Redemption in the Face of Stale Criminal Records Used for Background Checks Alfred Blumstein Carnegie Mellon University Kiminori Nakamura University of Maryland September 13, 2011 Partially supported by NIJ Grant No. 2007-IJ-CX-0041 and No. 2009-IJ-CX-0008. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily 1 reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. Motivation for the Project Technology has made background checking easy – and so very ubiquitous Most large companies (80-90%) now do background checks Statutes require background checks for many jobs and occupational licenses Criminal records are also ubiquitous Nearly 14 million arrests a year 92 million criminal records in state repositories As a result, many people can’t get a job or otherwise – all because of a crime that happened long ago Need to explore when relief from that prior mark of crime – “redemption” – should be granted 2 3 4 The Problem of “Redemption” It is well established that recidivism probability declines with time clean after an arrest or conviction If a person with a criminal record remains crime-free sufficiently long, his risk becomes less than some appropriate comparison groups That record is then “stale” Now have some strong empirical estimates of when redemption is appropriate - “redemption time” 5 Research Approach Data: Arrest history records (“rap sheets”) from NY state criminal-history repository (DCJS) All individuals who were arrested for the first time in NY as adults in 1980 (≈ 88,000) Follow-up time > 25 years Focus on a subset of arrestees who were convicted Age at first arrest: A1 = 19-20 vs. 25-30 Crime type of first arrest: C1 = Violent vs. Property vs. Drug Measure of Recidivism Risk: Hazard Probability that a new arrest occurs at any particular time t for those who stayed clean until t New arrest here could be for any crime type (C2 = any) Will later consider concern about specific subsequent crime types 6 Two Comparison Criteria Compare hazard of those with a prior to 1) Risk of arrest for the general population of the same age: T* 2) Risk of arrest for those with no prior arrest: T** 7 T*: Comparison to General Population of the Same Age Comparison based on the age-crime curve: A(a) = rate of arrest at age a in the general population Estimate time to redemption, T*, when hazard drops below the age-crime curve 8 Estimation of T* T* = 3.8 years Hazard at T* = .10 .20 .18 Probability of Arrest .16 .14 .12 Age 19-20 Violent .10 .08 Age-crime curve (General population) .06 .04 .02 .00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Years Since First Arrest 10 11 12 9 T**: Comparison to the Never Arrested Comparison between the risk for those with a prior vs. those without a prior arrest (the never arrested) Simple intersection method used for T* won’t work if the never arrested is consistently below hazard Estimate time to redemption, T**, when hazard and the never arrested are “close enough” 10 T**: Comparison to the Never Arrested .20 .18 Probability of Arrest .16 .14 The never arrested .12 .10 Age 19-20 Violent .08 .06 ? .04 ? .02 ? .00 0 5 10 Years Since First Arrest 15 20 Introduce a risk tolerance (“close enough”) How much extra risk an employer is willing to tolerate – perhaps 11 to get a better employee Estimation of T** .25 T** = 12.6 years Hazard at T** = .03 .20 Probability of Arrest Margin of error .15 The never arrested Age 19-20 Violent Lower CI .10 Upper CI δRisk = .02tolerance .05 Risk tolerance .00 0 5 10 Years since First Arrest 15 20 12 Choice of Benchmark: T* or T**? Factors to be considered: Applicant pool Many with priors (T*) vs. Primarily never-arrested (T**) Nature of the job and its risk sensitivity < 10% risk (T*) for minor theft from cash register or bar-room fight < 3% risk (T**) for embezzlement risk or assault of vulnerable customers 13 Concern for Arrests Outside NY Those who appear clean in NY might have been arrested elsewhere Obtained from the FBI national criminal records for a sample of 1980 NY arrestees with no re-arrest in NY About 23% of them were found to have arrests elsewhere Adjusted hazard for out-of-state arrests based on The proportion of the FBI sample with out-of-state arrests The distribution of time to the out-of-state arrest 14 Concerns about Robustness Estimates of redemption times are based on 1980 first-time arrestees in NY How reliable are our estimates for use at different times or in different places? We test the robustness of estimates to: Different Sampling years (‘85, ‘90 from NY) Different States (Florida, Illinois in 1980) 15 Hazards across Three Sampling Years A1 = 19-20 C1 = Violent Probability of Rearrest .30 .25 .20 1980 .15 1985 .10 1990 .05 .00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 A1 = 19-20 C1 = Property Probability of Rearrest .30 .25 .20 1980 .15 1985 .10 1990 .05 .00 1 3 5 7 9 Years Since First Arrest 11 13 16 Hazards from NY, FL, and IL .40 A1 =19-20 C1= Violent Probability of Rearrest .35 .30 .25 NY .20 FL .15 IL .10 .05 .00 .40 0 5 10 15 A1 =19-20 C1= Property Probability of Rearrest .35 .30 .25 .20 NY .15 FL .10 IL .05 .00 0 5 10 Years Since First Arrest 15 17 Robustness of Redemption Times We are reasonably comfortable with the robustness of our hazard estimates Less so for the first 5-year interval, but that period is less relevant for consideration of redemption We find them to be much more similar in later years Now we examine how these hazard differences affect the redemption times Two general benchmark probabilities for redemption Probability of re-arrest for the 1980 cohort Benchmarks T* ≈ .1 (probability of re-arrest) T** ≈ .03 C1 .1 .03 Violent 4-7 11-15 Drugs 4 10-14 Property 3-4 8-11 18 Concern over C2 – The “Next Crime” Employers differ in the crime types they care more about Shop owners or banks care more about property crimes Those dealing with vulnerable populations care more about violence EEOC requires employers to demonstrate “business necessity” to justify the use of criminal records The future concern based on the prior record should be job related 19 Approaches Develop crime-switch matrix based on arrests Probability of going from C1 to any particular C2 Crime-type-specific hazards of 2nd arrest Conditional probability of a new arrest for particular crime types (C2) C2-specific redemption times Use age-crime curves for particular C2 20 Crime-Switch Matrix for C1 to C2 Row Percents C2 C1 Violent Property Drugs Violent Property Drugs Public Order Others 21 9 8 12 10 14 26 11 11 14 9 6 24 7 6 Public Order 8 6 6 22 6 Others 7 6 4 5 14 No Diag/Avg of 2nd arrest Off-Diags 40 2.2 47 3.9 47 3.3 42 2.5 1.6 50 Avg = 2.7 21 C2 -Specific Hazard & T* Estimates (A1 = 19-20, C2 = Violent) Probability of Rearrest for Violent .09 .08 .07 C1: .06 .05 Violent .04 Property .03 Drugs .02 .01 .00 0 5 10 Years Since First Arrest C1 Violent Drugs Property 15 20 T* 14.0 5.2 4.6 22 Probability of Rearrest for Property C2-Specific Hazard & T* Estimates (A1 = 19-20, C2 = Property) .12 .10 .08 C1: .06 violent property .04 drugs .02 .00 0 5 10 Years Since First Arrest C1 Violent Property Drugs 15 20 T* 6.1 5.2 4.8 23 Redemption Policies Employers Inform employers of the low relevance of stale records Enact statutes to protect employers from “due-diligence liability” claims – especially if they accept reasonable risk tolerance Redemption time should not interfere with reentry support – Employment should be facilitated as soon as possible Especially with employment situations that are risk tolerant (e.g., construction) Other information should be used to encourage employment (e.g., positive work history, marriage) Repositories & commercial vendors State repositories could withhold stale records Could seal (or perhaps expunge) sufficiently stale records 24 Conclusions Recidivism risk declines with time clean Important consideration to many employers Redemption times (T* and T**) identify key time points when the criminal record loses its value in predicting risk Strong empirical estimates of redemption times Based on a large set of official data Tested for robustness over time and across states Other researchers have produced similar estimates (Kurlychek et al. 2006, 2007; Bushway et al. 2011; Soothill and Francis 2009) Provides a basis for responsiveness to user criteria in assessing redemption Redemption times can be generated based on the specifications (A1, C1, δ, C2, etc.) set by the users Avoids inappropriately denying jobs to people with stale records 25 Future Work Consider more complex prior records Greater prior involvement in crime is associated with a higher risk of recidivism Those with multiple prior records are more likely to be incarcerated for a reasonable length of time Need better data on “time served” Special case of prison releasees Prejudice against ex-prisoners Could well have longer records Warrant redemption also, probably with longer redemption times Still need estimates of their redemption times based on sample of releasees Take account of treatments/programs while incarcerated and in community Applying the redemption methods to determine the timing of parole discharge How long does it take for parolees’ recidivism risk to decline to a level that no longer warrants the level of supervision required when newly released? 26 Thank you! Questions & Suggestions? 27