MILEY ACHIEVEMENT CENTER Progressive Discipline Plan 2011-2012 Miley Achievement Center has adopted the philosophy that discipline is an important part of the education process. The progressive discipline plan is designed to serve two main functions: 1. To promote a safe and productive educational environment. 2. To teach students effective pro-social behaviors. All students placed at Miley Achievement Center have an individualized education plan (IEP) and a positive behavior intervention plan. In all disciplinary matters, a student’s individualized plan will be referred to before a decision is made. In addition, a functional behavior analysis (FBA) will be conducted in matters when suspension or school removal is being considered, or any time a student’s behavior approaches habitual. Part of the structure of Miley Achievement Center is the Intervention Team. A team of staff members responds to student concerns as well as disciplinary issues referred by classroom staff. Within the context of this program, students may be removed from class for a period of time, ranging from several minutes to several days. The range of time depends on the situation at hand, other surrounding circumstances, and the student’s PBIP. A referral to the intervention team is an essential part of the progressive discipline plan. The team may also recommend and implement a teaching tool that takes place after school hours, specific to the needs of the student. ACTION/CODE FIRST SECOND Search Violation Item Confiscated, Item Confiscated, Phone Call Home, In- Phone Call Home, House, Suspension. RPC. Tardy DLS Fighting DFT Class Disruption or Removal DCR Item Confiscated, Phone Call Home, Lunch Opportunity. Extended Search 3x = Lunch Opportunity. Intervention Team RPC, Peace Contract/ conflict resolution with counselor THIRD 5x = After-School Repeat = RPC-T Opportunity, Intervention Team In-House, IEP/FBA, RPC, Suspension, Conflict Community Resolution w/ Service. counselor IEP/FBA Intervention Team Referral, Discipline will depend on team recommendation. Cafeteria Disruption DCR Property Damage DVD Removal from Cafeteria 1-3 Parent Phone Call. Detention/ Days. Parent Phone Call Community Service IEP/FBA, RPC. IEP/FBA, RPC. IEP/FBA, Community Community Suspension. Service/Restitution Service/Restitution Threatening DTS / DTT Intervention Team Referral, Discipline will depend on team recommendation and the severity/believability of the threat. Bus DBI Discipline to follow CCSD transportation guidelines and student IEP. Campus Disruption DCR RPC/In-House Suspension Computer Access Violation AUP RPC/Suspension, IEP/FBA, IEP team will Suspension reconvene Phone Call Home, Suspended Access, time-frame depending on nature of violation, minimum 1 week. IEP/FBA Dress Code DDC Phone Call Home, Change of Clothes. Phone Call Home, Change, Lunch Opp. Harassment Bullying DHR/DBB Intervention Team Referral/ Behavior Contract. Phone Call Home. IEP/FBA, RPC-T. Change Clothes, After School Detention Theft DTH IEP/FBA, RPC-T. Restitution Smoking DUA In-House Suspension, IEP/FBA, RPC. Phone Call Home Alcohol/Drugs DAP IEP/FBA, RPC. Recommend Drug Program. Weapon DPW IEP/FBA, RPC Recommend Expulsion. Campus Elopement USB Intervention Team Referral, Discipline will depend on team recommendation. Assault/Battery DBT IEP/FBA RPC. Gang Involvement DGI IEP/FBA RPC. Illegal Conduct DIM/DIN IEP/FBA RPC. Hands On Others DIN Lunch RPC, IEP/FBA Opprotunity1-5 days Counselor Referral IEP/FBA, RPC IEP/FBA, RPC-T. Recommend Expulsion. IEP/FBA, Suspension, Safety Meeting Refrral The Principal maintains discretion in disciplinary matters except those offenses required by CCSD regulation 5141.1. The Miley Achievement Center AB51 Committee Members are: Cheryl Joyce, Jeremy Boerner, Christopher DeChecchi, Louis Terilli, Kathrine Wallis, Chris Moore and Jason Noland. The committee members are voluntary and approved by the administration.