Atomska apsorpcija spektroskopija AAS Spektroskopske analitičke metode Atomska emisijska spektroskopija AES Induktivno spregnuta plazma spektroskopija ICP Mikrotermometrija fluidnih inkluzija Uvod Klasifikacija fluidnih inkluzija – morfologija, genetska klasifikacija Mehanizmi formiranja fluidnih inkluzija, zahvaćanje fluida Stupanj punjenja vs. gustoća Odabir i priprema uzoraka Oprema Eutektička svojstva Osnovni principi mikrotermometrije (zamrzavanje/hlađenje) Definiranje izohora Jednokomponentni sustav H2O Dvokomponentni sustav NaCl-H2O Trokomponentni sustavi NaCl-CaCl2-H2O, NaCl-KCl-H2O Prije početka mjerenja Vježbe I. Priprema uzoraka (Lab) Dvostruko polirane pločice II. Dokumentacija (Mikroskopska vježba) 1. Petrografija i odabir fluidnih inkluzija 2. Crtanje i fotografiranje 3. Klasifikacija FI-s a. Opis (jednofane, dvofazne, višefazne, minerali kćeri…) b. Relativni volumen faza (stupanj punjenja) c. Veličina inkluzija, morfologija d. Relativna starost (primarne, pseudosekundarne, sekundarne) Literatura Bakker, R.J., 2003. Package FLUIDS 1. Computer programs for analysis of fluid inclusion data and for modelling bulk fluid properties. Chemical Geology, 194, 3–23. Brown P.E., 1989. FLINCOR; a microcomputer program for the reduction and investigation of fluid-inclusion data. American Mineralogist, 74/11-12, 1390-1393. Roedder, E., 1984. Fluid inclusions. Mineralogical Society America, Review in Mineralogy 12, Washington, 644 pp. Shepherd, T.J., Rankin, A.H., Alderton, D.H.M., 1985. A practical guide to fluid inclusion studies. Blackie and Son Ltd, Glasgow, 239 pp. What is a Fluid Inclusion? Henry Clifton Sorby (1826-1908) English microscopist and geologist 1858 On the Microscopical Structure of Crystals (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.) Cavity in a mineral that may contain 1 or more phases vapor (V) - H2O, CO2, CH4, N2, H2S liquid (L)- H2O, CO2, petroleum solid (S) - NaCl, KCl, hematite, anhydrite, muscovite, magnetite, carbonates V L S The liquid of the inclusion is normally an aqueous solutions with dissolved ions of Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, HCO32-, CO32The concentration of the salts ranges from <1 wt. % to >50 wt. % Occurrence and distribution Earth Crust – magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, ore deposits, fault zones Extraterrestrial - Mars Top 10 minerals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Quartz Fluorite Halite Calcite Apatite Dolomite Sphalerite Barite Topaz Cassiterite Abundance of FI-s in single crystal if the total population occupy 0.1% volume Size and abundance Average FI-s size No of FI-s occupying 0.1% volume 1 mm 1 100 µm 103 10 µm 106 1 µm 109 Size of fluid inclusions in minerals > mm museum specimens 3-20 μm range for microthermometry 1.5 μm smallest workable size for H2O or CO2 inclusions 5 μm smallest workable size for H2O+CO2 inclusions Volume and diameter of spherical inclusions assuming a fluid of density 1.0 g/cc What can I study? Which type of material do I use? Ore deposits (hydrothermal, porphyry, skarn) Large, well developed crystals in vughs and druses, all phases of vein developing, alterations Igneous rocks Quartz (remnant of magmatic fluid or late stage hydrothermal circulation) Apatite from carbonatite Phenocrysts from volcanic Pegmatites Quartz, beril, tourmaline Metamorphic rocks Quartz from veins, pods, segregations Sedimentary rocks Diagenetic fluids preserved within veins, pods, vughs, geodes, diagenetic cement or overgrowth What can I get from this method? 1. Composition of fluid form which mineral precipitated 2. Changes of fluid composition during precipitation (mixing, dilution, boiling, cooling) 3. Minimum temperature and pressure at the time of precipitation 4. True temperature and pressure applying pressure correction (i.e. independent geothermometer or boiling fluid) 5. Depth of formation (i.e. overlying deposits) What type of samples do I need? Type Advantage Disadvantage Thin sections Available, easy prepared, host rock petrography can be determined Can not use for heatingfreezing, large FI-s destroyed Cleavage fragments No specific equipment Relationships between needed, fast scanning of the individual FI-s and grains samples, direct cannot be established measurements Cut, doubly polished wafers 0.2 – 0.5 mm thick Direct use on heatingfreezing stage, large FI-s preserved Mineral identification by optical properties difficult thick, highly colored or milky samples – thin (<100mm), difficult to prepare How to prepare doubly polished wafers? Stage 1 Sawing to surface 3-4 cm2 Stage 2 Grinding Grit Grit size (F)/mm Lapping time (min) SiC 320/29 5-10 SiC 400/17 5-10 SiC 800/6.5 5-10 Stage 3 Polishing Soft polish cloth mounted on rotary lapping machine ά-Al2O3 /0.3 ~20 Fluid inclusions morphology Negative crystal shape (halite cubes) Irregular Flattened Faced along clevage Spheroidal or oblate Tubular in elongated crystals Roedder, 1984, American Mineralogist FI-s Major textural criteria Primary (P) FI-s are formed during the mineral growth within the growth zones. These are overgrowths defined by seudo-secondary (PS) FI-s formed in healed fracture in mineral during original mineral growth. Secondary (S) FI-s developed after the crystallization of the host. PS P = Primary PS = PseudoSecondary S = Secondary inclusions Primary FI-s classification (a) Diagnostic criteria for classifying fluid inclusions as primary (after Roedder, 1979) (b) Different occurrences of primary fluid inclusions in relation to growth zoning (compilation) (from: Van den Kerkhof & Hein, 2001, Lithos 55, 27-47) Mechanisms of trapping of primary FI-s A dendritic growth B partial disolution C between growth spirals D sub-parallel block growth E fracture during growth F foreign object Secondary inclusions Look at essentially any sandstone/quartzite samples in the lab Secondary and pseudosecondary FI-s classification Trail terminology (Vollbrecht, 1989) composed after Simmons and Richter (1976) and Kranz (1983). a) main distinction is made between transgranular, intergranular, and intragranular inclusions (b) The intragranular fluid inclusions may decorate different internal grain textures and are accordingly subdivided Working example 1: Determine relative age growth zoning growth zoning (Hansteen, 1988) The P and PS inclusions in the inner growth zone are older than the P and PS ones in the outer zone.Inclusions along the growth planes are denoted as primary. The S trail, extending tothe surface of the crystal, postdates all P and PS inclusions. FI-s content - classification Single-phase Liquid or Vapor H2O, CH4, CO2 Multi-phase (from: Sheperd, 1985) Two-phase Liquid-rich Vapor-rich Immiscible-liquid Classification scheme for fluid and melt inclusions in minerals based upon phases observed at room temperature L=liquid, V= vapour, S=solid, GL=glass Working example 2: Classify the inclusions 10 mm 15 mm 10 mm 10 mm Basic Assumptions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trapped fluid was a single homogeneous phase The cavity has not changed in volume Nothing is added or lost after sealing Effects of pressure are insignificant or known The origin of the inclusion is known The determinations of Th are both precise and accurate HOWEVER 1. Bulk leakage 2. Leakage through diffusion 3. Stretching 4. Re-equilibration 5. Necking-down 6. Migration Recognition 1. Bulk leakage – soft, easy cleaved material – visual estimation on constancy of L to V ratio, reproducibility of thermometric results 2. Leakage through diffusion – proved as extremely low (H+ found by Raman) 3. Stretching – change of volume without changing of composition 4. Re-equilibration – irregularly shaped FI-s tend to change shape and morphology during time into negative crystal of spherical – insoluble minerals as quartz isochemical at constant volume 5. Necking-down – if original FI is large, flat and irregular will split into many small but more regular FI-s. If the process occur during homogenous stage – good, preserved L to V ratio, if not L to V ratio disturbed – erroneous values 6. Migration – in a thermal gradient – important for water soluble materials Necking-down time Streaching and leackage Working example 3: What happened? Why? How do you know? Estimation of volume fractions relative to FI-s size – cylindrical FI-s Estimation of volume fractions of vapor-rich inclusions – here comes the problem Estimation of volume fractions of spherical inclusions Cylindrical Spherical Trapping mode Accidental trapping of solids Naziv faze Sastav Stupanj refleksije Kristalni sustav Habitus Tekući ugljikdioksid CO2 (l) 1,195 Led H2O 1,31 Heksagonski Zaobljen,anizotropan, izgleda izotropno Hidrohalit NaCl×2H2O 1,41 Monoklinski Sitna zrnca svjetlucavog izgleda Silvin KCl 1,49 Kubični Kockice Gips CaSO4×2H2O 1,52 Monoklinski Tabularni, prizmatski Halit NaCl 1,54 Kubični Kockice Ahidrit CaSO4 1,57 Rompski Prizmatski Ca,Mg karbonati (Ca,Mg)CO3 1,49 – 1,66 Trigonski Romboedrijski Phase proportion of individual inclusion Degree of fill (F) of two phase L+V FI-s F = VL/VL + VV where VL + VV = VTOT F is related to total density (rTOT) of the fluid by following expression rTOT = rLF + rV(1-F) where rL = density of the liquid phase rV = density of the vapor phase In most cases we can assue that density of the vapor phase is zero, thus: 1 0 15 25 wt % NaCl equ. Degree of fill (F) rTOT = rLF 0.5 Total density (rTOT) of the fluid in g/cm3 0 0 0.5 1 1.1 1.2 Analytical equipment – Linkam stage Cross-section of the Linkam stage (Sheperd, 1981) Pt= platinum resistance temperature sensor Technical specifications -180º to +600ºC (gaseous N2) Fully automatic 0.1º - 0.9ºC/min; 1º - 9ºC/min; 10º 90ºC/min Max. sample size 20 mm, 1.5 mm thick Viewing area – 2.2 mm x-y micromanipulators Eutectic properties of SALT SOLUTIONS What types of FI-s can we found? Diagnostic features (Hein, 1990) Phase transitions during microthermometry runs Phase transitions in aqueous inclusions 2D phase diagram pt diagram for water Lines of equilibrium or phase boundaries Tripple point Critical point A B C D Trapping temperature Supercritical fluid H2O system cooling liquid Two phase L+ V Density (g/cm3) or degree of fill H2O system Principle of fluid inclusion geothermometry PT diagram for pure water 1.0 Liquid water Isochore (g/cc) Critical point 0.5 Dry steam -Vapour 0 50 150 350 H2O system Consider an inclusion trapped at a given temperature and pressure (Tt, Pt) 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Tt 350 H2O system On cooling, the inclusion follows an isochoric PT path until it meets the L=V curve 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Tt 350 H2O system Beyond this point the inclusion cools along the L=V curve and a vapour bubble nucleates 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Tt 350 H2O system Continued cooling results in further shrinkage of liquid and growth of the vapour bubble 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Tt 350 H2O system On heating along the V/L curve, the liquid expands and the bubble shrinks 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Tt 350 H2O system Until the bubble disappears at the homogenisation temperature (Th) 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Th Tt 350 H2O system The point Th uniquely defines the isochore along which the inclusions originally cooled 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Th Tt 350 H2O system With continued heating the inclusion follows the original isochore 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Th Tt 350 H2O system If Pt is known, or estimated, the trapping temperature (Tt) can be determined 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Th Tt 350 H2O system The difference between Th and Tt is known as the Pressure Correction 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Th Tt 350 H2O system Principle of fluid inclusion geothermometry based on PVT diagram for pure water 1.0 Liquid Isochore (g/cc) Pt Critical point 0.5 Vapour 0 50 150 Th Tt 350 H2O system H2O isochores modified from Fischer (1976). Enlargement of the low pressure region, in the box, appears to the right. 3D phase diagram – two component system Liquid Sol B + L Sol A + sol B A B Phase transitions during microthermometry runs Phase transitions in two-phase NaCl-H2O aqueous inclusions The next slides show the freezing and subsequent melting of a two phase aqueous inclusion. Note the first and last melting temperatures which tell us about composition Heating Cooling 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC Temperature of Homogenisation Th 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC The next slides show the freezing and subsequent melting of a two phase aqueous inclusion. Note the first and last melting temperatures which tell us about composition Heating Cooling 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC Freezing after Supercooling -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC First melting temperature - Tfm -100oC Eutectic - telling us about composition Eutectic properties of SALT SOLUTIONS 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC -100oC 350oC 25oC 0oC Last ice melting temperature Tm(ice) Telling us about salinity -100oC NaCl-H2O system Phase diagram for NaCl-H2O showing stability fields for halite, hydrohalite, liquid and vapour 25 NaCl +L+V Temperature oC L+V 0.1oC 0 NaCl.2H2O +L+ V -20.8oC Ice + L+ V -25 Ice + NaCl.2H2O + V -50 0 10 20 Weight % NaCl 30 NaCl-H2O system An inclusion with 10 wt.% solution cooled below 0oC does not form ice because of metastability 25 NaCl +L+V Temperature oC L+V 0.1oC 0 NaCl.2H2O +L+ V -20.8oC Ice + L+ V -25 Ice + NaCl.2H2O + V -50 0 10 20 Weight % NaCl 30 NaCl-H2O system Rapid cooling below the eutectic temperature (Te) is usually needed before the inclusion freezes 25 NaCl +L+V Temperature oC L+V 0.1oC 0 NaCl.2H2O +L+ V -20.8oC Ice + L+ V -25 Ice + NaCl.2H2O + V -50 0 10 20 Weight % NaCl 30 NaCl-H2O system On heating first melting (Tfm) occurs at -20.8 (Te), evident by “unlocking” of the vapour bubble 25 NaCl +L+V Temperature oC L+V 0.1oC 0 NaCl.2H2O +L+ V -20.8oC Ice + L+ V Tfm -25 Ice + NaCl.2H2O + V -50 0 10 20 Weight % NaCl 30 NaCl-H2O system Continued heating results in the melting of the last ice crystal (Tm_ice) at -6oC 25 NaCl +L+V Temperature oC L+V 0.1oC 0 Tm(ice) NaCl.2H2O +L+ V -20.8oC Ice + L+ V Tfm -25 Ice + NaCl.2H2O + V -50 0 10 20 Weight % NaCl 30 NaCl-H2O system Continued heating results in the melting of the last ice crystal (Tm_ice) at -6oC 25 NaCl +L+V Temperature oC L+V 0.1oC 0 Tm(ice) NaCl.2H2O +L+ V -20.8oC Ice + L+ V Tfm -25 Ice + NaCl.2H2O + V -50 0 10 20 Weight % NaCl 30 Temperature of ice melting directly determine the salinity For diferent composition of inclusions (Te) we apply different phase diagrame to calculate salinities Sample calculations from fluid inclusion observations 300 bars fluid pressure (hydrostatic) Fluid T = Rock T Average fluid density = 1.0 g/cc => Depth = 3 km Temperature = 300°C => Thermal gradient = 100°C /km Age: rock passed through 300°C 1 million years ago => Uplift rate = 3 mm/year CaCl2-H2O system Ternary water salt systems Ternary water salt systems