RESEARCH METHODOLOGY EDU 702 INSTITUTE OF MARA TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY By: Nurawaheeda Binti Mohamad Ismail 2012369491 SAMPLE OF RESEARCH QUESTIONS How many students learning Experiential English 1 get A’s in the first semester? 2. What percentage of students who failed the previous English test? 3. In general, are the any significant difference between the general English Competency of the students in Science Stream and Art Stream? If you ask yourselves this type of questions that requires the answers to be represented in numeric or numbers, then you are conducting a 1. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH DEFINITION:- The NUMERICAL REPRESENTATION and manipulation of observations for the purpose of describing and explaining the phenomena that those observation reflect. It is used in a wide variety of natural and social sciences including physics, biology, psychology, sociology and geology ( Wikipedia Encyclopedia, 2005) Cohen (1980), QR is defined as social research that employs empirical methods and empirical statements. Creswell (1994) defined QR as a type of research that is explaining phenomena by collecting NUMERAL DATA that are analyzed using MATHEMATICALLY based method – STATISTICS. TYPES QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH SURVEY RESEARCH CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE RESEARCH Experiments – characterized by random assignment of subjects to experimental conditions and the use of experimental controls . Experimental research is unique in that it is the only type of research that directly attempts to influence a particular variable, and it is the only type that, when used properly, can really test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships. QUASI – EXPERIMENTS :Share almost the same features of experimental designs except that they involved non – randomized assignment of subjects to experimental conditions. Quoted from week 3 Presentation (Dr. Teoh) RANDOMIZATION Random assignment is an important ingredient in the best kinds of experiments. It means that every individual who is participating in the experiment has an equal chance of being assigned to any of the experimental or control conditions that are being compared. Quoted from week 3 Presentation (Dr. Teoh) SURVEYS :cross-sectional and longitudinal studies using questionnaires or interviews for data collection with the intent of estimating the characteristics of a large population of interest based on a smaller sample from that population. TYPES OF SURVEY RESEARCH • Data are collected at one point in time CROSS from a sample SECTIONAL selected to SURVEYS represent a larger population LONGITUDINAL SURVEYS • Information collected at different points in order to study changes over time. • i.e: • Trend studies • Cohort studies • Panel studies • a type of research done to determine relationships among two or more variables and to explore their implications for cause and effect. Correlational Research :- • Can help us make more intelligent predictions. • Requires no manipulation or intervention on the part of the researcher other than administering the instrument (s) necessary to collect the data desired. • A type of research intended to determine the cause for or the consequences of differences between groups of people. Causal – Comparison Research • Interpretations of causal- comparison research are limited, therefore, because the researcher cannot say conclusively whether particular factor is a cause or a result of behaviour(s) observed. • In other words, though researcher might face difficulties in interpreting findings, it allows the researcher to look into the possible causes of observed variations. WHEN TO USE QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH? i-When we want a quantitative answers – number based. For example : a.How many teachers in ESL classroom prefer to teach grammar as a separate lesson? b.What is the percentage of the ESL students who registered for Art Course this semester? ii.To conduct audience segmentation . It is done by dividing population into groups whose members are similar to each other and distinct from other groups. It is also useful to estimate the size of an audience segment as a follow-up step to a qualitative study to quantify and verify results / data obtained in a qualitative study. iii.To quantify opinions, attitudes and behaviours and find out how the whole population feels about certain issues. i.e- to measure consumer attitudes regarding am issue prior to a campaign. iv.To explain some phenomena. i.e:- to explain and quantify on learning habits, motivation, attitude etc. v.To explain and test hypothesis. i.e:- to verify relationship between students achievement and their self-esteem and social background. WHEN NOT TO USE QUANTITATIVE METHODS? To explore a problem or concept in depth – more explanation. To develop hypothesis and theories If issues to be studied are complex and expected variables may emerge. To study on meaning of events or circumstances. ADVANTAGES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Provides estimates of population at large Indicates the extensiveness of attitudes held by people Provides results which can be condensed to statistics Allows for statistical comparison between various group Has precision, is definitive and standardized Measures level of occurance, actions, etc Answer questions – how many? etc COMMON APPROACHES TO QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Surveys Question naires QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Omnibus surveys mail Custom surveys COMPARISON OF QUANTITATIVE & QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ( CRESSWELL:1994) QUALITATIVE QUESTIONS QUANTITATIVE 1. What is the nature of reality? 1. Reality is objectives and singular apart from the researcher. 1.Reality is subjective and multiple as seen by participations in a study. 2.What is the relationship of the researcher to that researched? 2. Researcher is independent from that being researched. 2. Researchers interact with that being researched. 3. value-free and unbiased 3. Value-laden biased 4.Formal, based on set definitions, impersonal voice, and use of accepted words. 4. Informal, evolving decisions, personal voice, and accepted qualitative words 3.What is the role of values? 5. Deductive process. 4.What is the language of research? Cause and effect, 5.What is the process of research? Generalizations static Accurate and reliable through validity and reliability 5. Inductive process, mutual simultaneous, shaping factors, context bound, theories developed for understanding etc SAMPLE OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Researching religion using quantitative methods Ingrid Storm Institute for Social Change, University of Manchester PLEASE REFERS TO THE HANDOUTS CONCLUSION Facts/feelings separate World is single reality Researcher removed Establised research design Experiment prototype Generalization emphasized Adapted from Teoh, S.H. (2012 ) REFERENCES Fraenkael/Wallen/Hyun , How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, MgGraw .Hill international eight edition 2012. Suphat Sukamolson, Ph.D, Fundamentals of Quantitative Research, retrieved from Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved from Q&A THANK YOU