QRPEM, A Quasi-Random Parametric EM Method for PK/PD NLME Estimationmultidimensional integrals Robert H. Leary and Michael Dunlavey Pharsight®, A Certara™ Company, St. Louis, MO, USA INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE Stochastic EM methods such as MCPEM in S-ADAPT and NONMEM 7 and SAEM in MONOLIX and NONMEM 7 have become attractive alternatives to traditional deterministic FO, FOCE, and LAPLACE NLME estimation methods based on direct numerical optimization of a likelihood approximation. The stochastic methods have two key advantages: a) they do not make any likelihood approximations that fundamentally limit statistical performance, and b) they avoid the reliability issues inherent in use of numerical optimization methods . Classical EM methods implement an E-step that requires the numerical evaluation of multi-dimensional integrals. In the NLME context with multivariate normal random effects, the integrals are the normalizing factor for the posterior density of the random effects for each subject, as well as the first and second moments of this density. The original Monte Carlo EM method [1] proposed evaluating these integrals stochastically with random samples. In the NLME case, usually the densities in the integrand cannot be sampled directly and techniques such as importance sampling (MCPEM) and MCMC sampling (SAEM) are used. To improve the performance of stochastic EM methods in the context of parametric PK/PD NLME estimation by utilizing the superior numerical integration performance of quasi-random sampling relative to random sampling. Specifically, QRPEM, based on the importance sampling parametric EM method MCPEM, has been implemented with quasi-random sampling and the RESULTS performance is compared to the same algorithm with random sampling. RESULTS • The importance sampled integrals based on QR samples were far more accurate for a given sample size than integrals based on random samples. Figure 1 (below left) shows comparative results for a simple three dimensional variance integral for which the true analytic value can be obtained. In agreement with theory, the relative error in the QR case decays roughly twice as fast on a log-log scale as in the random case. The accuracy of the numerical integrals is determined by the sample size N, and typically the theoretical error magnitude decays relatively slowly as O(N-1/2). Here we investigate the performance of quasi-random samples from low discrepancy Sobol sequences as proposed in [2] , which have a much faster error decay rate of approximately O(N-1) . Random vs. Quasirandom Relative Errors vs Sample Size 1 IMPEM log likelihood convergence, N=500 10 -1166 -1166.5 0 10 random quasirandom -1 -1167 Relative error 10 METHODS -1167.5 -1168 -2 10 -1168.5 -3 10 -1169 -4 sobol quasirandom sampling random sampling -1169.5 10 -1170 -5 10 -1170.5 -6 10 A new implementation QRPEM of EM importance sampling-based NLME estimation has been developed for future inclusion in the Phoenix® NLME™ application on the Pharsight Phoenix® software platform. The method differs from stochastic versions such as MCPEM in that it samples the relevant integrands at positions that are based on quasi-random points rather than random points. For a d-dimensional problem with d random effects, the base samples are drawn from a d-dimensional Sobol sequence uniformly covering the unit hypercube [0,1]d. This contrasts with the random case where the unit hypercube is sampled with a d-dimensional vector whose components are independent random variables uniformly distributed on [0,1]. Other than this base sampling level difference, the remainder of the QR importance sampling algorithm is identical to its stochastic counterpart. 0 10 2 10 4 10 Sample size N 6 8 10 10 Figure 1: Error decays much faster with quasi-random sampling than random sampling -1171 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Figure 2: Importance sampling–based EM convergence is faster and much smoother with quasi-random sampling than random sampling • The graph in Figure 2 (above right) shows the contrasting convergence behavior of the top level log likelihood objective function (summed over all 100 subjects) as a function of the iteration number for a PD test problem with d=3 random effects from the Lyon 2004 and 2005 NLME estimation algorithm comparison exercises conducted by P. Girard and F. Mentre’ [3]. The sample size N was fixed to 500 for both the random and QR sampling versions of the algorithm. For the QR case the log likelihood increase with iteration number is nearly monotonic in the initial convergence phase, and once convergence has been achieved, the magnitude of the inter-iteration deviations from the converged value of 1167.25 is less than 0.05 log likelihood units. The convergence behavior of the random sampling version is much rougher and convergence more difficult to detect, if indeed it has converged here. Note the QR-based PEM algorithm discussed in [2], a precursor to the current QRPEM algorithm, finished first In the Lyon comparison exercise in terms of least biased parameter estimates among a field that also included random sample MCPEM, MCMC SAEM, FOCE, and LAPLACE. RANDOM vs. QUASI-RANDOM SAMPLES 2000 2-dimensional Uniformly Distributed Random Points 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0 1000 2-dimensional Normally Distributed Random Points 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Quasi-random sampling strongly outperformed conventional random sampling in an MCPEM-like algorithm for NLME estimation in a series of PK/PD test problems. Generally, the theoretical O(N-1) vs. O(N-1/2) error decay rate advantage of the QR technique has been confirmed in practice. Improvements in speed of nearly 2 orders of magnitude have been observed for some posterior density integrals where high accuracy is required, with the sampling requirements being reduced from tens of thousands of points to a few hundred. These results here confirm similar efficiency improvement results in a stochastic EM application that have been reported by Jank [4] in a geostatistical generalized linear mixed model. 1000 2-dimensional Normally Distributed Quasi-random Points 4 -4 -4 DISCUSSION / CONCLUSIONS 2000 2-dimensional Uniformly Distributed Quasi-random Points 4 -4 -4 Histogram of 5000 Normally Distributed Random Points We are attempting to extend this work to SAEM. The use of quasi-random sequences for MCMC algorithms such as SAEM is currently an area of active research in the academic community. Raw Sobol sequences cannot be used directly because the components have sequential correlations . However, these correlations can be removed while retaining the essential low discrepancy property by using scrambling techniques such as proposed in [5]. Unlike Monte Carlo integration, little is known regarding the theoretical behavior of quasi-random sampling for MCMC, but empirical experiments suggest it may be a useful accelerant. -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 REFERENCES Histogram of 5000 Normally Distributed Quasi-random Points 160 150 140 [1] C. Wei and M. Tanner. J. American Statistical Assoc., 85:699-704, 1990. 120 100 100 [2] R. H. Leary, R. Jelliffe, A. Schumitzky, and R. E. Port, PAGE 13, 2004, Abstract 491. 80 60 50 [3] P. Girard and F. Mentre’, PAGE 14, 2005, Abstract 834. 40 20 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 [4] W. Jank, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 48(4): 685-701, 2005. [5] A .B. Owen, J. Complexity, 14(4): 466-489, 1998.