Non-Observed Economy Clementina Ivan-Ungureanu Training: Essential SNA: Building the basics Addis Ababa, 13-16 February 2012 NOE • The main objective of accounts is to offer an exhaustive description of an economy. • Problem due to lack of coverage in NA: – For users: understanding the economy both in terms of levels and trends – For national accountants: imbalances in the internal consistency of accounts because some economic transactions are not measured Why is this important? • Comparability of GDP across countries and time • Contributions and subsidies based on GDP • Growth rates if Unobserved growth ≠ Observed Growth • Economic/fiscal policy • GDP per capita, emissions, debt, deficit % of GDP Content I. II. III. IV. Definition of NOE Measurement methods Special issues: illegal activities Plan for strategy implementation I. DEFINITION NOE Results: using simplistic assumptions, the users understand that the GDP figures published by NSO are underestimates. How to avoid? - Measurement program for improving the exhaustiveness of data, with clear objectives, roles and responsibilities for national accountants and for survey statisticians, - Proper quality management for NOE estimation Terms used • NOE, black economy, grey, shadow, alternate, clandestine, hidden, invisible, parallel, secondary, unofficial, informal, underground economy often not clear what is meant negative connotation Conceptual background • The 2008 System of National Accounts • Measuring the Non-Observed Economy, a Handbook (2002) – jointly prepared by OECD, IMF, ILO and CIS StatCom • Eurostat Pilot Projects on Exhaustiveness in 1998 and 2002 – Guidelines on Tabular Frameworks • NOE in national accounts- Survey of Country Practices, UN, 2008 What is NOE • Non-observed economy (NOE) refers to all productive activities that may not be captured in the basic data sources used for compiling national accounts. • The following activities are included: underground, informal (including those undertaken by households for their own final use), illegal, and other activities omitted due to deficiencies in the basic data collection program. The term ‘non-observed economy’ encompasses all of these activities and the related statistical estimation problems. Source: Non-Observed Economy in national accounts, Survey of Country l Practices, United Nations, 2008 NOE problem areas OECD Handbook outlines 5 problem areas: 1) Underground activities 2) Illegal activities 3) Household Production for Own Final Use 4) Non-Observed Informal activities 5) Deficiencies in Data Collection 1. Underground activities • All legal productive activities that are deliberately concealed from public authorities to avoid: – payment of income taxes or VAT – payment of social security contributions – meeting certain legal standards e.g. minimum wages – complying with administrative procedures e.g filling out statistical questionnaires or other forms 2. Illegal activities Those productive activities specifically covered by SNA production boundary that: – generate goods and services forbidden by law (e.g. production and distribution of illegal drugs) ; – are unlawful when carried out by unauthorized producers (e.g. unlicensed practice of medicine). 3.Production of households for own final use Productive activities that result in goods or services consumed or capitalized by the households that produced them, such as: – production of crops and livestock; – production of other goods for their own end use; – construction of own houses and other ownaccount fixed capital formation; – imputed rents of owner-occupiers, - services of paid domestic servants 4.Non-Observed informal activity Informal activities are: - conducted by unincorporated enterprises - in the household sector that are unregistered - and that have some market production. Characterised by: - a low level of organisation, - informal employment relations (e.g. oral agreements) - little or no division between labour and capital as factors of production, on a small scale 5. Deficiencies in data collection a. Under-coverage of enterprises in whole or in part - an enterprise is new and has not yet been included in the survey frameworks; – an enterprise falls below the size cut-off for surveys; – an enterprise has been incorrectly classified by type of activity or by region and thus improperly excluded from the survey frame; – an enterprise has not been entered in the statistical register, regardless of its desire to be, because of the lack of efficiency of the statistical system, or due to the fact that registers are not updated, for instance. 5. Deficiencies in data collection (cont) b. Non response by enterprises is depending on the sensitivity of the statistical system: enterprises are included in the sample but no data are collected from them and no imputation is made for the missing observations, because: – the survey questionnaire was wrongly addressed; – the enterprise, or part of it, did not return the questionnaire, they do not want to answer. 5. Deficiencies in data collection (cont) c. Under-reporting by enterprises : data is obtained from enterprises, but is misreported by the respondent, or correct data is received but is inappropriately input or weighted. Problem areas of NOE Observed Economy Underground activities Registered/reported activities Illegal activities Production of households for own final use Deficiencies in data collection Informal activities Nonobserved Observed Eurostat N1-N7 framework • Introduced for the Pilot Projects on Exhaustiveness in 2002 • Starting point the characteristics of producers (registered or not, surveyed or not) • Four main categories: Non-registered; Not surveyed; Misreporting; Other Eurostat N1-N7 framework (cont) • Defines standard set of nonexhaustiveness types (N1 to N7) and presents them in a tabular framework; • Provides a comprehensive and systematic assessment to ensure exhaustiveness of NA; • Facilitates cross-country comparisons of adjustments and adjustment methods and provides for similar level of coverage of NA. I Not registered N1 - Producer deliberately not registering – underground: not register to avoid tax and social security obligations. Producers that do not register because they are engaged in illegal activities fall under type N2. N2 - Producers deliberately not registering – illegal : are involved in illegal activities. Type N2 excludes illegal activities by registered legal entities or entrepreneurs that report (or misreport) their activities under legal activity codes. N3 - Producers not required to register because it has no market output (non-market household producers that engage in production of goods for own consumption, for own fixed capital formation, and construction of and repairs to dwellings. Or, producer has some market output but it is below the level at which the producer is obliged to register as an entrepreneur II Not surveyed N4 - Legal persons not surveyed due to several reasons such as: the business register is out of date or updating procedures are inadequate; the classification data (activity, size or geographic codes) are incorrect; the legal person is excluded from the survey frame because its size is below a certain threshold etc. N5 - Registered entrepreneurs not surveyed for a variety of reasons: the statistical office does not conduct a survey of registered entrepreneurs; the registered entrepreneur is not in the list of registered entrepreneurs available to the statistical office, or if available, is systematically excluded from it; the registered entrepreneur is not in the survey frame because the classification data (activity code, size code, geographic code) are incorrect. III Misreporting N6 - Producers deliberately misreporting in order to evade income tax, VAT, other taxes, or social security contributions. IV. Other N7 - Other statistical deficiencies • N7a: data that are incomplete, not collected or not directly collectable; • N7b: data that are incorrectly handled, processed or compiled by statisticians. Areas : non-response; production for own final use by market producers; tips; wages and salaries in kind; and secondary activities. Standard tables The Tabular Approach involves the completion of three standard tables both for output and expenditure approaches: 1. Elements of non-exhaustiveness (detailed breakdown by type of unit, activity, non-exhaustiveness type and adjustment procedure); 2. Exhaustiveness adjustments (including the absolute and relative size of the adjustments listed above); 3. Summary of adjustments (by institutional sector and NACE activity or expenditure component). Basis for NA Figures Surve Admi Ext ys + nistrat rap estim ive olat ate data ion + mo dels Production approach Output of goods and services (basic prices) 17 (NACE) Intermediate consumption (17 (NACE) Gross value added (basic prices) 17 (NACE) Taxes on products Subsidies on products Residual item GDP Oth er T o t a l Adjustments Data validation adjustmen ts Conc eptual adjust ments Explicit exhausti veness adjustm ents Balanci ng adjustm ents Fin al esti mat e Basis Sur vey s+ esti mat e Expenditure approach Total final expenditure HFC- COICOP 2digit NPISH f.c GGFC Gross capital formation GFCF Changes in inventories Acquisition less disposals of valuables Exports of goods and services Goods Services Imports of goods and services Goods Services Residual item GDP for NA Figures Ad Extra min polati istr on+ ativ model e s dat a O t h e r Tot al Adjustments Data Conc validati eptual on adjust adjustm ments ents Explicit exhausti veness adjustm ents Balanci ng adjustm ents Fin al esti mat e All economic activities of all enterprises Enterprises not in scope of enterprise survey or administrative source Enterprise not registered Enterprises in scope of enterprise survey or administrative source Enterprise registered Response or non-response correctly handled Non-response incorrectly handled N7b Enterprise should have registered Enterprise not obliged to register N3 Legal person Registered entrepreneur Enterprise underreports N6 Underground activities Illegal activities Not in register N1 N2 N4a In register not surveyed N4b Not in register N5a In register ,not surveyed N5b Enterprise reports correctly All required data are collected Not all required data are collected N7a Example • Country specific : phenomena, legislation, the magnitude of the NOE • Analysis of data sources and methods • Identification the types of NOE • Identification of all possible statistical and administrative sources • Defining the methods to estimate Albania ECONOMY Illegal activities Legal activities N2 Registered units Legal persons Non-registered units Entrepreneurs-self employed Is not necessary N3 In BR and NOT in statistical surveys ( administrative. data) N4;N5 In BR and statistical survey To avoid to pay taxes N1 Taxi drivers Not in BR but in administrative data N4;N5 agriculture construction Reported Under reported N6 Reported Under reporting N6 Incomplete data; not direct collected N7 Tips Wages in kind Reported Under reportingN6 Private lessons Rent of the house II. Measurement methods Country Year Bulgaria Czech Republic Estonia Hungary 2001 Austria Belgium Italy 2001 2002 2003 Australia Norway 20001995 2000 2002 2000 NOE % in GDP Country New EU Members 10.2 Poland Romania 6.6 9.6 Latvia 11.9 Lithuania OECD-EU Members 7.9 Spain 4.0 Sweden 16.7 Netherlands OECD Non-EU Members 1.3 Mexico 2.4 USA Year NOE % in GDP 2002 15.7 2002 17 2000 2002 13.6 18.9 2000 2000 1995 11.2 1.3 1.0 2003 1997 12.1 0.8 CSI Azerbaijan Georgia Kazakhstan Russian Federation Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Albania Turkey 2003 20.7 Armenia 2003 28.9 2004 28.3 Belarus 2003 10.7 Moldova 2001 31.6 Kyrgyzstan 2003 17.0 Not stated 2003 25.0 17.2 2003 2003 12.79 14.56 2003 2003 2005 Not stated 2003 2004 21. 6 24.3 18.1 Tajikistan Ukraine 30.0 Others 30.8 Brazil 1.66 Serbia Measurement methods The compilation methods for covering nonobserved activities rely on indicators. Situations: - Coverage is often partial - Deficiencies in coverage and content - Overlap in coverage - Classifications used in various sources may differ - Concepts and accounting rules may differ - Indicators are often by-products. - Information is partial - Information is irregular or infrequent Measurement methods (cont) 1. Statistical methods 2. Methods based on modeling techniques The choice of an appropriate method depends on the availability and quality of the data that can be used and the phenomenon in the country 1. Statistical methods 1.1 Direct methods based on direct surveys (survey on expenditures, income, labor, etc) 1.2 Indirect methods 1.2.1 Supply based methods 1.2.2 Labour input methods 1.2.3 Demand based methods 1.2.4 Income based methods 1.2.5 Commodity-flow method 1.1 Direct survey- opinion survey • Advantages: - The respondents are asking about their views rather than about their own behavior; - Senior managers and enterprises can be addressed directly • Disadvantage: no quantitative information that is readily useable 1.1 Direct survey- opinion survey (cont) Example: survey by Russian Federation Centre for Economic Analysis (2000) Type of question: • Please estimate (in ranges <5%, 6-15%, 16- 30%, 31-50%, 51-70%, >70%) the approximate shares of unregistered receipts by: large and medium retailers; small retailers; individual entrepreneurs; 1.1Direct methods-example of survey 16. Do you know persons who carry out underground activities? How many? (Number of persons known by respondent households – total) Outside the Inside the household household 1 Selling own agricultural production 1613 260 2 Selling other products 712 51 3 Private taxi 518 8 4 Car repair 548 7 5 Construction and repair of buildings 860 93 6 Tutoring 528 1 7 Secretary, translations 40 4 8 Catering 18 2 9 Cleaning 404 4 10 Tailoring, knitting 1130 16 11 Hair dressing 723 8 12 Cosmetic services 332 1 13 Tourism 17 14 House painting 1537 441 15 Baby sitting and nursing 124 7 16 Repair of home appliances 657 10 17 Other 820 69 17. Persons carrying out underground activities tend to refuse their legalisation. Which is the main reason for this? Taxes too high relative to income Number of respondent households 1231 To much bureaucracy 256 Do not think that legalisation is necessary 373 Other 167 1.2 Indirect methods 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 Supply based methods Labour input methods Demand based methods Income based methods Commodity-flow method 1.2.1 Supply based methods Is based on inputs that are used in producing goods and services. Input/output and input/value added ratios are used ( calculated previously based on specific survey or IOT frame). Examples; agriculture and construction output 1.2.1 Example Indicators Nr. Crt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Calculati on 10/65% Construction output Import row materials VAT import Tax Duties Export Net import raw matials2+3+4-5 Trade margins 6*20/100 Net import 6+7 Local construction materials Total raw materials 8+9 Other consumption 10*10% Total IC 10+11 GVA 1-12 Ratio IC/O 12/1 2009 435 173 24 8 15 190 38 228 55 283 28 311 124 71 2010 483 190 29 9 20 208 42 250 62 314 31 345 138 71 1.2.2 Labor input method There are three basic steps: • obtain estimates of the supply of labour input to GDP, for selected economic activity and size of enterprise, from a household labour force survey and/or other demographic sources; • obtain estimates of output per unit of labour input and value added per unit of labour input for the same activity and size breakdown from regular or special purpose enterprise survey; • multiply the labour input estimates by the per unit ratios to get output and value added for the activity and size categories 1.2.2 Labor input method (cont) Steps: - Collection of enterprise data- surveys and administrative data ( use) - Collection of household data – LFS, population census ( supply) - Comparison supply-use of labor inputs - Identification of labor missing from use side - Compilation of O and GVA 1.2.2 Example (cont) Indicators SBS LFS Number of employees-total 1000 -industry 600 -construction 100 -sevices without government 150 -other sectors 150 Data from SBS Turnover -turnover of enterprises with 1-9 employees Number of employees in entreprises with 1-9 employees IC total economy % IC in O -IC of enterprises with 1-9 employees -%IC/O VA -VA of enterprises with 19 employees Turnover/capita of enterprises with 1-9 employees Difference 1200 650 175 215 160 200 50 75 65 10 Services, Total without Other economy Industry Construction government services 1,200,000 500,000 200,000 350,000 150,000 600,000 250,000 75,000 200,000 75,000 450 701,000 58 250 350,000 70 50 130,000 65 70 150,500 43 80 70,500 47 327,750 55 499,000 167,500 67 150,000 47,250 63 70,000 80,000 40 199,500 33,000 44 79,500 272,250 82,500 27,750 120,000 42,000 1,333 1,000 1,500 2,857 938 1.2.2 Example (cont) NOE estimation Total economy -industry -construction -sevices without government -other sectors Total VA %of NOE in VA Turnover IC VA 357,589 182,786 174,804 50,000 33,500 16,500 112,500 70,875 41,625 185,714 9,375 673,804 26 74,286 4,125 111,429 5,250 1.2.3 Demand based methods Production is estimated by using indicator data on specific uses of goods and services. They could be -household final consumption expenditures of a certain commodity (e.g. health and personal services), - uses of major products as raw materials (e.g. processing of agricultural products), - exports (e.g. major export commodities), - administrative data indicating demand for a product (e.g. motor vehicle registrations and building permits). After a measure of output has been obtained,VA estimates can be derived using O/VA ratios, as for supply-based methods. 1.2.4 Income based methods Some categories of income are available from administrative sources and can be used to obtain an indication of production covered by the administrative system. They could be: - Income tax paid by self employers - Social security taxes - Turnover from VAT records 1.2.4 Example Calculation of O, IC and GVA for units in private education activity. • For these units there are available data from: - financial statements ( complete balance sheets) - Mini balance sheets( for small units) - VAT declarations - Data from social security ( wages and number of employees) Privat Education Nace (1) 8010 8021 8022 8030 8041 8042 Total Total units in BR (2) Units with balance sheets (3) 200 90 16 21 408 206 941 10 18 5 8 11 9 61 Units with Units with Social VAT Insurance declaratio declaratio Units with n and ns and Mini without without balance balance balance Total Units sheets sheets shhets with data (7)=(3)+(4) (4) (5) (6) +(5)+(6) 30 13 77 130 11 18 17 64 2 2 1 10 1 2 0 11 55 19 136 221 27 3 83 122 126 57 314 558 Total units without data (8)=(2)-(7) 70 26 6 10 187 84 383 1.2.4 Example- Estimation of indicators for units data (cont) Estimation of the indicators for the units with balancewith sheets Nace4 Output IC VA % IC/O 8010 219,024 146,204 72,820 0.67 8021 246,848 118,069 128,779 0.48 8022 27,307 11,803 15,504 0.43 8030 808,896 346,825 462,071 0.43 8041 23,591 9,160 14,431 0.39 8042 118576 62577 55999 0.53 Total 1,302,075 622,901 679,174 0.48 Estimation of the indicators for the units with mini balance sheets Nace4 Output IC VADD % IC/O 8010 116918 34005 82913 0.29 8021 50343 12828 37515 0.25 8022 4571 1554 3017 0.34 8030 1107 964 143 0.87 8041 178995 81214 97781 0.45 8042 94039 37443 56596 0.40 Total 445,973 168,008 277,965 0.38 1.2.4 Example- Estimation of indicators for with VAT and social contribution (cont) Nace4 8010 8021 8022 8030 8041 8042 Total Units with VAT Output IC VA %IC/0 391,891 118,907 292,985 0.30 158,368 69,979 66,389 0.44 475,166 194,329 180,837 0.41 107,178 47,954 61,224 0.45 20,850 8,624 14,225 0.41 6,417 3,153 565 0.49 1,159,870 442,946 616,224 0.38 Nace4 8010 8021 8022 8030 8041 8042 Total Units with Social contributions Output IC VA 108,191 37,017 58,174 44,926 20,583 18,343 1,442 652 726 279,106 108,100 107,006 85,092 39,068 29,024 518,757 205,421 213,273 0.34 0.46 0.45 0.39 0.46 0.40 1.2.4 Example- Estimation of indicators for with VAT and social contribution (cont) • For the units with VAT declarations, the IC was calculated based on the declared turnover and the ratio IC/O of similar units with balance sheets and mini-balance sheets ( as main activity, size, region). • For the units with social security declarations, the VA was estimated based on the ratio of wages in VA from the similar units; the other indicators were estimated based on the same assumptions as for VAT. 1.2.4 Example- Estimation of indicators for missing units (cont) Nace4 8010 8021 8022 8030 8041 8042 Total Missing Units Output IC VA 290,165 83,685 206,480 140,949 62,152 70,797 374,977 161,177 143,800 250,140 107,384 142,756 403,599 172,627 181,972 242,658 101,224 109,434 1,702,489 688,250 855,239 0.29 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.40 1.2.4 Example-Estimation of indicators for missing units (cont) • The indicators were estimated based on the data from similar units ( as activity, size and region) with balance sheets and mini balance sheets. 1.2.5 Commodity flow methods Involves balancing total supplies and uses of individual products. It is used to estimate the output or an expenditure element by balancing the supply and use of that commodity, based on the following equation: output = the sum of all intermediate consumption, final consumption, changes (positive or negative) in inventories, GFCF and exports minus imports 1.2.5 Commodity flow methods (cont) Example of the use : - Estimation of the trade output - Estimation of the GFCF in construction - Estimation of the hotel and restaurant output 2. Macro-model methods • produce and estimate of NOE based on one single model – monetary methods – based on stocks or flows of money; – global indicator methods, e.g. electricity consumption – latent variable methods – two groups of variables: one determining the size and the other the evidence of missing activities • not recommended to use for measuring NOE declaration by ISWGNA (signed by UN, Eurostat, OECD, IMF, World Bank) 2. Macro-model methods (cont) They tend to produce spectacularly high measures, which attract much attention from politicians and newspapers. It is often, but entirely wrongly, conjectured that the difference between these macromodel results and the official estimates of GDP is non-measured production 2. Macro-model methods (cont) Main types of macro-models methods: 2.1. Monetary methods, which assume that the non-measured production can be modelled in terms of stocks or flows of money. 2.2.Global indicator methods, in which nonmeasured production is modelled in terms of a single variable (usually a physical indicator) with which it is believed to be highly correlated, electricity consumption being the most commonly used. 2. Macro-model methods (cont) • 2.3.Latent variable methods, in which modeling is in terms of two groups of variables, one group that is assumed to determine the size and growth of nonmeasured production and a second group that provides the “trace” (i.e., evidence) of the missing activities Concluding remarks for macro-model methods Unsuitable for compiling NA because – activities not precisely defined – underlying assumptions too simplistic – results not stable – change in assumptions produces different results – many models that give different results – provide only global estimate for GDP, not by industry – results can not be combined with other measurements based on data Concluding remarks for macro-model methods (cont) – provide only global estimate for GDP, not by industry – results can not be combined with other measurements based on data – lack of transparency in describing the procedures used to compile the national accounts is the main reason why outsiders resort to macro-models and produce estimates that undermine the credibility of the national accounts Other issues 1. Illegal activities General types of illegal production: • production and distribution of illegal goods, such as banned drugs or pornographic material; • illegal services, such as prostitution (in countries where thi is illegal); • production activities which are usually legal but which become illegal when carried out by unauthorised producers such as unlicensed medical practices, unlicensed gambling activities, unlicensed production of alcohol;illegal fishing, hunting, tree cutting; • production and sale of counterfeited products, such as watches and other products • smuggling, in particular of tobacco, weapons, alcohol, food people, both wholesale and retail; • fencing (resale) of stolen goods; • bribery; 1.Illegal activities- Measurement methods • By their nature, illegal activities are very difficult to measure • Illegal activities are not included in the conventional data sources used in compiling the national accounts; • The most useful approach: - basic national accounting identity: supply and uses of goods and services (domestic output plus imports) - Direct estimations based on direct specific data sources 1. Illegal activitiesMeasurement methods (cont) For any given illegal activity, data should be collected, as far as possible independently, on each of the three angles: supply, use and generated income Main sources : - Provided by police - Provided by health institutions, - Provided by NGOs - Special surveys 1. Illegal activities- Examples: Drugs • - Sources: Police Health institutions NGOs with activity in this field Special studies by universities 1. Illegal activities- Examples: Drugs (cont) • The output is estimated based on the number of consumers and the price street( by categories of drugs) • Assumptions have to be made on the value of IC. Assuming that drugs dealers take care of their own transport, IC is rather low in the case of trade in drugs. A higher share of IC has to be assumed in the case of drugs production itself. Often, technical coefficients are available for this purpose. 1. Illegal activities- Examples: Prostitution The total supply of prostitution services comprises services produced domestically by residents and by non-residents and imported services, i.e., prostitution services purchased by residents travelling abroad. Main data sources: -data from from health care organisations, - data from police police - Data fror prostitutes’ associations; - Different university studiees 1. Illegal activities Examples: Prostitution (cont) • Output= number of persons x average number of clients x average price • A breakdown into different kinds of prostitutes (call girls, prostitutes in nightclubs, “window” prostitutes, prostitutes in massage parlours, escort services, heroin prostitutes, etc.) is suitable to be done. II Other elements • Value of private lessons: number of students, number of lessons in a month, value of the lesson • Rent of houses in holiday period: number of tourists, kind of accommodation, price per night • Taxi activities: special survey • Tips : a fixed % of the restaurant turnover Questionnaire for estimation of GVA for corporate units (taxi driver) Business name Municipality Number Business number________________________ Description Measurement unit 1 Average number of cars used per month number 2 Average travel expenses per month Euro 3 Km spent per month Km. 4 Average number of employees per month as taxi drivers number 5 Average salary of employees ( taxi drivers) per month Euro Value Date: ________________ Contact person: Name and surname Telephone____________________ Interviewer: Name and surname Telephone___________________ : Questionnaire for estimation of GVA for unincorporated units (taxi companies) Business name Municipality _________________ Number Business number__________________________ 1 2 Description Travel expenses during a week Characteristics of the car (does he use diesel or gas) 3 Expenses (litter per 100 km) 4 Km spent per week 5 6 Average number of customers per week Average income receive by customer Measurement unit Value euro name litter km number euro Date: __________________ Contact person: Name and surname__________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________ Interviewer: Name and surname__________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________ Strategy implementation General problem of NOE measurement • Lack of consultation with major external users • Inadequate statement of objectives • Inadequate statement of responsibilities • Narrow focus • Lack of integration of data Strategy for NOE measurement Five lines of action: 1.Identify an appropriate conceptual and analytical framework on the basis of which the NOE can be assessed. 2. Assess the basic data and the compilation methods, identifying the extent of nonobserved and non-measured activities and establishing priorities for dealing with them, both in the immediate future and the longer term Strategy for NOE measurement (cont) 3. Identify potential improvements in the national accounts compilation process that will reduce the incidence of nonmeasured activities. 4. Identify potential improvements in the infrastructure and content of the basic data collection programme. 5. Develop an implementation plan Elements of a NOE strategy Comprehensive programme of users consultation on their needs and priorities; Set of clear, realistic, broad objectives indicating what to achieve in terms of NOE; A well defined conceptual and analytical framework appropriate for NOE measurement; Assessment of the sources and outputs of the and the national accounts compilation procedures; Elements of a NOE strategy (cont) A prioritized set of possible short and long term initiatives for improving the statistical infrastructure and outputs of the existing basic data collection programme; Implementation plan providing clear targets, milestones and an allocation of resources; Data revision strategy for preventing breaks in macro-economic data outputs resulting from NOE related improvements; Implementation steps Steps: • Formulation of aims and consultation with internal and external users • Selection of an analytical framework • Assessment of the NA and basic data collection programme • Identification and prioritisation of NOE improvement initiatives