Mixed Methods Research Professor Dr. Khalid Mahmood University of the Punjab Lahore – PAKISTAN 1 Acknowledgement This presentation has been prepared with the help of many books and presentations on the topic. The presenter pays his sincere gratitude to all authors, professors and experts for their efforts and contributions. Particular thanks to Professor John W. Creswell of University of Nebraska-Lincoln for his unmatched contribution on the topic. 2 Agenda Three types of research designs Qualitative vs. quantitative research Pragmatism – Philosophy behind MMR Reasons for “mixing” How methods can be mixed Planning mixed methods procedures Notations to describe MM designs 6 mixed methods designs Further readings 3 Three types of research designs Qualitative research – exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. Quantitative research – testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables. Mixed methods research – an approach to inquiry that combines or associates both qualitative and quantitative forms. 4 Qualitative vs. quantitative research Criteria Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Purpose To understand & interpret social interactions. Group Studied Smaller & not randomly selected. Study of the whole, not variables. Words, images, or objects. To test hypotheses, look at cause & effect, & make predictions. Larger & randomly selected. Variables Type of Data Collected Form of Data Collected Qualitative data such as open-ended responses, interviews, participant observations, field notes, & reflections. Specific variables studied Numbers and statistics. Quantitative data based on precise measurements using structured & validated datacollection instruments. 5 Qualitative vs. quantitative research Criteria Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Type of Data Analysis Identify patterns, features, themes. Identify statistical relationships. Objectivity and Subjectivity is expected. Subjectivity Objectivity is critical. Role of Researcher Researcher & their biases may be known to participants in the study, & participant characteristics may be known to the researcher. Results Particular or specialized findings that is less generalizable. Researcher & their biases are not known to participants in the study, & participant characteristics are deliberately hidden from the researcher (double blind studies). Generalizable findings that can be applied to other populations. Scientific Method Exploratory or bottom–up: the researcher generates a new hypothesis and theory from the data collected. Confirmatory or top-down: the researcher tests the hypothesis and theory with the data. 6 Qualitative vs. quantitative research Criteria Qualitative Research Quantitative Research View of Human Behavior Most Common Research Objectives Focus Dynamic, situational, social, & personal. Explore, discover, & construct. Regular & predictable. Wide-angle lens; examines the breadth & depth of phenomena. Study behavior in a natural environment. Multiple realities; subjective. Narrow-angle lens; tests a specific hypotheses. Study behavior under controlled conditions; isolate causal effects. Single reality; objective. Narrative report with contextual description & direct quotations from research participants. Statistical report with correlations, comparisons of means, & statistical significance of findings. Nature of Observation Nature of Reality Final Report Describe, explain, & predict. 7 Pragmatism – Philosophy behind MMR Arises out of actions, situations, and consequences rather than antecedent conditions. There is a concern with applications—what works—and solutions to problems. Instead of focusing on methods, researchers emphasize the research problem and use all approaches available to understand the problem. 8 Reasons for “mixing” The insufficient argument – either quantitative or qualitative may be insufficient by itself Multiple angles argument – quantitative and qualitative approaches provide different “pictures” The more-evidence-the-better argument – combined quantitative and qualitative provides more evidence Community of practice argument – mixed methods may be the preferred approach within a scholarly community Eager-to-learn argument – it is the latest methodology “Its intuitive” argument – it mirrors “real life” 9 How methods can be mixed Types of mixing Comments Two types of research question. One fitting a quantitative approach and the other qualitative. The manner in which the research questions are developed. Preplanned (quantitative) versus participatory/emergent (qualitative). Two types of sampling procedure. Probability versus purposive. Two types of data collection procedures. Surveys (quantitative) versus focus groups (qualitative). Two types of data analysis. Numerical versus textual (or visual). Two types of data analysis. Statistical versus thematic. Two types of conclusions. Objective versus subjective interpretations. 10 Planning mixed methods procedures Timing Weighting Mixing Theorizing No Sequence Concurrent Sequential Qualitative first Sequential Quantitative first Equal Integrating Explicit Qualitative Connecting Implicit Quantitative Embedding 11 Notations to describe MM designs 12 Mixed methods designs Sequential Explanatory Design Sequential Exploratory Design Sequential Transformative Design Concurrent Triangulation Design Concurrent Embedded Design Concurrent Transformative Design 13 Sequential explanatory design QUAN Data & Results Following up qual Data & Results Interpretation 14 Sequential explanatory design: Characteristics Viewing the study as a two-phase project Collecting quantitative data first followed by collecting qualitative data second Typically, a greater emphasis is placed on the quantitative data in the study Example: You first conduct a survey and then follow up with a few individuals who answered positively to the questions through interviews 15 Sequential explanatory design: When do you use it? When you want to explain the quantitative results in more depth with qualitative data (e.g., statistical differences among groups, individuals who scored at extreme levels) When you want to identify appropriate participants to study in more depth qualitatively 16 Sequential explanatory design: Sample script The purpose of this two-phase, explanatory mixed methods study will be to obtain statistical, quantitative results from a sample and then follow-up with a few individuals to probe or explore those results in more depth. In the first phase, quantitative research questions or hypotheses will address the relationship or comparison of __________ (independent) and ________ (dependent) variables with ___________ (participants) at ___________(the research site). In the second phase, qualitative interviews or observations will be used to problem significant _______(quantitative results) by exploring aspects of the ________ (central phenomenon) with _______ (a few participants) at ____________ (research site). 17 Sequential exploratory design quan Data & Results QUAL Data & Results Interpretation Building to 18 Sequential exploratory design: Characteristics Viewing the study as a two-phase project Qualitative data collection precedes quantitative data collection Typically, greater emphasis is placed on the qualitative data in the study Example: You collect qualitative diary entries, analyze the data for themes, and then develop an instrument based on the themes to measure attitudes on a quantitative survey administered to a large sample. 19 Sequential exploratory design: When do you use it? To develop an instrument when one is not available (first explore, then develop instrument) To develop a classification or typology for testing To identify the most important variables to study quantitatively when these variable are not known 20 Sequential exploratory design: Sample script The purpose of this two-phase, exploratory mixed methods study will be to explore participant views with the intent of using this information to develop and test an instrument with a sample from a population. The first phase will be a qualitative exploration of a _______(central phenomenon) by collecting ___________(data) from ____________ (participants) at _______ (research site). Themes from this qualitative data will then be developed into an instrument (or survey) so that the __________ (theory and research questions/hypotheses) can be tested that ________ (relate, compare) ____________ (independent variable) with __________ (dependent variable) for _________(sample of a population) at _________ (research site). 21 Sequential transformative design QUAL quan Social science theory, qualitative theory, advocacy worldview QUAN qual Social science theory, qualitative theory, advocacy worldview 22 Sequential transformative design: Characteristics Has two distinct data collection phases A theoretical perspective is used to guide the study Purpose is to use methods that will best serve the theoretical perspective of the researcher 23 Concurrent triangulation design QUAN Data and Results + QUAL Data and Results Interpretation 24 Concurrent triangulation design: Characteristics Collecting both quantitative and qualitative data Collecting these data at the same time in the research procedure Analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data separately Comparing or combining the results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis Example: collect survey data (quantitative) and collect individual interviews (qualitative) and then compare the results 25 Concurrent triangulation design: When is it used? When you want to combine the advantages of quantitative (trends, large numbers, generalization) with qualitative (detail, small numbers, in-depth) When you want to validate your quantitative findings with qualitative data When you want to expand your quantitative findings with some open-ended qualitative data (e.g., survey with closed- and open-ended data) 26 Concurrent embedded design QUAN Pre-test Data & Results qual quan QUAN QUAL Intervention qual Process QUAN Post-test Data & Results Interpretation 27 Concurrent embedded design: Characteristics One data collection phase during which both quantitative and qualitative data are collected (one is determined to be the primary method). The primary method guides the project and the secondary provides a supporting role in the procedures. The secondary method is “embedded” or “nested” within the predominant method and addresses a different question. 28 Sample script for a concurrent design (Triangulation or nested) The purpose of this concurrent mixed methods study is to better understand a research problem by converging both quantitative (numeric) and qualitative (text or image) data. In this approach, ___________ (quantitative instruments) will be used to measure the relationship between the ________ (independent variables) and __________ (dependent variables). At the same time in the study, the __________ (central phenomenon) will be explored using _____________ (qualitative interviews, documents, observations, visual materials) with _________ (participants) at ____________ (the research site). 29 Concurrent transformative design QUAN + QUAL Social science theory, qualitative theory, advocacy worldview quan QUAL Social science theory, qualitative theory, advocacy worldview 30 Concurrent transformative design: Characteristics Guided by a theoretical perspective. Concurrent collection of both quantitative and qualitative data. The design may have one method embedded in the other so that diverse participants are given a choice in the change process of an organization. 31 Further readings 32