slides - Caida


Provider and Peer Selection in the

Evolving Internet Ecosystem

Amogh Dhamdhere


Dr. Constantine Dovrolis (advisor)

Dr. Mostafa Ammar

Dr. Nick Feamster

Dr. Ellen Zegura

Dr. Walter Willinger (AT&T Labs-Research)

The Internet Ecosystem

27,000 autonomous networks independently operated and managed

The “ Internet Ecosystem ”

Different types of networks

Interact with each other and with “environment”

Network interactions

Localized, in the form of interdomain links

Competitive (customer-provider), symbiotic (peering)

Distributed optimizations by each network

Select providers and peers to optimize utility function

The Internet ecosystem evolves

4/17/2020 2

High Level Questions

How does the Internet ecosystem evolve?

What is the Internet heading towards?




How do the strategies used by networks affect their utility (profits/costs/performance)?

How do these individual strategies affect the global


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Previous Work

Static graph properties

No focus on how the graph evolves

“Descriptive” modeling

Match graph properties e.g. degree distribution


Nodes and links all the same

Game theoretic, computational

Restrictive assumptions

Dynamics of the evolving graph




Model the actions of individual networks


Networks with different incentives

Semantics of interdomain links

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Our Approach

“Measure – Model – Predict”

Measure the evolution of the Internet


Topological, but focus on business types and rewiring

Model strategies and incentives of different network types

Predict the effects of provider and peer selection strategies

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Measuring the Evolution of the Internet Ecosystem

[ IMC ’08 ]

The Core of the Internet: Provider and Peer

Selection for Transit Providers

[ to be submitted ]

The Edge of the Internet: ISP and Egress Path

Selection for Stub Networks

[ Infocom ‘06 ]

ISP Profitability and Network Neutrality

[ Netecon ’08 ]

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How did the Internet ecosystem evolve during the last decade?

Is growth more important than rewiring?

Is the population of transit providers increasing or decreasing?

Diversification or consolidation of transit market?

Given that the Internet grows in size, does the average path length also increase?

Where is the Internet heading?

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Focus on Autonomous Systems (ASes)

As opposed to networks without AS numbers

Start from BGP routes from RouteViews and RIPE monitors during 1997-2007

Focus on primary links

Classify ASes based on their business function

Enterprise ASes, small transit providers, large transit providers, access providers, content providers

Classify inter-AS relations as “ transit ” and “ peering ”

Transit link – Customer pays provider

Peering link – No money exchanged

Visibility Issue

4/17/2020 8

Internet growth

Number of CP links and ASes showed initial exponential growth until mid-2001

Followed by linear growth until today

Change in trajectory followed stock market crash in North

America in mid-2001

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Path lengths stay constant

Number of ASes has grown from 5000 in 1998 to 27000 in 2007

Average path length remains almost constant at 4 hops

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Rewiring more important than growth

Most new links due to internal rewiring and not birth (75%)

Most dead links are due to internal rewiring and not death

(almost 90%)

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Classification of ASes based on business function

Four AS types:

Enterprise customers (EC)

Small Transit Providers


Large Transit Providers


Content, Access and Hosting

Providers (CAHP)

Based on customer and peer degrees

Classification based on decision-trees

80-85% accurate

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Evolution of AS types

LTPs: constant population (top-30 ASes in terms of customers)

Slow growth of STPs (30% increase since 2001)

EC and CAHP populations produce most growth

Since 2001: EC growth factor 2.5, CAHP growth factor 1.5

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Multihoming by AS types

CAHPs have increased their multihoming degree significantly

On the average, 8 providers for CAHPs today

Multihoming degree of ECs almost constant (average < 2)

Densification of the Internet occurs at the core

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Conjectures on the Evolution of peering

Peering by CAHPs has increased significantly

CAHPs try to get close to sources/destinations of content

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Where is the Internet heading?

Initial exponential growth up to mid-2001, followed by linear growth phase

Average path length practically constant

Rewiring more important than growth

Need to classify ASes according to business type

ECs contribute most of the overall growth

Increasing multihoming degree for STPs, LTPs and


Densification at the core

CAHPs are most active in terms of rewiring, while ECs are least active

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Measuring the Evolution of the Internet Ecosystem

The Core of the Internet: Provider and Peer

Selection for Transit Providers

The Edge of the Internet: ISP and Egress Path

Selection for Stub Networks

ISP Profitability and Network Neutrality

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Modeling the Internet Ecosystem

From measurements: Significant rewiring activity

Especially by transit providers

Networks rewire connectivity to optimize a certain objective function


Localized spatially and temporally

Rewiring by changing the set of providers and peers

What are the global, long-term effects of these distributed optimizations?

Topology and traffic flow


Performance (path lengths)

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The Feedback Loop



Routing Cost/price parameters


Interdomain topology

Traffic flow

Provider selection

Per-AS profit

Peer selection

When does it converge?

When no network has the incentive to change its connectivity – “steady-state”



Impact of provider/peer selection strategies




P1 open to peering with









Our Approach

What is the outcome when networks use certain provider and peer selection strategies?

Model the feedback loop in the Internet ecosystem

Real-world economics of transit, peering, operational costs

Realistic routing policies

Geographical constraints

Provider and peer selection strategies

Computationally find a “steady-state”

No network has further incentive to change connectivity

Measure properties of the steady-state

Topology, traffic flow, economics

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Network Types

Enterprise Customers (EC)

Stub networks at the edge (e.g. Georgia Tech)

Either sources or sinks

Small Transit Providers (STP)

Provide Internet transit

Mostly regional in presence (e.g. France Telecom)

Large Transit Providers (LTP)

Transit providers with global presence (e.g. AT&T)

Content Providers (CP)

Provider and peer selection for STPs and LTPs

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What would happen if..?

The traffic matrix consists of mostly P2P traffic?

P2P traffic benefits STPs, can make LTPs unprofitable

LTPs peer with content providers?

LTPs could harm STP profitability, at the expense of longer end-to-end paths

Edge networks choose providers using path lengths?

LTPs would be profitable and end-to-end paths shorter

4/17/2020 23

Provider and Peer Selection

Provider selection strategies

Minimize monetary cost (PR)

Minimize AS path lengths weighted by traffic (PF)

Avoid selecting competitors as providers (SEL)

Peer selection strategies

Peer only if necessary to maintain reachability (NC)

Peer if traffic ratios are balanced (TR)

Peer by cost-benefit analysis (CB)

Peer and provider selection are related

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Provider and Peer Selection are





Restrictive peering




Peering by necessity

Level3-Cogent peering dispute




Economics, Routing and Traffic


Realistic transit, peering and operational costs

Transit prices based on data from Norton

Economies of scale

BGP-like routing policies

No-valley, prefer customer, prefer peer routing policy

Traffic matrix

Heavy-tailed content popularity and consumption by sinks

Predominantly client-server : Traffic from CPs to ECs

Predominantly peer-to-peer: Traffic between ECs

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Algorithm for network actions

Networks perform their actions sequentially

Can observe the actions of previous networks

And the effects of those actions

Network actions in each move

Pick set of preferred providers

Attempt to convert provider links to peering links “due to necessity”

Evaluate each existing peering link

Evaluate new peering links

Networks make at most one change to their set of peers in a single move

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Solving the Model

Determine the outcome as each network selects providers and peers according to its strategy

Too complex to solve analytically: Solve computationally

Typical computation

Proceeds iteratively, networks act in a predefined sequence

Pick next node n to “play” its possible moves

Compute routing, traffic flow, AS fitness

Repeat until no player has incentive to move

“steady-state” or equilibrium

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Properties of the steady-state

Is steady-state always reached?

Yes, in most cases

Is steady-state unique?

No, can depend on playing sequence

Different steady-states have qualitatively similar properties

Multiple runs with different playing sequence

Average over different runs

Confidence intervals are narrow

4/17/2020 29

Canonical Model

Parameterization of the model that resembles real world

Traffic matrix is predominantly client-server (80%)

Impact of streaming video, centralized file sharing services

20% of ECs are content sources, 80% sinks

Heavy tailed popularity of traffic sources

Edge networks choose providers based on price

5 geographical regions

STPs cheaper than LTPs

4/17/2020 30

Model Validation

Reproduces almost constant average path length

Activity frequency: How often do networks change their connectivity?

ECs less active than providers – Qualitatively similar to measurement results

4/17/2020 31

Results – Canonical Model










Hierarchy of STPs

Traffic can bypass LTPs –

LTPs unprofitable

STPs should not peer with CPs

Resist the temptation!









Results – Canonical Model


What-if: LTPs peer with


Generate revenue from downstream traffic

Can harm STP fitness

Long paths


Deviation 1: P2P Traffic matrix



CP 

P2P traffic helps STPs

Smaller traffic volume from CPs to Ecs











More EC-EC traffic => balanced traffic ratios

More opportunities for

STPs to peer

Peering by “traffic ratios” makes sense



A model that captures the feedback loop between topology, traffic and fitness in the Internet

Considers effects of



Heterogeneity in network types

Predict the effects of provider and peer selection strategies

Topology, traffic flow, economics, and performance

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Measuring the Evolution of the Internet Ecosystem

The Core of the Internet: Peer and Provider

Selection for Transit Providers

The Edge of the Internet: ISP and Egress Path

Selection for Stub Networks

ISP Profitability and Network Neutrality

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The Edge of the Internet

Sources and sinks of content

Content Providers (CP): sources

Enterprise Customers (EC): sinks

From measurements:

ECs connect increasingly to STPs

Cost conscious ?

CPs connect increasingly to LTPs

Performance ?

Increasing multihoming (about 60% of stubs)

Redundancy, load balancing, cost effectiveness

How should stub networks choose their providers?

4/17/2020 37

Major Questions

How to select the set of upstream ISPs ?

Low monetary cost

Short AS paths to major destinations

Path diversity to major traffic destinations – robustness to network failures

How to allocate egress traffic to the set of selected ISPs ?

Objective: Avoid congestion on the upstream paths

Also maintain low cost

4/17/2020 38

ISP Selection

Select k ISPs out of N

Let C be a subset of k ISPs out of N

Total cost of a selection of ISPs C: Weighted sum of monetary, path length and path diversity costs

Select combination C with minimum total cost

Feasible to enumerate all combinations

4/17/2020 39

Monetary and Path Length Cost

For set of ISPs C, what is the monetary and path length cost of routing egress flows?

Find the minimum cost mapping G* of flows to ISPs

( Bin Packing )

Flows = items

ISPs = bins

NP hard !

Use First Fit Decreasing (FFD) heuristic

Mapping G* very close to optimal

Monetary and path length costs of C are calculated using the mapping G*

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Path Diversity

selection C gives K paths to each destination d

K-shared link to d: link shared by all K paths to d

If a K-shared link fails, destination d is unreachable

Minimize the number of Kshared links

Path diversity metric: The number of k-shared links to destination d averaged over all destinations

Gives the best resiliency to single-link failures

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Algorithms for ISP selection

Choosing best set of upstream ISPs

Objectives are minimum monetary cost, short AS paths and high path diversity

ISP selection for monetary and performance constraints

Formulated as a bin-packing problem

Heuristic gives solution very close to optimal

ISP selection for path diversity

Returns set of ISPs with best path diversity to the set of major destinations

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Measuring the Evolution of the Internet Ecosystem

The Edge of the Internet: ISP and Egress Path

Selection for Stub Networks

The Core of the Internet: Peer and Provider

Selection for Transit Providers

ISP Profitability and Network Neutrality

4/17/2020 43

The debate

Recent evolution trend: Large amounts of video and peer-to-peer traffic

Content providers (CP) generate the content

Provide content and services “over the top” of the basic connectivity provided by ISPs

Profitable (think Google)

Access Providers (AP) deliver content to users

Recent trend: Not profitable

Commoditization of basic Internet access

Want a share of the pie

Tension between AP and CPs: “Network neutrality”

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A Technical View

Previous work

Mostly non-technical

Highly emotional debates in the press

Legislation/policy aspects: Do we need network neutrality legislation?

But what about the underlying problem: Nonprofitability of Access Providers?

Our approach: A quantitative look at AP profitability

Investigate reasons for non-profitability

Evaluate strategies for remaining profitable

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Modeling AP Profitability

Three AS types: AP, CP and transit provider (TP)

Focus on the AP

AS links

 customer-provider

(customer pays provider) peering (no payments)

AP and CPs can transfer traffic either through customer-provider or peering links


AP Profitability

Reasons why APs can be unprofitable

AP users

The impact of video traffic

AP strategies: Pricing

Heavy hitter charging

Heavy hitter blocking

Non-neutral charging

AP strategies: Connection

Caching CP content

Peering selectively with CPs

4/17/2020 47

Major Findings

Variability in AP users can cause large variability in costs

Video traffic: Increases costs for AP

AP strategies based on differential/non-neutral pricing may not succeed

Have to account for user departure due to competition

AP strategies based on connection are promising

Caching content from CPs

Peering selectively with large CPs

4/17/2020 48

Contributions of this Thesis

A measurement study of the evolution of the

Internet ecosystem

Modeling the evolution of the Internet ecosystem

“what-if” questions about possible evolution paths

Optimizations at the edge of the Internet

Algorithms for provider selection and egress routing

A technical view of the network neutrality debate

Strategies for ISP profitability

4/17/2020 49

Future Directions

Measurements: Investigate the evolution of the connectivity for monitor ASes

We can observe all links for such ASes

Focus on transitions between peering and customer-provider links

Measurements: What does the interdomain traffic matrix really look like?

Can we use measurements from a large Tier-1 provider?

Can we augment that data with information about the interdomain topology?

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Future Directions

What is the best strategy for different types of providers?

Strategies for classes of providers

Strategies for individual providers

Do the distributed optimizations by networks solve a centralized problem?

E.g., minimizing path lengths

4/17/2020 51

Other things I’ve been up to

Router buffer sizing

“Buffer Sizing For Congested Internet Links”

“Open Issues in Router Buffer Sizing”

[ Infocom ‘05 ]

[ CCR ‘06 ]

Network troubleshooting

“NetDiagnoser: Troubleshooting network disruptions using end-to-end probes and routing data” [ CoNext ‘07 ]

Network monitoring

“Route monitoring from passive data plane measurements”

Measurement [ In progress ]

“Poisson vs. Periodic Path Probing”

“Bootstrapping in Gnutella”

[ IMC ‘05 ]

[ PAM ‘04 ]

4/17/2020 52


Thank You !


Issue-1: remove backup/transient links

Each snapshot of the Internet topology captures 3 months

40 snapshots – 10 years

Perform “majority filtering” to remove backup and transient links from topology

For each snapshot, collect several “topology samples” interspersed over a period of 3 weeks

Consider an AS-path only if it appears in the majority of the topology samples

Otherwise, the AS-path includes links that were active for less than 11 days (probably backup or transient links)






Issue-2: variable set of BGP monitors

Some observed link births may be links revealed due to increased monitor set

Similarly for observed link deaths

We calculated error bounds for link births and deaths

Relative error < 10% for CP links

See paper for details

4/17/2020 55

Issue-3: visibility of ASes, Customer-Provider (CP) and

Peering (PP) links

Number of ASes and CP links is robust to number of monitors

But we cannot reliably estimate the number of PP links

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Global Internet trends


Transit (CP) vs Peering (PP) relations

The fraction of peering links has been increasing steadily

But remember: this is just a lower bound

At least 20% of inter-AS links are of PP type today

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The Internet gets larger but not longer

Average path length remains almost constant at 4 hops

Average multihoming degree of providers increases faster than that of stubs

Densification at core much more important than at edges

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Regional distribution of AS types

Europe is catching up with North America w.r.t the population of

ECs and LTPs

CAHPs have always been more in Europe

More STPS in Europe since 2002

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Evolution of Internet transit: the customer’s perspective


Customer activity by region

Initially most active customers were in North America

After 2004-05, customers in Europe have been more active

Due to increased availability of providers?

More competitive market?

4/17/2020 63

How common is multihoming among AS species?

CAHPs have increased their multihoming degree significantly

On the average, 8 providers for CAHPs today

Multihoming degree of ECs has been almost constant (average < 2)

Densification of the Internet occurs at the core

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Who prefers large vs small transit providers?

After 2004, ECs prefer STPs than LTPs

Mainly driven by lower prices or regional constraints?

CAHPs connect to LTPs and STPs with same probability

4/17/2020 65

Customer activity by region

Initially most active customers were in North America

After 2004-05, customers in Europe have been more active

Due to increased availability of providers?

More competitive market?

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Evolution of Internet transit: the provider’s perspective


Attractiveness (repulsiveness) of transit providers

Attractiveness of provider X: fraction of new CP links that connect to X

Repulsiveness, defined similarly

Both metrics some positive correlation with customer degree

Preferential attachment and preferential detachment of rewired links

4/17/2020 68

Evolution of attractors and repellers

A few providers (50-60) account for 50% of total attractiveness (attractors)

The total number of attractors and repellers increases

The Internet is NOT heading towards oligopoly of few large players

LTPs dominate set of attractors and repellers

CAHPs are increasingly present however

4/17/2020 69

Correlation of attractiveness and repulsiveness

Timeseries of attractiveness and repulsiveness for each provider

Calculate cross-correlation at different lags

Most significant correlation values at lags 1,2 and 3

Attractiveness precedes repulsiveness by 3-9 months

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Evolution of Internet peering



Evolution of Internet Peering

ECs and STPs have low peering frequency

Aggressive peering by CAHPs after 2003

Open peering policies to reduce transit costs

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Which AS pairs like to peer?

Peering by CAHPs has increased significantly

CAHPs try to get close to sources/destinations of content

Peering by LTPs has remained almost constant (or declined)

“Restrictive” peering by LTPs

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Where is the Internet heading towards?

Initial exponential growth up to mid-2001, followed by linear growth phase

Average path length practically constant

Rewiring more important than growth

Need to classify ASes according to business type

ECs contribute most of the overall growth

Increasing multihoming degree for STPs, LTPs and


Densification at core

CAHPs are most active in terms of rewiring, while ECs are least active





Where does the Internet head toward?

Positive correlations between attractiveness & repulsiveness of provider and its customer degree

Strong attractiveness precedes strong repulsiveness by period of 3-9 months

Number of attractors and repellers between shows increasing trend

The Internet market will soon be larger in Europe than in North America

In terms of number of transit providers and CAHPs

Providers from Europe increasingly feature in the set of attractors and repellers

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Multihoming: Connection of a stub network to multiple ISPs

 x% of stub networks are multihomed


 primary/backup relationships

Load Balancing

Distribute outgoing traffic among


Cost Effectiveness

Lower cost ISP for bulk traffic, higher cost ISP for performancesensitive traffic


Intelligent Route Control

4/17/2020 76

ISP selection

Should consider both monetary cost and performance

Minimum monetary cost

Estimate the cost that “would be” incurred if a set of

ISPs was selected

Minimum AS path lengths

Longer paths: delays, interdomain routing failures

Measure AS path length offline using Looking Glass


Maximum Path diversity

AS-level paths to destinations should be as “different” as possible

4/17/2020 77

Problem Definition

Two phases

Phase I – ISP Selection:

Select K upstream ISPs

K depends on monetary and performance constraints

“Static” operation

Change only when major changes in the traffic destinations or

ISP pricing

Phase II – Egress Path Selection

Allocate egress traffic to selected ISPs

Avoid long term congestion and minimize cost

“Semi-static” operation , performed every few hours or days

4/17/2020 78

Evaluation – Path Diversity

AS-level paths and traffic rates are input to simulator

9 ISPs, 250 destinations

Given K, find the selection

C* with the minimum path diversity cost

For each selection C, find u(C) = total traffic lost due to the failure of each link in topology

Calculate Δu(C) = u(C) – u(C*) for each selection C

Single link failures:

C* is the optimal selection

4/17/2020 79

Egress Path Selection

After Phase-I, S has K upstream ISPs

Problem: How to map outgoing traffic to the ISPs

M flows: K M mappings of flows to ISPs

Some mappings may cause congestion to flows !

Flows can be congested at access links or further upstream

Objective: Find the loss-free mapping with the minimum cost


Upstream topology and capacities are unknown

Iterative routing approaches required

Propose an iterative routing based on simulated annealing

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Evaluation – Path Diversity

AS-level paths and traffic rates are input to simulator

9 ISPs, 250 destinations

Given K, find the selection

C* with the minimum path diversity cost

For each selection C, find u(C) = total traffic lost due to the failure of each link in topology

Calculate Δu(C) = u(C) – u(C*) for each selection C

Single link failures:

C* is the optimal optimal selection

81 4/17/2020

Provider and Peer Selection

Detailed model for provider and peer selection

Complex real-world decisions

Provider selection objectives

Monetary cost

AS path lengths

Peer selection

Minimize transit costs

Maintain reachability


Only local knowledge

Geographical constraints

4/17/2020 82

Peering Federation


Traditional peering links: Not transitive

Peering federation of A, B, C: Allows mutual transit

Longer chain of “free” traffic

Incentives to join peering federation?

What happens to tier-1 providers if smaller providers form federations?

4/17/2020 83

Why can the AP be unprofitable?

Variability of users => high variability in the costs incurred by AP

Variability increases with the access speed

Increase in video traffic: higher transit payment by AP

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Baseline model

AP and CP connect to the TP as customers

N users of AP, charged a flat rate R ($/month)

Transit pricing: 95 th percentile of traffic volume, concave transit pricing functions

95th / mean = 2:1 for normal traffic, 4:1 for video 1

More video means higher transit payment by AP

AP users: Heavy tailed distribution of content downloaded per month

High variability in AP costs

1 Norton’06: Internet Video: The Next Wave of Massive Disruption to the U.S. Peering Ecosystem

4/17/2020 85

AP Strategies

Charging strategies

AP charges “heavy hitters” according to volume downloaded

AP caps heavy hitters

AP charges CP (non-network neutral)

Charging strategies are disruptive

AP cannot control customer departure probability

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AP Strategies

Charging heavy hitters

 download amount D, threshold T, flat rate R c(D) = D*R/T

AP’s profit is sensitive to customer departure prob

Capping heavy hitters and non-neutral charging would not work for the same reason

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AP Strategies

Connection Strategies

AP caches content from CPs

AP peers with CPs


Caching can reduce transit costs of AP

But depends on the amount of content cacheable

Selective peering with CPs can improve profitability

Peering cost depends on CP

Cost/benefit analysis for each CP

CP with large network: low cost of peering

4/17/2020 88

AP Strategies

Connection Strategies

AP caches content from CPs

AP peers with CPs


Cost-benefit analysis for peering

Peering cost depends on CP

(easy/medium/hard) r = saving/cost (both estimated)

Peer if r > R

AP controls the factor R

4/17/2020 89

AP Strategies

Charging heavy hitters

 download amount D, threshold T, flat rate R c(D) = D*R/T

AP’s profit is sensitive to customer departure prob

Non-neutral charging

Customer departure prob

“How discriminatory is my


AP’s profit is sensitive to customer departure prob

4/17/2020 90

Why Study Internet Evolution?

“Bottom-up” models (more later)

Understand how local actions lead to emerging properties

Performance of protocols over time

“How would BGP perform 10 years from now?”

Clean slate vs. evolutionary design

After initial design, both must evolve !

Understanding evolution of the current Internet can help design

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