Next-Generation Sequencing of Microbial Genomes and Metagenomes Christine King Farncombe Metagenomics Facility Human Microbiome Journal Club July 13, 2012 Overview Next-generation sequencing Applications Instruments Library prep and sequencing chemistry Sequence quality Project overview Microbial genomes Microbial communities DNA Sequencing 1st generation Sanger chain termination Capillary electrophoresis 2nd generation (NGS) High throughput, “massively parallel” Shorter reads Sequencing-by-synthesis 3rd generation Single molecule Nanopores Applications DNA sequencing De novo genomes Resequencing Metagenome Shotgun (e.g. mutant strains) Amplicon (e.g. HLA, cancer) Sequence capture (e.g. exome) Amplicon (e.g. 16S, COI, viral) Shotgun ChIP RNA sequencing Gene expression Gene annotation, splice variants Metatranscriptome Instruments Instruments Instrument # of reads Read length (bp) Total outpu t (Gb) Cost per base Run Time GS FLX 1M 450 0.5 $$$$ ++ GS FLX+ 1M 650 0.6 $$$$ ++ GS Jr 100K 450 0.05 $$$$ ++ GAIIx 640M 2x 150 90 $$ +++ HiSeq 2000 6B 2x 100 600 $ +++ MiSeq 12M 2x 150 2 $$ ++ PacBio RS >10K >1000 0.01 $$$$ + Single-molecule seq, fluorophore SOLiD 5500xl 1.4B 75 + 35 155 $ +++ emPCR, probe ligation, fluorophore Ion PGM - 316 1M >100 0.1 $$$ + Technology emPCR, SBS, light detection Bridge PCR, SBS, fluororphore emPCR, SBS, pH change Ion PGM - 318 6M >100 1 $$ + Which instrument(s) to use? Read length vs number of reads Cost per base, per sample, per project (multiplexing?) Accuracy Run time, wait time Application Length # Reads Accuracy Instruments Considerations De novo (small) +++ ++ ++ MiSeq, 454, Ion Mix lengths De novo (large) +++ +++ ++ HiSeq, 454, SOLiD Mix lengths, MP Re-seq (small) ++ ++ ++ MiSeq, Ion Multiplex? Re-seq (large) ++ +++ ++ HiSeq, SOLiD Enrichment? RNA-seq (count) + +++ + Illumina, SOLiD, Ion Ref? Size? Rare? Amplicons +++ + +++ 454, MiSeq Size? Multiplex? Metagenomics ++ +++ +++ Illumina, 454, SOLiD Length vs depth Library Preparation Goal: fragments of DNA, each end flanked by adaptor sequences Adaptors contain amplification- and sequencing primer binding sites; platform- and chemistry-specific Optional: sample-specific barcodes/indexes/MIDs/tags allow multiplexing during sequencing Library QC: quantity, size Library Preparation Library types: Shotgun (DNA) May begin with ChIP May follow with sequence capture Mate pair (DNA) Amplicon (DNA) Total RNA May enrich for mRNA (poly-A enrichment, rRNA depletion) Convert to cDNA (then similar to DNA protocols) Small RNA RNA ligations, convert to cDNA after Library Preparation: Shotgun Fragmentation Sonication Nebulization Enzymatic End repair 3’ overhangs digested 5’ overhangs filled 5’ phosphate added Library Preparation: Shotgun Adapter ligation Library amplification T-overhangs Forked structure controls orientation Few cycles Enrich for correctly-adapted fragments Required to complete adapter structure in some protocols Size selection Gel excision, AMPure beads Limit insert size as needed, remove artifacts Library Preparation: Amplicon Amplify region of interest using PCR Primers contain adapter sequences Library Preparation: Mate Pair Begin with large fragments (e.g. 3kb, 20kb) Circularize and fragment again Illumina: direct ligation 454: Cre/Lox recombination Enrich for fragments containing the junction Proceed with shotgun library prep Library Preparation: Mate Pair Why? Paired sequences are a known distance apart; improves genome assembly Note: 454 calls these “paired end libraries”, not to be confused with Illumina’s “paired end sequencing”! Sequencing: Illumina Cluster generation Library fragments hybridize to oligos on the flow cell New strand synthesized, original denatured, removed Free end binds to adjacent oligos (bridge formation) Complimentary strand synthesized, denatured (both tethered to flow cell) Repeat to form clonal cluster Cleave one oligo, denature to leave ssDNA clusters ~800K clusters/mm^2 Sequencing: Illumina Variety of workflows: Single- or paired end reads 0, 1, or 2 index reads Sequencing: Illumina At each cycle, all 4 fluorescently-labeled nucleotides pass over the flow cell Each cluster incorporates one nt (terminator) per cycle Fluor is imaged, then cleaved De-block and repeat Sequencing: Illumina Other terminology: cBot – accessory instrument that performs cluster generation Lanes – divisions (8) of HiSeq and GAIIx flow cells PhiX – bacteriophage with small, balanced genome; PhiX library spiked in with samples for QC Phasing/pre-phasing – nt incorporation falls behind or jumps ahead on a portion of strands in the cluster and contributes to noise Chastity filter – measures signal purity (after intensity corrections); if the background signal is high, cluster will be discarded BaseSpace – cloud computing site for processing MiSeq data File format: fastq Sequencing: 454 emPCR: clonal amplification of beadbound library in microdroplets Library input amounts critical! One molecule per bead Titration procedure Sequencing: 454 Library capture: beads coated with complimentary oligo Amplification: droplet contains PCR reagents and the other oligo Post-PCR: millions of identical fragments attached to the bead Sequencing: 454 Bead Recovery: physical and chemical disruption Enrichment: capture successfully amplified beads using biotinylated primers + magnetic, streptavidin beads Sequencing: 454 Deposit bead layers onto PicoTiterPlate: Enzyme beads Enriched DNA beads More enzyme beads PPiase beads Sequencing: 454 Sequencing: 454 Pyrosequencing 4 nucleotides flow separately If nt incorporation…PPi...light APS + PPi (sulfurylase) ATP Luciferin + ATP (luciferase) light + oxyluciferin Amount of light proportional to #nt incorporated Rinse and repeat with next nt Sequencing: 454 Camera captures light emitted from every well during every nucleotide flow Sequencing: 454 Flowgram: representation of a sequence, based on the pattern of light emitted from a single well Sequencing: 454 Other terminology: Lib-L/Lib-A: adapter variants, “ligated” or “annealed” Titanium chemistry: ~450 bp reads on all instruments XL+ chemistry: ~700 bp reads on the FLX+ instrument Flow: one of the four nucleotides flows over the PTP Cycle: a set of four flows, in order Valley flow: if number of bases incorporated in a given read during that flow is uncertain, e.g. 1.5 units of light (background signal, homopolymers) File format: sff (standard flowgram format) Sequencing: Ion Torrent Procedures and chemistry similar to 454 Instead of PPi, measure H+ release (pH change) via semiconductor chip No expensive camera or laser required, no modified nucleotides Sequence Quality Phred (Q) Score Probability of Error (P) Base Call Accuracy 10 1 in 10 90% 20 1 in 100 99% 30 1 in 1K 99.9% 40 1 in 10K 99.99% 50 1 in 100K 99.999% Error probabilities determined using training sets, platformspecific biases Expressed as a quality value (QV or Q score) per base Similar to PHRED scores: Q = -10 log10P P = 10 -Q/10 Project 1: Microbial Genome Considerations: Reference genome? How much coverage do I want? How big is the genome How much data do I need? bp needed = genome size X coverage Which instrument/chemistry configuration to use? Coverage Depth (number of times a particular base is “covered” by a read (e.g. 25X) Breadth (% of genome with at least 1X coverage) Project 1: Microbial Genome Sample preparation Isolate high quality (not degraded) and high purity (no RNA) gDNA Verify on a gel Quantify using dsDNA-specific dye Library preparation Can do this yourself if you like ~ $200 per sample for Nextera Cheaper protocols Cheaper in bulk Barcode compatibility Project 1: Microbial Genome Library QC Insert size confirmed on BioAnalyzer (within range, no artifacts) Pool barcoded libraries (normalize based on PicoGreen quantification) Absolute quantification of library pools using qPCR Project 1: Microbial Genome MiSeq sequencing Dilute and denature library pool (optimal concentration requires titration...) Spike in PhiX library as needed (e.g. 1%) Prepare and load reagents, flow cell Basic filtering and de-multiplexing performed automatically Download fastq files from BaseSpace Project 1: Microbial Genome Data processing Additional filtering Trim the ends Remove PCR duplicates Assembly: overlapping reads are assembled to eachother based on sequence similarity = contigs Project 1: Microbial Genome What’s next? Polish the genome (hybrid assemblies, mate pair libraries) Annotate (ORFs, RNAseq) Compare Project 2: Microbial Community Shotgun metagenomics Unbiased survey of community content Random library fragments may provide very little taxonomic resolution (e.g. conserved, unknown) Identify genes, classify by function Targeted metagenomics Limited survey of community content Targeted loci provide excellent taxonomic resolution, but may exclude certain taxa Identify OTUs, classify by taxonomy Project 2: Microbial Community 16S rRNA Multi-copy gene (1.5 kb) Conserved and hypervariable regions Extensive databases from known species Project 2: Microbial Community Considerations: Biases in sampling methods, culturing, DNA isolation, PCR...replicate Available SOPs How many reads per sample? Read length matters! Sample preparation: Isolate DNA PCR amplify, purify High-fidelity polymerase Barcoded primers No primer dimers! Normalize PCR products and pool Project 2: Microbial Community 454 Sequencing emPCR titrations with different library input Bulk emPCR Sequence Basic filtering Collect sff files Data processing De-multiplexing Additional filtering Trim the barcodes, primers Check for chimeras Project 2: Microbial Community Clustering Sequences grouped by similarity = OTUs Project 2: Microbial Community Taxonomic identification OTUs are classifed by comparing to known 16S sequences Level of classification (e.g. family vs genus)? Diversity Within sample Between samples