SIS 2014 Tentative – Program • Satellite Meeting :: "Poverty and social inclusion. Methodological aspects and empirical evidences", June 10, 15:30-18:30 • SIS Scientific Meeting :: June 11-13 • Satellite Meeting :: "IYSM 2014" (young-SIS), June 13, 17:30-18:30; June 14, 9:30-18:30 Wednesday, June 11 Time Location Session 08:30 - 09:30 Polo Econ-Giuridico Registration 09:30 - 09:45 Aula A Welcome Address 09:45 - 10:30 Aula A President's Invited Speaker - Antonio Golini (ISTAT) Demographic crisis and economic crisis for Italian Mezzogiorno: an iceberg detached from the continent? 10:30 - 11:0 Coffee Break Polo Econ-Giuridico Chairperson N. Torelli Contributed Paper Sessions Aula Aula 11:00 - 12:15 Aula Aula Aula Aula CP-01 Demography CP-02 Statistics in finance CP-03 Statistics in medicine CP-04 Clustering methods: theory and applications CP-05 Functional data analysis CP-06 Forensic statistics Aula Lai 11:30 - 13:00 Aula Salis Tavole Rotonde 1 - Le esperienze e le evidenze della valutazione della ricerca nell'area 13 2 - Didattica e apprendimento della Statistica 13:00 - 14:30 Polo Econ-Giuridico Lunch L. Piccinato Specialized Sessions 14:30 - 15:45 Aula Aula SP-01 Statistical analysis and big data SP-02 Clustering real time data streams M. Pratesi F. Palumbo Aula SP-03 Bayesian nonparametrics: methods and applications M. Guindani 15:45 - 16:30 Polo Econ-Giuridico 16:30 - 17:45 Aula Specialized Sessions SP-04 Recent advances in time series analysis F. Battaglia Aula Aula SP-05 New challenges in survey sampling SP-06 Directional data G. Nicolini A. Fassò Aula Solicited Sessions SL-01 Bayesian models for complex problems B. Scarpa SL-02 Geostatistics and environmental applications SL-03 Robust methods for the analysis of complex data S. De Iaco M. Riani Aula Aula SL-04 Statistics for environmental phenomena and their interactions SL-05 Mixture and latent variable models for causal inference and analysis of socio-economic data F. Bruno C. Rampichini Rettorato Poster Session - Welcome cocktail Aula 17:45 - 19:00 Aula 19:30 Coffee Break Thursday, June 12 Time Location Chairperson Polo Econ-Giuridico Aula Solicited Sessions SL-06 Equity and sustainability: theory and relationships A. Lemmi Aula Aula SL-07 Advances in Bayesian statistics SL-08 Statistical models for the analysis of energy markets L. Tardella L. Grossi Aula Aula SL-09 Recent developments in sampling theory SL-10 Functional data analysis A. Giommi L. Ippoliti Polo Econ-Giuridico 10:15 - 11:00 Aula A Plenary Session A - Adrian F.M. Smith (University of London) E. George 11:00 - 11:45 Polo Econ-Giuridico Coffee Break 09:00 - 10:15 11:45 - 13:00 The Bayesian 21st century. An appreciation of the contributions of Dennis Lindley: 1923-2013 Aula Specialized Sessions SP-07 Scoring Rules and Pseudo-likelihoods: connections and developments M. Musio Aula Aula SP-08 Quantile and M-quantile regression: random effects and regularization SP-09 Methodological Issues for constructing composite indicators R. Miglio R. Zelli 13:00 - 14:30 Polo Econ-Giuridico Lunch Contributed Paper Sessions Aula Aula CP-07 Inequality measures in socio-economic phenomena CP-08 Advances in statistical modelling 14:30 - 15:45 Aula Aula CP-09 Developments in Bayesian inference CP-10 Educational statistics Aula Aula CP-11 Sanitary statistics and epidemiology CP-12 Survey methodology 15:45 - 16:30 Polo Econ-Giuridico Coffee Break Polo Econ-Giuridico 16:30 - 17:15 Aula A Plenary Session B - Chiara Sabatti (Stanford University) 17:15 - 19:00 Aula SIS General Assembly 20:00 Social Dinner Galleria Comunale d'Arte - Giardini Statistical genetics and public health S. Bertino S. Petrone Friday, June 13 Time Location Chairperson Polo Econ-Giuridico Aula Solicited Sessions SL-11 Extremes and dependent sequences S. Padoan Aula Aula SL-12 Issues in ecological statistics SL-13 Computations with intractable likelihood A. Pollice E. Mineo Aula Aula SL-14 Geographical information in sampling and estimation SL-15 Clinical designs A. Petrucci ? Polo Econ-Giuridico 10:15 - 11:00 Aula A Plenary Session C - Andrea Cerioli (University of Parma) How to marry robustness and applied statistics M. Vichi 11:00 - 11:45 Polo Econ-Giuridico Coffee Break 09:00 - 10:15 Specialized Sessions 11:45 - 13:00 Aula Aula SP-10 Parametric and nonparametric mixed effect models SP-11 Demography and environmental emergency P. Giordani A. De Rose Aula SP-12 Recent advances in biostatistics M. Chiogna 13:00 - 14:30 Polo Econ-Giuridico Aula Aula 14:30 - 15:45 Aula Aula Aula Aula Lunch Contributed Paper Sessions CP-13 Statistical methods for the analysis of fertility and health CP-14 Advances in compositional data analysis CP-15 Spatial and spatio-temporal analysis CP-16 Environmental and poverty data analysis CP-17 Topics in regression models CP-18 Bayesian methods and models 15:45 - 16:30 Polo Econ-Giuridico Coffee Break Polo Econ-Giuridico 16:30 - 17:30 Aula Solicited Sessions SL-16 Bayesian inference for high-dimensional data ? Aula Aula SL-17 Use of Big Data for the production of statistical information SL-18 Measuring the Smart City P. Righi N. Mignolli Aula SL-19 Forecasting economic and financial time series M.M. Barbieri 17:30 - 18:30 Aula 18:30 PhD Awards Special Session - SIS prize for the best PhD thesis 2012-2013 See you at the 48th International Meeting of Statistical Society in two years! Wednesday, June 11 CP1 – Demography CP2 – Statistics in finance Time 11:00 - 12:15 G. De santis, M. Maltagliati, S. Salvini A measure of the distance between countries based on individual data A. Di pino, M. Campolo, M. Caltabiano Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A Simultaneous Equation Approach L. Leporatti, P. Cremonesi, E. Di bella, L. Persico L. Marcone, F. Borrelli, S. Di domenico Demographic change and future sustainability of emergency departments: a pilot study for Liguria Error models for weighting estimators in the 15th Italian Population and Household Census S. Meggiolaro, F. Ongaro Father-child contact after marital dissolution. Evidence from Italy A. Amendola, V. Candila The use of loss functions in assessing the VaR measures A. Campagna Labour-use efficiency in the Italian machinery industry: a nonparametric stochastic frontier perspective P. Giudici A. Pierini M. Succurro, G. Costanzo CP3 – Statistics in medicine A. Canale, D. Bandyopadhyay S. Liverani, C. Cantwell Systemic risk models Chain Graph for VAR and MARCH parameters reduction. EU index returns case. Predicting financial bankruptcy by a (Robust) Principal Component Analysis based model: an empirical investigation. Bayesian nonparametric spatial modelling of ordinal periodontal data Elicitation and visualisation of uncertainty in electrograms for activation time maps M. Lupparelli, A. Roverato Log-mean linear regression models for assessing the effect of HIVinfection on multimorbidity in a case-control study L. Maragoni A Quantile-based Test for Detecting Differential Expression in Microarray Data P. Zanini, P. Secchi, S. Vantini EEG signals decomposition: a multi-resolution analysis CP4 – Clustering methods: theory and M. Cremona, P. Pelicci, L. Riva, Cluster analysis on shape indices for ChIP-Seq data applications L. Sangalli, P. Secchi, S. Vantini R. Fontana, F. Rapallo, M. Indicator functions and saturated fractions: a case study Rogantin CP5 - Functional Data Analysis P. Giordani, M. Ferraro G. Menardi, D. De stefano fclust: an R package for fuzzy clustering Modal Clustering of Social Networks A. Pastore, S. Tonellato Identification of multiple clusterings using Gaussian mixtures E. Bongiorno, A. Goia A clustering method for functional data A class of bibliometric indices based on a sum of increasing and concave functions T. Lando, L. Bertoli-barsotti A. Pini, K. Abramowicz, C. Häger, K. Hébert-losier, L. Schelin, J. Strandberg, S. Vantini M. Ruggiero, O. Papaspiliopoulos, D. Spanò N. Tarabelloni, R. Biasi, F. Ieva, A. Paganoni CP6 – Forensic Statistics Bayesian inference for dynamically evolving distributions A. Gurrieri, M. Lorizio Depth measures for multivariate functional data with data-driven weights Statistical comparison of European judicial systems according to ICT efficiency of justice and justice's demand M. Lorizio Measures of Courts Performances and Stochastic Frontier Models J. Mortera Statistical Evaluation of Forensic DNA Mixtures The Efficiency of Justice in an economic perspective: the role of the supply side C. Cusatelli, M. Giacalone A. Stramaglia, M. Lorizio Thursday, June 12 CP7 – Inequality measures in socioeconomic phenomena Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture: Functional Data Analysis of Knee Motion Time 14:30 - 15:45 A. Arcagni, M. Zenga S. Falorsi, M. D'alò, S. Loriga F. Porro, M. Zenga Decomposition by sources of the $\xi$ inequality index LFS quarterly small area estimation of youth unemployment at provincial level The decomposition by subgroups of the inequality curve Z(p) and the inequality index $\xi$ E. Raffinetti, E. Siletti, A. Vernizzi Inequality measures and the issue of negative incomes D. Toninelli, M. Beaulieu, C. Dochitoiu CP8 - Advances in statistical modelling A. Brazzale, V. Mameli C. Orsi, A. Ongaro M. Perone pacifico G. Pistone The Effects of a new Aggregation Structure on Consumer Price Index Estimates Small-sample likelihood asymptotics for the equi-correlated bivariate normal model On Non-central Beta distributions Nonparametric Mode Hunting A version of the geometry of the multivariate Gaussian model, with applications CP9 – Developments in Bayesian inference CP10 – Educational Statistics M. Romanazzi Discriminant analysis of von Mises - Fisher distributions P. Brutti Bayesian Inference for the Intrinsic Dimension M. Castellanos, S. Cabras Zellner-Siow Priors for variable selection with censored data F. Condino, F. Domma, G. Latorre Likelihood and Bayesian estimation of P(Y < X) using lower record values from a general class of distribution E. Moreno Objective Bayesian meta—analysis for sparse discrete data B. Nipoti, S. Favaro Uncertainty quantification for Bayesian nonparametric estimators of rare species variety M. Bini, L. Masserini D. Contini, E. Grand F. Crippa F. Ieva, T. Agasisti, A. Paganoni A finite mixture model approach on the first year university dropout probability On the development of school achievement inequalities with crosssectional data The role of the membership function to model university students’ flow Multilevel modeling of heterogeneity in math achievements: different class- and school-effects across Italian regions A Bayesian nonparametric modelling to estimate students’ response to ICT investment D. De stefano, S. Campostrini, S. The 2008 Great Recession and Health in Italy. A Study on the Campostrini Surveillance Data System PASSI A probabilistic approach to the estimation of principal components M. Geraci with nonignorable missing data: Applications in accelerometerbased physical activity studies J. Tena horrillo CP11 – Sanitary statistics and epidemiology S. Mazzuco, B. Scarpa, L. Zanotto A mortality model based on a mixture distribution function I. Nawajah, R. Argiento, A. Guglielmi, E. Lanzarone E. Sironi, M. Cannas CP12 – Survey methodology A. Farcomeni Joint Prediction of Demand and Care Duration in Home Care Patients: a Bayesian Approach Hospital Differences in Caesarean Deliveries in Sardinia: A Multilevel Analysis Heterogeneity for a general class of recapture models based on equality constraints on the conditional capture probabilities D. Marella Uncertainty in statistical matching for complex sample surveys F. Musella, D. Marella, P. Vicard Learning Bayesian networks in complex survey sampling L. Pasquazzi, L. De capitani S. Polettini, S. Arima Friday, June 13 CP13 – Statistical methods for the analysis of fertility and health Time 14:30 - 15:45 A. Fornasin, M. Breschi, M. Manfredini, M. Esposito H. Gebremeskel S. Mazzoni CP14 – Advanced in Compositional Data Analysis Quantile estimation with auxiliary information Small Area Estimation with Covariates Perturbed for Disclosure Limitation Reproductive Change in Transitional Italy: Insights from the Italian Fertility Survey of 1961 Implementing Hierarchical Bayesian Model to Fertility Data:the case of Ethiopia Fertility and Child Mortality in the Sardinian Demographic Transition. Alghero (1866-1935) D. Mendola, A. Busetta, D. Vignoli Persistent Employment Instability and Fertility Intentions R. Murtas, M. Musio Birth Order, BirthWeight and Asthma: how to assess mediation and the presence of Unmeasured Confounding D. De stefano, M. D'esposito, G. Multiple Factor Analysis to Visually Explore Collaboration Ragozini Structures: the Case of Technological Districts Information Provided by Absolute, Essential and Structural Zeros in Compositional Data Sets A. Menafoglio, A. Guadagnini, P. Kriging prediction for functional compositional data and application Secchi to particle-size curves G. Monti, G. Mateu-figueras, V. scaled-Dirichlet regression for compositional data Pawlowsky-glahn, J. Egozcue N. Trendafilov, M. Gallo Sparse PCA for compositional data D. Toninelli, M. Beaulieu, C. The Effects of a new Aggregation Structure on Consumer Price Dochitoiu Index Estimates J. Martin-fernandez CP15-Spatial and spatio-temporal analysis M. Cattelan, C. Varin Composite likelihood estimation in spatial logistic regression E. Foscolo, M. Disegna, F. Durante M. Gerolimetto, L. Bisaglia, P. Gorgi A copula model for tourists’ spending behavior L. Romagnoli Kalman Filter for Estimating Bivariate GMRFs on Regular Lattice Estimation and orecasting for binomial and negative binomial INAR(1) time series G. Vicario, G. Pistone CP16 – Environmental and poverty data L. Paci, D. Cocchi, A. Gelfand analysis G. Passamani A note on semivariogram Quantifying uncertainty associated with a numerical model output Smoothed Common Trend in Multivariate Time Series Air Pollution Data S. Perra, S. Cabras, A. Serci, A. Mura, A. De arca, S. Renoldi, A. IDMS: The Sardinian Index of Multiple Deprivation Podda A. Pollice, V. Muggeo, F. Torretta, Growth curves of sorghum roots via quantile regression with PR. Bochicchio, M. Amato splines On species sampling sequences induced by residual allocation A. Rodriguez, F. Quintana models CP17 - Topics in regression models M. Bini, V. Del panta, M. Velucchi Mixtures of Logit Regressions Detection with Forward Search S. Columbu, M. Bottai Conditional concordance of the signs of the residuals of quantiles regressions of multivariate outcomes P. Pafundi, G. Vacca Complex Redundancy Analysis models with covariate effect: a simulation study M. Sciandra Variable selection in mixed models: a graphical approach S. Zaccarin, D. De stefano, V. Fuccella, M. Vitale J. Arbel, K. Mengersen, J. CP18 – Bayesian methods and models Rousseau A. Canale, B. Scarpa S. Favaro, M. Lomeli, B. Nipoti, Y. Teh G. Roli, M. Raggi C. Scricciolo Co-authorship Patterns of Italian Statisticians by Combining Different Data Sources On diversity under a Bayesian nonparametric dependent model Skew-normal nonparametric mixture models On the stick-breaking representation of the normalized generalized Gamma process Bayesian hierarchical models for misaligned data: a simulation study Posterior contraction rates for empirical Bayes procedures with applications