Mining High Speed Data Streams Authors: (1) Pedro Domingos University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2350,U.S.A. (2) Geoff Hulten University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2350, U.S.A Presented by: Nima [Poornima Shetty] Date: 11/15/2011 Course: Data Mining [CS332] Computer Science Department University of Vermont Copyright Note: • This presentation is based on the papers: Mining High-Speed Data Streams, with Geoff Hulten. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 71-80), 2000. Boston, MA: ACM Press. A General Framework for Mining Massive Data Streams, with Geoff Hulten (short paper). Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 12, 2003 – The original presentation made by the author has been used to produce this presentation. Mining High Speed Data Streams 2 Overview • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction Background Knowledge The Problem Design Criteria General Framework Hoeffding Trees Hoeffding bounds Hoeffding Tree algorithm Properties of Hoeffding Trees The Basic algorithm concepts The VFDT system Study and comparison A real world example Conclusion Mining High Speed Data Streams 3 Introduction • In today’s information society, extraction of knowledge is becoming a very important task for many people. We live in an age of knowledge revolution. • The digital universe in 2007 was estimated to be 281 exabytes(10^18), but in 2011 it is estimated to be 10 times the size it was 5 years before. • To deal with these huge amount of data in a responsible way, green computing is becoming a necessity. – A main approach to green computing is based on algorithmic efficiency. Mining High Speed Data Streams 4 Introduction (Contd.) • Many organizations such as Wall Mart, K Mart etc. have very large databases that grow without limit at a rate of several million records per day. • Mining these continuous data streams brings unique opportunities but also new challenges. • The most efficient algorithms available today, concentrate on mining database that do not fit in main memory by only requiring sequential scans of the disk. Mining High Speed Data Streams 5 Introduction (Contd.) • Knowledge based systems are constrained by three main limited resources: – Time – Memory – Sample Size • In traditional applications of machine learning and statistics, sample size tends to be the dominant limitation. – Computational resources for a massive search are available, but carrying out such a search over the small samples available often leads to “Overfitting”. • In today’s data mining applications the bottleneck is time and memory, not examples. – The examples are typically in over supply and it is impossible with current KDD (Knowledge based Discovery and Data mining) systems to make use of all of them within the available computational resources. – As a result most of the examples go unused and resulting in “Underfitting”. Mining High Speed Data Streams 6 Background Knowledge • Decision Tree Classification: – “Traditional Decision Tree (TDT) model” can be implemented by using classical algorithms (induction and information gain theories). • Some classical algorithms can be found for ID3, C4.5, and for CART that have been very widely used in the past decades. • These algorithms need scan through all the data from a database for multiple times in order to construct a tree-like structure. – One example is given in Figure below. Mining High Speed Data Streams 7 Background Knowledge (Contd.) Figure 1. A typical decision tree graph layout Root Split Attribute (Node) Split Attribute (Node) Class (Leaf) Split Attribute (Node) Class (Leaf) Class (Leaf) Class (Leaf) Mining High Speed Data Streams Class (Leaf) 8 Background Knowledge (Contd.) • Decision Tree in Stream Mining: – Maron and Moore in 1993 first highlighted that a small amount of available data may be sufficient to be used as sample at any given node, for picking the split attribute for building a decision tree. – Small amount of data must come in continuously at high speed. – But exactly how many such streaming data are needed? • Hoeffding Bound (additive Chernoff Bound) Mining High Speed Data Streams 9 The Problem • Many organizations today produce an electronic record of essentially every transaction they are involved in. • This results in tens or hundreds of millions of records being produced everyday. – Eg. In a single day WalMart records 20 million sales transactions, Google handles 150 million searches, and AT&T produces 270 million call records. – Scientific data collection (e.g., by earth sensing satellites or astronomical observations) routinely produces gigabytes of data per day. • Data rates of this level have significant consequences for data mining. – A few months’ worth data can easily add up to billions of records, and the entire history of transactions or observations can be in hundreds of billions. Mining High Speed Data Streams 10 The Problem (Contd.) • Current algorithms for mining complex models from data (e.g., decision trees, set of rules) can not mine even a fraction of this data in useful time. • Mining a day’s worth of data can take more than a day of CPU time. – Data accumulates faster than it can be mined. – The fraction of the available data that we are able to mine in useful time is rapidly dwindling towards zero. • Overcoming this state of affairs requires a shift in our frame of mind FROM mining database TO mining data streams. Mining High Speed Data Streams 11 The Problem (Contd.) • In the traditional data mining process, data loaded into a stable, infrequently–updated databases. – Mining it can take weeks or months. • The data mining system should be continuously on. – Processing records at the speed they arrive. – Incorporating them into the model it is building even if it never sees them again. Mining High Speed Data Streams 12 Design Criteria for mining High Speed Data Streams • A system capable of overcoming these problems needs to meet a number of stringent design criteria / or requirements: 1. It must be able to build a model using at most one scan of the data. 2. It must use only a fixed amount of main memory. 3. It must require small constant time per record. 4. It must make a usable model available at any point in time, as opposed to only when it is done processing the data, since it may never be done processing. – Ideally, it should produce a model that is equivalent to the one that would be obtained by the corresponding ordinary database mining algorithm, operating without the above constraints. – When the data-generating phenomenon is changing over time, the model at any time should be up-to-date. Mining High Speed Data Streams 13 Data Stream Classification Cycle Training examples (2) Learning requirements 2&3 (1) Input requirement 1 (3) Model requirement 4 Test examples Predictions Figure 2. Data stream classification cycle Mining High Speed Data Streams 14 Data Stream Classification Cycle (Contd.) • The algorithm is passed the next available examples from the stream (requirement 1) • The algorithm processes the example, updating the data structures. – Without exceeding memory bounds (requirement 2) – As quickly as possible (requirement 3) • The algorithm is ready to accept the next example. On request it is able to supply a model that can be used to predict the class of unseen examples (requirement 4). Mining High Speed Data Streams 15 General Framework for mining high speed data streams • The authors Pedro Domingos and Geoff Hulten developed a general framework for mining high speed data streams that satisfies all above mentioned constraints. • They have designed and implemented massive stream versions of Decision tree induction, Bayesian network learning, k-means clustering, and the EM algorithm for mixtures of Gaussians. – E.g., VFDT the decision tree learning system based on HT. • The probability that the Hoeffding and conventional tree learners will choose different tests at any given node decreases exponentially with the number of examples. Mining High Speed Data Streams 16 Hoeffding trees • Given N training examples (x, y) • Goal: Produce Model y = f (x) • Why statistical rule? – C4.5, CART, etc. assume data is in RAM – SPRINT, SLIQ make multiple disk scans – Hence the goal is to design a Decision tree learner from extremely large (potentially infinite) datasets. Mining High Speed Data Streams 17 Hoeffding trees (Contd.) • In order to pick an attribute for a node looking at a few examples may be sufficient • Given a stream of examples – – – – Use first ones to pick root test Pass succeeding ones to leaves Pick best attributes there … And so on recursively • How many examples are sufficient? Mining High Speed Data Streams 18 Hoeffding bounds • Real-valued random variable r with range R • n independent observations, and compute their mean, r’ • Hoeffding bound states that, with probability 1- δ, the true mean of the variable is at least r’ – ε, where ε = sqrt[R^2 ln(1/δ) / 2n] Mining High Speed Data Streams 19 Hoeffding bounds (Contd.) • Let G(Xi) be the – heuristic measure used to choose the attribute. E.g., the measure could be information gain or Gini index. • Goal: • Assuming G is to be maximized, Let Xa be the attribute with the highest observed G’ and Xb be with second highest attribute, after seeing n examples. • Let ΔG’ = G’(Xa) – G’(Xb) >= 0 be the difference between the observed heuristic values. • Then given a desired δ, Hoeffding bound guarantees that Xa is the correct choice with probability 1- δ if n examples have been seen at this node and ΔG’ > ϵ In other words, If the observed ΔG’ > ϵ, then the Hoeffding bound guarantees that the true ΔG >= ΔG’ - ϵ >0 with probability 1 – δ, and therefore that Xa is indeed the best attribute with probability 1 – δ. • Thus a node needs to accumulate examples from the stream until ϵ becomes smaller than ΔG. • The node can be split using the current best attribute and succeeding examples will be passed to the new leaves. – Ensure that, with a high probability, the attribute chosen using n examples, is the same as that would be chosen using infinite examples. Mining High Speed Data Streams 20 The Hoeffding tree algorithm The algorithm constructs the tree using the same procedure as ID3. It calculates the information gain for the attributes and determines the best two attributes. • At each node it checks for condition ΔG > ϵ. If the condition is satisfied, then it creates child nodes based on the test at the node. • If not it streams in more training examples and carries out the calculations till it satisfies the condition. Mining High Speed Data Streams 21 The Hoeffding tree algorithm (Contd.) • If – X is the number of attributes, – v is the maximum number of values per attribute, and – Y is the number of classes, – The Hoeffding tree algorithm requires O(XvY) memory to store the necessary counts at each leaf. • If l is the number of leaves in the tree, The total memory required is O(lXvY). Mining High Speed Data Streams 22 The Hoeffding tree algorithm (Contd.) • Inputs: S -> is a sequence of examples, X -> is a set of discrete attributes, G(.) -> is a split evaluation function, δ -> is one minus the desired probability of choosing the correct attribute at any given node. • Outputs: HT -> is a decision tree. Mining High Speed Data Streams 23 The Basic algorithm • Hoeffding tree induction algorithm. – – – – – – – – – – 1: Let HT be a tree with a single leaf (the root) 2: for all training examples do 3: Sort example into leaf l using HT 4: Update sufficient statistics in l 5: Increment nl, the number of examples seen at l 6: if nl mod nmin = 0 and examples seen at l not all of same class then 7: Compute Gl(Xi) for each attribute 8: Let Xa be attribute with highest Gl 9: Let Xb be attribute with second-highest Gl 10: Compute Hoeffding bound = ε = sqrt[R^2 ln(1/ δ) / 2n] – – – – – – – – 11: if Xa != Xϕ ; and (Gl(Xa) - Gl(Xb) > ϵ or < T) then 12: Replace l with an internal node that splits on Xa 13: for all branches of the split do 14: Add a new leaf with initialized sufficient statistics 15: end for 16: end if 17: end if 18: end for Mining High Speed Data Streams 24 The Basic algorithm concepts • Split Confidence • Sufficient Statistics • Grace Period • Pre-pruning • Tie-breaking Mining High Speed Data Streams 25 Split Confidence • The δ parameter is used in the Hoeffding bound. – It is one minus the desired probability that the correct attribute is chosen at every point in the tree. • With probability close to one, this parameter is generally set to a small value. • For VFDT, the default value of δ is set to 10^-7. • The figure 3, shows a plot of the Hoeffding bound using the default parameters for a two-class problem (R = log2(2) = 1, δ = 10^-7). Mining High Speed Data Streams 26 Sufficient Statistics • • The statistics in a leaf need to be sufficient. Efficient storage is important. – • Storing unnecessary information would result in an increase in total memory requirement. For attributes with discrete values, – – Statistics required are, counts of the class label that apply for each attribute value. E.g., An attribute with v unique attribute values and c possible classes, then the information can be stored in a table with vc entries. Mining High Speed Data Streams 27 Grace Period • It is costly to evaluate information gain of the attributes after each and every training examples. • The nmin parameter, or grace period, says how many examples since the last evaluation should be seen in a leaf before revisiting the decision. Mining High Speed Data Streams 28 Mining High Speed Data Streams 29 Pre-pruning – Pre – pruning is carried out by considering at each node a NULL attribute X0, that consists of not splitting the node. – The split will only be made if, with confidence 1– δ, the best split found is better according to G than not splitting. – X0 will determine the leaf nodes. Mining High Speed Data Streams 30 Tie-Breaking • A situation may occur where two or more competing attributes can not be separated. – Even with very small Hoeffding bound, it would not be able to separate them and the tree growth would stall. • Waiting for too long to decide between them may harm the accuracy of the tree. • If the Hoeffding bound is sufficiently small, less than T [tie breaking parameter], then the node is split on the current best attribute. Mining High Speed Data Streams 31 Tie-breaking • Without tie-breaking the tree grows much slower, ending up around five times smaller after 700 million training examples. • Without tie breaking the tree takes much longer to come close to the same level of accuracy as the tie-breaking variant. Mining High Speed Data Streams 32 Hoeffding trees - Theorem • Disagreement between two decision trees: Δ(DT1, DT2) = Px[Path1(x) !=Path2(x)] Theorem: Let E[Δ(HTδ, DT*)] be the expected value of Δ(HTδ, DT*)]. If HTδ is the tree produced by the Hoeffding tree algorithm with desired probability δ, given infinite examples, DT* is the asymptotic Batch tree, and p is the leaf probability, then E[Δ(HTδ, DT*)] <= δ /p. [for proof, please refer Author’s paper “Mining High-speed data streams”] Mining High Speed Data Streams 33 The VFDT system • The VFDT system is based on the Hoeffding tree algorithm seen above: It uses either the information gain or gini index as the attribute evaluation measure. • VFDT is able to mine on the order of a billion examples per day. It mines examples in less time than it takes to input them from the disk. VFDT allow the user to specify some parameters as: • Ties : – two attributes with very close G’s will lead to examination of a large number of examples to determine the best one. • G computation: – Is the most time consuming part of the algorithm and it makes sense that just one example will not dramatically change the G. – So user can specify a number nmin of new examples before recompilation. Mining High Speed Data Streams 34 The VFDT system (contd.) • Memory and poor attribute : – The VFDT system leads to minimize memory usage using two techniques: • Deactivation of non-promising leaf. • Dropping of non-promising attribute. – This allows the system to keep memory available for new leaf. • Rescan: – The VFDT can rescan previously-seen examples. • This option can be activated if either data arrives slowly or • If dataset is small enough that it is feasible to scan multiple times Mining High Speed Data Streams 35 Study and comparison • To be interesting, VFDT should at least give results comparable to conventional decision tree learners. • Compared VFDT with C4.5 (Quinlan, 1993) • Same memory limit to both (40MB) – 100K examples for C4.5 • These datasets have been created by sampling random trees (depth = 18 and between 2.2k to 61k leaves) and adding noise, from 0 to 30%, to it. • This study will so compare C4.5, VFDT and VFDT-boot, a VFDT system bootstrapped with an over-pruned tree produced by C4.5. Mining High Speed Data Streams 36 Mining High Speed Data Streams 37 Mining High Speed Data Streams 38 Mining High Speed Data Streams 39 A real world example • The authors have made a real world study. • They tried to mine all the web page requests that were made from the University of Washington main campus during a week in May 1999. • The estimated population of the University is 50,000 people (students, faculty and staff). • During this week they registered 23,000 active internet clients. • The traced requests summed up to 82.2 million by the end of the week and the peak rate of which they were received was 17,400 per minute. • The size of the trace file was around 20 GB. Mining High Speed Data Streams 40 A real world example (contd.) • Testing was carried out on the last day’s log. • The VFDT was run on 1.61 million examples and took 1277 seconds to learn a decision stump (DT with only one node). • They also ran the C4.5 algorithm, they could only use 74.5k examples (what fits in 40MB of memory). • It took the C4.5 2975 seconds to learn the tree. • They used a machine with 1GB of RAM. – They could fit the 1.61 million examples in the memory to run it with the C4.5 – The run time now increased to 24 hours. • The VFDT is much faster than the C4.5 and that it can achieve similar accuracy in a fraction of time. Mining High Speed Data Streams 41 Conclusion • Many organizations today have more than very large databases. • This paper introduces Hoeffding Trees and VFDT system. • VFDT uses Hoeffding bounds to guarantee that its output is asymptotically nearly identical to that of conventional learner. • Emperical studies show VFDT’s effectiveness in learning from massive and continuous stream of data. • VFDT is currently being applied to mining the continuous stream of web access data from the whole University of Washington main campus. Mining High Speed Data Streams 42 Questions: Qn.1 Give the Hoeffding bound formula and describe its components ANS: • Real-valued random variable r with range R • n independent observations, and compute their mean, r’ • Hoeffding bound states that, with probability 1- δ, the true mean of the variable is at least r’ – ε, where ε = sqrt[R^2 ln(1/δ) / 2n] Mining High Speed Data Streams 43 Questions (Contd.) Qn.2 Compare Mining high speed data streams with Database Mining ANS: • Data mining: – The data mining approach may allow larger data sets to be handled, but it still does not address the problem of Continuous supply of data. – Typically, a model that was previously induced can not be updated when new information arrives. • • Instead, the entire training process must be repeated with the new examples included. Data Stream Mining: – In data stream mining the arriving data come in streams, which potentially can sum to infinity. – Algorithms written in data streams can naturally cope with data sizes many times greater than memory, and can extend to challenging real-time applications, not previously tackled by machine learning or data mining. Mining High Speed Data Streams 44 Questions (Contd.) Qn.3 state Design Criteria (requirements) for mining High Speed Data Streams ANS: • Process an example at a time, and inspect it only once (at most) • Use a limited amount of memory • Work in a limited amount of time • Be ready to predict at any time Mining High Speed Data Streams 45 More Questions? Mining High Speed Data Streams 46 References – Mining High-Speed Data Streams, with Geoff Hulten. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 71-80), 2000. Boston, MA: ACM Press. – A General Framework for Mining Massive Data Streams, with Geoff Hulten (short paper). Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 12, 2003 – ary_10.pdf – am_mining.pdf – Learning Model Trees from Data Streams by Elena Ikonomovska and Joao Gama – Mining High Speed Data Streams 47