Capistrano Unified School District - San Marcos Unified School District

San Marcos Unified School District
Discovery Elementary School
Primary Music: Enjoyment, Education, and Excellence!
A Music Curriculum for Kindergarten through Second Grade
Diane Geller, Music Specialist
Dear Parents:
My name is Diane Geller and I am very pleased and excited to be providing
Primary Music instruction for your children this year! In keeping with the
tradition of excellent music instruction at Discovery Elementary School, I
want to share a little about the curriculum for all our students!
Primary Music Goals and Curriculum:
The goals for Primary Music Education are based on the California State
Music Content Standards for Kindergarten-Second Grade. These Standards
describe music learning and skill-building in the following areas:
Reading, Listening, Singing, Playing, Moving, and Creating
In order to reach these goals, I am using particular approach known as the
Kodaly Approach to music education. The following page gives a
description of the philosophy and concepts covered in the Kodaly
Curriculum. In each music lesson, we strive to truly educate the children in
music, so that they will really enjoy it, and it will contribute to excellence in
every area of learning and life!
This is a system of music teaching and learning inspired by Zoltan
Kodaly (pronounced "Code-Eye"). Kodaly was a composer, and leading
musician from the nation of Hungary who revolutionized the teaching of
music in his native country. Because our school sites are very concerned
about literacy, in general, it is quite appropriate and important that students
involved in the Kodaly curriculum will be concentrating on music literacy as
well. Here are just a few key statements concerning Kodaly's philosophy
that reflect on his beliefs about music education:
"Music belongs to everybody!"
Music Literacy, that is the ability to read, write, and think music as one
does language, is the right of every human being.
"Singing is the only real foundation of musical culture".
All music education begins with the child's own instrument, his voice.
Every language, or "mother-tongue", has a corresponding musical
mother-tongue in its own folk music. The folk music of a child's own culture is thus
the ideal material as the basis of his education in music.
Children should be taught only the most musically valuable material.
KINDERGARTEN: ( Concepts are learned by ear and experience in preparation for
Music reading in First Grade)
Matching musical pitch, Singing whole songs in tune,
Steady Beat,
Loud and Soft,
Silences (rests), Fast and Slow, Rhythm patterns in
songs, High and Low, Comparing songs with similar rhythms/ melodies.
FIRST GRADE: (The following musical symbols are made conscious
and practiced by reading and writing)
BEAT as "TA": spoken for quarter note: Rest:
Divided beat: Eighth
notes: spoken : "Ti-Ti": High-Low
Melody sounds from solfege system of singing: "So", "Mi", "La", “Do”.
Movement, singing games, listening activities, classroom instruments.
Time Signatures: 2/4, 4/4, corresponding note and rest values:
half, whole,
Melody: Add “Re" to scale: read on music staff: LSMRD, Add “Fa”, and
“Ti”, and introduce Major Scale. Movement, folk games and dances,
Classical listening, classroom instruments.
I look forward to serving your children and your school through music
education, enjoyment, and excellence!
Diane Geller, Primary Music Specialist
Primary Music: Enjoyment, Education, and Excellence!
K -2nd Grade Curriculum
Diane Geller, Music Specialist
Dear Discovery St. Teachers and Staff:
I am very pleased and excited to be providing Primary Music instruction at your school
site this year! In keeping with the tradition of excellent music instruction at Discovery
St. I want to reinforce our curriculum and expectations so that we can form a great
learning partnership for all our students!
Primary Music Goals and Curriculum:
The goals for Primary Music Education are based on the California State Music Content
Standards for Kindergarten-Second Grade. These Standards describe music learning and
skill-building in the following areas:
Reading, Listening, Singing, Playing, Moving, and Creating
In order to reach these goals, I use a particular approach known as the Kodaly Approach
to music education. The following page gives a description of the philosophy and
concepts covered in the Kodaly Curriculum. In each music lesson, we strive to truly
educate the children in music, so that they will really enjoy it, and it will contribute to
excellence in every area of learning and life!
Music lessons will be held in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will come to
the Kindergarten classrooms, but 1st and 2nd grades will come to the Stage
in the Auditorium. Classes will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 16th, and Thurs,
Sept. 18th.
To achieve our shared goals of learning and enjoyment, I will need your
help in certain areas:
CLASSROOMS: Please have children sit on rug area. If possible, provide
a space for movement/ games.
AUDITORIUM: Please escort & seat classes in an orderly manner.
Children will come and sit on the Stage Floor behind the curtain in lines.
Please place students who need extra help where they will be successful.
NAME TAGS: Please have students wear clear, legible Name tags each
week. Music teachers see hundreds of students each week and rely on
nametags to facilitate learning.
PLEASE STAY to help with class management and enjoy learning with
your students!
I look forward to working with you and serving your students through music education,
enjoyment, and excellence!
Diane Geller, Music Specialist
This is a system of music teaching and learning inspired by Zoltan
Kodaly (pronounced "Code-Eye"). Kodaly was a composer, and leading
musician from the nation of Hungary who revolutionized the teaching of
music in his native country. Because our school sites are very concerned
about literacy, in general, it is quite appropriate and important that students
involved in the Kodaly curriculum will be concentrating on music literacy as
well. Here are just a few key statements concerning Kodaly's philosophy
that reflect on his beliefs about music education:
"Music belongs to everybody!"
Music Literacy, that is the ability to read, write, and think music as one
does language, is the right of every human being.
"Singing is the only real foundation of musical culture".
All music education begins with the child's own instrument, his voice.
Every language, or "mother-tongue", has a corresponding musical
mother-tongue in its own folk music. The folk music of a child's own culture is thus
the ideal material as the basis of his education in music.
Children should be taught only the most musically valuable material.
KINDERGARTEN: ( Concepts are learned by ear and experience in preparation for
Music reading in First Grade)
Matching musical pitch, Singing whole songs in tune,
Steady Beat,
Loud and Soft,
Silences (rests), Fast and Slow, Rhythm patterns in
songs, High and Low, Comparing songs with similar rhythms/ melodies.
FIRST GRADE: (The following musical symbols are made conscious
and practiced by reading and writing)
BEAT as "TA": spoken for quarter note: Rest:
Divided beat: Eighth
notes: spoken : "Ti-Ti": High-Low
Melody sounds from solfege system of singing: "So", "Mi", "La", “Do”.
Movement, singing games, listening activities, classroom instruments.
Time Signatures: 2/4, 4/4, corresponding note and rest values:
half, whole,
Melody: Add “Re" to scale: read on music staff: LSMRD, Add “Fa”, and
“Ti”, and introduce Major Scale. Movement, folk games and dances,
Classical listening, classroom instruments.