USS Arizona Research: Oil , Ships and Method National Park Service Research Applied to Global Issues World of Wrecks Conference 2011 David L. Conlin Donald L. Johnson National Park Service Submerged Resources Center Present Memorial Dedicated 1962 Became NPS Unit 1980 National Historic Landmark Current Visitation Exceeds 1.4 million/year USS Arizona Today Research Domains Corrosion Analysis Environmental Monitoring Structural Monitoring Geological Analysis Oil Analysis Microbiology Predictive Modeling: Finite Element Analysis Develop Methods for General Application The 1929 Refit Increased Displacement from 32,440 to 38,113 Tons and Fuel Capacity from 2,332 to 4,630 tons or 1.1 million gallons Torpedo Blister Added 1,550 tons of fuel capacity for emergency ops Oil Oil Bunker Locations Presumed Intact Presumed Destroyed Bunkers are in the double bottom, hold, and platform decks beneath the current mud line (approximate original water line) Current Estimate: 600,000 gals (2,400 tons) remain Oil and Microbial Research Objectives Objective 1: characterize oil leaking from the ship and in adjacent sediments Objective 2: characterize rate of oil degradation Objective 3: determine if aerobic microorganisms degrade leaking Bunker C fuel oil Objective 4: determine if anaerobic microorganisms in sediments are capable of degrading the Bunker C fuel oil leaking from the ship Objective 5: determine microbial role in corrosion Oil Release Points Located and Measured 1999 Leakage Rate: 1-2 liters/day @ 1 locus 2006 Rate – 9 liters @ 8 loci Approx. 100 tons since 1941 Sediment Analysis Location Sample Solvent-Extractable Material (mg/g) Stern section, starboard side, 12 ft. from the hull 00-001 2.15+0.58 Stern section, starboard side, 12 ft. from the hull 00-003 1.00+0.11 Stern section, port side, 10 ft. from the hull 00-032 1.23+0.17 Stern section, port side, 10 ft. from the hull 00-033 1.04+0.29 Stern section, bottom of barbette no. 4 00-030 2.59+0.11 Bow section, gun turret no. 1 00-031 0.99+0.61 Bow section, port side of gun turret no. 1 01-041 1.37+0.38 Overall: low Hydrocarbon load in Sediment Gas Chromatograph of USAR Sediment Extract Identifying BHT in Arizona Sediments Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) BHT Microbial Community Structure of USS Arizona Microbial community structure of four representative oil-degrading cultures enriched on Arizona crude oil Aerobic microorganisms were enriched from surface sediments surrounding the ship Each band in the DGGE gel can represent a different microorganism Predominant bands will be excised, the DNA eluted from the band, and the eluted DNA will be sequenced and the sequence compared to a database for identification 00-31 00-32 00-33 01-41 40% 60% Aerobic Microbial Degradation of USS Arizona Oil Detector Response Laboratory Study Uninoculated Control Time (minutes) Detector Response After 30 Days Growth Time (minutes) Oil Sample Locations Un-degraded Oil Degraded Oil Microbiology Harvard University-NPS Partnership Investigate Role of Microbes in Corrosion Process Determine Ability of Hydrocarbon Degrading Microorganisms to Degrade Steel Conduct Experiment to Determine Corrosion Rate of Oil Containing Spaces Identify Predominant Bacteria Associated with Corrosion Corrosion Analysis University of Nebraska, Lincoln-NPS Partnership Objectives: Metallographic Analysis of Original Hull Steel Characterize Overall Corrosion Process with In Situ Corrosion Measurements Determine Corrosion Rates, both Interior and Exterior Analyze Critical Variables, Particularly Concretion Formation Hull Coupon Collection Joint project with NPS, MDSU One, NAVFAC and Titan Maritime Industries Allows Direct Corrosion Rate Measurement August 2002 Hull Coupon Locations - Frame 75 Mud Line Corrosion Rates of Hull Coupons 6 5 Mudline 31 ft. 4.5 mpy icorr (mpy) 4 Seawater (6 points) 3 icorr = 6.216 - 0.204 (D) 2 Mud (2 points) 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Depth below water surface, D (ft) Laboratory Model of Corrosion Rate of Steel in Sea Water is 4.5 mils per year (mpy) 40 Environmental Monitoring (cont.) VideoRay ROV equipped with YSI 600XLM Multiparameter Sonde Interior Interior Monitoring Data 2006 1983 90% Thickness Loss (approx. 2300 360 years) Concretion Equivalent Corrosion Rate icorr (CECR) = 0.8ρd (w/o Fe)/t (mpy) where ρ is concretion density (gr/cm) d is concretion thickness (cm) w/o Fe is total Fe in weight percent t is time submerged (yr) Legacy Vessels Presenting Risk of Oil Pollution michel 2005 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 – 80 feet of Hull Image Courtesy San Diego Union-Tribune Centerline Slice Bow To Right USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 USS Arizona Finite Element Model Frame 70-90 51,000 elements Von Mises Stress distribution on the total weight Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 2 kPa on the Upper, Main, Second and Third decks Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 4 kPa on the Upper, Main, Second and Third decks Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 6 kPa on the Upper, Main, Second and Third decks Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 8 kPa on the Upper, Main, Second and Third decks Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10 kPa on the Upper, Main, Second and Third decks Deformation distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa on the Upper, Main, Second and Third decks Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa (between Main and Upper decks) Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa ( Main deck) Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa (between Second and Main decks) Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa (Second deck) Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa (between Third and Second decks) Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa (Third deck) Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa (First platform) Von Mises stress distribution with uniform pressure of 10kpa (Second platform) Note: As-built condition (pre-sinking) Stresses higher in vertical walls and shell plates, as expected Stress hot spots where the decks connect with shell in upper decks this is due to the fact that the rest of the upper decks are missing Bottom supported by viscoplastic mud (think Silly Putty) Only loads are self-weight Stresses are color coded, ranging from blue (very small) through green, yellow, orange to red, which corresponds to near-failure Broken elements shift load to neighboring elements Upper decks corrode 5X faster than those below the mud 10% thickness loss (approx. 1980) • Stresses increasing in hull • Deck beams becoming stressed • Everything still well below critical 20% thickness loss (approx 2020 -80 yrs) 30% thickness loss (approx. 2060) • Stresses approaching critical at curve of hull plates and inner bulkheads • Stresses also increasing significantly where the very thick armor around the stack attaches to the deck plates 50% thickness loss –(about 2140 200 yrs) • Potentially some breakage of torpedo blister at turn of the bilge (lots of speculation in that calculation, of course) • Some local sagging of deck plates 60% thickness loss - about 2180 • Considerable upper deck failures Failures of some inner walls locally More significant failures at turn of the bilge 70% - about 2220 280 yrs 80% - about 2260 90% - 2300 or so 95% - 2320 or so Lots of modeling artifacts that need to be taken care of - floating pieces, etc Shows general collapse of topside and bottom, but core cylinder of inner bottom, inner side tanks and main deck relatively intact