12th September 2003

8th September 2003
Dear Parents,
I hope you find this list of main dates for the forthcoming school year helpful:Autumn Term 2003
3rd Sept
16th Sept
17th Sept
18th Sept
21st Sept
24th Sept
29th Sept
1st Oct
17th Oct
24th Oct
27th- 31st Oct
3rd Nov
21st Nov
22nd Nov
12th Dec
13th Dec
16 & 17th Dec
19th Dec
Parents Evening for Year One 6.30-7.20p.m. – School Hall
Parents Evening for Year Two 7.30-8.30p.m. – School Hall
Parents Evening for Year Three 6.30-7.20p.m. – School Hall
Parents Evening for Year Four 7.30-8.30p.m. – School Hall
Parents Evening for Year Five 6.30-7.20p.m. – Mr Halligan’s Classroom
Parents Evening for Year Six
6.00-8.30p.m. – Year 6 Classrooms
P.A. Sponsored Walk in School grounds
Feast of Our Lady of Ransom – School Mass at 10.45a.m.
P.A. Meeting School Hall 8.00p.m.
Meeting in Pope John Paul II Hall 8.00p.m. for parents of Rayleigh First Holy Communicants
School Closed for Half Term week
Pupils return after Half Term break
Governing Body Termly Meeting
Parents Association Christmas Bazaar
Christmas Plays dress rehearsal
Parents Association Christmas Dance – Grange Community Centre
Christmas Plays – Year Rec and Year One 2.00p.m.
Years 3 and 5 at 7.30p.m.
School Carol Concert for Children and Staff
School closes for the Christmas holidays
Spring Term 2004
5th Jan
6th Jan
17th Jan
28th Jan
11th Feb
12th Feb
16th-20th Feb
23rd Feb
25th Feb
6th March
13th March
22nd March
30th March
31st March
1st April
2nd April
Pupils return after Christmas break
Feast of the Epiphany – Holy Day of Obligation – School Mass at 10.45a.m.
Selective Test morning
Meeting in Pope John Paul II Hall 8.00p.m. for parents of Rayleigh First Holy Communicants
Main Parent/Teacher Consultation Evenings 6.00-8.30p.m. (A-L)
Main Parent/Teacher Consultation Evenings 6.00-8.30p.m. (M-Z)
School closed for Half Term holiday
Pupils return after Half Term break
Ash Wednesday – School Mass and Distribution of Ashes at 10.45a.m.
First Confessions for Rayleigh Parish First Holy Communicants
First Confessions for Rayleigh Parish First Holy Communicants
School Mission Week – Sion Community
Easter Assembly – Year 2
Easter Assembly – Year 4
Easter Assembly – Year 6
School closes for Easter Holidays
Summer Term 2003
19th April
Pupils return after Easter Holidays
20th April
Swimming season starts
3rd May
SCHOOL CLOSED for May Bank Holiday
5th May
Meeting in Pope John Paul II Hall 8.00p.m. for parents of Rayleigh First Holy Communicants
10-14th May
Year 6 National Test Week and School Test Week
17th May
May Procession in honour of Our Lady 9.30a.m. in School grounds
20th May
Ascension Day – Holy Day of Obligation – School Mass at 10.45a.m.
31st May-4th June School closed for Half Term
7th June
8th June
Pupils return after Half Term holiday
10th June
Corpus Christi – Holy Day of Obligation – School Mass at 10.45a.m.
12th June
First Holy Communion Day for Rayleigh Parish
19th June
First Holy Communion Day for Rayleigh Parish
20th June
Blessed Sacrament Procession at Our Lady of Ransom, Rayleigh 4p.m.
21st-25th June
Year 6 Youth Hostel Week to Llangollen – North Wales
29th June
Feasts of Sts Peter & Paul – Holy Day of Obligation – School Mass at 10.45a.m.
District Sports afternoon
30th June
Reserve day for District Sports
5th July
9.00a.m. Class and Team Photographs
12th July
Year 1 Swimming Gala 1.45p.m.
13th July
Year 2 Swimming Gala 1.45p.m.
14th July
Reception Classes Swimming Gala 1.45p.m.
15th July
Year 3 Swimming Gala 1.45p.m.
16th July
Sports Day – Juniors in the morning and Infants in the afternoon
Year 4 Swimming Gala 1.30p.m.
19th July
Leaver’s Mass. School Hall 8.00p.m.
Year 5 Swimming Gala 1.30p.m.
Reserve Sports Day
20th July
Year 6 Swimming Gala 1.30p.m.
Last day of swimming season
21st July
Country Dancing afternoon (weather permitting)
School Closes for Summer holidays
Parents Please Note!!
It is most important that all Year 6 pupils are at School for the National Test week in May. Year 2 pupils are
tested throughout the month of May.
There is often misunderstanding about the taking of ‘holidays’ during term time. Holidays and occasional ‘days
off’ are certainly not an entitlement during term time. The Local Education Authority regularly checks the School’s
attendance registers. Holidays during term-time must only be taken if the family are unable to take a holiday during the
normal school holiday times. Children cannot be taught and make the progress expected of them if they are not in class.
Accompanying this letter is a copy of the term dates for 2004/05. Please note this is the next academic year.
With best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J F O’Brien