Using "Peer Grade" to Determine Whether a Grade 56 or 58 Special Education Student is Eligible for Testing Office of Research and Statistics Mississippi Department of Education January 20, 2005 (Revised February 16, 2005) For students assigned a regular grade code between 02 and 08, the grade level is used to determine eligibility for testing. Eligibility for testing on the SATP is determined by the fact that a student is enrolled in a course in which the SATP is administered. For special education students with a grade code of 56 or 58 (elementary or secondary self contained) in MSIS, we have to use the student's age to determine testing eligibility, since there is no regular assigned grade level that can be used for that purpose. For those students, the following [CORRECTED] text in Mississippi Statewide Assessment System -- Guidelines for Special Populations: Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners denotes the age limits applied when determining testing eligibility. "…students in a non-graded setting who are 7 to 14 13 years of age on September 1" The following table shows the exact birth dates that were (or will be) used for determining testing eligibility each school year. For testing conducted during school year Used for calculating participation rates for the AYP model run in August 2003-2004 2004 September 2, 1989 – September 1, 1996 2004-2005 2005 September 2, 1990 -- September 1, 1997 2005-2006 2006 September 2, 1991 -- September 1, 1998 2006-2007 2007 September 2, 1992 -- September 1, 1999 2007-2008 2008 September 2, 1993 -- September 1, 2000 2008-2009 2009 September 2, 1994 -- September 1, 2001 Student is eligible for testing if his/her birth date is in the inclusive range1 1 If the student's birth date is ANY of these days, the student is eligible for testing. The inclusive age range contains birth dates that are typical for students enrolled each year in grades 2 through 8 under the assumption that students begin first grade if they are/will be 6 years old on September 1 of the school year. Note: Testing eligibility determines whether the student must be assessed - - non-disabled students must be assessed if they are in grades 2 – 8. The testing participation rates used in the AYP model and published in the Report Card are based on students with (actual or peer) grades 3 – 8 since those are the grades used for accountability purposes. Computer Algorithm Used to Calculate Peer Grade for the 2004 AYP Model /* CALCULATE PEER GRADE LEVEL AS OF 09/01/03 (BEGINNING OF SY 2003/2004) FOR ALL STUDENTS FOR WHOM BESTGRD IS 56 OR 58 (SELF-CONTAINED SPED). YR='XX' MUST BE UPDATED (BY ADDING 1) TO CALCULATE PEER GRADE FOR THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR. ASSUMES STARTING KDG IF 5 YEARS OLD BY SEPT 1 -AND- 1ST GRADE IF 6 YEARS OLD BY SEPT 1, ETC. */ IF (BESTGRD='56' OR BESTGRD='58') AND BESTDOB NE '999999' THEN DO; YR=SUBSTR(BESTDOB,5,2); MM=SUBSTR(BESTDOB,1,2); PGR=.; Correction for birthdays occurring on September 1 each year… /* PEER GRADE LEVEL */ IF YR='82' THEN DO; PGR= 16; IF MM='09' AND DD NE IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='83' THEN DO; PGR= 15; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='84' THEN DO; PGR= 14; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='85' THEN DO; PGR= 13; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='86' THEN DO; PGR= 12; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='87' THEN DO; PGR= 11; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= '01' THEN PGR= 15; 15; 15; 15; 14; 14; 14; 14; 13; 13; 13; 13; 12; 12; 12; 12; 11; 11; 11; 11; 10; IF MM='10' THEN PGR= 10; IF MM='11' THEN PGR= 10; IF MM='12' THEN PGR= 10; END; IF YR='88' THEN DO; PGR= 10; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='89' THEN DO; PGR= 9; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='90' THEN DO; PGR= 8; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='91' THEN DO; PGR= 7; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='92' THEN DO; PGR= 6; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='93' THEN DO; PGR= 5; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; 9; 9; 9; 9; 8; 8; 8; 8; 7; 7; 7; 7; 6; 6; 6; 6; 5; 5; 5; 5; 4; 4; 4; 4; IF YR='94' THEN DO; PGR= 4; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= 3; IF MM='10' THEN PGR= 3; IF MM='11' THEN PGR= 3; IF MM='12' THEN PGR= 3; END; IF YR='95' THEN DO; PGR= 3; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='96' THEN DO; PGR= 2; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; IF YR='97' THEN DO; PGR= 1; IF MM='09' THEN PGR= IF MM='10' THEN PGR= IF MM='11' THEN PGR= IF MM='12' THEN PGR= END; END; 2; 2; 2; 2; 1; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0;