Minutes of meeting held on 27th November 2013 (Word Doc)

Minutes of Meeting No 310
Wednesday 27th November 2013
Chair Cllr. Simon Carbury, Cllr. Paul Frampton, Cllr. Charles Kirby, Cllr. Tony Sargeant
Cllr. Steve Hoselitz and Cllr. Judith Bayliss
Members of the Public
County Councillor Val Smith and 6 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence
Cllr. Maggie Godwin
2. Declarations of interests
Item 4d and 9.2 Cllr Steve Hoselitz
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Meeting 309 held on Wednesday 30th October 2013 at 8pm. Cllr. Simon Carbury asked
the Councillors if it was their wish that he sign the minutes. This was proposed by Cllr.
Paul Frampton and seconded by Cllr. Judith Bayliss. All in attendance agreed and the
minutes were signed by the chairman Cllr. Simon Carbury.
4. Matters arising from the minutes
a. Standing Orders update from 30th October meeting, all councillors received the
circulated draft amendments ‘Standing Orders Amendment 1 – November 2013’ –
Adoption of changes proposed by Councillor Charles Kirby and seconded by Cllr.
Paul Frampton. The clerk alerted the Council to an email received only today from
One Voice Wales about a revised version of model Standing Orders. To be
forwarded to Councillors for consideration. ACTION: Clerk Done
b. Community Engagement – A discussion was held about ways to improve community
engagement, it was decided a sub-Committee of the Council should be formed to
brain storm ideas. Contributions welcome from all Councillors and members of the
public. Cllr. Steve Hoselitz and Cllr. Tony Sargeant to be members of subcommittee, suggested Cllr. Maggie Godwin may also wish to be involved. ACTION:
Community Engagement Sub group to take forward.
c. Welsh Government Website Funding – Gwehelog Village Hall and Gwehelog Fawr
Community Council website progress, email received from Mat Burhouse (Slingshot
Design Ltd) apologies for delay with project, planning to commence work on website
towards the end of next week. Invoice can be obtained by email. ACTION: Clerk
Done to contact Mat to request invoice for work detailing all Welsh Government
grant stipulations, to enable funds to be released. Also to request Cllr. Steve
Hoselitz be involved in project and for Mat and Steve to liaise directly with each
other, cc Clerk.
d. Bridleway drainage works – last correspondence from Ruth Rourke, Principal
Countryside Access Officer on 31st October, MCC currently considering all options
available and will advise of what actions intend to take when able to do so.
Bridleway closure notices still up (although out of date causing confusion to
members of the public) Clerk to contact Ruth Rourke (cc. County Councillor Val
Smith and Kellie Beirne) to see if these can be removed and also a request for a
progress update as 1 month now since email received. ACTION: Clerk Done
e. Community Council Development – Raised by Cllr. Steve Hoselitz, requesting
suggestions and ideas on what other ways the Community Council could benefit and
enhance the community. ACTION: Community Engagement Sub-group to
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5. Neighbourhood Watch Report
OWL correspondence included in clerks report attached – Clerk confirmed also now
registered with Farm Watch in addition to Neighbourhood Watch.
November PACT Returns – Request for Policing Priorities – Replies to PC Mike Thomas –
No specific concerns over crime & disorder in Gwehelog. Cllr, Judith Bayliss requested
more police presence in Gwehelog. ACTION: Clerk Done The speed and nature of
driving through Gwehelog on the (Usk-Raglan Road) was also brought up in item 10.1.
6. County Councillor Report – Awaiting notes from Cllr. Val Smith
Review of Communities and Electoral Arrangements – Proposed boundary changes –
Read document and make comments ACTION: Councillors County Councillor Val
Smith confirmed support of Gwehelog Fawr remaining an independent ward and not to
be merged with Raglan.
7. Rural Forum Meeting – 21st November 7pm (talk on devolution of Services)
Attended by Cllr. Tony Sargeant and County Cllr. Val Smith
8. Highway Matters
Highway Correspondence
Highway Report
Report No. O12658
R61 Llancayo Road -Diversion signs still in place along surfacing route.
Thank you for removing
C215.2 Bank Road - Road edge collapsed below Ty Hafod. Presenting danger.
Thanking MCC for making this safe, however heavy tractors use this route and are likely
to erode the repair very quickly.
Would MCC please consider cutting out and patching this area in order to make a more
permanent repair?
C215.7 Wainfield Lane - Would MCC please reinstate the potholes in this road,
particularly outside ‘Four Winds’.
A member of the public raised concern over the limited light/visibility due to
overhanging trees on the R62 Usk – Raglan Road. A canopy of trees covers the bends
from Pren-y-Derwen, Could trees be thinned out? In addition to this there is still no
warning sign indicating the hazard of sharp bends in the road at this particularly
hazardous spot.
Also Low overhanging branches are obstructing high sided vehicles through New Barn
Wood. Thanking MCC for serving a Notice on New Barn Farm.
Trees are overhanging the carriageway on both sides and therefore should be grateful if
MCC would also serve Notice on the other landowners, i.e. Mr Trump, Park House and
Courtney Harley.
9. Planning Matters
9.1 Planning Correspondence and Agendas
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a. Appeal by T Cleary against enforcement Notice issued by MCC relating to an
alleged breach of planning control, namely making of a material change of use of
the land at Pren-y-Derwen, Gwehelog, Usk. To be held on 12th Dec 10am –
County Hal, Rhadyr, Usk NP15 1GA. Member of the public commented on the
ongoing issues with obstruction on the highway at the entrance to this site.
b. Monmouthshire local development Plan (LDP) – Consultation on potential additional site
– Coed Glas, Abergavenny (Postal Item - Clerk’s Report under MCC 13/11) no
comments made.
9.2 Planning Applications
DC/2013/00958 – Poplars Farm, Gwehelog, Usk NP15 1RE – Relocate existing
entrance and provide new private driveway. Recommendation: Refusal 4 Against
1 Abstain. ACTION: Clerk Done
9.3 MCC Enforcement Cases - New and closed cases
10. Correspondence
10.1 Correspondence Feedback
a. Gwehelog Traffic Problems – Kay Davies
The Community Council are in support of increasing white lines and extending 40mph speed
limit from the Gwehelog Village Hall in the Usk direction to past The Rock.
Email to PC 134 Mike Thomas, Brian Clearly (MCC Highways) and Kay Davies (member of the
public) – Traffic concerns in Gwehelog – request to see speed analysis report, request for
extension of white lines and 40mph speed limit. – Gwehelog Village Hall – Great House Farm.
ACTION: Clerk Done
The Council also felt that the greatest contribution to safety at this site would be for
visibility splays to be provided by lowering or re-aligning the hedges on either side of the
access to the main road.
b. State of the roads, Gwehelog, Usk – Copy of correspondence sent to MCC from
resident, Roger Leaver
10.2 Correspondence
Clerk’s Report – Community Council Meeting 27th November
MCC Correspondence
29/10 Letter from Mark Youngman, Transport Policy and Compliance Manager confirming
MCC will take over responsibility for bus shelters at Cold harbour and Hall Inn
30/10 MCC Operations B4246; Blaenavon Road, Govilon
30/10 Monmouthshire County Council's Evaluation of Performance 2012/13
31/10 County Councillor Val Smith, Gwehelog Bridleway - To: Ruth Rourke, Matthew
Lewis and Kellie Beirne
31/10 Ruth Rourke, Reply to CC correspondence Issue No 10995. Bridleway drainage
works Gwehelog 134.
1/11 Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext.) - 08/11
4/11 Gill Hazard. MCC Highways Pro Forma received - RE: 012658
4/11 SEWHAUC Co-ord meeting dates for 2014 (Mon 4th Nov 2013)
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4/11 Guy Delemere re: Pren-y-Derwen Ref: APP/E6840/C/013/2198591 – New date
Thursday 12th December
4/11 CONFIDENTIAL - Enforcement lists – no new or closed cases
6/11 MCC Traffic & Development - A472; Bridge Street, Usk
7/11 Rural Forum Meeting - Thursday 21st November 7pm
8/11 Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext.) - w/e 15/11
8/11 Rickshaw Event (The ONE Show) Children In Need
11/11 Gill Hazard, MCC Highways, Replacement of bus stop – Mark Youngman
12/11 MCC Operations R92; Trellech Road, Tintern
13/11 (POSTAL) Monmouthshire Local development plan – Consultation on additional
site – Coed Glas, Abergavenny.
14/11 Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext.) - w/e 22/11
14/11 Enterprise - Main Road, Blackrock, Clydach - emergency repairs
14/11 MCC Operations - R90; Hoop Road to Pilstone House, Whitebrook – patching
19/11 Debbie McCarty - Grow Wild funding opportunity – Wild flower seed project
19/11 Lorraine Bermingham - Grow Wild funding opportunity (same as above)
22/11 Mary Keetch, MCC - Consultee letter for Planning Application DC/2013/00958
(Poplars Farm)
22/11 Monmouthshire's Road Works Report (ext.) - w/e 29/11
25/11 MCC Street lighting - A466, St Lawrence Road, Chepstow
26/11 Planning Committee - 3rd December 2013
26/11 Gill Hazard, MCC Highways - 012658 Proforma Various
26/11 Helen Crane, MCC Highways - 012658 Proforma Various – Martyn Evans (Tree
cutting notice served at New Barn Farm.
27/11 Debbie McCarty - discussion document for TC's and CC's re transfer, collaborate,
and contribute - Nov'13
OVW Correspondence
30/10 Review of the Regional Technical Statements of the North and South Wales
Regional Aggregates Working Parties
30/10 TRAINING - Module 8 - Introduction to Community Engagement BRIDGEND
30/10 Actif Woods Wales Seminar Day
1/11 South Wales Fire & Rescue Service - Improvement Plan (Stage 2) - How Did We Do
in 2012-13?
4/11 TRAINING- Module 4 / Understanding the Law
7/11 Introductory Letter from Shannon Robinson - South Wales Development Officer
8/11TRAINING - Module 6 / Local Government Finance - BARRY 20-11-13
11/11 TRAINING - Health & Safety - BRIDGEND 19-11-13
11/11 Re: TRAINING - Health & Safety - BRIDGEND 21-11-13 (incorrect date)
13/11 The Great War at Home - 83rd Anglo-American conference of historians, 3-4 July
2014 at the Institute of Historical Research, University of London
14/11 Asset Skills Wales discounted 1 day course - Promoting Energy Efficiency – Cardiff
and Swansea Jan 2014
14/11 Wales against illegal money lending
14/11 TRAINING - Module 6 / Local Government Finance - BARRY 20-11-13
14/11 Big Lottery Fund - Building Communities - recruiting for Chair and Trustee
22/11 Fwd: Public Appointments Opportunities – Museum and Library
25/11 TRAINING - Module 6 / Local Authority Finance 27-11-13 CWMBRAN
27/11 Revised Model Standing Orders
Other Correspondence
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4/11 PC Mike Thomas – (correspondence from Kay Davies) Gwehelog Traffic Problems
5/11 Capita, Conference 9th Dec, Cardiff - Sustainable Services for Older People - Welsh
Government Keynote Confirmed
5/11 Play Wales, Conference, Holiday Inn Cardiff 14th/15th May 2104
7/11 SLCC - Practitioners Conference – East Midlands Airport 28th Feb-1st March 2014
7/11 (POSTAL) SLCC – The Clerk magazine
7/11 KWT’s first ever calendar
7/11 Tidy Wales Awards closing date 22nd November
8/11 Allan Mills, Gwent Police confirmed Clerk added to Farm Watch notifications
8/11 Kay Davies – Reply to clerk email sent on 7/11 – also information on accident and
still missing bus stop sign
11/11 PC Mike Thomas, November 2013 PACT returns
11/11 Capita Conference 23rd Jan, Cardiff - Housing Reform Wales
12/11 RE: November 2013 PACT returns. [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]
18/11 Andrea Kinnear, HMPS Minutes Prison Council Liaison Meeting 4.11.
19/11 SLCC – News Bulletin
20/11 Play Wales- The right to play – worldwide campaign
22/11 SLCC – News Bulletin
22/11 Local Government Finance and Performance (LGF) - Proposed Revocations and
Remaking of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2005
24/11 Penny Reeves, Usk and Raglan News Diary – Confirmation of receiving my
contributions for Jan and Feb 2014.
26/11 Andrea Kinnear HMPS - Change of date - Christmas Carol Concert HMP Usk Wed
18th Dec 6pm
26/11 Play for Wales Winter 2013 Issue 41
26/11 Broxap Litter Bins and Recycling units (to purchase)
27/11 County Councillor Val Smith (From Roger Hoggins MCC) - FW: discussion
document for TC's and CC's re transfer, collaborate, and contribute - Nov'13
27/11 Mat Burhouse (Slingshot Design Limited) Website
27/11 Usk & Raglan Diary January Issue FINAL CALL!
31/10 Neighbourhood Watch: illegal parking in Usk
31/10 Neighbourhood Watch: NHW on ITV
02/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Mobile Police Station (PACT) Surgery visit
02/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Usk Town Bonfire Event 02/11/2013
04/11 Farm Watch: Farmers Liability (Mud on the roads)
05/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Scam alert: Cloned bank cards
10/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Remembrance Parades
11/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Usk Civic amenity disposal site
12/11 Farm Watch: Horse found in Rogerstone
13/11 Farm Watch: Stihl chainsaw was stolen from the rear of a tractor, Abergavenny
14/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Stables at rural property - Tredunnock
15/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Don’t give thieves an early Christmas present
17/11 Farm Watch: Lamping and Poaching
18/11 Farm Watch: Suspicious male in Hendre
18/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Bogus Callers – Cardiff and Newport – paying parcel
delivery fee for a neighbour.
18/11 Farm Watch: Suspicious activity (white transit van)
19/11 Neighbourhood Watch: NHW be safe on line – www.getsafeonline.org –
safeguarding children on the internet
20/11 Farm Watch: Loss/theft of sheep -50 ewes/lambs that have gone ''missing'' from
the Blorenge, Blaenavon area lately.
20/11 Farm Watch: Stolen Bales - New Trecastle farm, Llangovan, Monmouth is
reporting that last night 20 bales were stolen from the farm
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21/11 Farm Watch: Criminal damage and theft - Fairwater farm in Michaelstone was
broken into and diesel was stolen from three tractors
22/11 Neighbourhood Watch: St Marys Church Usk Theft – ladies handbag
22/11 Neighbourhood Watch: Alcohol Awareness Week- Know your limit
22/11 Farm Watch: Theft of diesel - Tyla farm, Tyla lane in St Mellons
24/11 Neighbourhood Watch: 12 Days of Christmas Police surgeries
26/11 Farm Watch: Suspicious vehicle - transit van in blue and white has been seen in
the St Brides area of Newport. The vehicle index is Y732JBR and is a tipper style. –
wanted for fly tipping
26/11 Farm Watch: Good News and Thanks – vehicle above located and stopped, due to
response from OWL.
26/11 Farm Watch: Beware of poaching? - Shirenewton and Rudry
27/11 Farm Watch: Horse tack and blankets – Risca area
27/11 Farm Watch: Answer to horse rug thefts? – Paint on postcode
Correspondence from the Clerk
1/11 To Gill Hazard, MCC – Gwehelog Fawr Community Council October’s Highway
2/11 Craig O’Connor, MCC planning – Community Council recommendation for
7/11 Kay Davies (member of the public) – Response to Gwehelog Traffic Problems
7/11 Allan Mills (Gwent Police Manager, Neighbourhood Watch ‘Farm Watch’ – Request
to be added to Farm watch email correspondence
10/11 Gill Hazard (Highways, MCC) & Mark Youngman (Transport, MCC) cc. Kay Davies
–In response to Kay Davies email about missing bus stop sign. (Gill replied Mark’s
13/11 Planning Inspectorate – Submission on planning portal in support of appeal by
White House, Gwehelog.
13/11 Kathy Triantafilou – copy of submission on planning portal in support of appeal by
White House, Gwehelog.
22/11 Andrew Jones, MCC planning acknowledgement of receipt of planning application
DC/2013/00958 – Poplars Farm
24/11 Usk and Raglan News diary – Dates and Venue for meetings Jan and Feb 2014
26/11 Re-sent email originally sent on 2/11 to Craig O’Connor, MCC planning –
Community Council recommendation for DC/2013/00876
November – Neil George / Mat Burhouse (slingshot) – Following up website progress
11. Finance
11.1 Responsible Finance Officer Report
Passbook Balance £2737.41 passbook balance checked and copy of accounts distributed
to all councillors present.
11.2 Clerks Expenses
£30.00 invoice and withdrawal slip presented, proposed Cllr. Steve Hoselitz and
seconded Cllr. Paul Frampton. ACTION: Clerk Done
11.3 Other Expenses None
12.0 AOB
New Cattle Market opening Friday 11am with Adam Henshall, refreshments
Donations to remain the same as last year:
Wales Air Ambulance
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Gwehelog Methodist Church
Kemeys Commander Church
Trostrey Church
Proposed Cllr. Steve Hoselitz and seconded Cllr. Paul Frampton
Last paid July 2012. – AGENDA item to be raised and paid at next meeting.
Meeting for consideration of Budget for 2013/14 to be held in the 2nd week of
January 2014, ready for approval at meeting on 29th January 2014 ACTION:
Date of next meetings – Monday 13th January and Wednesday 29 January 2014
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.25pm
Yours faithfully
Olivia Beaumont, Clerk
Items in Box
Council Accounts
Standing Orders
Letter from Mark Youngman, Re. Handover of bus shelters
Monmouthshire LDP
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