Arabidopsis 叶片总RNA的提取及浓度测定 RNA extraction from Arabidopsis leaves Takara RNAiso Plus RNAiso Plus是广谱型Total RNA 提取试剂。实验操作快速方便, 颜色鲜明,便于分层。 本制品可以从动物组织、植物材 料、各种微生物、培养细胞等中 提取Total RNA。样品在RNAiso Plus中能够充分被裂解,在加入 氯仿离心后,溶液会形成上清层、 中间层和有机层(鲜红色下层), RNA分布在上层中,收集上清层 后,经异丙醇沉淀便可以回收得 到Total RNA。 RNAiso Plus具有以下特性: 1. 广谱性强。可以从动物组织、植物材料、各种微生物、培养 细胞等中提取Total RNA。 2. 纯度俱佳。提取的Total RNA纯度高,基本不含蛋白质及 基因组DNA,可以直接用于Northern杂交、斑点杂交、 mRNA纯化、体外翻译、RNA分解酶的保护分析、RT-PCR、 构建cDNA文库等各种分子生物学实验。 3. 快速简便。实验操作快速方便,整个操作在一小时内便可完 成。 4. 颜色鲜明。加入氯仿离心后,会形成无色的上清层和鲜红色 的下层(有机层)。 ●RNA提取实验前的准备 RNA制备的关键是要抑制细胞中的RNA分解酶和防止所用器具 及试剂中的RNA分解酶的污染。因此,在实验中必须采取以下 措施:戴一次性干净手套;使用RNA操作专用实验台;在操作 过程中避免讲话等等。通过以上办法可以防止实验者的汗液、 唾液中的RNA分解酶的污染。 【使用器具】 尽量使用一次性塑料器皿,若用玻璃器皿,应在使用前按下列 方法进行处理。 (1) 用0.1% DEPC(焦碳酸二乙酯)水溶液在37℃下处理12 小时。 (2) 然后在120℃下高压灭菌30分钟以除去残留的DEPC。 RNA实验用的器具建议专门使用,不要用于其它实验。 【试剂配制】 用于RNA实验的试剂,须使用干热灭菌(180℃,60分钟)或 使用上述方法进行DEPC水处理灭菌后的玻璃容器盛装(也可 以使用RNA实验用的一次性塑料容器),使用的无菌水须用 0.1%的DEPC处理后再进行高温高压灭菌。 RNA实验用的试剂和无菌水都应专用,避免混用后交叉污染。 ●实验操作 1. RNAiso Plus的使用量情况如下 2. 实验样品的研磨和匀浆 A. 贴壁培养细胞 ① 倒出培养液,用1×PBS清洗一次。 ② 每10 cm2生长的培养细胞中加入1 ml的RNAiso Plus, 水平放置片刻,使裂解液均匀分布于 细胞表面并裂解细胞,然后使用移液枪吹打细胞使 其脱落(对于贴壁牢固的培养细胞可用细胞刮勺剥 离细胞)。 ③ 将内含细胞的裂解液转移至离心管中,用移液枪反 复吹吸直至裂解液中无明显沉淀。 ④ 室温静置5分钟。 B. 悬浮培养细胞 ① 将悬浮培养细胞连同培养液一起倒入离心管中,8,000 g 4℃离心2分钟,弃上清。 ② 向每107个细胞中加入l~2 ml的RNAiso Plus。 ③ 用移液枪反复吹吸直至裂解液中无明显沉淀。 ④ 室温静置 5分钟。 C. 动物组织、植物材料样品 ① 将超低温冻结的RNA提取样品称量后迅速转移至用液氮 预冷的研钵中,用研杵研磨组织,其间不断加入液氮,直 至研磨成粉末状(无明显的可见颗粒,如果没有研磨彻底 会影响RNA的收率和质量)。 ② 对于普通的RNA提取样品,可以向研钵中加入适量的 RNAiso Plus,将研磨成粉末状的样品完全覆盖,然后室温 静置,直至样品完全融化,再用研杵继续研磨至裂解液呈透 明状。 对于特殊样品,如肝、脾、骨及软骨等,可以将研磨成粉末 状的样品加入到含有适量的RNAiso Plus的匀浆管中,把匀 浆管置于冰浴中进行匀浆,直至匀浆液呈无颗粒透明状。 ③ 将粉末用药勺转移至离心管中,加入1ml RNAiso Plus, 室温静置5分钟。 ④ 12,000 g 4℃离心5分钟。 ⑤ 小心吸取上清液,移入新的离心管中(切勿吸取沉淀)。 3. Total RNA的提取。 ① 向上述步骤2的匀浆裂解液中加入氯仿(RNAiso Plus的 1/5体积量),盖紧离心管盖,用手剧烈振荡15秒(氯仿沸 点低、易挥发,振荡时应小心离心管盖突然弹开)。待溶 液充分乳化(无分相现象)后,再室温静置5分钟。 ② 12,000 g 4℃离心15分钟。 ③ 从离心机中小心取出离心管,此时匀浆液分为三层,即: 无色的上清液、中间的白色蛋白层及带有颜色的下层有机 相。吸取上清液转移至另一新的离心管中(切忌吸出白色 中间层)。 ④ 向上清中加入等体积的异丙醇,上下颠倒离心管充分混 匀后,在15~30℃下静置10分钟。 ⑤ 12,000 g 4℃离心10分钟。一般在离心后,试管底部会出 现沉淀。 4. RNA沉淀的清洗。 小心弃去上清,缓慢地沿离心管壁加入75%的乙醇1 ml(切勿 触及沉淀),轻轻上下颠倒洗涤离心管管壁,12,000 g 4℃离 心5分钟后小心弃去乙醇(为了更好地控制RNA中的盐离子含 量,应尽量除净乙醇)。 5. RNA的溶解。 室温干燥沉淀2~5分钟(不可以离心或加热干燥,否则RNA 将会很难溶解,有关RNA溶解可以参考Troubleshooting中的 相关说明),加入30ul的RNase-free水溶解沉淀,必要时可用 移液枪轻轻吹打沉淀,待RNA沉淀完全溶解后于-80℃保存。 ●RNA提取操作流程图 从植物组织中提取Total RNA 使用本试剂盒从马铃薯块根、香菇子实体、烟草叶片、水稻叶片、芒 果果实、花生果实等组织中提取了Total RNA,电泳结果见图2。 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RNA extraction from Arabidopsis leaves ●Troubleshooting 1. 有关RNA的吸光度说明如下: 260 nm、320 nm、230 nm、280 nm下的吸光度分别代表了核酸、背景 (溶液浑浊度)、盐浓度和蛋白质等有机物的吸光度值。 OD260/OD28O(R)体现了RNA中的蛋白质等有机物的污染程度,质量 较好的RNA的R值应在1.8~2.2之间,当R<1.8时,溶液中的蛋白质等有 机物的污染比较明显;当R>2.2时,说明RNA已经被水解成了单核苷酸。 对核酸进行吸光度检测时,需要注意稀释液应使用TE Buffer。 2. 如何计算RNA的浓度? RNA浓度=(OD260-OD320)×稀释倍数×0.04 μg/μl。 3. 提取的RNA中含有多糖怎么办? 大多数的植物及动物肌肉组织中都含有大量多糖,其理化学性质与RNA 十分接近,因此很难将其从RNA中除去,使用此类组织材料提取RNA时, 建议增加RNAiso Plus的使用量、采用LiCl沉淀的方法或按照下述方法进 行:向裂解液中加入氯仿离心分层后,抽提水相中的RNA,向水相中加 入0.25 ml的异丙醇(每使用1 ml RNAiso Plus),再加入0.25 ml的盐溶 液(0.8 M柠檬酸钠,1.2 M氯化钠)轻轻反复颠倒数次混匀。室温静置5 分钟后,4℃ 12,000 g离心10分钟(替代原来异丙醇沉淀,后续步骤相 同)。但此方法会失大量RNA,导致收量降低,small RNA的损失尤其 严重。 4. 一些富含多糖多酚的植物材料,按照上述方法仍无法有效提取出RNA, 怎么办? 可以搭配使用RNAiso-mate for Plant Tissue(TaKaRa Code:D325)进 行提取,如香蕉果实、松树针叶等特殊组织材料均可以使用这种方法有效 地进行提取。若提取的结果仍不满意,可以使用RNAiso for Polysaccharide-rich Plant Tissue(TaKaRa Code:D326)提取。 5. RNA提取量较低怎么办? ① 向组织材料中加入RNAiso Plus后,请充分研磨匀浆使其充分 裂解。 ② 相分离后请尽量完全回收上清液。 6. 提取的RNA不溶怎么办? ① 75%乙醇清洗沉淀后不要干燥时间过长或加热干燥。 ② 可以于60℃加热5分钟后再于冰上溶解数小时。 ③ RNA沉淀中含有不溶的蛋白质混合物时,应注意在相分离后吸 取上清液时,避免枪头接触蛋白层。 ④ 溶解液更换为0.5%的SDS溶液(DEPC处理水配制)。 7. OD260/OD280值<1.65,为什么? ① RNA应使用TE Buffer稀释后再进行吸光度值的测定,低离子强度或低pH 值会使OD 0值升高。 ② 样品裂解时加入的RNAiso Plus量偏少,造成蛋白变性不充分,可 以再次对RNA溶液进行苯酚/氯仿抽提,以除去蛋白。 ③ 含有裂解液的样品经匀浆混匀后未在室温静置,或静置的时间不 足5分钟。 ④ 相分离后,吸取上清液时不小心接触蛋白层造成污染。 ⑤ RNA未充分溶解。 8. 提取的RNA降解,为什么? ① 使用的组织材料不够新鲜。提取RNA的组织材料应采用新鲜的组 织材料,或将新鲜的组织材料用液氮迅速冷冻后置于-80℃保存。 ② 提取RNA时使用的试剂及器材中混有RNA分解酶。 ③ 提取的组织材料中含有大量的RNA分解酶,而RNAiso Plus的添 加量不够。 9. 提取的RNA中含有DNA污染,为什么? ① 裂解组织或细胞使用的RNAiso Plus量偏少。 ② 使用的组织材料中含有大量的有机溶剂(如:乙醇、异丙醇等)、高浓度 的Buffer、碱性溶剂等。 ③ 如果提取的RNA中含有DNA时,可以使用DNase I(RNase Free; TaKaRa Code:D2215)进行DNA消化。 拟南芥—— 一把打开植物生命奥秘大门的钥匙 拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)属十字花科,与白菜、油菜、甘蓝等经济作 物同属一科。拟南芥本身并无明显的经济价值,可以说只是路边的“野 草”,但在过去二十年中,它越来越多地被作为一种模式生物加以研究。 拟南芥的全基因组测序工作于2000 年完成,成为植物界第一个被完整测 序的物种。与其他一些高等植物相比,拟南芥的基因组很小,5 条染色体 总共含约1.15 亿个碱基对,这与水稻4.3 亿、玉米24 亿、小麦160 亿个 碱基对相比,形成巨大的反差。尽管基因组小,拟南芥的2.5万多基因在 功能类别上却和其他开花植物大致相似,因而,拟南芥作为实验材料有利 于其基因的克隆和饱和突变体库的建立。此外,拟南芥生命周期很短,从 播种到种子收获仅需要6~8 周;拟南芥个体较小,适合于实验室内种植。 所有这些都使得拟南芥成为一种特别理想的遗传学和分子生物学研究材料, 广泛用于植物生命奥秘的研究探索。 History 在自然界中,拟南芥主要分布于温带,集中在欧洲地区;在东非、亚洲大陆、 日本也都有分布,一般生长在野外干燥的土壤中。欧洲文明的扩张把拟南芥 带到了北美和澳洲大陆。历史上对拟南芥科学研究的记载最早可追溯至16 世纪,由德国学者Thal在德国北部的哈茨山区中首次发现并记录了这个物种。 19 世纪分类学家Heynhold 将其命名为Arabidopsis thaliana。现在人们在世 界各地共收集到750 多个拟南芥生态型,这些生态型在形态发育、生理反应 方面存在很大差异。在拟南芥的众多生态型中最常用的三种是Landsberg erecta(Ler)、Columbia(Col)、Wassilewskija(Ws),其中Col 生态型用于拟 南芥的全基因组测序。 在1873 年,Braun 报道了他在柏林郊外发现的一种拟南芥突变体,这可能 是拟南芥研究历史中所发表的最早一项在分类学之外的研究工作。他当时所 发现的这个突变体极有可能就是植物科学研究领域中为人们所熟知的 AGAMOUS(AG)基因的突变体,这个基因是花发育ABC 模型中的C 类基因。 Meyerowitz 实验室于1990 年报道了对AG 基因的克隆。之后,另一个值得 注意的工作是Laibach 在1907年首次报道的对拟南芥染色体的研究并最终确 定了拟南芥具有5 条染色体。Laibach 于1943 年详细阐述了拟南芥作为模式 生物的优点,并在他之后的工作中大力推动了对拟南芥的研究。在Laibach 和其他一些科学家的共同努力下,促成了1965年在德国哥廷根召开的第一届 国际拟南芥会议。 20 世纪80 年代,分子生物学技术的迅猛发展,给植物科学研究带来了巨大 的机遇。1986 年,Meyerowitz实验室首次报道了对拟南芥中一个基因的克 隆。同年,Horsch 实验室报道了根癌农杆菌介导的T-DNA 对拟南芥进行的 遗传转化。1988 年,Meyerowitz实验室发表了拟南芥基因组的首个RFLP 图谱。在之后的几年中,相继报道了T-DNA 插入突变基因的克隆、基于基因 组图谱的基因克隆。这些突破使人们逐渐认识到拟南芥作为实验材料对植物 生命进行探索的价值。 拟南芥研究的主要策略 在拟南芥研究中,使用最多的是遗传学研究策略,包括正向遗传学 和反向遗传学。正向遗传学遵循的是从突变体表型分析到基因功能 认识的思维方式,它首先关注的是具有某种缺陷的突变体。譬如, 如果要研究与植物抗旱机理有关的基因调控过程,可以先用化学、 物理或者生物的方法将野生型拟南芥诱变,然后在干旱胁迫的条件 下进行突变体的筛选。如果在诱变群体后代中出现了对干旱条件反 应不同于野生型的个体(例如比野生型更加抗旱或者不抗旱的植物), 这种个体就是突变体。这种植物对干旱的不同反应可能就是因为突 变体中某一个基因遭破坏后所造成,而这个基因必定与植物的抗旱 机制有关。在得到了这样的一个突变体之后,可以对其中的突变基 因进行定位和克隆。在获得了基因序列后,可以更深入地了解这个 基因的功能,并分析它是以何种形式影响了植物的抗旱途径以及与 抗旱途径中其他相关基因的关系。 对正向遗传学来说,突变表型是所有研究工作的起点。如果一个基因突变 之后没有显著的表型改变,那它的突变体也就很难在筛选过程中被发现。 因此,正向遗传学不适用于研究这类基因。事实上,拟南芥中有许多基因 都存在功能上的冗余性,即某些基因在功能上可以部分互相替代,其中一 个基因的突变往往不会产生十分明显的表型变化。这些基因在蛋白质序列 上也往往会存在着很高的同源性,通常把它们称为一个基因家族。据估计, 拟南芥有65% 的基因可以归并到某个家族中,这意味着相当一部分基因 可能无法通过正向遗传学来揭示它们的主要功能,需要反向遗传学的介入。 反向遗传学是在已知某个特定基因序列的前提下去探索这个基因的功能。 例如,可以利用已知的基因序列构建该基因的反义RNA 或者双链RNA 结 构,用这样的构建去转化野生型植物。这种构建在植物中有可能干扰其 内源基因的表达,甚至干扰该基因所在的家族基因的表达。根据一些基 因受到干扰后出现的表型,可以推测这个基因或者与其同源的基因的功 能。此外,反向遗传学研究还可以用在不同时空表达的启动子来驱动已 知序列基因的表达,研究该基因过量表达或者时空异位表达时的植物表 型,推测该研究基因的功能。 Some of its advantages as a model organism: It has one of the smallest genomes in the plant kingdom: 115,409,949 base pairs of DNA distributed in 5 chromosomes (2n = 10). Very little of this is "junk" DNA so most of the DNA encodes its 25,498 genes. Transgenic plants can be made easily using Agrobacterium tumefaciens as the vector to introduce foreign genes. The plant is small — a flat rosette of leaves from which grows a flower stalk 6–12 inches high. It can be easily grown in the lab in a relatively small space. Development is rapid. It only takes 5– 6 weeks from seed germination to the production of a new crop of seeds. It is a prolific producer of seeds (up to 10,000 per plant) making genetics studies easier. Mutations can be easily generated (e.g., by irradiating the seeds or treating them with mutagenic chemicals). It is normally self-pollinated so recessive mutations quickly become homozygous and thus expressed. A 改良的热酚法提取植物的RNA 一、RNA实验前的准备 1.了解RNA的特征 RNA是单链分子,由A,U,C,G四个碱基串联在核糖-磷酸 骨架上而成为多核苷酸链.由于核糖2‘位是-OH,遇水易 发生变构,使其结构很不稳定,这种不稳定的变构反应在碱 性条件下被加快.因此,RNA的长期保存是一件头疼的工 作.不合适的缓冲液将大大缩短保存时间,RNA的完整性也 受到严重破坏. 细胞外存在大量RNA酶(RNase),对RNA产生降解反应, 而且该酶极稳定,因此,在RNA提取和分析过程中,要时刻 注意如何避免RNase污染(RNA降解). pH6.0微酸性环境下RNA相对稳定,碱性条件下易分解. 2.树立RNase-free思想 1)RNase无处不在.细胞内含有大量的RNase,裂解细胞 时应特别注意;人的体液中含有大量的RNase,应尽量避免样品 或样品管与体液的接触,空气中的灰尘与细菌中含有大量的 RNase,应建立干净的操作环境. 2)RNase稳定性极高.运用蛋白质变性剂SDS或苯酚不 能使之完全失活;其活性不依赖金属离子,因此EDTA等螯合 剂不能使之失活;热稳定,仅用煮沸方式不能使之失活. 3)创造良好的实验环境.尽量使用一次性用品或专用品, 尽量同时使用RNAse的抑制剂,保持实验场所\器械\试剂储 存场所的清洁. 3.器皿与试剂的准备 1)RNAse去除剂.RNase在强碱条件下易失活.利用该 性质生产的RNase去除剂已经商品化; 2)干热灭菌.用于玻璃器皿,金属及耐250℃物品的灭 菌.180 ℃~200 ℃烤箱中8小时以上. 3)高温高压灭菌.用于一次性使用的塑料制品的灭菌, 灭菌时间为1~2h. 4) DEPC处理.提取RNA所用的所有玻璃器皿及吸头, 离心管,均用DEPC水室温浸泡过夜,高压灭菌。 所用试 剂除Tris-HCl外,均用DEPC水配置,室温过夜,高压灭菌。 Tris-Cl则用DEPC处理过的无菌水高压灭菌后配置,然后 再次高压灭菌备用。 Procedure 1) 在离心管中,将4ml提取缓冲液(用前加入PVP及β-巯基乙醇) 与4ml酚-氯仿混合,置于65℃水浴锅中温浴。 2) 取棉花组织1-2克置于液氮中研磨至碎末,转入装有提取缓冲 液及酚-氯仿混合液的离心管中。涡旋30s 3) 在高速冷冻离心机内4℃离心,12000rpm 15分钟,将上清移 至另一离心管中加入4ml酚-氯仿混合液,混匀,离心。重复该 操作一到两次。然后取上清。 4) 加入等体积(大约3.6体积)的4mol/L的LiCL混匀,-20℃放 置至少2小时。12000rpm 离心20分钟。 5) 倒掉上清,用70%乙醇洗涤沉淀,然后将沉淀悬浮于0.5ml的 TE中。将混合液转入1.5ml的离心管中。 在60℃高温下进行酚处理,能有效地使RNase失活,而且改善 蛋白质变性效果,提高酚的分离能力. 6) 加入等体积的酚-氯仿混合液抽提一到两次。将上清转入另 一离心管中,加入1/10体积3mol/LNaAc(pH 5.3)和2-3倍体 积的无水乙醇-20℃放置1-2小时。 7) 12000 rpm 4℃ 离心15分钟,用70%乙醇洗涤沉淀,室温放 置2-3分钟。 加200-500μl的DEPC水,悬浮沉淀,-80℃保存备用 B CTAB法提取植物RNA 提取缓冲液中的CTAB 是一种较强的去污剂,对蛋白的变 性效果明显强于SDS。同时,先用LiCl 选择性沉淀总RNA ,然 后再用酸酚-氯仿抽提使水相中残留的少量DNA 溶于有机相, 从而可以最大限度地消除总RNA 中的DNA。提取缓冲液中 高浓度的NaCl 有利于去除多糖污染 ,LiCl 也可以使部分多糖 留在溶液中而不随RNA沉淀下来 ,这样极大地降低了沉淀中 多糖的含量。我们测定了不同样品的A260PA280 ,其数值均 在1. 90~2. 0 左右,基本上没有蛋白和DNA等杂质的污染. Procedure 1) 取1 g 左右的棉花新鲜幼嫩组织,加液氮充分研磨呈粉末状,及 时转移到10 ml 离心管中; 2) 加5 ml 的提取缓冲液(1. 4 mol/L NaCl ,0. 1 mol/L Tris HCl , pH8. 0 ,20 mmol/L EDTA , 2 % CTAB , 2 % PVP , 1 %β2巯基乙 醇) , 振荡混 匀,65 ℃水浴约20 min , 中途混和2 ~ 3 次, 使 RNA 充分析出; 3) 加0. 6 倍体积的氯仿,充分混 匀,然后冰浴静置10 min ; 4) 4 ℃,8 000 rpm 离心 20 min ,将上清液转移到另一新10 ml 离心 管中; 5) 加入1P3 倍体积的8 mol·L 21 LiCl 溶液,混匀冰浴静置6~8 h ; 6) 4 ℃,8 000 rpm 离心20 min ,弃去上部溶液,沉淀用70 %乙醇洗 涤1 次,并转 移到2 ml 离心管中; 7) 5 000 rpm 离心5 min ,吸 去乙醇溶液, 将沉淀真空抽干; 8 ) 加2 ml 的H2ODEPC溶解沉淀,并将溶液分装入两个2 ml 离 心管中; 9) 每管中加0. 8 ml 的酸酚P氯仿(1∶1) ,混和均匀,然后室温静置 5 min ; 10) 4 ℃,12 000rpm 离心20 min ,将上清液转移到另一新的2 ml 离心管中,再重复步骤(9) ~ (10) 1~2 次; 11) 上清液加0. 8 ml 氯仿抽提1 次;12) 上清液加入1P10 倍体积 3 mol/LNaAc (pH5. 2) 溶液和1 倍体积预冷的异丙醇,-20 ℃放 置过夜; 13) 4 ℃,12 000rpm 离心20 min , 收集RNA 沉淀; 14) 沉淀用70 %乙醇洗涤2 次, 真空抽干后加入50μl 的 H2ODEPC ,充分溶解,取1μl 电泳检测RNA 质量,其余RNA 于80 ℃保存。 C Trizol 试剂提取植物组织RNA During sample homogenization or lysis, TRIZOL Reagent maintains the integrity of the RNA, while disrupting cells and dissolving cell components. Addition of chloroform followed by centrifugation, separates the solution into an aqueous phase and an organic phase. RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase. After transfer of the aqueous phase, the RNA is recovered by precipitation with isopropyl alcohol. After removal of the aqueous phase, the DNA and proteins in the sample can be recovered by sequential precipitation (2). Precipitation with ethanol yields DNA from the interphase, and an additional precipitation with isopropyl alcohol yields proteins from the organic phase (2). Copurification of the DNA may be useful for normalizing RNA yields from sample to sample. This technique performs well with small quantities of tissue (50-100 mg) and cells (5 × 106), and large quantities of tissue (≥1 g) and cells (>107), of human, animal, plant, or bacterial origin. The simplicity of the TRIZOL Reagent method allows simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The entire procedure can be completed in one hour. Total RNA isolated by TRIZOL Reagent is free of protein and DNA contamination. It can be used for Northern blot analysis, dot blot hybridization, poly (A)+ selection, in vitro translation, RNase protection assay, and molecular cloning. For use in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR*), treatment of the isolated RNA with amplification grade DNase I (Cat. No. 18068) is recommended when the two primers lie within a single exon. TRIZOL Reagent facilitates isolation of a variety of RNA species of large or small molecular size. For example, RNA isolated from rat liver, electrophoresed on an agarose gel, and stained with ethidium bromide, shows discrete bands of high molecular weight RNA between 7 kb and 15 kb in size, (composed of mRNA’s and hnRNA’s) two predominant ribosomal RNA bands at ~5 kb (28S) and at ~2 kb (18S), and low molecular weight RNA between 0.1 and 0.3 kb (tRNA, 5S). The isolated RNA has an A260/A280 ratio ≥1.8 when diluted into TE. Precautions for Preventing RNase Contamination: RNases can be introduced accidentally into the RNA preparation at any point in the isolation procedure through improper technique. Because RNase activity is difficult to inhibit, it is essential to prevent its introduction. The following guidelines should be observed when working with RNA • Always wear disposable gloves. Skin often contains bacteria and molds that can contaminate an RNA preparation and be a source of RNases. Practice good microbiological technique to prevent microbial contamination. • Use sterile, disposable plasticware and automatic pipettes reserved for RNA work to prevent cross-contamination with RNases from shared equipment. For example, a laboratory that is using RNA probes will likely be using RNase A or T1 to reduce background on filters, and any nondisposable items (such as automatic pipettes) can be rich sources of RNases. • In the presence of TRIZOL Reagent, RNA is protected from RNase contamination. Downstream sample handling requires that nondisposable glassware or plasticware be RNase-free. Glass items can be baked at 150°C for 4 hours, and plastic items can be soaked for 10 minutes in 0.5 M NaOH, rinsed thoroughly with water, and autoclaved. Other Precautions: • Use of disposable tubes made of clear polypropylene is recommended when working with less than 2-ml volumes of TRIZOL Reagent. • For larger volumes, use glass (Corex) or polypropylene tubes, and test to be sure that the tubes can withstand 12,000 × g with TRIZOL Reagent and chloroform. Do not use tubes that leak or crack. • Carefully equilibrate the weights of the tubes prior to centrifugation. • Glass tubes must be sealed with parafilm topped with a layer of foil, and polypropylene tubes must be capped before centrifugation. INSTRUCTIONS FOR RNA ISOLATION: Caution: When working with TRIZOL Reagent use gloves and eye protection (shield, safety goggles). Avoid contact with skin or clothing. Use in a chemical fume hood. Avoid breathing vapor. Unless otherwise stated, the procedure is carried out at 15 to 30°C, and reagents are at 15 to 30°C. Reagents required, but not supplied: • Chloroform (氯仿) • Isopropyl alcohol (异丙醇) • 75% Ethanol (in DEPC-treated water) • RNase-free water or 0.5% SDS solution (To prepare RNase-free water, draw water into RNase-free glass bottles. Add diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) to 0.01% (v/v). Let stand overnight and autoclave. The SDS solution must be prepared using DEPCtreated, autoclaved water. 1. HOMOGENIZATION (see notes 1-3) a. Tissues Homogenize(匀浆) tissue samples in 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent per 50-100 mg of tissue using a glass-Teflon® or power homogenizer (Polytron, or Tekmar's TISSUMIZER® or equivalent). The sample volume should not exceed 10% of the volume of TRIZOL Reagent used for homogenization. b. Cells Grown in Monolayer Lyse cells directly in a culture dish by adding 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent to a 3.5 cm diameter dish, and passing the cell lysate several times through a pipette. The amount of TRIZOL Reagent added is based on the area of the culture dish (1 ml per 10 cm2) and not on the number of cells present. An insufficient amount of TRIZOL Reagent may result in contamination of the isolated RNA with DNA. c. Cells Grown in Suspension Pellet cells by centrifugation. Lyse cells in TRIZOL Reagent by repetitive pipetting. Use 1 ml of the reagent per 5-10 × 106 of animal, plant or yeast cells, or per 1 × 107 bacterial cells. Washing cells before addition of TRIZOL Reagent should be avoided as this increases the possibility of mRNA degradation. Disruption of some yeast and bacterial cells may require the use of a homogenizer. OPTIONAL: An additional isolation step may be required for samples with high content of proteins, fat, polysaccharides or extracellular material such as muscles, fat tissue, and tuberous parts of plants. Following homogenization, remove insoluble material from the homogenate by centrifugation at 12,000 × g for 10 minutes at 2 to 8°C. The resulting pellet contains extracellular membranes, polysaccharides, and high molecular weight DNA, while the supernatant contains RNA. In samples from fat tissue, an excess of fat collects as a top layer which should be removed. In each case, transfer the cleared homogenate solution to a fresh tube and proceed with chloroform addition and phase separation as described. 2. PHASE SEPARATION Incubate the homogenized samples for 5 minutes at 15 to 30°C to permit the complete dissociation of nucleoprotein complexes. Add 0.2 ml of chloroform per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent. Cap sample tubes securely(盖紧样品管盖). Shake tubes vigorously by hand for 15 seconds(用手晃动样品管15秒) and incubate them at 15 to 30°C for 2 to 3 minutes. Centrifuge the samples at no more than 12,000 × g for 15 minutes at 2 to 8°C. Following centrifugation, the mixture separates into a lower red, phenol-chloroform phase, an interphase, and a colorless upper aqueous phase. RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase. The volume of the aqueous phase is about 60% of the volume of TRIZOL Reagent used for homogenization. 3. RNA PRECIPITATION Transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh tube, and save the organic phase if isolation of DNA or protein is desired. Precipitate the RNA from the aqueous phase by mixing with isopropyl alcohol. Use 0.5 ml of isopropyl alcohol per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent used for the initial homogenization. Incubate samples at 15 to 30°C for 10 minutes and centrifuge at no more than 12,000 × g for 10 minutes at 2 to 8°C. The RNA precipitate, often invisible before centrifugation, forms a gel-like pellet on the side and bottom of the tube. 4. RNA WASH Remove the supernatant. Wash the RNA pellet once with 75% ethanol, adding at least 1 ml of 75% ethanol per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent used for the initial homogenization. Mix the sample by vortexing and centrifuge at no more than 7,500 × g for 5 minutes at 2 to 8°C. 5. REDISSOLVING THE RNA At the end of the procedure, briefly dry the RNA pellet (air-dry or vacuum-dry for 5-10 minutes). Do not dry the RNA by centrifugation under vacuum. It is important not to let the RNA pellet dry completely as this will greatly decrease its solubility. Partially dissolved RNA samples have an A260/280 ratio < 1.6. Dissolve RNA in RNase-free water or 0.5% SDS solution by passing the solution a few times through a pipette tip, and incubating for 10 minutes at 55 to 60°C. (Avoid SDS when RNA will be used in subsequent enzymatic reactions.) RNA can also be redissolved in 100% formamide (deionized) and stored at -70°C (5). RNA Isolation Notes: 1. Isolation of RNA from small quantities of tissue (1 to 10 mg) or Cell (102 to 104) Samples: Add 800 μl of TRIZOL to the tissue or cells. Following sample lysis, add chloroform and proceed with the phase separation as described in step 2. Prior to precipitating the RNA with isopropyl alcohol, add 5-10 μg RNase-free glycogen (Cat. No 10814) as carrier to the aqueous phase. To reduce viscosity, shear the genomic DNA with 2 passes through a 26 gauge needle prior to chloroform addition. The glycogen remains in the aqueous phase and is coprecipitated with the RNA. It does not inhibit first-strand synthesis at concentrations up to 4 mg/ml and does not inhibit PCR. 2. After homogenization and before addition of chloroform, samples can be stored at -60 to -70°C for at least one month. The RNA precipitate (step 4, RNA WASH) can be stored in 75% ethanol at 2 to 8°C for at least one week, or at least one year at –5 to -20°C. 3. Table-top centrifuges that can attain a maximum of 2,600 × g are suitable for use in these protocols if the centrifugation time is increased to 30-60 minutes in steps 2 and 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DNA ISOLATION: After complete removal of the aqueous phase, as described in the RNA isolation protocol, the DNA in the interphase and phenol phase from the initial homogenate may be isolated. Following precipitation and a series of washes, the DNA is solubilized in 8 mM NaOH. Full recovery of DNA from tissues and culture cells permits the use of TRIZOL Reagent for the determination of the DNA content in analyzed samples (2). Simultaneous extraction of genomic DNA allows for normalization of the results of Northern analysis per genomic DNA instead of the more variable total RNA or tissue weight. (Depending on the source, the DNA pellet obtained may require additional purification (e.g., phenol extraction) prior to other applications. Reagents required, but not supplied: • Ethanol • 0.1 M Sodium citrate in 10% ethanol • 75% Ethanol • 8 mM NaOH Unless otherwise stated, the procedure is carried out at 15 to 30°C. 1. DNA PRECIPITATION Remove the remaining aqueous phase overlying the interphase, and precipitate the DNA from the interphase and organic phase with ethanol. Add 0.3 ml of 100% ethanol per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent used for the initial homogenization, and mix samples by inversion. Next, store the samples at 15 to 30°C for 2-3 minutes and sediment DNA by centrifugation at no more than 2,000 × g for 5 minutes at 2 to 8°C. Careful removal of the aqueous phase is critical for the quality of the isolated DNA. 2. DNA WASH Remove the phenol-ethanol supernatant, and if desired, save it for protein isolation. Wash the DNA pellet twice in a solution containing 0.1 M sodium citrate in 10% ethanol. Use 1 ml of the solution per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent used for the initial homogenization. At each wash, store the DNA pellet in the washing solution for 30 minutes at 15 to 30°C (with periodic mixing) and centrifuge at 2,000 × g for 5 minutes at 2 to 8°C. Following these two washes, suspend the DNA pellet in 75% ethanol (1.5-2 ml of 75% ethanol per 1 ml TRIZOL Reagent), store for 10-20 minutes at 15 to 30°C (with periodic mixing) and centrifuge at 2,000 × g for 5 minutes at 2 to 8°C. An additional wash in 0.1 M sodium citrate-10% ethanol solution is required for large pellets containing > 200 μg DNA or large amounts of a non-DNA material. 3. REDISSOLVING THE DNA Air dry the DNA 5 to 15 minutes in an open tube. (DO NOT DRY UNDER CENTRIFUGATION; it will be more difficult to dissolve.) Dissolve DNA in 8 mM NaOH such that the concentration of DNA is 0.2 – 0.3 μg/μl. Typically add 300 – 600 μl of 8 mM NaOH to DNA isolated from 107 cells or 50 – 70 mg of tissue. Resuspending in weak base is HIGHLY recommended since isolated DNA does not resuspend well in water or in Tris buffers. The pH of the 8 mM NaOH is only ~9 and should be easily adjusted with TE or HEPES once the DNA is in solution. At this stage, the DNA preparations (especially from tissues) may contain insoluble gel-like material (fragments of membranes, etc.) Remove the insoluble material by centrifugation at >12,000 × g for 10 minutes. Transfer the supernatant containing the DNA to a new tube. DNA solubilized in 8 mM NaOH can be stored overnight at 4°C; for prolonged storage, samples should be adjusted with HEPES to pH 7-8 (see table) and supplemented with 1 mM EDTA. Once the pH is adjusted, DNA can be stored at 4°C or – 20°C. Quantitation and Expected Yields of DNA Take an aliquot of the DNA preparation solubilized in 8 mM NaOH, mix it with water and measure the A260 of the resulting solution. Calculate the DNA content using the A260 value for double stranded DNA. One A260 unit equals 50 μg of doublestranded DNA/ml. For calculation of cell number in analyzed samples, assume that the amount of DNA per 1 × 106 diploid cells of human, rat, and mouse origin equals: 7.1 μg, 6.5 μg, and 5.8 μg, respectively (3). Applications: 3. REDISSOLVING THE DNA Air dry the DNA 5 to 15 minutes in an open tube. (DO NOT DRY UNDER CENTRIFUGATION; it will be more difficult to dissolve.) Dissolve DNA in 8 mM NaOH such that the concentration of DNA is 0.2 – 0.3 μg/μl. Typically add 300 – 600 μl of 8 mM NaOH to DNA isolated from 107 cells or 50 – 70 mg of tissue. Resuspending in weak base is HIGHLY recommended since isolated DNA does not resuspend well in water or in Tris buffers. The pH of the 8 mM NaOH is only ~9 and should be easily adjusted with TE or HEPES once the DNA is in solution. At this stage, the DNA preparations (especially from tissues) may contain insoluble gel-like material (fragments of membranes, etc.) Remove the insoluble material by centrifugation at >12,000 × g for 10 minutes. Transfer the supernatant containing the DNA to a new tube. DNA solubilized in 8 mM NaOH can be stored overnight at 4°C; for prolonged storage, samples should be adjusted with HEPES to pH 7-8 (see table) and supplemented with 1 mM EDTA. Once the pH is adjusted, DNA can be stored at 4°C or – 20°C. Quantitation and Expected Yields of DNA Take an aliquot of the DNA preparation solubilized in 8 mM NaOH, mix it with water and measure the A260 of the resulting solution. Calculate the DNA content using the A260 value for double stranded DNA. One A260 unit equals 50 μg of doublestranded DNA/ml. For calculation of cell number in analyzed samples, assume that the amount of DNA per 1 × 106 diploid cells of human, rat, and mouse origin equals: 7.1 μg, 6.5 μg, and 5.8 μg, respectively (3). Applications: DNA Isolation Notes: 1. The phenol phase and interphase can be stored at 2 to 8°C overnight. 2. Samples suspended in 75% ethanol can be stored at 2 to 8°C for months. 3. Samples dissolved in 8 mM NaOH can be stored overnight at 2 to 8°C. For long-term storage, adjust the pH to 7-8, and adjust the EDTA concentration to 1 mM. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROTEIN ISOLATION: Proteins are isolated from the phenol-ethanol supernatant obtained after precipitation of DNA with ethanol (step 1, DNA PRECIPITATION). The resulting preparation can be analyzed for the presence of specific proteins by Western blotting (2). Reagents required, but not supplied: • Isopropyl alcohol • 0.3 M Guanidine hydrochloride in 95% ethanol • Ethanol • 1% SDS 1. PROTEIN PRECIPITATION Precipitate proteins from the phenol-ethanol supernatant (approximate volume 0.8 ml per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent) with isopropyl alcohol. Add 1.5 ml of isopropanol per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent used for the initial homogenization. Store samples for 10 minutes at 15 to 30°C, and sediment the protein precipitate at 12,000 × g for 10 minutes at 2 to 8°C. 2. PROTEIN WASH Remove the supernatant and wash the protein pellet 3 times in a solution containing 0.3 Mguanidine hydrochloride in 95% ethanol. Add 2 ml of wash solution per1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent used for the initial homogenization. During each wash cycle, store the protein pellet in the wash solution for 20 minutes at 15 to 30°C and centrifuge at 7,500 × g for 5 minutes at 2 to 8°C. After the final wash, vortex the protein pellet in 2 ml of ethanol. Store the protein pellet in ethanol for 20 minutes at 15 to 30°C and centrifuge at 7,500 × g for 5 minutes at 2 to 8°C. 3. REDISSOLVING THE PROTEIN PELLET Vacuum dry the protein pellet for 5-10 minutes. Dissolve it in 1% SDS by pipetting. Complete dissolution of the protein pellet may require incubating the sample at 50°C. Sediment any insoluble material by centrifugation at 10,000 × g for 10 minutes at 2 to 8°C, and transfer the supernatant to a fresh tube. The sample is ready for use in Western blotting or may be stored at -5 to -20°C for future use. Protein Isolation Notes: 1. The protein pellet suspended in 0.3 M guanidine hydrochloride-95% ethanol or in ethanol can be stored for at least one month at 2 to 8°C, or for at least one year at 5 to -20°C. 2. The following protocol is an alternative approach that allows for more efficient recovery of proteins. Dialyze the phenol-ethanol supernatant against three changes of 0.1% SDS at 2 to 8°C. Centrifuge the dialyzed material at 10,000 × g for 10 minutes. Use the clear supernatant for Western blotting. 3. Proteins may be quantified by the Bradford method as long as the concentration of SDS is low enough (<0.1%) so that it will not interfere. Methods that do not have detergent-interface problems, and that do not rely on A260/A280 measurements may be used (traces of phenol may cause overestimation of protein concentrations). Troubleshooting Guide: RNA ISOLATION •Expected yields of RNA per mg of tissue or 1 × 106 cultured cells Liver and spleen, 6-10 μg Kidney, 3-4 μg Skeletal muscles and brain, 1-1.5 μg Placenta, 1-4 μg Epithelial cells (1 × 106 cultured cells), 8-15 μg Fibroblasts, (1 × 106 cultured cells) 5-7 μg •Low yield Incomplete homogenization or lysis of samples. Final RNA pellet incompletely redissolved. •A260/A280 ratio <1.65 RNA sample was diluted in water instead of TE prior to spectrophotometric analysis. Low ionic strength and low pH solutions increase absorbance at 280 nm (6,7). Sample homogenized in too small a reagent volume. Following homogenization, samples were not stored at room temperature for 5 minutes. The aqueous phase was contaminated with the phenol phase. Incomplete dissolution of the final RNA pellet. •RNA degradation Tissues were not immediately processed or frozen after removal from the animal. Samples used for isolation, or the isolated RNA preparations were stored at -5 to20°C, instead of -60 to -70°C. Cells were dispersed by trypsin digestion. Aqueous solutions or tubes were not RNase-free. Formaldehyde used for agarose-gel electrophoresis had a pH below 3.5. •DNA contamination Sample homogenized in too small a reagent volume. Samples used for the isolation contained organic solvents (e.g., ethanol, DMSO), strong buffers, or alkaline solution. • Proteoglycan and polysaccharide contamination The following modification of the RNA precipitation (step 3) removes these contaminating compounds from the isolated RNA. Add to the aqueous phase 0.25 ml of isopropanol followed by 0.25 ml of a high salt precipitation solution (0.8 M sodium citrate and 1.2 M NaCl) per 1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent used for the homogenization. Mix the resulting solution, centrifuge and proceed with the isolation as described in the protocol. The modified precipitation effectively precipitates RNA while maintaining polysaccharides and proteoglycans in a soluble form. A combination of the modified precipitation with an additional centrifugation of the initial homogenate (note 2, RNA isolation protocol) is required to isolate pure RNA from plant material containing a very high level of polysaccharides. DNA ISOLATION •Expected yields of DNA per mg of tissue or 1 × 106 cultured cells Liver and kidney, 3-4 μg Skeletal muscles, brain, and placenta 2-3 μg Cultured human, rat, and mouse cells (1 × 106), 5-7 μg Fibroblasts, 5-7 μg •Low yield Incomplete homogenization or lysis of samples. Final DNA pellet incompletely redissolved. •A260/280 ratio <1.70 DNA sample was diluted in water instead of TE prior to spectrophotometric analysis. Phenol was not sufficiently removed from the DNA preparation. Wash the DNA pellet an additional time with 0.1 M sodium citrate in 10% ethanol. •DNA degradation Tissues were not immediately processed or frozen after removal from the animal. Samples used for isolation, or the isolated RNA preparations were stored at -5 to-20°C, instead of -60 to -70°C. Samples were homogenized with a Polytron or other high speed homogenizer. RNA contamination Incomplete removal of aqueous phase. DNA pellet insufficiently washed with 0.1 M sodium citrate in 10% ethanol. •Other applications Prior to use in PCR amplification, adjust the pH to 8.4. For digestion of the DNA with restriction endonucleases, adjust the pH to the desired value, use 3-5 units of enzyme per μg of DNA, and allow the reaction to go for 3-24 hours under optimal conditions for the particular enzyme. Typically 80-90% of the DNA is digested. PROTEIN ISOLATION •Low yield Incomplete homogenization or lysis of samples. Final DNA pellet incompletely redissolved. •Protein degradation Tissues were not immediately processed or frozen after removing from the animal. •Band deformation in PAGE Protein pellet insufficiently washed. 一 利用TriZOL试剂提取植物总RNA 目的: 1)了解RNA的特性: 2)掌握提取RNA的基本原理; 3)掌握提取RNA的基本方法; 4)掌握处理用于RNA提取用的试剂,耗材处理方法. 材料: Arabidopsis seedlings (12d), oilseed seedlings (5d) 仪器: eppendorf 离心机, IKA细胞粉碎仪, eppendorf pipettor, ⊕自备试剂 • 液化氮(样本为动/植物组织时需要) • 氯仿 • 异丙醇 • 75%乙醇(用DEPC处理过的水配制) • 无RNA酶的水【调配无RNA酶的水方法:将去离子水加入 无RNA酶的玻璃瓶中,加入DEPC 至0.1%(v/v -DEPC/去离 子水) 搅拌均匀放置过夜并高压灭菌】 •(建议:为RNA实验准备单独使用的试剂,并做好标识,以 避免RNA酶的交叉污染) 注意: 全程都必须戴一次性手套 ⊕裂解 ⑴动/植物组织: 在液氮条件下将样品研磨成粉末,匀浆时组织样 品量按照建议用量; 称取100mg植物材料,加1ml TriZOL试剂,于细胞粉碎仪下3050 秒,破碎细胞,匀浆液4℃,12,000g 离心5 min,取上清弃沉淀,继 续下面步骤; ⊕分离 按照1:5(氯仿: BIOZOL)的比例(v/v)加入氯仿(即0.2ml氯 仿) 。盖紧管盖,振荡混匀并将其在冰上孵育15 分钟,于 4℃,12,000×g 离心15 分钟。离心后混合物分层:上清层,中间 层,下层;RNA 存在于上清层中。 可选步骤:如需要进一步去除杂质,以得到高纯度的RNA,可将 水样层转移到一干净的离心管中。按照5:1:1【BIOZOL:氯 仿:水饱和酚(pH4.5±0.2)】的比例(v/v/v)加入氯仿和酚,振 荡混匀15 秒。于4℃,12,000×g离心15分钟,离心后混合物仍然 分层:上清层,中间层(中间层可能并不明显),有机层。 ⊕RNA 的沉淀 将上清层转移到一干净的离心管中,加入等体积冰浴的异丙醇, 颠倒振荡混匀,将混合的样品在-20℃ 条件下孵育20 分钟以 上,4℃,12,000×g 离心10 分钟。RNA 沉淀通常形成片状沉淀 附着于管壁或管底。 ⊕RNA 的洗涤 弃去上清,用冰浴的75%的乙醇洗涤RNA 沉淀一次,按每1ml 的 BIOZOL 至少加1ml 的75%乙醇的比例加入75%乙醇。颠倒洗 涤离心管管壁,并旋涡振荡样品,尽可能让沉淀悬 浮,4℃,12,000×g 离心5 分钟,再次去除上清,晾干沉淀。 ⊕RNA 的溶解 操作的最后,在阴凉处适度干燥RNA 沉淀(避免过分干燥,那样 会降低它的可溶性)。用适量的无RNA 酶水或TE 溶液来溶解 RNA(一般可用50~100μl 无RNA 酶的水或TE 溶液溶解 RNA)。抽提好的RNA,保存于-20 ℃或 -70℃。 抽提注意事项 ①抽提含蛋白质,脂肪,多糖的样品时,例如肌肉,脂肪组织和植 物的块茎部分时可能需要额外的分离步骤。即匀浆后于 4℃,12,000×g 离心15分钟,如有脂肪漂在最上层因可以除掉, 然后将清亮的含有RNA的上层匀浆溶液转移到干净的试管中 加入氯仿并继续进行后面的分离步骤。 ②如台式离心机最大转速不能达到要求的离心力,则将离心时 间适当延长. 28S和18S条带清晰,且亮度比为1.5:1—2.5:1 troubleshooting 核酸分离提取的原则 核酸包括DNA,RNA两种分子,在细胞中都是以与蛋白质结 合的状态存在,真核生物染色体DNA为双链线性分子;原 核生物的“染色体”,质粒及真核生物细胞器DNA为双链 环状分子,RNA分子在大多数生物体内均是单链线性分 子. 95%的真核生物DNA主要存在于细胞核内,其他5%为细胞 器DNA,如线粒体,叶绿体等.RNA分子主要存在于细胞质 中,约占75%,另有10%在细胞核内,15%在细胞 器中.RNA以 rRNA的数量最多(80-85%), tRNA 及核内小分子RNA占10-15%,而 mRNA分子占1- 5%. 分离纯化核酸总的原则: 1)应保证核酸一级结构的完整性; 2)排除其他分子的污染. 对于核酸的纯化应达到以下三点要求: 1)核酸样品中不应存在对酶有抑制作用的有机溶剂和过 高浓度的金属离子; 2)其他生物大分子如蛋白质,多糖和脂类分子的污染应 降到最低程度; 3)应排除其他核酸分子的污染,如提取DNA过程中应去 除RNA分子,反之亦然. 注意事项 1)尽量简化操作步骤,缩短提取过程,以减少各种有害 因素对核酸的破坏 2)减少化学因素对核酸的降解,为避免过酸,过碱对核 酸链中磷酸二酯键的破坏,操作多在pH4-10条件下进行. 3)减少物理因素对核酸的降解,物理降解因素主要是机 械剪切力,其次是高温.机械剪切作用的主要危害对象是 大分子量的线性DNA分子,高温,如长时间的煮沸,核酸 提取过程中,常规操作温度是0 ℃ -4℃,此温度环境 降低核酸酶的活性与反映速率,减少对核酸的生物降解. 4)防止核酸的生物降解. 核酸提取的主要步骤 破碎细胞,去除与核酸结合的蛋白质以及多糖, 脂类等生物大分子,去除其他不需要的核酸分子, 沉淀核酸,去除盐类,有机溶剂等杂质,纯化核 酸等. I 核酸的纯化 从核酸溶液中去除蛋白质的酚/氯仿抽提法: 酚抽提一次,酚/氯仿(1:1)抽提一次,氯仿抽提一次,可重复. 这个方法的基本原理是:交替使用酚,氯仿这两中不同的蛋白 质变性剂,以增加去除蛋白质杂质的效果.因为酚虽可有效地 变性蛋白质,但它不能完全抑制RNase的活性,而且酚能溶解 10-15%的水,从而能溶解一部分Poly(A)RNA.为了克服这两 方面的局限,混合使用酚与氯仿,对于RNA的提取,显得更加 重要,氯仿还能加速有机相与液相分层,去除植物色素与蔗糖. 在氯仿中加入少许异戊醇的目的在于减少蛋白质变性操作 中产生气泡.最后用氯仿抽提处理,是为了去除核酸溶液中的 痕量酚. II 核酸的沉淀 沉淀是浓缩核酸最常用的方法,其最大优点是通过核酸 沉淀来改变核酸的溶解缓冲液及重新调节核酸在溶液 中的浓度,可去除溶液中某些盐离子与杂质,在一定程 度上纯化核酸. 1. 核酸沉淀的盐类及浓度 盐 贮存液(mol/L) 终浓度(mol/L) MgCl2 1 0.01 NaAc 3.0(pH5.2) 0.3 KAc 3.0(pH5.2) 0.3 NH4Ac 10.0 2.0-2.5 NaCl 5.0 0.2 LiCl 8.0 0.8 醋酸钠: 沉淀DNA,RNA的最常用的盐类,终浓度为0.3mol/L (pH 5.0) NaCl: 对于含有SDS(十二烷基硫酸钠)的DNA样品,最好用 NaCl沉淀,终浓度为0.2mol/L.SDS在70%乙醇中保持溶解状态, 不与DNA共沉淀,从而可通过去上清去除这种去污剂. 醋酸铵(10.0mol/L): 四种三磷酸脱氧核糖核苷酸(dNTP)在 醋酸铵溶液中,具有较高的溶解度,通过乙醇沉淀,可从DNA制品 中去除大部分dNTP.所以对于反转录酶,DNA聚合酶,Taq酶及末 端转移酶,磷酸化酶催化的生化反应,为去除未掺入核酸的dNTP 和NTP,普遍使用铵离子沉淀核酸.但需要注意的是,铵盐是T4噬 菌体多核苷酸激酶的抑制剂,在DNA需要磷酸化和末端补平反 应前,不能采用铵盐沉淀. 氯化锂(LiCl, 8.0mol/L): LiCl在乙醇中的溶解度非常好,即 使在样品与2~3倍于它的乙醇混合液中,0.8mol/L的LiCl也不与 DNA共沉淀,LiCl的另一个优点是高浓度的(0.8mol/L)时可直接 沉淀大分子量的RNA(包括rRNA和mRNA),故常用于RNA的沉淀. 注意:Li+对反转录酶有抑制作用,而Cl-能抑制蛋白质合成的其始 步骤,所以在mRNA反转录和体外翻译实验前不要使用LiCl沉淀 DNA和RNA. 乙酸钾(KAc): KAc的沉淀效果与NaAc相同,但核酸的钾盐 形式很难溶于含SDS的溶液,在下一步溶解核酸沉淀的缓冲液中 含有SDS的情况下,则不选钾盐的方法沉淀核酸.如用Oligo(dT)n 纤维柱分离mRNA时,有SDS存在下需要使用NaAc沉淀.而在体 外翻译前的RNA沉淀应选用KAc,对含有SDS的RNA在进行体外 翻译前沉淀,分2步进行:先用NaAc沉淀,去除SDS;然后用KAc,用 K+ 取代Na+. 氯化镁: Mg2+是核酸沉淀中的有效离子,当核酸浓度低于 0.1ug/ml或长度小于100bp时,加入10mmol/L Mg2+,可明显提高 核酸沉淀的回收率. 不习惯用Mg2+沉淀DNA的原因:一是MgCl2 沉淀的DNA很难溶解,二是含迹量Mg2+的DNA溶解后在保存过 程中易降解,因为Mg2+是DNA酶的激活剂. DNA沉淀用75%乙醇洗涤2次,基本上可以去除痕量Mg2+. 2. 核酸沉淀的温度和时间 在一般条件下的DNA沉淀,使用0℃或在室温,10-15min可 达到实验要求. 3. 离心力与离心时间 大多数的DNA沉淀可在0-4 ℃,12000 g离心10min即可. 4. 有机沉淀剂 乙醇:乙醇是首选的有机溶剂,它对盐类沉淀少,DNA沉 淀中所含的痕量乙醇易蒸发去除,不影响以后的实验。在 适当的盐浓度下,2倍样品容积的95%乙醇可有效沉淀 DNA, 对RNA则要将乙醇量增至2.5倍. 异丙醇: 其优点在于所需容积小且速度快,适用于浓度低,且 体积大DNA样品的沉淀.0.54-1.0倍的异丙醇可选择性地沉淀 DNA 和大分子rRNA 和mRNA ;但对5SRNA ,tRNA及多糖不产 生沉淀;在DNA沉淀中的异丙醇难以挥发除去,所以常规需用 70%乙醇洗涤DNA数次. 聚乙二醇(PEG):可用不同浓度的PEG选择沉淀不同分子量 的DNA片段.应用6000分子量的PEG进行沉淀时,其使用浓度与 DNA片段的大小成反比.PEG沉淀一般需要加入0.5mol/LNaCl 或10mmol/LMgCl2 .除去DNA沉淀中PEG的方法有很多:如氯 仿抽提,透析,凝胶电泳等,最有效的方法是用70%乙醇漂洗2次. 精胺:不是有机溶剂,但可快速有效地沉淀DNA,精胺与DNA 结合后,使DNA在溶液中结构凝缩,而发生沉淀,并可使单核苷酸 和蛋白质杂质与DNA分开,达到纯化DNA的目的. 例如: PEG沉淀DNA 试剂: 40%PEG8000; 1mol/L MgCl2; 70%ethanol Procedure: 1.准确测量DNA样品的体积; 2. 加入0.01倍DNA样品体积的1mol/LMgCl2, 混匀; 3.加入0.5倍DNA样品体积的40%PEG,充分混匀; 4) RT,10min; 5) 12000g,RT,10min; 6)弃上清,加入70%乙醇漂洗沉淀,12000g, 5 min,弃上清; 7) 重复一次6); 8.重新悬浮DNA于所需缓冲液中. 本方法不但盐与DNA共沉淀少,而且对于浓度0.1ug/ml.长度 26bp以上的DNA片段均有理想的回收率,质量完全可以满足DNA 酶切实验和转化实验. 纳克水平DNA沉淀的回收 使用线性聚丙烯酰胺作为纳克(ng)水平的DNA沉淀载体 物非常有效,并且能使小至8个bp的DNA片段沉淀,其质量能 满足酶切和其他分子克隆实验的要求,尤其是在研究DNA与 蛋白质相互作用中,具有更大的优点. [聚丙烯酰胺胶的制备] 1)配制5%的丙烯酰胺溶液(含40mmol/L Tris.Cl,20mmol/L NaAc,1mmol/L EDTA, pH7.8) 2) 在以上溶液中加1/100体积的10%过硫酸铵, 1/1000体积的TEMED,让丙烯酰胺 聚合30min, 3)当溶液变粘稠时,用2.5倍体积乙醇沉淀,离心后去上清,沉淀溶于20倍体积的水 中,摇荡过夜,再用乙醇沉淀,制备0.25%聚丙烯酰胺的储存液. [DNA沉淀] 1)0.1mol/L盐浓度的DNA溶液中,加入10~20ug线性聚丙烯酰胺,混匀 2)加入2.5倍体积的乙醇,放置于-70℃,10-20min, 3)15000g,4℃, 10min,小心去上清, 4)70%乙醇漂洗沉淀,15000g,5min,RT干燥. 5)沉淀溶于所需体积的缓冲液中. III 核酸的定量 在波长260 nm 紫外线下,1OD值的光密度相当于双链 DNA浓度为50ug/ml; 单链DNA或 RNA 为40ug/ml. 通过测定A260/A280 估计核酸的纯度,DNA的比值为 1.8, RNA的比值为 2.0.若DNA比值高于1.8,说明RNA 尚未除净.可以考虑用RNA酶处理样品;小于1.6, (RNA, DNA溶液中含有酚和蛋白质将导致比值降低), 应再用酚/氯仿抽提,用乙醚抽提后,以乙醇沉淀纯化 DNA.RNA样品中OD260/OD280比值小于2,也可考虑用酚 /氯仿抽提. 2.A280nm是蛋白和酚类物质最高吸收峰的吸收波长,比值可进行核酸样品纯度评估:纯 DNA的A260/A280比值为1.8,纯RNA为2.0。假如比值低,表示受到蛋白(芳香族)或酚类物 质的污染,需要纯化样品。比值=1.5相当于50%蛋白质/DNA溶液 3.A230nm是碳水化合物最高吸收峰的吸收波长,比值可进行核酸样品纯度评估:纯DNA和 RNA的A260/A230比值为2.5。若比值小于2.0标明样品被碳水化合物(糖类)、盐类或有机溶 剂污染,需要纯化样品。 4.A320nm或A340nm为检测溶液样品的浊度,该值应该接近0.0。假如不是,标明溶液中有悬 浮物,需要纯化样品。 5.核酸的吸光值受pH值和缓冲液离子浓度影响。只有在一定的pH值和低离子浓度的条件下 (如10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0),才能得到精确的检测结果。水的pH值不稳定,可能导致检测 误差。一些缓冲液在紫外范围内存在自身吸收,为了确保准确测量,请使用与悬浮或洗脱样 品时相同的缓冲液。 6.在DNA样品的测定中,一些平行测定的样品会表现出测定浓度的变化,其可能原因为:① DNA样品的A260 吸光度值是否>0.1。(请注重,这个值跟仪器无关,核酸的吸光度必需大于 0.1,其值才有效和可靠,因为样品中的杂质和颗粒这些不纯物的干扰通常会对光有一定吸收, 其值<0.1);②待测样品是否经过了充分的混匀,这样才能保证测定值的均一;③待测样品中 有相当含量的杂质。A260/A280和A260/A230是DNA纯度的指示值,纯度好的DNA,在pH78.5 下其比值应该在2.0 或2.5,A230是多肽、芳香基团、苯酚和一些碳氢化合物的吸光度, A280是蛋白质的吸光度。 7.A230产生负值主要是由于在很低DNA 浓度的溶液中的一些其他成分的干扰所导致的。在 下一个测定中,需要降低样品的稀释度,A230的负值会被校正。同时需要注重的是A260 的读 数也必需大于0.1 才能保证可靠的结果。