Personal probabilities - School of Life Sciences

Bayesian inference
Thomas Bayes
Zoltán Dienes
Subjective probability:
Personal conviction in an opinion – to which a number is assigned
that obeys the axioms of probability.
Probabilities reside in the mind of the individual not the external
Your subjective probability/conviction in a proposition is just up to
– but you must revise your probability in the light of data in ways
consistent with the axioms of probability.
Personal probabilities:
Which of the following alternatives would you prefer? If your
choice turns out to be true I will pay you 10 pounds:
1. It will rain tomorrow in Brighton
2. I have a bag with one blue chip and one red chip. I
randomly pull out one chip and it is red.
Personal probabilities:
Which of the following alternatives would you prefer? If your
choice turns out to be true I will pay you 10 pounds:
1. It will rain tomorrow in Brighton
2. I have a bag with one blue chip and one red chip. I
randomly pull out one and it is red.
If you chose 2, your p(‘it will rain’) is less than .5
If you chose 1, your p(‘it will rain’) is greater than .5
Assume you think it more likely than not that it will rain.
Now which do you chose? I will give you 10 pounds if your chosen
statement turns out correct.
1. It will rain tomorrow in Brighton.
2. I have a bag with 3 red chips and 1 blue. I randomly pick a chip
and it is red.
Assume you think it more likely than not that it will rain.
Now which do you chose? I will give you 10 pounds if your chosen
statement turns out correct.
1. It will rain tomorrow in Brighton.
2. I have a bag with 3 red chips and 1 blue. I randomly pick a chip
and it is red.
If you chose 2, your p(‘it will rain’) is less than .75 (but more than .5)
If you chose 1, your p(‘it will rain’) is more than .75.
By imagining a bag with differing numbers of red and blue
chips, you can make your personal probability as precise as
you like.
This is a notion of probability that applies to the truth of theories
(Remember objective probability does not apply to theories)
So that means we can answer questions about p(H) – the probability
of a hypothesis being true – and also p(H|D) – the probability of a
hypothesis given data (which we cannot do on the Neyman-Pearson
Consider a theory you might be testing in your project.
What is your personal probability that the theory is true?
ODDS in favour of a theory = P(theory is true)/P(theory is false)
For example, for the theory you may be testing ‘extroverts have
high cortical arousal’
Then you might think (it’s completely up to you)
P(theory is true) = 0.5
It follows you think that
P(theory is false) = 1 – P(theory is true) = 0.5
So odds in favour of theory = 0.5/0.5 = 1
Even odds
If you think
P(theory is true) = 0.8
Then you must think
P(theory is false) = 0.2
So your odds in favour of the theory are 0.8/0.2 = 4 (4 to 1)
What are your odds in favour of the theory you are testing in your
Odds before you have collected your data are called your prior odds
Experimental results tell you by how much to increase your odds (the
Bayes Factor, B)
Odds after collecting your data are called your posterior odds
Posterior odds = B * Prior odds
For example, a Bayesian analysis might lead to a B of 5.
What would your posterior odds for your project hypothesis be?
You can convert back to probabilities with the formula:
P (Theory is true) = odds/(odds + 1)
So if your prior odds had been 1 and the Bayes factor 5
Then posterior odds = 5
Your posterior probability of your theory being true = 5/6 = .83
Not a black and white decision like significance testing (conclude
one thing if p = .048 and another if p = .052)
While your prior odds are subjective
ALL assumptions going into B are explicit, and can be argued about
until - in principle - agreed on by everyone
Then B is to that degree objective
Contrast Neyman Pearson – e.g. nobody might know what the actual
stopping rule was. Assumptions are not necessarily explicit. People
can “cheat” in this way with Neyman Pearson – one can’t in Bayes.
If B is greater than 1 then the data supported your experimental
hypothesis over the null
If B is less than 1, then the data supported the null hypothesis over
the experimental one
If B = about 1, experiment was not sensitive.
(Automatically get a notion of sensitivity;
contrast: just relying on p values in significance testing.)
For each experiment you run, just keep updating your
odds/personal probability by multiplying by each new Bayes
No need for p values at all!
No need for power calculations!
No need for critical values of t-tests!
And as we will see:
No need for post hoc tests!
No need to plan number of subjects in advance!
To know which theory data support need to know what the
theories predict
The null is normally the prediction of e.g. no difference
Need to decide what difference or range of differences are
consistent with one’s theory
Difficult - but forces one to think clearly about one’s theory.
And this is what is required for power calculations, so
psychologists should be doing it anyway. Bayes forces one to.
Contrasts with Neyman-Pearson:
1. A) A non-significant result can mean one should decrease one’s
confidence in the null hypothesis.
A theory predicts a difference between conditions, but a null
result is obtained.
Prediction of
Mean of data
Difference between conditions
Should one be less confident in the theory relative to the null hypothesis?
What does the theory predict?
What does the theory predict?
Mean of data
Prediction of
If theory predicts a difference of
10 units, should slightly
increase confidence in theory
over null
Difference between conditions
What does the theory predict?
But if theory predicts a
difference of 20 units, data
should decrease confidence in
theory over null
Mean of data
Prediction of
Difference between conditions
NB It is simplistic to think the theory predicts only one
value – but Bayes can deal with a range of values
(it typically does)
Contrasts with Neyman-Pearson:
1. A) A non-significant result can mean one should decrease one’s
confidence in the null.
B) A significant result (i.e. accepting the experimental
hypothesis on Neyman Pearson) can mean one should increase
one’s confidence in the null
A theory predicts a difference between conditions, and one is
obtained. Should one be more confident in the theory relative to
the null?
Data mean
Prediction of null
Difference between conditions
What does the theory predict?
If theory predicts e.g.
20 or more, then
significant result is
evidence against theory
Prediction of
Difference between
More normally it is because the theory is vague that a significant
result leads to less confidence in the theory
i.e. many of the possible predictions of the theory are far from the
i.e. because the theory makes no precise prediction at all!
The fact the null makes a precise prediction makes it more
falsifiable, and hence preferred – this CAN mean one should
be more confident in null
Bayesian inference would encourage scientists to make more
falsifiable theories; significance testing (without power)
encourages theories of low falsifiability
2. On Neyman Pearson, it matters whether you formulated your
hypothesis before or after looking at the data.
Post hoc vs planned comparisons
Predictions made in advance of rather than before looking at the
data are treated differently
Bayesian inference: It does not matter what day of the week you
thought of your theory
The evidence for your theory is just as strong regardless of its timing
3. On Neyman Pearson standardly you should plan in advance how
many subjects you will run.
If you just miss out on a significant result you can’t just run 10 more
subjects and test again.
You cannot run until you get a significant result.
Bayes: It does not matter when you decide to stop running subjects.
You can always run more subjects if you think it will help.
4. On Neyman Pearson you must correct for how many tests you
conduct in total.
For example, if you ran 100 correlations and 4 were just significant,
researchers would not try to interpret those significant results.
On Bayes, it does not matter how many other statistical hypotheses you
investigated. All that matters is the data relevant to each hypothesis
under investigation.
The strengths of Bayesian analyses are also its weaknesses:
1) P-values do not require specifying a predicted effect size so
significance testing is simple. Bayes requires saying what the
theory predicts – there may be argument over what effect size a
theory predicts. Using p-values side steps this argument.
The strengths of Bayesian analyses are also its weaknesses:
1) P-values do not require specifying a predicted effect size so is
simple. Bayes requires saying what the theory predicts – there
may be argument over what effect size a theory predicts.
BUT isn’t this just the sort of argument the field needs?
If someone disagrees they can argue their case – in Bayes all
assumptions must be explicit.
In Neyman Pearson some important aspects are hidden.
Neyman Pearson done properly requires specifying effect size.
The strengths of Bayesian analyses are also its weaknesses:
2) Bayesian procedures – because they are not concerned with
long term frequencies - are not guaranteed to control error
probabilities (Type I, type II).
The strengths of Bayesian analyses are also its weaknesses:
2) Bayesian procedures – because they are not concerned with
long term frequencies - are not guaranteed to control error
probabilities (Type I, type II).
Which is more important to you –to use a procedure with known
long term error rates or to know the degree of support for your
theory (the amount by which you should change your
conviction in a theory)?
To calculate a Bayes factor must decide what range of differences is
consistent with the theory
1) Uniform distribution
2) Half normal
3) Normal
Example: The theory predicts a difference will be in one
Minimally informative prior, other than difference is
Probability density
Difference between conditions
Maximum difference
Seems more plausible to think the larger effects are less likely than
the smaller ones:
But how to scale the rate of drop?
Difference between conditions
Similar sorts of effects as those predicted in the past have been on
the order of a 5% difference between conditions in classification
Difference between conditions
Implies: Smaller effects more likely than bigger ones; effects
bigger than 10% very unlikely
Probability density
Difference between conditions
To calculate Bayes factor in a t-test situation
Need same information from the data as for a t-test:
Mean difference, Mdiff
SE of difference, SEdiff
To calculate Bayes factor in a t-test situation
Need same information from the data as for a t-test:
Mean difference, Mdiff
SE of difference, SEdiff
Note: t = Mdiff / SEdiff
So if a paper gives Mdiff and t
For any of between- or within-subjects or single-sample t-test you
SEdiff = Mdiff / t
NB: F(1,x) = t2(x)
To calculate a Bayes factor:
1) Google “Zoltan Dienes”
2) First site to come up is the right one:
3) Click on link to book
4) Click on link to Chapter Four
5) Scroll down and click on “Click here to calculate your Bayes
Example: On a task where people make binary
classifications about 65% correct (i.e. 15% above chance)
we load working memory to see if it interferes
difference = control condition – memory load condition
Probability density
Difference between conditions
Maximum difference
Jeffreys, 1961: Bayes factors more than 3 or less than a third are substantial
Similar sorts of effects as those predicted in the past have been on
the order of a 5% difference between conditions in classification
Difference between conditions
Implies: Smaller effects more likely than bigger ones; effects
bigger than 10% very unlikely
Probability density
Difference between conditions
12) What was the mean difference obtained in the study?
13) What was the standard error of this difference?
14) Extending your answer in (7), specify a probability distribution
for the difference expected by the theory and justify it
15) What is the Bayes factor in favour of the theory over the null
16) What does this Bayes factor tell you that the t-test does not?