Leadership structure - Milwood Magnet School

Milwood Magnet School
School Improvement/Magnet Leadership Team
Leadership Program
Purpose: This structure will serve as the foundation of School Improvement at Milwood
Magnet School.
Increase distribution of leadership at the building level
Improve School Improvement Process
Increase shared decision-making
Improve building level, parent and community communication
Improve Magnet Process
Magnet Leadership/School Improvement Team Members
Grade Level Team Leaders
TBD – Team 6
TBD – Team 6/7
TBD – Team 7
TBD – Team 7/8
TBD – Team 8
TBD – ParaEducators
TBD – Elective A
TBD – Elective B
Janet Snyder – Library
Content Team Leaders
TBD – Science
TBD – Math
TBD – Social Studies
TBD – English
TBD – Physical Education
TBD – Special Education
Maggie Adams – Assistant Principal
Craig LeSuer – Principal
Carlotta Frazier - School Improvement Co-Chair
Kai Jackson – Behavior Specialist/PBS
Meeting Calendar (required)
* School Improvement Team Leaders are required to meet every other Thursday from 3:30-6:30p.m. Leaders will meet
every other week, as outlined below and alternate meeting structure, (1) School Improvement whole group meeting
3:30-6:30p.m., and (2) Individual Leadership group meeting with content leaders and grade-level leaders meet
separately 3:30-5:30p.m., then together with Parent Advisory Committee, 5:30-6:30p.m.
Mandatory Leadership Training
To Be Determined (week of August 8 or August 15)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011*
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011*
Thursday, November 10, 2011
No November 24 meeting in November due to Holiday
Thursday, December 1, 2011*
Thursday, December 15
(Thursday before winter recess)
Thursday, January 5, 2011*
Thursday, January 19, 2011
Thursday, February 2, 2011*
Thursday, February 16, 2011
Thursday, March 1, 2011*
(tentative due to Literacy Night – see Master Calendar)
Thursday, March 15, 2011
Thursday, March 29, 2011*
Thursday, April 12, 2011
Thursday, April 26, 2011*
Thursday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 24, 2011*
Thursday, June 7, 2011
Grade-Level Team Leader
The Milwood Magnet Leadership/School Improvement Team is responsible for leading his/her specific
grade-level team or department in the school improvement process in efforts to maximum student
achievement through School Improvement initiatives and Magnet programming. The Grade-level Team
Leader is the person responsible for inter- and intra-communication between the principal, building-level
administrators, building-level leadership and the team as it relates to school improvement, magnet
programming, curriculum and instruction.
Serves on the School Improvement/Magnet Leadership Team.
Schedules, develops an agenda for, and conducts team meetings.
Leads implementation, supports and models PBS strategies and initiatives on team.
Serves as the liaison between the building administration and the members of the team.
Works directly with leadership team and the principal to implement school-wide initiatives
related to student achievement.
Takes the lead on clarifying team expectations, setting goals and priorities, and facilitating
internal team reflection.
Facilitates team and building process for new teachers and guest (substitute) teachers with
the school program and specific grade-level team and building practices and procedures.
Facilitates communication and mediates conflict among team members, among parents and
the team, and among teachers and students.
Maintains a high level of morale and clear expectations/goals among team members.
Committed to moving team towards “Accountable” (see Professional Community
Leadership Teaming Continuum).
Sets goals and creates team identity.
Coordinates and facilitates instructional programs within the team (ie: trips, presenters,
team-activities, etc.)
Serves as the instructional leader of the team. Facilitates instructional changes within the
team to produce higher levels of student achievement. Focuses the work of the team on
research-based instructional best practices, student achievement, introduces new
instructional strategies, as well as new approaches to curriculum and instruction, and
research findings to team members.
Coordinates and facilitates activities, practices and procedures between the team leader’s
own team and the other teams in the building.
Analyzes student performance data to promote maximum student progress and student
Effectively communicate and collaborate with instructional staff and students.
And other duties as needed/assigned by the principal.
Proven teaching success in the classroom.
Proven ability to meet the instructional needs of a wide variety of students.
Demonstrated knowledge in school-wide reform using the magnet school model.
Demonstrated knowledge in cutting-edge instructional techniques including Understanding
by Design, Differentiated Instruction and Assessment for Learning.
Demonstrated skill in integrated curriculum and a willingness to become skilled in the
content-specific strategies in areas outside the team leader’s specific area of expertise.
Demonstrated ability to lead a group of colleagues in instructional improvement.
Demonstrated knowledge of professional learning communities (PLC) protocols including
lesson study/tuning and best practice instructional strategies.
Demonstrated ability in data analysis to match curriculum and instruction to students’
strengths and needs.
Demonstrated leadership in staff professional development and public speaking.
10. Demonstrated ability to communicate professionally in speech and writing.
* Team Leader is a KEA positions and will be compensated according to the KEA contract (1.5% of the
base salary).
Content Team Leader
(formerly Department Head)
The Milwood Magnet Leadership/School Improvement Team member is responsible for leading his/her
specific grade-level team or department in the school improvement process in efforts to maximum student
achievement through School Improvement initiatives and Magnet programming. The Content Team
Leader is responsible for leading/assisting in the school improvement process to maximum student
achievement and is the person responsible for inter- and intra-communication between the district-level
content coordinator and the building as it relates to curriculum and instruction.
1. Serves as liaison between building administration/department staff and district content
coordinator (i.e., provides input to building administration on department budget,
scheduling and other needs.)
2. Responsible for prioritizing, ordering, and keeping inventory of materials, textbooks,
equipment and other resources specifically related to the content area or Magnet program.
Ensure proper handling of all hazardous/non-hazardous materials (science).
3. Serves as the instructional leader of the content department. Facilitates instructional
changes within the content department to produce higher levels of student achievement.
4. Focuses the work of the team on research-based instructional best practices and student
achievement. Introduces new instructional strategies and content-specific information as
well as new approaches to curriculum and instruction, and research findings to team
5. Analyzes student performance data to promote maximum student progress and student
6. Facilitate building department meetings (at least monthly), prepares and disseminates
agenda and meeting minutes/notes.
7. Develop and lead professional development activities that promote high levels of learning
for all students (i.e. differentiated instruction, assessment for learning, etc.).
8. Work cooperatively with team leaders to effectively implement magnet program and other
school improvement plan initiatives. Works to ensure strong implementation of magnet
9. Represent building on content area task forces/committees at district and state levels.
10. Participate in the development and review/refining of magnet curriculum.
11. Lead and model effective implementation of district and magnet curriculum
12. Leads the analysis and use of assessment data to improve student achievement.
13. Models effective instruction and advises content area colleagues as needed.
14. Demonstrated ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with instructional staff
and students. Effectively use supportive technology communication systems.
1. Proven teaching success in classroom, (instructional leaders shall be in compliance with
master agreement qualifications and/or certification).
2. Demonstrated knowledge of professional learning communities (PLC) protocols including
lesson study/tuning.
3. Demonstrated expertise in data analysis to match curriculum and instruction to students’
strengths and needs.
4. Demonstrated leadership in staff professional development and public speaking.
Models positive and professional communications and interpersonal skills.
Proven ability to meet the instructional needs of a wide variety of students.
Demonstrates problem-solving skills.
Evidence of excellence in areas of teaching and learning.
Demonstrated ability to communicate professionally in speech and writing.
Demonstrated ability to lead a group of colleagues in instructional improvement.
Demonstrated knowledge in school-wide reform using the magnet school model.
* Department Head (Content Leader) is a KEA positions and will be compensated according to the KEA
contract (7% of the base salary).
Milwood Magnet School
Grade-level and Content Team Leaders
Selection Process
The process will be used at the building level to choose Content Team Leaders and Grade-level
Team Leaders. Job descriptions for both positions will be provided to all staff. Teachers will
express interest in the Grade-level Team Leader and Content Team Leader positions within the
team format, at the designated staff meeting. All staff members are encouraged to consider both
positions, however due to the demand of the positions we would encourage (but not mandate) a
staff member elect to fill only one of the positions, during any one school year. Leadership
positions do NOT require any tenure stipulation, and are open to any one interested in the
Content Leader will be selected by the Content Team (formerly department head) and Gradelevel Team Leaders will be selected by the content and/or grade-level teams using the process
outlined below.
Acknowledge/Verify Interest - The team/department members who are interested in the position
of Team Leader/Instructional Leader should identify themselves (acknowledgement of interest
will happen within the respective groups).
Team Discussion – The team should discuss issues and concerns about the position at this time
(clarification of responsibilities, questions, answers, etc.).
Individual Ballot – Each team member will make a private selection of one person for each the
Grade-level Leader/Content Leader position. This is not a team vote but an individual selection.
Disclaimer: It is strongly encouraged the each leadership position should be filled by only one
person, to preserve the fidelity of our leadership structure.
Recommendation to the principal – All individual ballot will be collected and placed in a
secured envelope for tallying. Staff should submit their ballots for individual selection to
facilitators to tally and make a recommendation to the principal.
Appointment – The principal will respond with a final decision as to the appointment of
Instructional Leader/Team Leader. The principal will strongly consider the individual ballot tally
recommendation, but is not required to consent to the recommendation. The principal will
respond within 48 hours of receiving the recommendation. Also, in the event of a tie, the principal
will make an appointment.
Milwood Magnet School
Leadership Selection Ballot
Content Leader
All staff members are encouraged to consider both positions, however due to the demand of the positions
we would encourage (but not mandate) a staff member elect to fill only one of the positions, during any one
school year. It is also strongly encouraged the each leadership position should be filled by only one person,
to preserve the fidelity of our leadership structure. Leadership positions do NOT require any tenure
stipulation, and are open to any one interested in the job.
This is not a team vote but an individual selection. Each team member will make a private selection of one
person for each the Grade-level Leader/Content Leader position. Content Leader will be selected by the
content team and Grade-level Team Leaders will be selected by the grade-level team, using this form.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Content/Department: ___________________________________________________
Content Leader Selection: _______________________________________________
(Write the name of the person you would like to select as leader in this area.)
Signature: __________________________________________________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Milwood Magnet School
Leadership Selection Ballot
Grade-level Team Leader
All staff members are encouraged to consider both positions, however due to the demand of the positions
we would encourage (but not mandate) a staff member elect to fill only one of the positions, during any one
school year. It is also strongly encouraged the each leadership position should be filled by only one person,
to preserve the fidelity of our leadership structure. Leadership positions do NOT require any tenure
stipulation, and are open to any one interested in the job.
This is not a team vote but an individual selection. Each team member will make a private selection of one
person for each the Grade-level Leader/Content Leader position. Content Leader will be selected by the
content team and Grade-level Team Leaders will be selected by the grade-level team, using this form.
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Grade-level Team: __________________
Team Leader Selection: _________________________________________________
(Write the name of the person you would like to select as leader in this area.)
Signature: ___________________________________________________________