Poster Session: 3 Poster Number: 328 A Mediating Effect of AKT in EGFR Signal to Osteosarcomas in a Clinical Study Huiyun Wu, Adriana Gonzalez, and Yu Shyr A National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Center Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232 ABSTRACT A mediation model was created with structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the function pattern of EGFR and AKT signaling in a osteosarcomas clinical study. The results suggested a mediating effect for AKT by showing significant associations for EGFR to Ki67 (p=0.0266), EGFR to AKT (p=0.0016), and AKT to Ki67 controlling EGFR (p=0.0035). After the impact of EGFR on Ki67 was carried by AKT, the relation between EGFR and Ki67 was no longer significant (p=0.4425). The mediating effect was verified with Sobel test (p<0.001). The study indicated that mediation model could be an interesting procedure in testing a biologically identified signal pathway with clinical data. Structural Equation Model RESULTS Effects table 0, 1 e2 AKTpost Age EGFR → AKT EGFR → Ki67 AKT → Ki67 0.850 (0.0016) 0.038 (0.0266) 0.034(0.0035) Direct effects 0.850 0.009 (0.4425) 0.034 Indirect effects 0.000 0.029 0.000 Ki67post 0, 1 0, 1 d1 e1 Mediation model A mediation effect occurs when the third variable (mediator) carries the influence of a given independent variable (X) to a given dependent variable (Y). Concept and application were mainly developed in social science, behavioral science, and preventive medicine. Mediation models explain “how” an effect occurred by hypothesizing a causal sequence. Total effects Data are expressed as coefficients and p values. Total effect of EGFR → Ki67 = x + ’ =0.85 x 0.034 + 0.009 = 0.038 Indirect effects of EGFR → Ki67 = 0.850 x 0.034 = 0.029 Direct effects of EGFR → Ki67 = 0.009 which is the estimate after adjusting for AKT. EGFRpost INTRODUCTION gender Path EGFR Signal Pathway Statistical tests Test p value Sobel Goodman (I) Goodman (II) 0.00000152 0.00000172 0.00000133 Causal sequence Signaling events are ordered both spatially and temporally The p values from the above 3 models indicated that criteria for mediating effects were satisfied. Statistical tests Mediator The three significant tests suggested a mediating effect for AKT. X Y R R pY PI3-K The intervention program (X) is designed to change mediating variables (M) hypothesized to be causally related to the outcome (Y). K KpY RAS SOS pY GRB2 STAT AKT PTEN RAF MEK CONCLUSIONS MAPK Gene transcription Cell cycle progression PP myc cyclin D1 Cyclin D1 DNA JunFos Three models • Statistical modeling could be another approach to elucidating a mechanistic causal relation between events observed in biology. Myc Y = 0(1) + X + (1) (1) Y = 0(2) + ’ X + M + (2) (2) M = 0(3) + X + (3) (3) Proliferation/ maturation Survival (anti-apoptosis) Angiogenesis Metastasis STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS Significance tests with products of coefficients of the models 69 patients of primary OS were reviewed. 54 samples were collected. All patients completed one course of chemotherapy procedure. a. Sobel test z-value = b. Goodman (I) test z-value = 22 2 Goodman (II) test z-value = 22 2 c. Sources: MacKinnon & Dwyer (1994) and MacKinnon, Warsi, & Dwyer (1995) Initial variable EGFR and mediating variable AKT were immunostaining index. Outcome variable was cancer development expressed as Ki67 which was also immunostaining index. Statistical analysis was performed by creating SEM with AMOS. • Mediation model might be a useful tool to identify the EGFR-Akt or other pathway leading to cancer development.