New Methods to Assess Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Poor Agricultural Households John M. Antle Roberto Valdivia Agricultural and Resource Economics Oregon State University Seminar presented at the UK Department for International Development, London, May 10 2012. Motivation Research -- and common sense! -- suggest that poor agricultural households are among the most vulnerable to climate change and face some of the greatest adaptation challenges Rural households and agricultural systems are heterogeneous, implying CC impacts – and value of adaptation strategies -- will vary within and between these populations Farmers’ choice among adaptation options involves self-selection that must be taken into account for accurate representation of adaptation options Impacts of climate change and adaptation depend critically on future socio-economic conditions Modeling impact and adaptation to climate change: policy analysis of the “third kind” The challenge: model the “counterfactual” of future technology, climate and socioeconomic conditions. Much more challenging than ex post impact assessment or extrapolation! Indicator System 2 System 1 time Example: Impact of CC on Subsistence, Dairy and Irrigated Farms in Vihiga and Machakos Districts, Kenya Vihiga Machakos Poverty Rate (% of farm population living on <$1 per day) Scenario No Dairy Dairy Total No Dairy Dairy Irrigated Total base RAP1 base RAP2 base CC RAP1 CC RAP2 CC 85 65 89 89 71 91 38 17 48 49 18 50 62 41 68 69 44 71 85 72 91 89 77 93 43 30 50 51 33 53 54 46 57 57 47 57 73 60 79 78 64 81 Net Loss (percentage of mean agricultural income in base system) CC 26 27 27 32 RAP1 CC 30 5 8 35 RAP2 CC 26 7 10 25 31 11 14 33 12 8 32 19 16 RAP1 = positive development pathway, low challenges to adaptation RAP2 = adverse development pathway, high challenges to adaptation Claessens, Antle, Stoorvogel, Valdivia, Thornton & Herrero. 2012. A method for evaluating climate change adaptation strategies for smallscale farmers using survey, experimental and modeled data. Agricultural Systems (in press). 4 Towards improved methods… The methods used to assess CC impact and adaptation to date are not well suited to assess CC impacts and adaptation potential ◦ Averaged (aggregated) climate, technical and socio-economic data -- and corresponding “representative farm” or aggregate models -- fail to represent heterogeneity and technological detail essential to analysis of adaptation ◦ Analysis of impacts of future climate done with current socio-economic system and technology ◦ Limited measures of economic impact (land values, gross returns), lack of distributional impacts. Tradeoff Analysis for Multi-Dimensional Impact Assessment (TOA-MD): a micro-simulation approach to multi-dimensional impact assessment ◦ A parsimonious, generic framework to analyze impacts of CC, adaptation in heterogeneous populations of farm households Representative Agricultural Pathways (RAPs): A systematic approach to scenario design (under development via AgMIP) ◦ Ag-specific scenarios building on and linked to RCPs and SSPs What is the TOA-MD Model? TOA-MD is a unique simulation tool for multi-dimensional impact assessment ◦ based on a statistical description of a heterogeneous farm population ◦ simulates impacts of changes in: technology and socio-economic conditions environmental conditions such as climate policy interventions such as Payments for Ecosystem Services Global registered users What is the TOA-MD Model? TOA-MD is designed to simulate experiments for a population of farms using a “base” production system (System 1), and an alternative System 2 TOA-MD is designed to utilize the available data to attain the best possible approximation, given the available time and other resources available to conduct the analysis ◦ can be used for ex post and ex ante analysis ◦ an alternative to econometric models that require large panel datasets TOA-MD is designed to facilitate analysis of the inevitable uncertainties associated with impact assessment through sensitivity analysis. ◦ Can use preliminary or “minimum data,” provide guidance for efficient collection of additional data when needed Software with documentation in SAS and Excel, available to registered users at ◦ Self-guided course and training workshops Using TOA-MD to Assess Climate Impacts and Adaptation Step 1: Design RAPs and scenarios ◦ technical, economic, social, policy pathways linked to global SSPs Step 2: Identify and characterize base system, adapted system(s) Step 3: Quantify impacts of CC on base and adapted system(s) Step 4: Simulate impacts without adaptation ◦ impacts on farm net returns (“losers” and “gainers” from climate change) ◦ impacts on other economic (e.g., poverty) or non-economic (e.g., health, environment) indicators Step 5: Simulate impacts with adaptation ◦ gains from adaptation ◦ economic and non-economic indicators Steps 1-3: RAPs, climate and systems: Vihiga District, Kenya RAPs storylines provide a framework in which qualitative information can be translated into model parameters ◦ how to make this process more systematic and transparent? Climate data & models simulate productivity impacts of climate change Farmers & scientists evaluate adaptation options Step 4: Using TOA-MD to Simulate CC Impacts without adaptation TOA-MD can simulate various “experiments” for climate impact assessment. To evaluate adaptation investments we consider: Costs of CC: impacts of climate change without adaptation ◦ System 1 = base climate, base technology ◦ System 2 = changed climate, base technology Benefits of Adaptation: adapted technology with climate change ◦ System 1 = changed climate, base technology ◦ System 2 = changed climate, adapted technology These can be done for alternative RAPs First we consider impacts without adaptation, then adaptation Using TOA-MD to Quantify Economic Impacts of CC CC without adaptation case: ◦ system 1 = base climate, base technology ◦ system 2 = changed climate, base technology = v1 – v2 measures the difference in income with the base and changed climates ◦ > 0 CC causes a loss ◦ < 0 CC causes a gain There is a distribution of in the farm population ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ “Every farm has its ” = 1 - 2 2 = 12 + 22 - 21212 We observe 1 and 12 , but not 2, 22 or 12 , so we use climate data + crop models or statistical models to estimate them TOA-MD approach: modeling systems used by heterogeneous populations A system is defined in terms of household, crop, livestock and aquaculture sub-systems Systems are being used in heterogeneous populations (ω) Distribution of gains and losses due to CC = v1 – v2 = losses from CC v1 = present income v2 = future income Losses > 0 Gains < 0 0 = losses Map of a heterogeneous region The areas under the adoption curve measure economic gains and losses from climate change Losses > 0 () Gains < 0 % gainers Losses 100 Gains % losers r(2) A “Proportional Relative Yield” Model to Link Crop Model Simulations to TOA-MD Define: A = actual crop yield B = simulated crop yield with current climate C = simulated crop yield with changed climate R = C/B R = mean of R, R = std dev of R CC = climate perturbed yields = R x A Assume: R = R + R , i.i.d.(0,1) Then: 2 = R 1 22 = R 2 12 + R2 (12 + 1 2) 12 = R 1/2 Note: most econ models just use the mean, not the variance or correlation! Representing heterogeneous productivity impacts of CC Relative yield concept: R = future yield/present yield Future yield = R x current expected yield DSSAT maize yield simulations for 45 farms in Machakos, present climate vs 2030s, current management Climate change impacts in Vihiga and Machakos Districts, Kenya Climate change impacts in Vihiga and Machakos Districts, Kenya Vihiga Scenario Machakos No Dairy Dairy Total No Dairy Net Loss (percentage of mean agricultural income in base system) CC 26 27 27 32 RAP1 CC 30 5 8 35 RAP2 CC 26 7 10 25 Dairy Irrigated Total 31 11 14 33 12 8 32 19 16 43 51 30 33 50 53 54 57 46 47 57 57 73 78 60 64 79 81 Poverty Rate (% of farm population living on <$1 per day) base CC RAP1 base RAP1 CC RAP2 base RAP2 CC 85 89 65 71 89 91 38 49 17 18 48 50 62 69 41 44 68 71 85 89 72 77 91 93 Step 5: Impacts with Adaptation Improved maize Dual-purpose sweet potato (ω) Adoption of adapted technology = v1 – v2 = opportunity cost v1 = base tech, future climate v2 = adapted tech, future climate Non-adopters > 0 Adopters < 0 0 Map of a heterogeneous region Derivation of adoption rate from spatial distribution of opportunity cost with adoption threshold a = 0 ω>0 () r(2) 100 ω<0 Predicted adoption rate Adoption rates of adapted technologies Vihiga Scenario Machakos No Dairy Dairy Adoption Rate (percentage of farm population) imz 62 52 dpsplw 52 51 dpsp 74 57 dpsp1 74 77 dpsp12 74 90 RAP1 imz 71 56 RAP1 dpsp 73 58 Total No Dairy Dairy Irrigated Total 56 51 64 77 84 62 64 54 58 61 61 61 57 60 51 53 55 65 74 54 55 51 50 51 55 59 52 51 53 56 59 61 63 56 58 CC impacts with adaptation: improved maize and dual-purpose sweet potato, net returns 50000 Dual purpose sweet potato 45000 NET RETURNS PER FARM 40000 Improved maize Current climate 35000 30000 25000 CC no adaptation 20000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ADOPT_A IMZA DPSPA 70 80 90 100 Gains from adoption of improved maize 60000 Adopters Non-adopters 55000 NET RETURNS PER FARM 50000 45000 Current climate 40000 35000 30000 Adoption rate of adapted technology 25000 CC no adaptation 20000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ADOPT_A IMZA IMZ_2 IMZ_1 70 80 90 100 Gains from adoption of dpsp 60000 Adopters 55000 Non-adopters NET RETURNS PER FARM 50000 Current climate 45000 40000 35000 30000 Adoption rate of adapted technology 25000 CC no adaptation 20000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ADOPT_A DPSPA DPSP_2 DPSP_1 70 80 90 100 CC impacts with adaptation: improved maize and dual-purpose sweet potato, poverty 79 CC no adaptation 78 77 POVERTY 76 Improved maize 75 74 73 Current climate DPSP 72 71 0 10 20 30 40 50 ADOPT_A IMZA DPSPA 60 70 80 90 100 Conclusions TOA-MD is a unique simulation tool for multi-dimensional impact assessment of agricultural systems designed which incorporates: ◦ heterogeneity of agricultural systems ◦ effects of self-selection on impacts ◦ socio-economic scenarios (qualitative pathway and quantitative scenarios) TOA-MD is designed for ◦ climate impact assessment and adaptation analysis ◦ technology adoption and impact assessment ◦ payments for ecosystem services and other policy interventions TOA-MD provides a generic modeling framework designed to be used by multi-disciplinary research teams ◦ software, documetation and training available from the TOA Team More info is available at :