Full Checklist Bibliography

WHO Surgical Safety Checklist References:
1. Ahmed K, Khan N, Khan MS, Dasgupta P. Development and content validation
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36. Kawano T, Taniwaki M, Ogata K, Sakamoto M, Yokoyama M. Improvement of
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42. Lepänluoma M, Takala R, Kotkansalo A, Rahi M, Ikonen TS. Surgical safety
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61. Papaconstantinou HT, Smythe WR, Reznik SI, Sibbitt S, Wehbe-Janek H.
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65. Poon SJ, Zuckerman SL, Mainthia R, Hagan SL, Lockney DT, Zotov A, Holt GE,
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66. Putnam LR, Levy SM, Sajid M, Dubuisson DA, Rogers NB, Kao LS, Lally KP,
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67. Pysyk CL, Davies JM, Neil Armstrong J. Application of a modified surgical
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68. Russ S, Rout S, Sevdalis N, Moorthy K, Darzi A, Vincent C. Do safety checklists
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