Gilmartin Mrs I Henderson Mr I Hughes Mr W Hughes Mrs E Jardine Miss D Jervis Mr S Letham Mrs J Logan Mr S Logan Mrs J Mackay Mr C MacLeod Business Education English History Geography Biology DET Physical Education English RMPS Mathematics Drama Modern Languages History Modern Languages Physical Education RMPS (career break) History Home Economics History Physical Education Biology RMPS Mathematics English (career break) Business Education Music Music Mr G McGregor Mr D McGuigan Mr M McInally Mrs J Mitchell Mr C Moller Mrs C Moncrieff Dr V Montgomery Mr G Murray Mrs G Ogilvie Mrs A Pearson Ms A Pearson Miss J Reid Mrs J Richards Miss R Richardson Mr A Robertson Mrs N Rossetter Ms D Russell Mr P Smith Ms P Stewart Mrs M Townsend Mrs P Watch Mrs C Weir Mrs E Woods Miss C Wrigley Mr B Young Miss J Yule Physics Mathematics DET Business Education History History Mathematics Art & Design Chemistry Biology English Art & Design Physical Education English DET English Biology Physics IT/Maths English Chemistry Home Economics Maths Modern Languages Mathematics Art & Design