
Syllabus – MS 401
MS 401 - Advanced Military Science
Tuesday/Thursday 0800-0915 (GSU and SUWG - via Video Teleconference)
Thursday Leadership Labs 1000-1140
LOCATION: Army ROTC Classroom, Classroom South, Room 301 (CS 301)
CPT Clark, MSG Robert Travis
During normal duty hours, or as coordinated with the instructor.
Students must call ahead to ensure that the instructor is available.
1. DESCRIPTION: MS 401 is a course wherein students will apply leadership and military
skills through practical application while continuing with traditional academic classes. The
primary focus of the instructor is to provide a foundation from which a cadet transitions to
his/her commission as a second lieutenant in America’s Army and officer corps. MS IV cadets
will hold officer ranks and be assigned duty positions within the cadet battalion. These positions
will challenge, further develop leadership skills, and perform tasks expected of an Army second
lieutenant. Cadet officers (MS IV’s) will plan, coordinate and execute field training exercises,
extracurricular activities and social events.
Classes will meet twice weekly for 1.25 hours and will include
lectures, films, discussions, assigned readings, and practical exercises. The class schedule is
listed as Enclosure 1 to this syllabus. Emphasis during instruction will be placed on the “handson” approach. We will begin and end on time.
Attendance at Leadership Labs (LL) is MANDATORY for all
contracted cadets. The LL’s are conducted from 1000 - 1140 hours on Thursdays, unless notified
otherwise. Cadets will report to the designated location for an accountability formation. MS IV
cadet officers who are not directly involved in the actual training or instruction of MS I-III will
perform staff coordination or other duties as directed by the Cadet Battalion Commander. The
location, uniform, and specifics for each LL will be dictated by the published Cadet training
schedule - as approved by the Professor of Military Science (PMS) or his designated
representative. Close coordination must be maintained between the chain of command and the
Commandant of Cadets (or the MSIII Primary Instructor) to ensure that the PMS’s intent is
understood and followed. The LLs will not be canceled, modified or postponed unless
authorized by the PMS or his designated representative. Only the PMS or his designated
representative may excuse any contracted cadet from participation in Leadership Labs.
Syllabus – MS 401
4. PHYSICAL TRAINING(PT): Attendance at PT is MANDATORY for all contracted
cadets. Non-contracted MS I and II cadets are encouraged to attend the PT program. PT is an
essential part of the Army and fosters the warrior spirit.
a. Attendance at PT is mandatory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, per the approved
training schedule. The MSIII cadets will lead company PT under the direction of the MSIV
cadets and the Cadre. The PT program will be conducted in accordance with Field Manual (FM)
b. If you are sick or injured and need to miss PT, you will need to show a note from a
medical doctor with specific restrictions for your injury/illness. Once on a “profile”, you will
still participate in PT and Army Physical Fitness Tests (APFT) in accordance with your medical
c. All contracted cadets will take the APFT during the scheduled test dates, both
diagnostic and record. The APFT is included as part of your overall grade as shown in the
Course Grading System (see Enclosure 1).
d. It is also an individual cadet responsibility to maintain his/her proper weight/body fat
standards for his/her height. For information on the Army Weight Control program refer to
Army Regulation 600-9.
5. UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS: The duty uniform during Tuesday and Thursday’s
classes is civilian clothes. The duty uniform during Thursday’s Leadership Lab is Battle Dress
Uniforms (BDUs). Occasionally, contracted cadets may be required to wear the Class A
uniform. To reiterate, the duty uniform for all outdoor training (Leadership Labs, Field Training
Exercise, etc.), is BDUs. Changes to the uniform of the day will be directed by the operations
order disseminated through the cadet chain of command, as approved by the cadre. All issued
uniforms and equipment will remain with contracted cadets through the school year.
a. Proper appearance and wear of the uniform is an individual cadet responsibility. The
cadre and cadet chain of command will continually evaluate and make on the spot corrections.
Cadets who continually do not adhere to Army standards will not be allowed to wear the Army
uniform. Repeat violators will be reported through the Cadet Chain of Command and then to the
PMS for final disposition of these cases.
b. AR 670-1 and CCR 670-1 contain guidance for the proper wear of the Army uniform.
c. Exceptions to the requirement to wear the uniform will only be made by the PMS or
his designated representative.
Syllabus – MS 401
6. GENERAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS: You are required to complete all course
requirements in order to receive course credit, otherwise you will obtain an incomplete grade,
and be subject to disenrollment. Requirements are as follows:
a. There will be a minimum of one book review (oral and written), one professional
development reading assignment, plus several short reading assignments throughout the quarter.
The written book review and oral presentation will follow the battalion book review grading
format policy, (see separate handout). Book reviews will be presented orally to the class, and the
length of the presentation will be between seven to ten minutes. Written book reports will be
turned in at a specified date.
b. You will turn in an “ungraded” Advance Camp, After Action Review at the beginning
of the second class. You will address three areas of training (of your choosing) which you
encountered at advanced camp that you feel you were not prepared for. You will explain your
three areas of training in terms of issue, discussion, and recommendation. Your focus for this
writing requirement is on improving the Georgia State ROTC training program in preparing
cadets for the advance camp. In addition, this will also give an indication of your written
communication skills. Please take the assignment seriously.
c. You will conduct a recruiting project (at GSU and SUWG), which will be
coordinated with the recruiting officer, and done in a group of no less than three cadets. Each
cadet must play a role and be an active participant in this project. You will brief this project to
the PMS with your group outside of class sometime before the mid-term examination (coordinate
the exact briefing day and time with the PMS). Include normal briefing format, and include
coordination, goals and level of achievement of those goals. Your project should run in tandem
with a school event and draw high visibility for the department. It should also orient on getting
the school and individuals informed about GSU/SUWG ROTC. Your project should be aimed at
recruiting cadets for contract and have specific measurable goals. NOTE: This is your project
not the recruiting officers project. The recruiting officer will lend advice and assistance that
supports the Battalion recruiting mission and goals. This project is worth 100 points toward your
final grade (see Enclosure 1).
d. Officer Evaluation Support Form (DA Form 67-9-1) and the NCO Evaluation Report
(DA Form 2166-7): The cadet chain-of-command will prepare Evaluation Reports as dictated by
the Cadet Battalion Rating Scheme. The OER Support Form (DA Form 67-9-1) will be prepared
to support this effort, and the DA Form 67-9 will be used for the actual evaluation. Assessment
of duty performance will be as compared to what was indicated on the MSIVs DA Form 67-9-1s.
The DA Form 67-9-1 will be submitted to the PMS for review no later than two class sessions
following the class on the OER SPT Form. Every MSIV cadet will brief their OER Support
Form to the class as announced by the instructor. This evaluated briefing will be used in the
instructor evaluation portion toward your final grade (see Enclosure 1).
6. TEXTBOOKS: Texts and other resource material when applicable will be provided at no
cost to the students. All issued materials will be returned prior to the close of the semester.
Syllabus – MS 401
7. ATTENDANCE: Class attendance is MANDATORY. You are expected to attend all
classes, PT sessions, LLs, and FTXs. Attendance at each of these separate events impacts your
final grade.
a. Excused Absence: A cadet may be excused from class, PT, LLs or FTXs when
unusual circumstances warrant. Should it become necessary to miss a class, contact your
instructor in advance. You are allowed a total of two unexcused absences for all of the required
instruction (not each of them). Your attendance will be counted in the instructor’s weighted
10% evaluation grade of your entire course grade. Any cadet with three or more unexcused
absences is subject to disenrollment.
b. Tardiness: Tardiness is not a good attribute for anyone, especially officers. Be on
time. Attendance will be taken at the start of class. Attendance/tardiness will also be considered
in the instructor evaluation portion (see Enclosure 1).
c. Makeup Instruction: Makeup instruction with the instructor is available for students
who experience excused absences. The instructor will administer makeup examinations or
quizzes within one week of your return to class. Makeup instruction is an individual
responsibility. Do not expect the instructor to chase you down for makeup instruction or
examinations. You are responsible for making an appointment with the instructor to make up
any missed instruction.
8. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Throughout the year there will be numerous
activities in which students may volunteer to participate. Participation, organization of the
activity (if applicable), duty performed, mission accomplished, and the quality of work are all
subject to evaluation with points under the instructor assessment portion, which apply toward
your final grade (see Enclosure 1).
9. OTHER: Contact me if you have any questions regarding this syllabus, course content, or
the Army ROTC program. My office phone number is 404-651-2481, and my e-mail is:
1. Course Grading Scheme (2 pgs)
2. Leadership Lab’s and FTX’s
Professor of Military Science
1. A total of 1000 points may be earned during the course. The course requirements are
weighted as follows:
Course Requirement
Record APFT
Mid-Term Exam
Written and Oral Book review
OER SPT Form Presentation
Final Examination
Recruiting Project
Instructor Evaluation**
Total Points
2. The final grade distribution is as follows:
900 - 1000 = A
800 - 899
700 - 799
600 - 699
Below 60
3. The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) will be scored in accordance with Field Manual 2120 (Score/3 = total points). An APFT failure is worth zero (0) points. The minimum score is
180 points out of 300 points. Additionally, you must achieve a minimum score of 60 points in
each event. For example: a cadet achieves 80 points on the pushup event; 80 points on the sit up
event; and 59 points on the run, for a total APFT score of 219 points. This is an APFT failure
and therefore the value assessed for this portion of the entire course grade is zero (0) points.
4. The instructor’s assessment of the cadet’s performance and leadership potential will be a
maximum of 10% of the total course grade. Instructor assessment points are based upon his
evaluation in the areas of class participation and attendance (during PT, Leadership Lab,
classroom instruction), military appearance and bearing, participation in ROTC extracurricular
activities (Ranger Platoon, Color guard, etc.), a cadet’s ability to meet his/her responsibilities
(i.e. meet observations as to a cadet’s potential for officership, ability to carry-out his/her duties,
and the overall sense of responsibility and judgment. The guidelines for the instructor’s
assessment grade follows:
Enclosure 1
**Instructor Area of Evaluation
# of Points Assessed
Attendance at either classroom, Lead Labs or PT sessions.
Each unexcused absence (after the two allowable ones) will
mean a 20-point deduction from this score, for each occurrence.
30 points
Classroom participation.
20 points
Military appearance and bearing.
20 points
Instructor evaluation as to cadet leadership potential and
performance assessment during the semester.
30 points
Total 0f 100 Points
Enclosure 1 (continued)
Leadership Labs/ FTXs
13 OCT
FT McPherson
Basic Rifle Marksmanship
19-21 OCT
FT Stewart
Ranger Challenge
16-18 NOV
FT Benning
Fall FTX
Enclosure 2